  /** This test provides an example of testing whether the collection is empty */
  public void testIsEmpty() {
    log.info("*** testIsEmpty() ***");

    CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
      CriteriaQuery<Clerk> qdef = cb.createQuery(Clerk.class);

      // select c from Clerk c
      // where c.sales IS EMPTY
      Root<Clerk> c = qdef.from(Clerk.class);

      int rows = executeQuery(qdef).size();
      assertEquals("unexpected number of rows", 1, rows);

      CriteriaQuery<Clerk> qdef = cb.createQuery(Clerk.class);

      // select c from Clerk c
      // where c.sales IS NOT EMPTY
      Root<Clerk> c = qdef.from(Clerk.class);

      int rows = executeQuery(qdef).size();
      assertEquals("unexpected number of rows", 2, rows);
 public <T> Predicate execute(CriteriaBuilder cb, Root<T> p, String field, X value) {
   return cb.isNotEmpty(p.<Collection<X>>get(field));