protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException, Exception { RequestDispatcher rd; try { // get db connection getConnection(); if ("initSchoolCompletion".equals(request.getParameter("report"))) { if (request.isUserInRole(Constants.Role_Admin)) { request.setAttribute("schoolList", Dao.getSchoolList(connection)); } else { request.setAttribute( "schoolList", Dao.getLimitedSchoolList(connection, getUmdPersonPk(request))); } rd = this.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(PRE_JSP_PARAMS + "/schoolCompletion.jsp"); rd.forward(request, response); } else if ("initRoadTester".equals(request.getParameter("report"))) { if (request.isUserInRole(Constants.Role_Admin)) { request.setAttribute("testerList", Dao.getTesterList(connection)); } else { request.setAttribute("testerList", getRoadTester(getLoggedInPerson(request))); } rd = this.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(PRE_JSP_PARAMS + "/roadTester.jsp"); rd.forward(request, response); } else if ("initInstructorExpiration".equals(request.getParameter("report"))) { rd = this.getServletContext() .getRequestDispatcher(PRE_JSP_PARAMS + "/instructorExpiration.jsp"); rd.forward(request, response); } else if ("initSchoolExpiration".equals(request.getParameter("report"))) { rd = this.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(PRE_JSP_PARAMS + "/schoolExpiration.jsp"); rd.forward(request, response); } else if (request.getParameter("showPage") != null) { rd = this.getServletContext() .getRequestDispatcher(PRE_JSP_PARAMS + "/" + request.getParameter("page") + ".jsp"); rd.forward(request, response); } else { createReport(request, response); } } catch (Exception e) { // show error page e.printStackTrace(); request.setAttribute("errorMsg", e.getMessage()); rd = this.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/reportErrorPage.jsp"); rd.forward(request, response); } finally { closeConnection(); } }
protected void testSuccessfulLogin(List<String> validGmailAddresses) throws IOException, ServletException { googleReturnsUserinfo(); GoogleOauthFilter googleOauthFilter = filterNotYetAuthorised(); HttpServletResponse response = mock(HttpServletResponse.class); HttpServletRequest request = request( "http", "", "webapp", "oauth.html", "state=", "code=4/b--2fGSRhhkub2d0wg7dZoNFUXLN.EluGs0IJqNIcOl05ti8ZT3b3nc9jcwI"); FilterChain chain = mock(FilterChain.class); googleOauthFilter.doFilter(request, response, chain); // we expect a redirect to the original page. verify(response) .sendRedirect(""); verifyZeroInteractions(chain); // now check the redirect contains a user principal. response = mock(HttpServletResponse.class); request = request("http", "", "webapp", "index.html", "forename=brian", "surname=may"); when(userManager.getValidGmailAddresses()).thenReturn(validGmailAddresses); when(userManager.isUserInRole("*****@*****.**", "guitarist")).thenReturn(true); when(userManager.isUserInRole("*****@*****.**", "drummer")).thenReturn(false); RequestStoringFilterChain requestStoringFilterChain = new RequestStoringFilterChain(); googleOauthFilter.doFilter(request, response, requestStoringFilterChain); HttpServletRequest filterRequest = requestStoringFilterChain.getRequest(); verify(userManager) .createNewUserIfRequired( eq("*****@*****.**"), any(Userinfo.class), any(Credential.class)); assertNotNull("The filter chain was not called.", filterRequest); assertNotNull("The user principal was not set.", filterRequest.getUserPrincipal()); assertEquals( "The user principal had the wrong class", OauthPrincipal.class, filterRequest.getUserPrincipal().getClass()); OauthPrincipal oauthPrincipal = (OauthPrincipal) filterRequest.getUserPrincipal(); assertTrue( "The user was not found to be in the correct group.", filterRequest.isUserInRole("guitarist")); assertFalse( "The user was found to be in the wrong group.", filterRequest.isUserInRole("drummer")); assertEquals( "The user principal had the wrong email address", "*****@*****.**", oauthPrincipal.getUserinfo().getEmail()); }
@GET @Path("user/roles") @Produces("application/json") public Response getRolesForJAASPrincipal( @Context HttpServletRequest request, @QueryParam("roleCheck") String roleCheck) { // TODO: Why not use the identity DB right away? // These roles are security roles if (null == roleCheck) throw new WebApplicationException( new IllegalArgumentException("Missing parameter 'roleCheck'")); log.debug( "Role check user: "******", actualRoles requested: " + roleCheck); List<RoleAssignmentRef> actualRoles = new ArrayList<RoleAssignmentRef>(); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(roleCheck, ","); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { String possibleRole = tok.nextToken(); actualRoles.add(new RoleAssignmentRef(possibleRole, request.isUserInRole(possibleRole))); } return createJsonResponse(new RoleAssignmentRefWrapper(actualRoles)); }
public static boolean isAuthorizedx(String roleName, HttpServletRequest servletReq) { boolean isAuthorized = false; if (servletReq.isUserInRole(roleName)) { isAuthorized = true; } return isAuthorized; }
public Boolean getIsAdmin() { // return sessionContext.isCallerInRole(; FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); // recuperer l’objet request HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) context.getExternalContext().getRequest(); return request.isUserInRole(; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8")); ThreadCategory.setPrefix(MapsConstants.LOG4J_CATEGORY); log = ThreadCategory.getInstance(this.getClass()); try { String user = request.getRemoteUser(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("MapStartUp for user:"******"Error in map's startup", e); bw.write(ResponseAssembler.getMapErrorResponse(MapsConstants.MAPS_STARTUP_ACTION)); } finally { bw.close(); } return null; }
/** * Retrieve user by id * * @param userId the user identifier * @return the user corresponding to the specified user identifier */ @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/{userId}") public UserResource userGet( @PathVariable("userId") Long userId, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) { User requestBo = null; try { requestBo = userRepo.findOne(userId); } catch (DataAccessException e) { String msg = "Can't retrieve asked users from DB"; logger.error(msg, e); throw new DefaultSportManagerException( new ErrorResource("db error", msg, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)); } if (requestBo == null) { String msg = "User with id " + userId + " not found"; throw new DefaultSportManagerException( new ErrorResource("not found", msg, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)); } UserResource resource = userResourceAssembler.toResource(requestBo); if (httpServletRequest.isUserInRole("AK_ADMIN")) { resource.add( linkTo(methodOn(UserController.class).userGet(userId, null)) .withRel(ActionsConstants.UPDATE_VIA_PUT)); resource.add( linkTo(methodOn(UserController.class).userGet(userId, null)) .withRel(ActionsConstants.DELETE_VIA_DELETE)); } return resource; }
@RequestMapping(value = "/member/{nickname}") public String profileByNickname( @PathVariable String nickname, Model model, HttpServletRequest request) { User user = userDao.findUserByNickname( nickname, new Consumer<User>() { @Override public void accept(User u) { if (u != null) { u.getCharacters().size(); } } }); if (user != null) { model.addAttribute("user", user); if (request.isUserInRole("ROLE_ADMIN")) { model.addAttribute("rankings", rankingDao.findAll()); } } return "members/member_detail"; }
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { if (!request.isUserInRole("2")) { response.sendRedirect("/"); } Reponse uneReponse = new Reponse(); uneReponse.setLibelle(request.getParameter("libelle")); uneReponse.setEst_correct(Boolean.parseBoolean(request.getParameter("estCorrect"))); uneReponse.setId_question(Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("idQuestion"))); Question question = null; try { question = QuestionService.getQuestion(Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("idQuestion"))); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } try { ReponseService.insert(uneReponse); response.sendRedirect( "themeQuestRep?idTheme=" + String.valueOf(question.getId_theme()) + "&idQuestion=" + request.getParameter("idQuestion")); } catch (Exception e) { doGet(request, response); } }
@Transactional public String approveVacation(Integer vacationId) { Vacation vacation = findVacation(vacationId); Set<VacationApproval> vacationApprovals = vacation.getVacationApprovals(); Date responseDate = new Date(); vacation.setStatus(dictionaryItemService.find(VacationStatusEnum.APPROVED.getId())); store(vacation); vacationApprovalProcessService.sendBackDateVacationApproved(vacation); if (!vacationApprovals.isEmpty()) { for (VacationApproval vacationApproval : vacationApprovals) { vacationApproval.setResult(true); vacationApproval.setResponseDate(responseDate); StringBuilder comment = new StringBuilder("Согласовано "); if (isVacationApprovePermission(vacation)) { comment.append("РЦК"); } else if (request.isUserInRole(ROLE_ADMIN)) { comment.append("Администратором"); } vacationApproval.setComment(comment.toString());; } } return JsonUtil.format( anObjectBuilder().withField("isApproved", JsonNodeBuilders.aTrueBuilder())); }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { response.setContentType("text/html"); ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); out.println("<html>"); out.println( "<HEAD><link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"stylesheet.css\"/></HEAD>"); out.println("<h1>Jetty DeclareRoles Annotation Results</h1>"); out.println("<body>"); out.println("<h2>Roles</h2>"); boolean result = request.isUserInRole("other"); out.println( "<br/><b>Result: isUserInRole(\"other\")=" + result + ":" + (result == false ? " <span class=\"pass\">PASS" : " <span class=\"fail\">FAIL") + "</span></b>"); result = request.isUserInRole("manager"); out.println( "<br/><b>Result: isUserInRole(\"manager\")=" + result + ":" + (result ? " <span class=\"pass\">PASS" : " <span class=\"fail\">FAIL") + "</span></b>"); result = request.isUserInRole("user"); out.println( "<br/><b>Result: isUserInRole(\"user\")=" + result + ":" + (result ? " <span class=\"pass\">PASS" : " <span class=\"fail\">FAIL") + "</span></b>"); String context = _config.getServletContext().getContextPath(); if (!context.endsWith("/")) context += "/"; out.println("<p><A HREF=\"" + context + "logout.jsp\">Logout</A></p>"); out.println("</body>"); out.println("</html>"); out.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServletException(e); } }
@ModelAttribute @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) protected User showForm(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // If not an administrator, make sure user is not trying to add or edit another user if (!request.isUserInRole(Constants.ADMIN_ROLE) && !isFormSubmission(request)) { if (isAdd(request) || request.getParameter("id") != null) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); log.warn( "User '" + request.getRemoteUser() + "' is trying to edit user with id '" + request.getParameter("id") + "'"); throw new AccessDeniedException("You do not have permission to modify other users."); } } if (!isFormSubmission(request)) { String userId = request.getParameter("id"); // if user logged in with remember me, display a warning that they can't change passwords log.debug("checking for remember me login..."); AuthenticationTrustResolver resolver = new AuthenticationTrustResolverImpl(); SecurityContext ctx = SecurityContextHolder.getContext(); if (ctx.getAuthentication() != null) { Authentication auth = ctx.getAuthentication(); if (resolver.isRememberMe(auth)) { request.getSession().setAttribute("cookieLogin", "true"); // add warning message saveMessage(request, getText("userProfile.cookieLogin", request.getLocale())); } } User user; if (userId == null && !isAdd(request)) { user = getUserManager().getUserByUsername(request.getRemoteUser()); } else if (!StringUtils.isBlank(userId) && !"".equals(request.getParameter("version"))) { user = getUserManager().getUser(userId); } else { user = new User(); user.addRole(new Role(Constants.USER_ROLE)); } user.setConfirmPassword(user.getPassword()); return user; } else { // populate user object from database, so all fields don't need to be hidden fields in form return getUserManager().getUser(request.getParameter("id")); } }
@RequestMapping(Routes.DEFAULT) public String defaultAfterLogin(HttpServletRequest request, Principal principal) { try { if (request.isUserInRole(User.ROLE_CUSTODIAN)) { return "redirect:/custodian/home"; } else if (request.isUserInRole(User.ROLE_USER)) { if (currentCustomer(principal) == null) { return "/customer/nongbhome"; } return "redirect:/RetailCustomer/" + currentCustomer(principal).getId() + "/home"; } } catch (Exception ignore) { return "redirect:/login"; } return "redirect:/home"; }
@RequestMapping(path = "/securesudo", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public String getManifestAttributes(HttpServletRequest request, HttpSession httpSession) { // DO note that this only covers roles that start by ROLE_**** if (request.isUserInRole("ADMIN")) { return "OK! " + SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName(); } else { throw new UnauthorizedException(); } }
/** * Determines if the request should be allowed for the action * * @param request The request * @param action The action object * @return True if allowed, false otherwise */ protected boolean isAllowed(HttpServletRequest request, Object action) { for (String role : disallowedRoles) { if (request.isUserInRole(role)) { return false; } } if (allowedRoles.isEmpty()) { return true; } for (String role : allowedRoles) { if (request.isUserInRole(role)) { return true; } } return false; }
@RequestMapping("/checkRoleProgrammatically") String checkRoleProgrammatically(HttpServletRequest request) { boolean isInAdminRole = request.isUserInRole( roles .ADMIN); // Will only work if rolePrefix is set to "" in // SpringSecurityWebAppConfig. return "checkRoleProgrammatically - is " + (isInAdminRole ? "" : "not") + " in ADMIN role"; }
/** Process POST requests/responses (login) */ protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // get our current session session = request.getSession(); // get the number of logins /*if(session.getAttribute("loginAttempts") == null){ loginAttempts = 0; } //exceeded logins if(loginAttempts > 2){ String errorMessage = "Error: Number of Login Attempts Exceeded"; request.setAttribute("errorMessage", errorMessage); url = "index.jsp"; }else{ //proceed*/ // pull the fields from the form String username = request.getParameter("email"); String password = request.getParameter("password"); // encrypt the password to check against what's stored in DB PasswordService pws = new PasswordService(); String encryptedPass = pws.encrypt(password); // create a user helper class to make database calls, and call authenticate user method UserHelper uh = new UserHelper(); User user = uh.authenticateUser(username, encryptedPass); // we've found a user that matches the credentials if (user != null) { // invalidate current session, then get new session for our user (combats: session hijacking) session.invalidate(); session = request.getSession(true); session.setAttribute("user", user); url = "UserAccount.jsp"; request.isUserInRole("translator"); Cookie cookie = new Cookie("SSID", session.getId()); response.addCookie(cookie); } // user doesn't exist, redirect to previous page and show error else { String errorMessage = "Error: Unrecognized Username or Password<br>Login attempts remaining: " + (3 - (loginAttempts)); request.setAttribute("errorMessage", errorMessage); // track login attempts (combats: brute force attacks) session.setAttribute("loginAttempts", loginAttempts++); url = "index.jsp"; } // } // forward our request along RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher(url); dispatcher.forward(request, response); }
@Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { resp.setContentType("text/plain;charset=UTF-8"); if (VALUE.equals(req.getParameter(PARAM)) && req.isUserInRole("tomcat")) { resp.getWriter().print("OK"); } else { resp.getWriter().print("FAIL"); } }
@Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { HttpSession session = req.getSession(); Principal p = req.getUserPrincipal(); String username = p.getName(); req.setAttribute("username", username); if (req.isUserInRole("user")) { session.setAttribute("user", true); } else if (req.isUserInRole("owner")) { session.setAttribute("owner", true); OwnerAccountPage ownerAccountPage = new OwnerAccountPage(entityManagerFactory); CharityOwner ownersCharity = ownerAccountPage.getCharity(username); req.setAttribute("charity", ownersCharity); } RequestDispatcher requestDispatcher = req.getRequestDispatcher("../WEB-INF/account.jsp"); requestDispatcher.forward(req, resp); }
@Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { if (req.isUserInRole("administrateur")) { req.setAttribute("role", "administrateur"); } else { req.setAttribute("role", "utilisateur"); } req.setAttribute("utils", udao.readAll()); req.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/utilisateurs/index.jsp").forward(req, resp); }
public static boolean isAuthorized(String roleNames, HttpServletRequest servletReq) { boolean isAuthorized = false; StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(roleNames, ","); if (tokenizer.countTokens() > 0) { while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String roleName = tokenizer.nextToken(); if (servletReq.isUserInRole(roleName)) { isAuthorized = true; break; } } } return isAuthorized; }
@RequestMapping(value = "/{fanficId}", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String removeFanfic(@PathVariable("fanficId") int fanficId, HttpServletRequest request) { if (!(request.isUserInRole(Role.ROLE_ADMIN) || fanficService .getFanficById(fanficId) .getAuthor() .getUsername() .equals(request.getRemoteUser()))) { return "redirect:/"; } User author = fanficService.getFanficById(fanficId).getAuthor(); fanficService.removeFanficById(author, fanficId); return "redirect:/user/" + author.getId(); }
/** * Called when admin wants to delete user. Deletes user by login. * * @param target login of user to be deleted. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/admin/delete/{target}", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void delete(@PathVariable String target, HttpServletRequest request) {"Delete POST request"); if (!request.isUserInRole("ADMIN") || !userService.loginExists(target)) { String error = MessageFormat.format("Error trying delete user: {0}", target); logger.error(error); return; } UserAdminDto userAdminDto = userService.getUserAdminDto(target); userService.deleteUser(userAdminDto); }
/** * Called when admin unbans user. Sets enabled access to user. * * @param target login of user to be unbanned. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/admin/unban/{target}", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void unban(@PathVariable String target, HttpServletRequest request) {"Unban POST request"); if (!request.isUserInRole("ADMIN") || !userService.loginExists(target)) { String error = MessageFormat.format("Error trying unban user: {0}", target); logger.error(error); return; } UserAdminDto userAdminDto = userService.getUserAdminDto(target); userAdminDto.setAccess(Access.ALLOWED); userService.updateUser(userAdminDto); }
/** Retrieve Decorator named in 'name' attribute. Checks the role if specified. */ public Decorator getNamedDecorator(HttpServletRequest request, String name) { Decorator result = null; try { result = configLoader.getDecoratorByName(name); } catch (ServletException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (result == null || (result.getRole() != null && !request.isUserInRole(result.getRole()))) { // if the result is null or the user is not in the role return super.getNamedDecorator(request, name); } else { return result; } }
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json; charset=utf-8") public PagedResources<UserResource> collectionList( Pageable pageable, PagedResourcesAssembler<User> assembler, @RequestParam(value = "firstName", required = false) String firstName, @RequestParam(value = "lastName", required = false) String lastName, @RequestParam(value = "mail", required = false) String mail, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) { Page<User> users = null; try { if (firstName != null || lastName != null || mail != null) { if (firstName == null) firstName = ""; if (lastName == null) lastName = ""; if (mail == null) mail = ""; users = userRepo.findByLastNameLikeIgnoreCaseAndFirstNameLikeIgnoreCaseAndMailLikeIgnoreCase( "%" + lastName + "%", "%" + firstName + "%", "%" + mail + "%", pageable); } else { users = userRepo.findAllPaged(pageable); } } catch (DataAccessException e) { String msg = "Can't retrieve asked users from DB"; logger.error(msg, e); throw new DefaultSportManagerException( new ErrorResource("db error", msg, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)); } PagedResources<UserResource> resources = assembler.toResource(users, userResourceAssembler); resources.add(linkTo(UserController.class).withSelfRel()); if (httpServletRequest.isUserInRole("AK_ADMIN")) { resources.add(linkTo(UserController.class).withRel(ActionsConstants.CREATE_VIA_POST)); // On rajoute les liens sur les users for (UserResource resource : resources) { resource.add( linkTo(methodOn(UserController.class).userGet(resource.getTech_id(), null)) .withRel(ActionsConstants.UPDATE_VIA_PUT)); resource.add( linkTo(methodOn(UserController.class).userGet(resource.getTech_id(), null)) .withRel(ActionsConstants.DELETE_VIA_DELETE)); } } return resources; }
public static String showSecurity(HttpServletRequest req, String role) { StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder(); sbuff.append("Security Info\n"); sbuff.append(" req.getRemoteUser(): ").append(req.getRemoteUser()).append("\n"); sbuff.append(" req.getUserPrincipal(): ").append(req.getUserPrincipal()).append("\n"); sbuff .append(" req.isUserInRole(") .append(role) .append("):") .append(req.isUserInRole(role)) .append("\n"); sbuff.append(" ------------------\n"); return sbuff.toString(); }
@RequestMapping(value = "/{fanficId}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String getFanfic( @PathVariable("fanficId") int fanficId, Model model, HttpServletRequest request) { settingModel(model); Fanfic fanfic = fanficService.getFanficById(fanficId); model.addAttribute("fanfic", fanfic); model.addAttribute("noChapters", fanfic.getChapters().size() == 0); model.addAttribute("noComments", fanfic.getComments().size() == 0); if (request.isUserInRole(Role.ROLE_ADMIN) || fanfic.getAuthor().getUsername().equals(request.getRemoteUser())) { model.addAttribute("canChangeFanfic", true); } else { model.addAttribute("canChangeFanfic", false); } return "fanfic"; }
/** * This method looks for a "locale" request parameter. If it finds one, it sets it as the * preferred locale and also configures it to work with JSTL. * * @param request the current request * @param response the current response * @param chain the chain * @throws IOException when something goes wrong * @throws ServletException when a communication failure happens */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void doFilterInternal( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { String locale = request.getParameter("locale"); Locale preferredLocale = null; if (locale != null) { int indexOfUnderscore = locale.indexOf('_'); if (indexOfUnderscore != -1) { String language = locale.substring(0, indexOfUnderscore); String country = locale.substring(indexOfUnderscore + 1); preferredLocale = new Locale(language, country); } else { preferredLocale = new Locale(locale); } } HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); if (session != null) { if (preferredLocale == null) { preferredLocale = (Locale) session.getAttribute(Constants.PREFERRED_LOCALE_KEY); } else { session.setAttribute(Constants.PREFERRED_LOCALE_KEY, preferredLocale); Config.set(session, Config.FMT_LOCALE, preferredLocale); } if (preferredLocale != null && !(request instanceof LocaleRequestWrapper)) { request = new LocaleRequestWrapper(request, preferredLocale); LocaleContextHolder.setLocale(preferredLocale); } } String theme = request.getParameter("theme"); if (theme != null && request.isUserInRole(Constants.ADMIN_ROLE)) { Map<String, Object> config = (Map) getServletContext().getAttribute(Constants.CONFIG); config.put(Constants.CSS_THEME, theme); } chain.doFilter(request, response); // Reset thread-bound LocaleContext. LocaleContextHolder.setLocaleContext(null); }
@Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { String userId = null; try { HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request; Principal userPrincipal = httpRequest.getUserPrincipal(); if (userPrincipal != null) { userId = userPrincipal.getName(); boolean isAdminUser = httpRequest.isUserInRole(ApplicationRoles.ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE); UserManager.setUserId(userId); UserManager.setIsUserAdmin(isAdminUser); // pass the request along the filter chain chain.doFilter(request, response); } } finally { UserManager.cleanUp(); } }