/** * Checks the specified template and adds a variable. * * @param tmp template string * @param type allowed type * @param declared variable declaration flags * @return resulting variable * @throws QueryException query exception */ private QNm checkVariable(final String tmp, final Type type, final boolean[] declared) throws QueryException { final Var[] args = function.args; final Matcher m = TEMPLATE.matcher(tmp); if (!m.find()) error(INV_TEMPLATE, tmp); final byte[] vn = token(m.group(1)); if (!XMLToken.isQName(vn)) error(INV_VARNAME, vn); final QNm qnm = new QNm(vn, context); int r = -1; while (++r < args.length && !args[r].name.eq(qnm)) ; if (r == args.length) error(UNKNOWN_VAR, vn); if (declared[r]) error(VAR_ASSIGNED, vn); final SeqType st = args[r].declaredType(); if (args[r].checksType() && !st.type.instanceOf(type)) error(INV_VARTYPE, vn, type); declared[r] = true; return qnm; }
/** * Replace occurrences of "%ab" with the character represented by the hex value. Strings of * escaped characters are treated as UTF-8 byte sequences and decoded appropriately. */ private static String decode(String s) { int length = s.length(); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(length); Matcher matcher = PATTERN.matcher(s); int offset = 0; byte[] bb = null; while (matcher.find(offset)) { int count = matcher.groupCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { String match = matcher.group(0); int num = match.length() / 3; if (bb == null || bb.length < num) { bb = new byte[num]; } for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { int head = j * 3 + 1; int tail = head + 2; bb[j] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(match.substring(head, tail), 16); } try { String text = new String(bb, "UTF-8"); str.append(s.substring(offset, matcher.start())); str.append(text); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // NOTE: This should *never* be thrown because all // JVMs are required to support UTF-8. I mean, // the strings in the .class file are all in // a modified UTF-8, for pete's sake! :) } } offset = matcher.end(); } if (offset < length) { str.append(s.substring(offset)); } return str.toString(); }
public Writer getErrorReport( Writer to, final HttpServletRequest request, CharTransformer escape) throws IOException { final Writer logMsg = new StringWriter(); final Writer tee = new org.mmbase.util.ChainedWriter(to, logMsg); Writer msg = tee; LinkedList<Throwable> stack = getStack(); String ticket = new Date().toString(); Map<String, String> props; try { props = org.mmbase.util.ApplicationContextReader.getProperties("mmbase_errorpage"); } catch (javax.naming.NamingException ne) { props = Collections.emptyMap(); log.info(ne); } if (request != null) { { msg.append("Headers\n----------\n"); // request properties for (Object name : Collections.list(request.getHeaderNames())) { msg.append( escape.transform( name + ": " + escape.transform(request.getHeader((String) name)) + "\n")); } } { msg.append("\nAttributes\n----------\n"); Pattern p = requestIgnore; if (p == null && props.get("request_ignore") != null) { p = Pattern.compile(props.get("request_ignore")); } for (Object name : Collections.list(request.getAttributeNames())) { if (p == null || !p.matcher((String) name).matches()) { msg.append( escape.transform(name + ": " + request.getAttribute((String) name) + "\n")); } } } if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(showSession) || (showSession == null && !"false".equals(props.get("show_session")))) { HttpSession ses = request.getSession(false); if (ses != null) { msg.append("\nSession\n----------\n"); Pattern p = sessionIgnore; if (p == null && props.get("session_ignore") != null) { p = Pattern.compile(props.get("session_ignore")); } for (Object name : Collections.list(ses.getAttributeNames())) { if (p == null || !p.matcher((String) name).matches()) { msg.append(escape.transform(name + ": " + ses.getAttribute((String) name) + "\n")); } } } } } msg.append("\n"); msg.append("Misc. properties\n----------\n"); if (request != null) { msg.append("method: ").append(escape.transform(request.getMethod())).append("\n"); msg.append("querystring: ").append(escape.transform(request.getQueryString())).append("\n"); msg.append("requesturl: ") .append(escape.transform(request.getRequestURL().toString())) .append("\n"); } if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(showMMBaseVersion) || (showMMBaseVersion == null && !"false".equals(props.get("show_mmbase_version")))) { msg.append("mmbase version: ").append(org.mmbase.Version.get()).append("\n"); } msg.append("status: ").append("").append(String.valueOf(status)).append("\n\n"); if (request != null) { msg.append("Parameters\n----------\n"); // request parameters Enumeration en = request.getParameterNames(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) en.nextElement(); msg.append(name) .append(": ") .append(escape.transform(request.getParameter(name))) .append("\n"); } } msg.append("\nException ") .append(ticket) .append("\n----------\n\n") .append( exception != null ? (escape.transform(exception.getClass().getName())) : "NO EXCEPTION") .append(": "); int wroteCauses = 0; while (!stack.isEmpty()) { Throwable t = stack.removeFirst(); // add stack stacktraces if (t != null) { if (stack.isEmpty()) { // write last message always msg = tee; } String message = t.getMessage(); if (msg != tee) { to.append("\n=== skipped(see log) : ") .append(escape.transform(t.getClass().getName())) .append(": ") .append(message) .append("\n"); } msg.append("\n\n").append(escape.transform(t.getClass().getName() + ": " + message)); StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = t.getStackTrace(); for (StackTraceElement e : stackTrace) { msg.append("\n at ").append(escape.transform(e.toString())); } if (!stack.isEmpty()) { msg.append("\n-------caused:\n"); } wroteCauses++; if (wroteCauses >= MAX_CAUSES) { msg = logMsg; } } } // write errors to log if (status == 500) { try { if (props.get("to") != null && props.get("to").length() > 0) { javax.naming.Context initCtx = new javax.naming.InitialContext(); javax.naming.Context envCtx = (javax.naming.Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env"); Object mailSession = envCtx.lookup("mail/Session"); Class sessionClass = Class.forName("javax.mail.Session"); Class recipientTypeClass = Class.forName("javax.mail.Message$RecipientType"); Class messageClass = Class.forName("javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage"); Object mail = messageClass.getConstructor(sessionClass).newInstance(mailSession); messageClass .getMethod("addRecipients", recipientTypeClass, String.class) .invoke(mail, recipientTypeClass.getDeclaredField("TO").get(null), props.get("to")); messageClass.getMethod("setSubject", String.class).invoke(mail, ticket); mail.getClass().getMethod("setText", String.class).invoke(mail, logMsg.toString()); Class.forName("javax.mail.Transport") .getMethod("send", Class.forName("javax.mail.Message")) .invoke(null, mail); tee.append("\nmailed to (").append(String.valueOf(props)).append(")"); } } catch (Exception nnfe) { tee.append("\nnot mailed (").append(String.valueOf(nnfe)).append(")"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(nnfe.getMessage(), nnfe); } } log.error("TICKET " + ticket + ":\n" + logMsg); } return to; }
public void setSessionIgnore(String i) { sessionIgnore = i == null ? null : Pattern.compile(i); }
public void setRequestIgnore(String i) { requestIgnore = i == null ? null : Pattern.compile(i); }
/** * This class represents a single RESTXQ function. * * @author BaseX Team 2005-12, BSD License * @author Christian Gruen */ final class RestXqFunction implements Comparable<RestXqFunction> { /** Pattern for a single template. */ private static final Pattern TEMPLATE = Pattern.compile("\\s*\\{\\s*\\$(.+?)\\s*\\}\\s*"); /** Supported methods. */ EnumSet<HTTPMethod> methods = EnumSet.allOf(HTTPMethod.class); /** Serialization parameters. */ final SerializerProp output = new SerializerProp(); /** Associated function. */ final StaticUserFunc function; /** Associated module. */ final RestXqModule module; /** Path. */ RestXqPath path; /** Query parameters. */ final ArrayList<RestXqParam> queryParams = new ArrayList<RestXqParam>(); /** Form parameters. */ final ArrayList<RestXqParam> formParams = new ArrayList<RestXqParam>(); /** Header parameters. */ final ArrayList<RestXqParam> headerParams = new ArrayList<RestXqParam>(); /** Cookie parameters. */ final ArrayList<RestXqParam> cookieParams = new ArrayList<RestXqParam>(); /** Query context. */ private final QueryContext context; /** Consumed media types. */ private final StringList consumes = new StringList(); /** Returned media types. */ private final StringList produces = new StringList(); /** Post/Put variable. */ private QNm requestBody; /** * Constructor. * * @param uf associated user function * @param qc query context * @param m associated module */ RestXqFunction(final StaticUserFunc uf, final QueryContext qc, final RestXqModule m) { function = uf; context = qc; module = m; } /** * Processes the HTTP request. Parses new modules and discards obsolete ones. * * @param http HTTP context * @throws Exception exception */ void process(final HTTPContext http) throws Exception { try { module.process(http, this); } catch (final QueryException ex) { if (ex.file() == null) ex.info(function.info); throw ex; } } /** * Checks a function for RESTFful annotations. * * @return {@code true} if module contains relevant annotations * @throws QueryException query exception */ boolean analyze() throws QueryException { // parse all annotations final EnumSet<HTTPMethod> mth = EnumSet.noneOf(HTTPMethod.class); final boolean[] declared = new boolean[function.args.length]; boolean found = false; final int as = function.ann.size(); for (int a = 0; a < as; a++) { final QNm name = function.ann.names[a]; final Value value = function.ann.values[a]; final byte[] local = name.local(); final byte[] uri = name.uri(); final boolean rexq = eq(uri, QueryText.RESTXQURI); if (rexq) { if (eq(PATH, local)) { // annotation "path" if (path != null) error(ANN_TWICE, "%", name.string()); path = new RestXqPath(toString(value, name)); for (final String s : path) { if (s.trim().startsWith("{")) checkVariable(s, AtomType.AAT, declared); } } else if (eq(CONSUMES, local)) { // annotation "consumes" strings(value, name, consumes); } else if (eq(PRODUCES, local)) { // annotation "produces" strings(value, name, produces); } else if (eq(QUERY_PARAM, local)) { // annotation "query-param" queryParams.add(param(value, name, declared)); } else if (eq(FORM_PARAM, local)) { // annotation "form-param" formParams.add(param(value, name, declared)); } else if (eq(HEADER_PARAM, local)) { // annotation "header-param" headerParams.add(param(value, name, declared)); } else if (eq(COOKIE_PARAM, local)) { // annotation "cookie-param" cookieParams.add(param(value, name, declared)); } else { // method annotations final HTTPMethod m = HTTPMethod.get(string(local)); if (m == null) error(ANN_UNKNOWN, "%", name.string()); if (!value.isEmpty()) { // remember post/put variable if (requestBody != null) error(ANN_TWICE, "%", name.string()); if (m != POST && m != PUT) error(METHOD_VALUE, m); requestBody = checkVariable(toString(value, name), declared); } if (mth.contains(m)) error(ANN_TWICE, "%", name.string()); mth.add(m); } } else if (eq(uri, QueryText.OUTPUTURI)) { // serialization parameters final String key = string(local); final String val = toString(value, name); if (output.get(key) == null) error(UNKNOWN_SER, key); output.set(key, val); } found |= rexq; } if (!mth.isEmpty()) methods = mth; if (found) { if (path == null) error(ANN_MISSING, PATH); for (int i = 0; i < declared.length; i++) if (!declared[i]) error(VAR_UNDEFINED, function.args[i].name.string()); } return found; } /** * Checks if an HTTP request matches this function and its constraints. * * @param http http context * @return result of check */ boolean matches(final HTTPContext http) { // check method, path, consumed and produced media type return methods.contains(http.method) && pathMatches(http) && consumes(http) && produces(http); } /** * Binds the annotated variables. * * @param http http context * @param arg argument array * @throws QueryException query exception * @throws IOException I/O exception */ void bind(final HTTPContext http, final Expr[] arg) throws QueryException, IOException { // bind variables from segments for (int s = 0; s < path.size; s++) { final Matcher m = TEMPLATE.matcher(path.segment[s]); if (!m.find()) continue; final QNm qnm = new QNm(token(m.group(1)), context); bind(qnm, arg, new Atm(http.segment(s))); } // cache request body final String ct = http.contentType(); IOContent body = null; if (requestBody != null) { body = cache(http, null); try { // bind request body in the correct format body.name(http.method + IO.XMLSUFFIX); bind(requestBody, arg, Parser.item(body, context.context.prop, ct)); } catch (final IOException ex) { error(INPUT_CONV, ex); } } // bind query parameters final Map<String, String[]> params = http.params(); for (final RestXqParam rxp : queryParams) bind(rxp, arg, params.get(rxp.key)); // bind form parameters if (!formParams.isEmpty()) { if (MimeTypes.APP_FORM.equals(ct)) { // convert parameters encoded in a form body = cache(http, body); addParams(body.toString(), params); } for (final RestXqParam rxp : formParams) bind(rxp, arg, params.get(rxp.key)); } // bind header parameters for (final RestXqParam rxp : headerParams) { final StringList sl = new StringList(); final Enumeration<?> en = http.req.getHeaders(rxp.key); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { for (final String s : en.nextElement().toString().split(", *")) sl.add(s); } bind(rxp, arg, sl.toArray()); } // bind cookie parameters final Cookie[] ck = http.req.getCookies(); for (final RestXqParam rxp : cookieParams) { String v = null; if (ck != null) { for (final Cookie c : ck) { if (rxp.key.equals(c.getName())) v = c.getValue(); } } if (v == null) bind(rxp, arg); else bind(rxp, arg, v); } } /** * Creates an exception with the specified message. * * @param msg message * @param ext error extension * @return exception * @throws QueryException query exception */ QueryException error(final String msg, final Object... ext) throws QueryException { throw new QueryException(function.info, Err.BASX_RESTXQ, Util.info(msg, ext)); } @Override public int compareTo(final RestXqFunction rxf) { return path.compareTo(rxf.path); } // PRIVATE METHODS ==================================================================== /** * Checks the specified template and adds a variable. * * @param tmp template string * @param declared variable declaration flags * @return resulting variable * @throws QueryException query exception */ private QNm checkVariable(final String tmp, final boolean[] declared) throws QueryException { return checkVariable(tmp, AtomType.ITEM, declared); } /** * Checks the specified template and adds a variable. * * @param tmp template string * @param type allowed type * @param declared variable declaration flags * @return resulting variable * @throws QueryException query exception */ private QNm checkVariable(final String tmp, final Type type, final boolean[] declared) throws QueryException { final Var[] args = function.args; final Matcher m = TEMPLATE.matcher(tmp); if (!m.find()) error(INV_TEMPLATE, tmp); final byte[] vn = token(m.group(1)); if (!XMLToken.isQName(vn)) error(INV_VARNAME, vn); final QNm qnm = new QNm(vn, context); int r = -1; while (++r < args.length && !args[r].name.eq(qnm)) ; if (r == args.length) error(UNKNOWN_VAR, vn); if (declared[r]) error(VAR_ASSIGNED, vn); final SeqType st = args[r].declaredType(); if (args[r].checksType() && !st.type.instanceOf(type)) error(INV_VARTYPE, vn, type); declared[r] = true; return qnm; } /** * Checks if the path matches the HTTP request. * * @param http http context * @return result of check */ private boolean pathMatches(final HTTPContext http) { return path.matches(http); } /** * Checks if the consumed content type matches. * * @param http http context * @return result of check */ private boolean consumes(final HTTPContext http) { // return true if no type is given if (consumes.isEmpty()) return true; // return true if no content type is specified by the user final String ct = http.contentType(); if (ct == null) return true; // check if any combination matches for (final String c : consumes) { if (MimeTypes.matches(c, ct)) return true; } return false; } /** * Checks if the produced content type matches. * * @param http http context * @return result of check */ private boolean produces(final HTTPContext http) { // return true if no type is given if (produces.isEmpty()) return true; // check if any combination matches for (final String pr : http.produces()) { for (final String p : produces) { if (MimeTypes.matches(p, pr)) return true; } } return false; } /** * Binds the specified parameter to a variable. * * @param rxp parameter * @param args argument array * @param values values to be bound; the parameter's default value is assigned if the argument is * {@code null} or empty * @throws QueryException query exception */ private void bind(final RestXqParam rxp, final Expr[] args, final String... values) throws QueryException { final Value val; if (values == null || values.length == 0) { val = rxp.value; } else { final ValueBuilder vb = new ValueBuilder(); for (final String s : values) vb.add(new Atm(s)); val = vb.value(); } bind(rxp.name, args, val); } /** * Binds the specified value to a variable. * * @param name variable name * @param args argument array * @param value value to be bound * @throws QueryException query exception */ private void bind(final QNm name, final Expr[] args, final Value value) throws QueryException { // skip nulled values if (value == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < function.args.length; i++) { final Var var = function.args[i]; if (!var.name.eq(name)) continue; // casts and binds the value args[i] = var.checkType(value, context, null); break; } } /** * Returns the specified value as an atomic string. * * @param value value * @param name name * @return string * @throws QueryException HTTP exception */ private String toString(final Value value, final QNm name) throws QueryException { if (!(value instanceof Str)) error(ANN_STRING, "%", name.string(), value); return ((Str) value).toJava(); } /** * Adds items to the specified list. * * @param value value * @param name name * @param list list to add values to * @throws QueryException HTTP exception */ private void strings(final Value value, final QNm name, final StringList list) throws QueryException { final long vs = value.size(); for (int v = 0; v < vs; v++) list.add(toString(value.itemAt(v), name)); } /** * Returns a parameter. * * @param value value * @param name name * @param declared variable declaration flags * @return parameter * @throws QueryException HTTP exception */ private RestXqParam param(final Value value, final QNm name, final boolean[] declared) throws QueryException { // [CG] RESTXQ: allow identical field names? final long vs = value.size(); if (vs < 2) error(ANN_PARAMS, "%", name.string(), 2); // name of parameter final String key = toString(value.itemAt(0), name); // variable template final QNm qnm = checkVariable(toString(value.itemAt(1), name), declared); // default value final ValueBuilder vb = new ValueBuilder(); for (int v = 2; v < vs; v++) vb.add(value.itemAt(v)); return new RestXqParam(qnm, key, vb.value()); } // PRIVATE STATIC METHODS ============================================================= /** * Caches the request body, if not done yet. * * @param http http context * @param cache cache existing cache reference * @return cache * @throws IOException I/O exception */ private static IOContent cache(final HTTPContext http, final IOContent cache) throws IOException { if (cache != null) return cache; final BufferInput bi = new BufferInput(http.req.getInputStream()); final IOContent io = new IOContent(bi.content()); io.name(http.method + IO.XMLSUFFIX); return io; } /** * Adds parameters from the passed on request body. * * @param body request body * @param params map parameters */ private static void addParams(final String body, final Map<String, String[]> params) { for (final String nv : body.split("&")) { final String[] parts = nv.split("=", 2); if (parts.length < 2) continue; try { params.put(parts[0], new String[] {URLDecoder.decode(parts[1], Token.UTF8)}); } catch (final Exception ex) { Util.notexpected(ex); } } } }
/** * Binds the annotated variables. * * @param http http context * @param arg argument array * @throws QueryException query exception * @throws IOException I/O exception */ void bind(final HTTPContext http, final Expr[] arg) throws QueryException, IOException { // bind variables from segments for (int s = 0; s < path.size; s++) { final Matcher m = TEMPLATE.matcher(path.segment[s]); if (!m.find()) continue; final QNm qnm = new QNm(token(m.group(1)), context); bind(qnm, arg, new Atm(http.segment(s))); } // cache request body final String ct = http.contentType(); IOContent body = null; if (requestBody != null) { body = cache(http, null); try { // bind request body in the correct format body.name(http.method + IO.XMLSUFFIX); bind(requestBody, arg, Parser.item(body, context.context.prop, ct)); } catch (final IOException ex) { error(INPUT_CONV, ex); } } // bind query parameters final Map<String, String[]> params = http.params(); for (final RestXqParam rxp : queryParams) bind(rxp, arg, params.get(rxp.key)); // bind form parameters if (!formParams.isEmpty()) { if (MimeTypes.APP_FORM.equals(ct)) { // convert parameters encoded in a form body = cache(http, body); addParams(body.toString(), params); } for (final RestXqParam rxp : formParams) bind(rxp, arg, params.get(rxp.key)); } // bind header parameters for (final RestXqParam rxp : headerParams) { final StringList sl = new StringList(); final Enumeration<?> en = http.req.getHeaders(rxp.key); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { for (final String s : en.nextElement().toString().split(", *")) sl.add(s); } bind(rxp, arg, sl.toArray()); } // bind cookie parameters final Cookie[] ck = http.req.getCookies(); for (final RestXqParam rxp : cookieParams) { String v = null; if (ck != null) { for (final Cookie c : ck) { if (rxp.key.equals(c.getName())) v = c.getValue(); } } if (v == null) bind(rxp, arg); else bind(rxp, arg, v); } }
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request; HttpServletResponse httpResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response; // create input/output dir patterns String contextPath = httpRequest.getContextPath(); if (this.inDirPattern == null) { // NOTE: Have to do this here because the context path is not // available in init(). this.inDirPattern = Pattern.compile("^" + escape(contextPath) + escape(this.inDirName) + "/(.*)"); this.outDirPattern = Pattern.compile("^" + escape(contextPath) + "/help/[a-z]{2}(?:_[A-Z]{2})?/.*"); if (ZimbraLog.webclient.isDebugEnabled()) { ZimbraLog.webclient.debug("### indir pattern: " + this.inDirPattern.pattern()); ZimbraLog.webclient.debug("### outdir pattern: " + this.outDirPattern.pattern()); } } // check to see if we need to redirect this request String requestUri = httpRequest.getRequestURI(); if (this.outDirPattern.matcher(requestUri).matches()) { // allow it to go through chain.doFilter(request, response); return; } // make list of potential locales to check Locale preferredLocale = getLocale(httpRequest); String language = preferredLocale.getLanguage(); String country = preferredLocale.getCountry(); Locale[] locales = {preferredLocale, country != null ? new Locale(language) : null, Locale.US}; if (ZimbraLog.webclient.isDebugEnabled()) { for (Locale locale : locales) { ZimbraLog.webclient.debug("locale: " + locale); } } // find out which version of the requested file exists Locale actualLocale = preferredLocale; Matcher matcher = this.inDirPattern.matcher(requestUri); if (!matcher.matches()) { httpResponse.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Help URL doesn't match input pattern."); return; } if (ZimbraLog.webclient.isDebugEnabled()) { ZimbraLog.webclient.debug("### filename: " + matcher.group(1)); } String filename = decode(matcher.group(1)).replace('/', File.separatorChar); if (ZimbraLog.webclient.isDebugEnabled()) { ZimbraLog.webclient.debug("### filename: " + filename); } File baseDir = new File(this.context.getRealPath("/")); if (ZimbraLog.webclient.isDebugEnabled()) { ZimbraLog.webclient.debug("### basedir: " + baseDir); } for (Locale locale : locales) { if (locale == null) continue; File file = new File( baseDir, this.outDirName.replaceAll("\\{locale\\}", locale.toString()) + File.separatorChar + filename); if (file.exists()) { actualLocale = locale; break; } } // redirect String redirectUrl = contextPath + this.outDirName.replaceAll("\\{locale\\}", actualLocale.toString()) + "/" + filename; if (ZimbraLog.webclient.isDebugEnabled()) { ZimbraLog.webclient.debug("redirecting to: " + redirectUrl); } httpResponse.sendRedirect(redirectUrl); }
public class RedirectHelp implements Filter { // // Constants // private static final String P_INPUT_DIRNAME = "input.dir"; private static final String P_OUTPUT_DIRNAME = "output.dir"; private static final String P_LOCALE_ID = "locid"; private static final String DEFAULT_INPUT_DIRNAME = "/help"; private static final String DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIRNAME = "/help"; // // Data // private ServletContext context; private String inDirName; private String outDirName; private File outDir; private Pattern inDirPattern; private Pattern outDirPattern; // // Filter methods // public void init(FilterConfig config) throws ServletException { this.context = config.getServletContext(); // get input and output dirs this.inDirName = config.getInitParameter(P_INPUT_DIRNAME); if (this.inDirName == null) this.inDirName = DEFAULT_INPUT_DIRNAME; this.outDirName = config.getInitParameter(P_OUTPUT_DIRNAME); if (this.outDirName == null) this.outDirName = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIRNAME; if (ZimbraLog.webclient.isDebugEnabled()) { ZimbraLog.webclient.debug("### indir: " + this.inDirName); ZimbraLog.webclient.debug("### outdir: " + this.outDirName); } } public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request; HttpServletResponse httpResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response; // create input/output dir patterns String contextPath = httpRequest.getContextPath(); if (this.inDirPattern == null) { // NOTE: Have to do this here because the context path is not // available in init(). this.inDirPattern = Pattern.compile("^" + escape(contextPath) + escape(this.inDirName) + "/(.*)"); this.outDirPattern = Pattern.compile("^" + escape(contextPath) + "/help/[a-z]{2}(?:_[A-Z]{2})?/.*"); if (ZimbraLog.webclient.isDebugEnabled()) { ZimbraLog.webclient.debug("### indir pattern: " + this.inDirPattern.pattern()); ZimbraLog.webclient.debug("### outdir pattern: " + this.outDirPattern.pattern()); } } // check to see if we need to redirect this request String requestUri = httpRequest.getRequestURI(); if (this.outDirPattern.matcher(requestUri).matches()) { // allow it to go through chain.doFilter(request, response); return; } // make list of potential locales to check Locale preferredLocale = getLocale(httpRequest); String language = preferredLocale.getLanguage(); String country = preferredLocale.getCountry(); Locale[] locales = {preferredLocale, country != null ? new Locale(language) : null, Locale.US}; if (ZimbraLog.webclient.isDebugEnabled()) { for (Locale locale : locales) { ZimbraLog.webclient.debug("locale: " + locale); } } // find out which version of the requested file exists Locale actualLocale = preferredLocale; Matcher matcher = this.inDirPattern.matcher(requestUri); if (!matcher.matches()) { httpResponse.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Help URL doesn't match input pattern."); return; } if (ZimbraLog.webclient.isDebugEnabled()) { ZimbraLog.webclient.debug("### filename: " + matcher.group(1)); } String filename = decode(matcher.group(1)).replace('/', File.separatorChar); if (ZimbraLog.webclient.isDebugEnabled()) { ZimbraLog.webclient.debug("### filename: " + filename); } File baseDir = new File(this.context.getRealPath("/")); if (ZimbraLog.webclient.isDebugEnabled()) { ZimbraLog.webclient.debug("### basedir: " + baseDir); } for (Locale locale : locales) { if (locale == null) continue; File file = new File( baseDir, this.outDirName.replaceAll("\\{locale\\}", locale.toString()) + File.separatorChar + filename); if (file.exists()) { actualLocale = locale; break; } } // redirect String redirectUrl = contextPath + this.outDirName.replaceAll("\\{locale\\}", actualLocale.toString()) + "/" + filename; if (ZimbraLog.webclient.isDebugEnabled()) { ZimbraLog.webclient.debug("redirecting to: " + redirectUrl); } httpResponse.sendRedirect(redirectUrl); } public void destroy() { this.context = null; } // // Protected methods // protected Locale getLocale(HttpServletRequest request) { String locid = request.getParameter(P_LOCALE_ID); if (locid == null || locid.length() == 0) { return request.getLocale(); } StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(locid, "_-"); String language = String.valueOf(tokenizer.nextToken()).toLowerCase(); String country = tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() ? tokenizer.nextToken() : null; if (country != null) { return new Locale(language, country.toUpperCase()); } return new Locale(language); } // // Private functions // private static String escape(String pattern) { return pattern.replaceAll("[?+*\\\\\\{\\[\\(]", "\\$1"); } // // Private functions // private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("((?:%[0-9a-fA-F]{2})+)"); /** * Replace occurrences of "%ab" with the character represented by the hex value. Strings of * escaped characters are treated as UTF-8 byte sequences and decoded appropriately. */ private static String decode(String s) { int length = s.length(); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(length); Matcher matcher = PATTERN.matcher(s); int offset = 0; byte[] bb = null; while (matcher.find(offset)) { int count = matcher.groupCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { String match = matcher.group(0); int num = match.length() / 3; if (bb == null || bb.length < num) { bb = new byte[num]; } for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { int head = j * 3 + 1; int tail = head + 2; bb[j] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(match.substring(head, tail), 16); } try { String text = new String(bb, "UTF-8"); str.append(s.substring(offset, matcher.start())); str.append(text); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // NOTE: This should *never* be thrown because all // JVMs are required to support UTF-8. I mean, // the strings in the .class file are all in // a modified UTF-8, for pete's sake! :) } } offset = matcher.end(); } if (offset < length) { str.append(s.substring(offset)); } return str.toString(); } } // class RedirectHelp