public int compareTo(Object o) { if (o instanceof Comment) { // Don't compare Date objects! Use the time in milliseconds! return Long.valueOf(this.getCreated().getTime()) .compareTo(Long.valueOf(((Comment) o).getCreated().getTime())); } return 0; }
/** * Persists a Audit * * @param object * @param persisted * @param auditingType */ public void audit(Object object, Object persisted, AuditingType auditingType) { try { if (isEntity(object)) { Field[] fields = object.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); Method[] methods = object.getClass().getDeclaredMethods(); Method.setAccessible(methods, true); Field.setAccessible(fields, true); AbstractAuditing auditing = Configuration.getAbstractAuditing(); auditing.setIdentifier(Long.valueOf(getId(object).toString())); auditing.setEntity(getEntityName(object.getClass())); auditing.setAuditingType(auditingType); auditing.setEventDate(new Date()); if (FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() != null) { auditing.setIp(FacesUtils.getIP()); } auditing.setAuditClass(object.getClass()); AbstractAuditingListener listener = Configuration.getAuditingListener(); if (listener != null) { listener.onSave(auditing); } List<AbstractMetadata> metadatas = null; boolean auditPersited = false; if (auditingType.equals(AuditingType.INSERT) || auditingType.equals(AuditingType.DELETE)) { entityManager.persist(auditing); metadatas = getMetadata(object, null, auditing); auditPersited = true; } else if (auditingType.equals(AuditingType.UPDATE)) { metadatas = getMetadata(object, persisted, auditing); if (metadatas != null && !metadatas.isEmpty()) { entityManager.persist(auditing); auditPersited = true; } } auditing.setMetadatas(metadatas); // add to context if (auditPersited == true) { AuditContext context = AuditContext.getCurrentInstance(); if (context != null) { context.setAuditing(object, auditing); } } if (metadatas != null && !metadatas.isEmpty()) { for (AbstractMetadata metadata : metadatas) { entityManager.persist(metadata); } } } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, t.getMessage(), t); } }
public void setValueTextRoles(String valueTextRoles) { try { List<PickerItem> listOfPickerItem = objectStringConverterImpl.convertToListOfObjects( new TypeReference<List<PickerItem>>() {}, valueTextRoles); roles.clear(); for (PickerItem pickerItem : listOfPickerItem) { roles.add(roleRepoImpl.find(Long.valueOf(pickerItem.getPickerCode().toString()))); } } catch (Exception e) { loggerImpl.logError(e, ""); } }
// 增加String作为参数的Set方法,目的是为了在对对菜单配置做导入时,使用Java反射机制来统一函数原型 [ ChengKang 2014-07-26 ] public void setOkcmenuid(String okcmenuid) { if (!StringUtils.hasLength(okcmenuid)) { okcmenuid = "0"; } this.okcmenuid = Long.valueOf(okcmenuid); }
// 增加String作为参数的Set方法,目的是为了在对对菜单配置做导入时,使用Java反射机制来统一函数原型 [ ChengKang 2014-07-26 ] public void setMenuid(String menuid) { if (!StringUtils.hasLength(menuid)) { menuid = "0"; } this.menuid = Long.valueOf(menuid); }
public List<AbstractMetadata> getMetadata( Object object, Object persisted, AbstractAuditing auditing) throws Exception { List<Method> methodsGet = getMethods(object); List<AbstractMetadata> metadatas = new ArrayList<AbstractMetadata>(); boolean isDelete = auditing.getAuditingType() != null && auditing.getAuditingType().equals(AuditingType.DELETE); for (Method method : methodsGet) { try { Object fieldValue = method.invoke(object); Object fieldOld = null; if (persisted != null) { fieldOld = method.invoke(persisted); } AbstractMetadata metadata = Configuration.getAbstractMetadata(); if (fieldValue != null && fieldValue.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(Embeddable.class)) { List<AbstractMetadata> embedableMetadata = getMetadata(fieldValue, persisted, auditing); if (embedableMetadata != null && !embedableMetadata.isEmpty()) { metadatas.addAll(embedableMetadata); } } else { boolean addMetadata = persisted == null; if (fieldValue instanceof Collection) { // para as coleções Collection collectionNew = (Collection<Object>) fieldValue; Collection collectionOld = (Collection<Object>) fieldOld; StringBuilder newValue = new StringBuilder(); if (fieldOld == null) { for (Object item : collectionNew) { newValue.append(item.toString()).append("; "); } addMetadata = true; } else { StringBuilder oldValue = new StringBuilder(); if ((!(collectionNew instanceof PersistentBag) && !(collectionNew instanceof PersistentCollection)) || isDelete == true) { if ((collectionNew == null && collectionOld != null) || (collectionNew != null && collectionOld == null) || (collectionNew.size() != collectionOld.size())) { addMetadata = true; } else { for (Object current : collectionNew) { if (collectionOld != null && !collectionOld.contains(current)) { for (Object currentOld : collectionOld) { if (!currentOld.equals(current)) { addMetadata = true; break; } } } } } for (Object old : collectionOld) { oldValue.append(old).append("; "); } for (Object item : collectionNew) { newValue.append(item.toString()).append("; "); } metadata.setOldValue(oldValue.toString()); } } metadata.setNewValue(newValue.toString()); } else if (isEntity(method.getReturnType())) { Object newId = getId(fieldValue); // a proxy doesnt has value changed if (!(fieldValue instanceof HibernateProxy) || isDelete == true) { /** One to One cascade ALL */ if (isOneToOneCascadeAll(method)) { List<AbstractMetadata> embedableMetadata = null; // add metadata for oneToOne cascade all based on new object if (persisted == null) { embedableMetadata = getMetadata(fieldValue, null, auditing); } else { embedableMetadata = getMetadata(fieldValue, getPersisted(fieldValue), auditing); } if (embedableMetadata != null && !embedableMetadata.isEmpty()) { metadatas.addAll(embedableMetadata); } } Object oldId = null; if (fieldOld instanceof HibernateProxy) { oldId = ((HibernateProxy) fieldOld).getHibernateLazyInitializer().getIdentifier(); } else { oldId = getId(fieldOld); } metadata.setOldIdentifier(oldId == null ? null : Long.valueOf(oldId.toString())); metadata.setOldValue(fieldOld == null ? "" : fieldOld.toString()); if ((oldId == null && newId != null) || (oldId != null && newId == null) || (oldId != null && !oldId.equals(newId))) { addMetadata = true; } metadata.setEntity(method.getDeclaringClass().getName()); metadata.setNewIdentifier(newId == null ? null : Long.valueOf(newId.toString())); metadata.setNewValue(fieldValue == null ? "" : fieldValue.toString()); } } else { if (fieldOld != null) { metadata.setOldValue(getToString(fieldOld)); } if (fieldValue != null) { metadata.setNewValue(getToString(fieldValue)); } // verify empty String if (fieldValue instanceof String) { if ((fieldOld == null && fieldValue != null && !fieldValue.toString().isEmpty()) || (fieldOld != null && !fieldOld.toString().isEmpty() && fieldValue == null) || (fieldOld != null && !fieldOld.equals(fieldValue))) { addMetadata = true; } } else { if ((fieldOld == null && fieldValue != null) || (fieldOld != null && fieldValue == null) || (fieldOld != null && !fieldOld.equals(fieldValue))) { addMetadata = true; } } } metadata.setField(getMethodName(method)); metadata.setAuditing(auditing); if (addMetadata) { metadatas.add(metadata); } } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, t.getMessage(), t); } } return metadatas; }
@Override public int hashCode() { return Long.valueOf(this.learnerPlanObjectiveId).hashCode(); }