  * Returns the valueAt attribute of the BPMsList object
  * @param row The Parameter
  * @param column The Parameter
  * @return The valueAt value
 public Object getValueAt(int row, int column) {
   BPM_Element elm = listModel.elementAt(row);
   if (column == 0) {
     return elm.getName();
   return elm.isActiveObj();
  * Sets the valueAt attribute of the BPMsList object
  * @param aValue The new valueAt value
  * @param row The new valueAt value
  * @param column The new valueAt value
 public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int row, int column) {
   if (column == 1) {
     BPM_Element elm = listModel.elementAt(row);
     fireTableCellUpdated(row, column);
  private void process() {
    int width = Integer.parseInt(xres.getText());
    int height = Integer.parseInt(yres.getText());
    boolean preserveAspect = aspect.isSelected();
    Color bg = new Color(red.getValue(), green.getValue(), blue.getValue());

    String outDir = output.getText();
    String suffix = ((String) format.getSelectedItem()).toLowerCase();
    String preText = prepend.getText();
    String appText = append.getText();

    int scaleType = -1;
    String alg = (String) algorithm.getSelectedItem();
    if (alg.equals("Smooth")) scaleType = Image.SCALE_SMOOTH;
    else if (alg.equals("Standard")) scaleType = Image.SCALE_DEFAULT;
    else if (alg.equals("Fast")) scaleType = Image.SCALE_FAST;
    else if (alg.equals("Replicate")) scaleType = Image.SCALE_REPLICATE;
    else if (alg.equals("Area averaging")) {
      scaleType = Image.SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING;

    DefaultListModel model = (DefaultListModel) list.getModel();
    int size = model.size();
    progress.setMaximum(4 * size);

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      ThumbFile tf = (ThumbFile) model.elementAt(i);
      list.setSelectedValue(tf, true);
      String tail = " (" + (i + 1) + " of " + size + ")";

      progress.setValue(4 * i);
      progress.setString("Reading" + tail);

      // construct input and output filenames
      String inFile = tf.getPath();
      String outFile = outDir + SLASH + tf.getName();
      int ndx = outFile.lastIndexOf(SLASH);
      String s1 = outFile.substring(0, ndx + SLASH.length());
      String s2 = outFile.substring(ndx + SLASH.length());
      int dot_ndx = s2.lastIndexOf(".");
      if (dot_ndx >= 0) s2 = s2.substring(0, dot_ndx);

      // make the thumbnail file name
      outFile = s1 + preText + s2 + appText + "." + suffix;

      // read in the file to an image
      BufferedImage image = null;
      try {
        image = ImageIO.read(new File(inFile));
      } catch (IOException exc) {

      progress.setValue(4 * i + 1);
      progress.setString("Resizing" + tail);

      // resize image
      int w, h;
      if (preserveAspect) {
        int ow = image.getWidth();
        int oh = image.getHeight();
        double oasp = (double) ow / oh;
        double tasp = (double) width / height;
        if (oasp > tasp) {
          w = width;
          h = (int) (w / oasp);
        } else {
          h = height;
          w = (int) (oasp * h);
      } else {
        w = width;
        h = height;
      Image resized = image.getScaledInstance(w, h, scaleType);

      progress.setValue(4 * i + 2);
      progress.setString("Painting" + tail);

      // create thumbnail
      BufferedImage thumb = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
      Graphics2D g2d = thumb.createGraphics();
      g2d.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
      g2d.drawImage(resized, (width - w) / 2, (height - h) / 2, this);

      progress.setValue(4 * i + 3);
      progress.setString("Writing" + tail);

      // save thumbnail to disk
      File out = new File(outFile);
      File parent = out.getParentFile();
      if (parent != null && !parent.exists()) parent.mkdirs();
      try {
        ImageIO.write(thumb, suffix, out);
      } catch (IOException exc) {

    list.setSelectedIndices(new int[0]);
    progress.setValue(4 * size);