/** * Import book exemplars * * @param nodes * @return */ private Boolean processExemplars(NodeList nodes) { NodeList exemplars = nodes.item(0).getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < exemplars.getLength(); i++) { if (exemplars.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element exemplarNode = (Element) exemplars.item(i); Exemplar exemplar = new Exemplar(); exemplar.setIdexemplar(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("idexemplar", exemplarNode))); exemplar.setAquired( DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(getTagValue("aquired", exemplarNode)).getTime()); exemplar.setState(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("state", exemplarNode))); Book book = bookMgr.findByIdbook(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("book", exemplarNode))); if (book == null) { continue; } exemplar.setBook(book); try { exemplarMgr.save(exemplar); } catch (EJBException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.out); } } } return true; }
/** * Import users * * @param nodes list of users nodes (wrapper node, thus only one) * @return */ private Boolean processUsers(NodeList nodes) { NodeList users = nodes.item(0).getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < users.getLength(); i++) { if (users.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element userNode = (Element) users.item(i); User user = new User(); user.setIduser(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("iduser", userNode))); user.setForename(getTagValue("forename", userNode)); user.setSurname(getTagValue("surname", userNode)); user.setPermitNumber(getTagValue("permitNumber", userNode)); user.setAddress(getTagValue("address", userNode)); user.setEmail(getTagValue("email", userNode)); user.setRegistered( DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(getTagValue("registered", userNode)).getTime()); user.setExpire(DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(getTagValue("expire", userNode)).getTime()); user.setPassword(getTagValue("password", userNode)); user.setLevel(getTagValue("level", userNode)); try { userMgr.Save(user); } catch (EJBException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.out); } } } return true; }
/** * Import books * * @param nodes * @return */ private Boolean processBooks(NodeList nodes) { NodeList books = nodes.item(0).getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < books.getLength(); i++) { if (books.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element bookNode = (Element) books.item(i); Book book = new Book(); book.setIdbook(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("idbook", bookNode))); book.setCode(getTagValue("code", bookNode)); book.setEdition(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("edition", bookNode))); book.setPages(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("pages", bookNode))); book.setPlace(getTagValue("place", bookNode)); book.setYear(DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(getTagValue("year", bookNode)).getTime()); book.setType(getTagValue("type", bookNode)); book.setName(getTagValue("name", bookNode)); // find and set publisher Publisher publisher = publisherMgr.findByIdpublisher(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("publisher", bookNode))); if (publisher == null) { continue; } book.setPublisher(publisher); // find and set genre Genre genre = genreMgr.findByIdgenre(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("genre", bookNode))); if (genre == null) { continue; } book.setGenre(genre); // setup book authors List<String> authors = getTagsValues("authorCollection", bookNode); if (book.getAuthorCollection() == null) { book.setAuthorCollection(new ArrayList<Author>()); } for (String authorId : authors) { Author author = authorMgr.findByIdauthor(Integer.parseInt(authorId)); if (author != null) { // book.getAuthorCollection().add(author); author.getBooksCollection().add(book); authorMgr.save(author); } } try { bookMgr.save(book); } catch (EJBException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.out); } } } return true; }
/** * Import borrows * * @param nodes * @return */ public Boolean processBorrows(NodeList nodes) { NodeList borrows = nodes.item(0).getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < borrows.getLength(); i++) { if (borrows.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element borrowNode = (Element) borrows.item(i); Borrow borrow = new Borrow(); borrow.setIdborrow(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("idborrow", borrowNode))); borrow.setProlongations(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("prolongations", borrowNode))); borrow.setBorrowed( DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(getTagValue("borrowed", borrowNode)).getTime()); // set returned date (can be null) try { if (getTagValue("returned", borrowNode) != null) { borrow.setReturned( DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(getTagValue("returned", borrowNode)).getTime()); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { } User user = userMgr.findByIduser(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("user", borrowNode))); if (user == null) { continue; } borrow.setUser(user); Exemplar exemplar = exemplarMgr.findByIdexemplar(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("exemplar", borrowNode))); if (exemplar == null) { continue; } borrow.setExemplar(exemplar); try { borrowMgr.Save(borrow); } catch (EJBException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.out); } } } return true; }
/** * Import genres * * @param nodes * @return */ private Boolean processGenres(NodeList nodes) { NodeList genres = nodes.item(0).getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < genres.getLength(); i++) { if (genres.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element genreNode = (Element) genres.item(i); Genre genre = new Genre(); genre.setIdgenre(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("idgenre", genreNode))); genre.setName(getTagValue("name", genreNode)); try { genreMgr.save(genre); } catch (EJBException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.out); } } } return true; }
/** * Import authors * * @param nodes * @return */ private Boolean processAuthors(NodeList nodes) { NodeList authors = nodes.item(0).getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < authors.getLength(); i++) { if (authors.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element authorNode = (Element) authors.item(i); Author author = new Author(); author.setIdauthor(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("idauthor", authorNode))); author.setName(getTagValue("name", authorNode)); try { authorMgr.save(author); } catch (EJBException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.out); } } } return true; }
/** * Import publishers * * @param nodes * @return */ private Boolean processPublishers(NodeList nodes) { NodeList publishers = nodes.item(0).getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < publishers.getLength(); i++) { if (publishers.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element publisherNode = (Element) publishers.item(i); Publisher publisher = new Publisher(); publisher.setIdpublisher(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("idpublisher", publisherNode))); publisher.setName(getTagValue("name", publisherNode)); publisher.setAddress(getTagValue("address", publisherNode)); try { publisherMgr.save(publisher); } catch (EJBException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.out); } } } return true; }
/** * Import bookings * * @param nodes * @return */ private Boolean processBookings(NodeList nodes) { NodeList bookings = nodes.item(0).getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < bookings.getLength(); i++) { if (bookings.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element bookingNode = (Element) bookings.item(i); Booking booking = new Booking(); booking.setIdbooking(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("idbooking", bookingNode))); booking.setState(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("state", bookingNode))); booking.setDate( DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(getTagValue("date", bookingNode)).getTime()); Book book = bookMgr.findByIdbook(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("book", bookingNode))); if (book == null) { continue; } booking.setBook(book); User user = userMgr.findByIduser(Integer.parseInt(getTagValue("user", bookingNode))); if (user == null) { continue; } booking.setUser(user); try { bookingMgr.Save(booking); } catch (EJBException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.out); } } } return true; }
public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { // TODO eiki cache countries // some caching made by aron super.main(iwc); // System.out.println( "country dropdown main start "+ // com.idega.util.IWTimestamp.RightNow().toString()); List localeCountries = Arrays.asList(Locale.getISOCountries()); // List locales = Arrays.asList( java.util.Locale.getAvailableLocales()); // List locales = ICLocaleBusiness.listOfAllLocalesJAVA(); Locale currentLocale = iwc.getCurrentLocale(); // Iterator iter = locales.iterator(); Iterator iter = localeCountries.iterator(); Country country = null; String countryDisplayName = null; Map countries = new HashMap(); String lang = currentLocale.getISO3Language(); Locale locale; List smallCountries = new Vector(); // CountryHome countryHome = getAddressBusiness(iwc).getCountryHome(); while (iter.hasNext()) { // Locale locale = (Locale) iter.next(); String ISOCountry = (String) iter.next(); try { locale = new Locale(lang, ISOCountry); countryDisplayName = locale.getDisplayCountry(currentLocale); // country = countryHome.findByIsoAbbreviation(locale.getCountry()); country = getCountryByISO(locale.getCountry()); if (countryDisplayName != null && country != null && !countries.containsKey(country.getPrimaryKey())) { countries.put(country.getPrimaryKey(), country); // cache SmallCountry sCountry = new SmallCountry( (Integer) country.getPrimaryKey(), countryDisplayName, ISOCountry, currentLocale); smallCountries.add(sCountry); // addMenuElement(((Integer)country.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(),countryDisplayName); } } catch (Exception e1) { // e1.printStackTrace(); } } Collections.sort(smallCountries); for (Iterator iterator = smallCountries.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { SmallCountry sCountry = (SmallCountry) iterator.next(); // we dont want the ISO code into the list if (!sCountry.name.equalsIgnoreCase(sCountry.code)) { addMenuElement(sCountry.getID().intValue(), sCountry.getName()); } } try { if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(this.selectedCountryName)) { this.selectedCountry = getAddressBusiness(iwc).getCountryHome().findByCountryName(this.selectedCountryName); } // we must ensure no external selected country is set else if (this.selectedCountry == null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(currentLocale.getCountry())) { this.selectedCountry = getAddressBusiness(iwc) .getCountryHome() .findByIsoAbbreviation(currentLocale.getCountry()); } } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (EJBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (this.selectedCountry != null) { setSelectedElement(((Integer) this.selectedCountry.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); } // System.out.println( "country dropdown main end "+ // com.idega.util.IWTimestamp.RightNow().toString()); }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see is.idega.idegaweb.member.presentation.UserEditor#presentateUserRelations(com.idega.presentation.IWContext) */ protected void editUserRelations(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { Table relationsTable = new Table(); relationsTable.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); relationsTable.setCellspacing(4); int row = 1; if (user != null) { addSeperator(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.user_relations", "User relations")); CommuneFamilyService familyService = getFamilyService(iwc); // partner handling relationsTable.add(getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.spouse", "Spouse")), 1, row); User partner = null; try { partner = familyService.getSpouseFor(this.user); } catch (NoSpouseFound e) { } catch (Exception e) { } if (partner != null) { relationsTable.add(getRelatedUserLink(partner), 2, row); relationsTable.add( getDisconnectorLink( familyService.getSpouseRelationType(), null, (Integer) user.getPrimaryKey(), (Integer) partner.getPrimaryKey(), getDeleteIcon( iwrb.getLocalizedString( "mbe.remove_spouse_relation", "Remove spouse relationship"))), 3, row); } // cohabitant handling relationsTable.add( getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.cohabitant", "Cohabitant")), 5, row); User cohabitant = null; try { cohabitant = familyService.getCohabitantFor(this.user); } catch (NoCohabitantFound e) { } if (cohabitant != null) { relationsTable.add(getRelatedUserLink(cohabitant), 6, row); relationsTable.add( getDisconnectorLink( familyService.getCohabitantRelationType(), null, (Integer) user.getPrimaryKey(), (Integer) cohabitant.getPrimaryKey(), getDeleteIcon( iwrb.getLocalizedString( "mbe.remove_cohabitant_relation", "Remove cohabitant relationship"))), 7, row); } row++; // parent handling int parentStartRow = row, custodianStartRow = row; relationsTable.add(getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.parents", "Parents")), 1, row); Collection parents = null; try { parents = familyService.getParentsFor(user); if (parents != null && !parents.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator iter = parents.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { User parent = (User) iter.next(); relationsTable.add(getRelatedUserLink(parent), 2, parentStartRow); String relationType = familyService.getParentRelationType(); relationsTable.add( getDisconnectorLink( null, relationType, (Integer) user.getPrimaryKey(), (Integer) parent.getPrimaryKey(), getDeleteIcon( iwrb.getLocalizedString( "mbe.remove_parent_relation", "Remove parent relationship"))), 3, parentStartRow); parentStartRow++; } } } catch (Exception e1) { } // custodians handling relationsTable.add( getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.custodians", "Custodians")), 5, custodianStartRow); Collection custodians = null; try { custodians = familyService.getCustodiansFor(user, false); if (custodians != null && !custodians.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator iter = custodians.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { User custodian = (User) iter.next(); relationsTable.add(getRelatedUserLink(custodian), 6, custodianStartRow); String relationType = familyService.getCustodianRelationType(); relationsTable.add( getDisconnectorLink( null, relationType, (Integer) user.getPrimaryKey(), (Integer) custodian.getPrimaryKey(), getDeleteIcon( iwrb.getLocalizedString( "mbe.remove_custodian_relation", "Remove custodian relationship"))), 7, custodianStartRow); custodianStartRow++; } } } catch (Exception e1) { } row = Math.max(custodianStartRow, parentStartRow) + 1; // biological children handling relationsTable.add( getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.parential_children", "Parential children")), 1, row); Collection children = null; int childrowstart = row; try { children = familyService.getChildrenFor(user); if (children != null && !children.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator iter = children.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { User child = (User) iter.next(); relationsTable.add(getRelatedUserLink(child), 2, row); relationsTable.add( getDisconnectorLink( familyService.getParentRelationType(), null, (Integer) user.getPrimaryKey(), (Integer) child.getPrimaryKey(), getDeleteIcon( iwrb.getLocalizedString( "mbe.remove_child_relation", "Remove child relationship"))), 3, row); row++; } } } catch (Exception e2) { } // custody children handling row = childrowstart; relationsTable.add( getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.custody_children", "Custody children")), 5, row); try { children = familyService.getChildrenInCustodyOf(user); if (children != null && !children.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator iter = children.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { User child = (User) iter.next(); relationsTable.add(getRelatedUserLink(child), 6, row); relationsTable.add( getDisconnectorLink( familyService.getCustodianRelationType(), null, (Integer) user.getPrimaryKey(), (Integer) child.getPrimaryKey(), getDeleteIcon( iwrb.getLocalizedString( "mbe.remove_child_relation", "Remove child relationship"))), 7, row); row++; } } } catch (NoChildrenFound e3) { // e3.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException e3) { e3.printStackTrace(); } catch (EJBException e3) { e3.printStackTrace(); } } relationsTable.setWidth(2, "150"); relationsTable.setWidth(6, "150"); row++; relationsTable.mergeCells(1, row, relationsTable.getColumns(), row); relationsTable.setAlignment(1, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); relationsTable.add(getCancelButton(iwc), 1, row); addToMainPart(relationsTable); presentButtons(iwc); presentButtonRegister(iwc); }