private void handleException(Exception e) { Alert a = new Alert("Exception", e.toString(), null, null); a.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); // Throw with a proper JR alert. Crash for now until someone fixes this. // mDisplay.setCurrent(a, mMainForm); throw new RuntimeException( "Snapper MIDLlet exception needs to be displayed as an alert, but fixed to use j2me properly"); }
public void run() { try { // byte [] snap = videoControl.getSnapshot("encoding=jpeg&width=160&height=120"); byte[] snap = videoControl.getSnapshot("encoding=jpeg"); if (snap != null) { Image im = Image.createImage(snap, 0, snap.length); int a = im.getHeight(); int b = im.getWidth(); System.out.println("my height is " + a); System.out.println("My width is " + b); Alert al = new Alert("MyImage", "My dimensions are:" + b + "," + a, im, AlertType.INFO); al.setTimeout(2000); parentMidlet.getDisplay().setCurrent(al, aVideoCanvas); } } catch (MediaException me) { System.err.println(me); } }