@Test public void observableList() throws Exception { ObservableList<String> source = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); source.addAll("alpha", "beta"); ObservableList<String> dest = ObservableMirrors.mirrorList(source, gate); Queue<ListChangeListener.Change<? extends String>> changes = new LinkedList<>(); dest.addListener(changes::add); // Expect a single change with two added items. source.addAll("gamma", "delta"); assertEquals(1, gate.getTaskQueueSize()); gate.waitAndRun(); ListChangeListener.Change<? extends String> change = changes.poll(); change.next(); assertTrue(change.wasAdded()); assertEquals(2, change.getAddedSize()); assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("gamma", "delta"), change.getAddedSubList()); // Expect four queued changes with coherent/correct deltas unaffected by later changes to the // src list. source.remove(3); // remove delta source.add("phi"); source.remove(3); // remove phi source.add("epsilon"); assertEquals(4, gate.getTaskQueueSize()); gate.waitAndRun(); gate.waitAndRun(); change = changes.poll(); change.next(); assertTrue(change.wasRemoved()); assertEquals(1, change.getRemovedSize()); assertEquals("delta", change.getRemoved().get(0)); change = changes.poll(); change.next(); assertTrue(change.wasAdded()); assertEquals("phi", change.getAddedSubList().get(0)); gate.waitAndRun(); changes.poll(); gate.waitAndRun(); changes.poll(); // Expect a set on the source list to show up as a replace event on the dest list. source.set(0, "zero"); gate.waitAndRun(); change = changes.poll(); change.next(); assertTrue(change.toString(), change.wasReplaced()); assertEquals(0, change.getFrom()); assertEquals(1, change.getTo()); assertEquals("zero", change.getAddedSubList().get(0)); }
public void removeElement(Element elem) { if (elem instanceof UserVariable) { variables.remove((UserVariable) elem); } else if (elem instanceof Trigger) { triggers.remove((Trigger) elem); } else if (elem instanceof Expression) { expressions.remove((Expression) elem); } else if (elem instanceof UIElement) { uielements.remove((UIElement) elem); } }
private void refreshFromList(final Collection<SubscriptionTopicSummaryProperties> list) { final Set<String> currentTopics = new HashSet<String>(); currentTopics.addAll(pieChartDataMapping.keySet()); synchronized (pieChartData) { for (final SubscriptionTopicSummaryProperties newValue : list) { final String topic = newValue.topicProperty().getValue(); final Data lastValue = pieChartDataMapping.get(topic); if (lastValue == null) { final PieChart.Data data = new PieChart.Data(topic, newValue.countProperty().getValue()); pieChartDataMapping.put(topic, data); pieChartData.add(data); } else { lastValue.setPieValue(newValue.countProperty().getValue()); } // Mark as processed currentTopics.remove(topic); } // Remove objects not on the list for (final String topic : currentTopics) { pieChartData.remove(pieChartDataMapping.get(topic)); } } }
public void btnRemoveAssistantOrProfessor_Pressed() { if (!listAssistantsOrProfessors.getSelectionModel().isEmpty()) { ObservableList<String> updatedElements = listAssistantsOrProfessors.getItems(); String valueSelected = listAssistantsOrProfessors.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); String rut = valueSelected.split("-")[1]; for (Professor professor : Manager.INSTANCE.professors) { if (rut.equals(professor.getRut())) { if (((Lecture) Manager.INSTANCE.currentEditignICourse) .getProfessors() .contains(professor)) { ((Lecture) Manager.INSTANCE.currentEditignICourse).removeProfessor(professor); updatedElements.remove(valueSelected); listAssistantsOrProfessors.setItems(updatedElements); break; } else { ViewUtilities.showAlert("El profesor no se encuentra registrado en la clase"); break; } } } } else { ViewUtilities.showAlert("Primero debes seleccionar un profesor para quitar"); } }
@Test public void testItemsRemoveRange() { int[] indices = new int[] {3, 5, 1}; indicesList.addIndices(indices); // items we expect to appear in removed List removedItems = new ArrayList(); removedItems.add(3); removedItems.add(5); report.clear(); // remove items at 3...5, inclusive items.remove(3, 6); assertEquals(1, indicesList.size()); // report.prettyPrint(); indices = new int[] {1}; for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { assertEquals("expected value at " + i, indices[i], indicesList.get(i).intValue()); } assertEquals(1, report.getEventCount()); assertTrue( "expected single replaced but was" + report.getLastChange(), wasSingleRemoved(report.getLastChange())); Change c = report.getLastChange(); c.next(); assertEquals(2, c.getRemovedSize()); assertEquals(removedItems, c.getRemoved()); }
@FXML protected void handleRemoveFromCart(ActionEvent event) { MenuItem selectedItem = orderList.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); if (null != selectedItem) { orderItems.remove(selectedItem); } }
/** * Método utilizado para testar o encontro de uma evidência pelas autoridades. Método de teste * apenas */ public void testEvidenceInvestigation() { if (!evidences.isEmpty()) { if (successTest(opRisk, 0)) { Evidence evi = evidences.get(0); evi.getCause().getPlayer().setHeat(true, evi.getHeatInc()); evidences.remove(evi); } } }
public void deleteMarker(Waypoint point) { int listSize = waypointList.size(); for (int index = 0; index < listSize; index++) { Waypoint current = waypointList.get(index); if (current.getPointNo() == point.getPointNo()) { waypointList.remove(index); break; } } }
/** * Since extraction of IndicesBase Changed behaviour of sourceChange: valid only from before * endChange to after endChange! */ @Test @Ignore public void testChangeOnRemoveItems() { int[] indices = new int[] {3, 5, 1}; indicesList.addIndices(indices); report.clear(); ListChangeReport itemsReport = new ListChangeReport(items); // new PrintingListChangeListener("Items removed before", indicesList); items.remove(0); assertEquals(itemsReport.getLastChange(), indicesList.getSourceChange()); }
@Test public void testChangeNullOnDirectAddAfterItemsModified() { int[] indices = new int[] {3, 5, 1}; indicesList.addIndices(indices); report.clear(); ListChangeReport itemsReport = new ListChangeReport(items); // new PrintingListChangeListener("Items removed before", indicesList); items.remove(0); indicesList.addIndices(6); assertEquals(null, indicesList.getSourceChange()); }
private void addAgent(String type, String name) { AgentInfo info = new AgentInfo(type, name); AgentEntry entry = new AgentEntry(info); _agentListPanel.getContent().getChildren().add(entry); entry.setOnClose( item -> { _agents.remove(item.info); _agentListPanel.getContent().getChildren().remove(item); _chart.remove(item.info); }); addAgent(info); }
/** * @param event event of button * @throws GroupNotValidException not valid * @throws IDNotValidException not valid * @throws StringNotValidException not valid */ public final void onBtnGroupClick(final ActionEvent event) throws GroupNotValidException, IDNotValidException, StringNotValidException { try { Object item = disabled.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); Button button = (Button) event.getSource(); // add a group if (button.getText().equals("<<")) { if (item.toString().equals("Arbeit")) { INACTIVEDATA.remove(item); ACTIVEDATA.add(item); c.addToGroup(Main.getWorkGroup()); } if (item.toString().equals("Familie")) { INACTIVEDATA.remove(item); ACTIVEDATA.add(item); c.addToGroup(Main.getFamilyGroup()); } if (item.toString().equals("Freunde")) { INACTIVEDATA.remove(item); ACTIVEDATA.add(item); c.addToGroup(Main.getFriendsGroup()); } } // remove a group item = enabled.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); if (button.getText().equals(">>")) { if (item.toString().equals("Arbeit")) { ACTIVEDATA.remove(item); INACTIVEDATA.add(item); c.removeFromGroup(Main.getWorkGroup()); } if (item.toString().equals("Familie")) { ACTIVEDATA.remove(item); INACTIVEDATA.add(item); c.removeFromGroup(Main.getFamilyGroup()); } if (item.toString().equals("Freunde")) { ACTIVEDATA.remove(item); INACTIVEDATA.add(item); c.removeFromGroup(Main.getFriendsGroup()); } } } catch (Exception e) { Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.ERROR); alert.setTitle("Keine gültige Gruppe erkannt."); alert.setHeaderText(""); alert.setContentText("Es wurde keine gültige Gruppe erkannt. Klicke auf gültige Gruppe."); alert.showAndWait(); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error: " + e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Initializes the ImageView ArrayList. * * @param i An ArrayList of ImageView references intended to be displayed as an instrument line. */ public ButtonLine(HBox instLine, ImageView selected, ImageLoader im, Staff st) { il = im; for (Node i : instLine.getChildren()) buttons.add((ImageView) i); selectedInst = selected; theStaff = st; setupButtons(); DEFAULT_NOTE = Note.A3.getKeyNum(); /* * For some reason, the piranha and coin are flipped in all soundfonts. * The solution here is unfortunately to just flip the images. */ ObservableList<Node> n = instLine.getChildren(); Node nd = n.remove(15); n.add(16, nd); }
@Test public void testItemsRemovedBefore() { int[] indices = new int[] {3, 5, 1}; indicesList.addIndices(indices); report.clear(); items.remove(0); for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { indices[i] = indices[i] - 1; } Arrays.sort(indices); for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { assertEquals("expected value at " + i, indices[i], indicesList.get(i).intValue()); } assertEquals(1, report.getEventCount()); }
@Test public void testItemsSetAllSmallerSize() { int[] indices = new int[] {3, 5, 1}; indicesList.addIndices(indices); report.clear(); ObservableList<String> other = createObservableList(true); other.remove(1); items.setAll(other); assertEquals("all cleared", 0, indicesList.size()); assertEquals(1, report.getEventCount()); assertTrue( "expected single removed, but was " + report.getLastChange(), wasSingleRemoved(report.getLastChange())); }
/** * The main driving force here is to experiment with AnchoredSelectionModel we'll live with the * regression here, since it will be solved correctly in core. */ @Test public void testRT15793() { ListView<String> view = createEmptyView(); int notified = 0; // view.itemsProperty().addListener(o -> {LOG.info("notified");}); // view.itemsProperty().addListener((o, old, value) -> {LOG.info("notified");}); ObservableList<String> emptyList = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); // listView is instantiated with an empty list, so following assumption // is incorrect // assertEquals(null, view.getItems()); view.setItems(emptyList); emptyList.add("something"); view.getSelectionModel().select(0); assertEquals(0, view.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex()); emptyList.remove(0); assertEquals(-1, view.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex()); }
/** Mètode que canvia la llista que es mostra per pantalla */ public void setData(String city, int units) { data.remove(1, data.size()); File inputFile = new File(city + units + ".xml"); try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = db.parse(inputFile); // És important normalitzar doc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); NodeList nl = doc.getElementsByTagName("time"); temp = new Temps(); TempUnitari tempU = null; for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { tempU = new TempUnitari(); Element temps = (Element) nl.item(i); String[] horari = temps.getAttribute("day").split("-"); String diaVista = horari[2] + "/" + horari[1]; String descripcio = temps.getFirstChild().getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getTextContent(); String icon = temps.getFirstChild().getAttributes().getNamedItem("var").getTextContent() + "#"; Element temperatura = (Element) temps.getChildNodes().item(4); String tempMin = temperatura.getAttribute("min"); String tempMax = temperatura.getAttribute("max"); Element humitat = (Element) temps.getChildNodes().item(6); String humidity = humitat.getAttribute("value"); Element presio = (Element) temps.getChildNodes().item(5); String pressure = presio.getAttribute("value"); tempU.setTempsMin(Double.parseDouble(tempMin)); tempU.setTempsMax(Double.parseDouble(tempMax)); tempU.setHumidity(Integer.parseInt(humidity)); tempU.setPressure(Double.parseDouble(pressure)); temp.add(tempU); // afegir el String al observableList per a que el mostri el listView data.add(icon + diaVista + "\t-\t" + descripcio + "\t-\t" + tempMin + "/" + tempMax); } } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SAXException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@FXML public void eliminarRegistro() { int indice = lstViewComputadoras.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex(); if (indice < 0) { Alert mensaje = new Alert(AlertType.ERROR); mensaje.setContentText("Necesita seleccionar un elemento para eliminar"); mensaje.setHeaderText("Error al eliminar"); mensaje.setTitle("Error"); mensaje.show(); } else { Alert mensaje = new Alert(AlertType.CONFIRMATION); mensaje.setTitle("Eliminar registro"); mensaje.setContentText("¿Desea eliminar este registro?"); mensaje.setHeaderText("Eliminar"); Optional<ButtonType> opcion = mensaje.showAndWait(); if (opcion.get() == ButtonType.OK) { listaComputadoras.remove(indice); limpiarComponentes(); } } }
@Test public void testItemsRemovedAtFirst() { int[] indices = new int[] {3, 5, 1}; indicesList.addIndices(indices); report.clear(); items.remove(1); assertEquals(indices.length - 1, indicesList.size()); Arrays.sort(indices); indices = Arrays.copyOfRange(indices, 1, 3); // note: since here, the indices are "shortend" at start! for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { indices[i] = indices[i] - 1; } for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { assertEquals("expected value at " + i, indices[i], indicesList.get(i).intValue()); } assertEquals(1, report.getEventCount()); assertTrue( "expected single replaced but was" + report.getLastChange(), wasSingleReplaced(report.getLastChange())); }
@FXML protected void removeMemberFromCurrentButton(ActionEvent E) { currentMembers.remove(currentMembersList.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem()); }
/** Sanity: single remove at index removes indexed */ @Test public void testItemRemovedAt() { indicesList.setIndices(3); items.remove(3); assertEquals(0, indicesList.size()); }
public ObservableList<PathElement> pathChanger( ObservableList<PathElement> elements, double angle) { MoveTo moveTo = (MoveTo) elements.get(0); LineTo lineToSecond = (LineTo) elements.get(1); LineTo lineToThird = (LineTo) elements.get(2); LineTo lineToFourth = (LineTo) elements.get(3); LineTo lineToFifth = (LineTo) elements.get(4); LineTo lineToSixth = (LineTo) elements.get(5); LineTo lineToSeventh = (LineTo) elements.get(6); LineTo lineToEighth = (LineTo) elements.get(7); double x = moveTo.getX(); double y = moveTo.getY(); double[] res = rotationCoordinates(new double[] {x, y}, angle); moveTo.setX(res[0]); moveTo.setY(res[1]); x = lineToSecond.getX(); y = lineToSecond.getY(); res = rotationCoordinates(new double[] {x, y}, angle); lineToSecond.setX(res[0]); lineToSecond.setY(res[1]); x = lineToThird.getX(); y = lineToThird.getY(); res = rotationCoordinates(new double[] {x, y}, angle); lineToThird.setX(res[0]); lineToThird.setY(res[1]); x = lineToFourth.getX(); y = lineToFourth.getY(); res = rotationCoordinates(new double[] {x, y}, angle); lineToFourth.setX(res[0]); lineToFourth.setY(res[1]); x = lineToFifth.getX(); y = lineToFifth.getY(); res = rotationCoordinates(new double[] {x, y}, angle); lineToFifth.setX(res[0]); lineToFifth.setY(res[1]); x = lineToSixth.getX(); y = lineToSixth.getY(); res = rotationCoordinates(new double[] {x, y}, angle); lineToSixth.setX(res[0]); lineToSixth.setY(res[1]); x = lineToSeventh.getX(); y = lineToSeventh.getY(); res = rotationCoordinates(new double[] {x, y}, angle); lineToSeventh.setX(res[0]); lineToSeventh.setY(res[1]); x = lineToEighth.getX(); y = lineToEighth.getY(); res = rotationCoordinates(new double[] {x, y}, angle); lineToEighth.setX(res[0]); lineToEighth.setY(res[1]); elements.remove(0, 8); elements.add(0, moveTo); elements.add(1, lineToSecond); elements.add(2, lineToThird); elements.add(3, lineToFourth); elements.add(4, lineToFifth); elements.add(5, lineToSixth); elements.add(6, lineToSeventh); elements.add(7, lineToEighth); return elements; }
@Override public void deleteSelectedObject() { if (currentPerson != null) { personList.remove(currentPerson); } }
/** @return Top-level {@link Node} */ public Node create() { // Layout: // // | table | [Add] // | table | [Remove] // | table | // | table | // Create table with editable columns for type Double (supported as Number) final TableColumn<Point, Number> x_col = new TableColumn<>(Messages.PointsTable_X); x_col.setCellValueFactory( new Callback<TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Point, Number>, ObservableValue<Number>>() { @Override public ObservableValue<Number> call(CellDataFeatures<Point, Number> param) { return new SimpleDoubleProperty(param.getValue().getX()); } }); x_col.setCellFactory( TextFieldTableCell.<Point, Number>forTableColumn(new NumberStringConverter())); x_col.setOnEditCommit( event -> { final int row = event.getTablePosition().getRow(); points.setX(row, event.getNewValue().doubleValue()); }); final TableColumn<Point, Number> y_col = new TableColumn<>(Messages.PointsTable_Y); y_col.setCellValueFactory( new Callback<TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Point, Number>, ObservableValue<Number>>() { @Override public ObservableValue<Number> call(CellDataFeatures<Point, Number> param) { return new SimpleDoubleProperty(param.getValue().getY()); } }); y_col.setCellFactory( TextFieldTableCell.<Point, Number>forTableColumn(new NumberStringConverter())); y_col.setOnEditCommit( event -> { final int row = event.getTablePosition().getRow(); points.setY(row, event.getNewValue().doubleValue()); }); final ObservableList<Point> data = new PointsAdapter(points); final TableView<Point> table = new TableView<>(data); table.getColumns().add(x_col); table.getColumns().add(y_col); table.setColumnResizePolicy(TableView.CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY); table.setPlaceholder(new Label(Messages.PointsTable_Empty)); table.setEditable(true); // Buttons final Button add = new Button(Messages.Add, JFXUtil.getIcon("add.png")); add.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); add.setOnAction(event -> data.add(new Point(0, 0))); final Button remove = new Button(Messages.Remove, JFXUtil.getIcon("delete.png")); remove.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); remove.setOnAction( event -> { final int sel = table.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex(); if (sel >= 0) data.remove(sel); }); final VBox buttons = new VBox(10, add, remove); final HBox content = new HBox(10, table, buttons); HBox.setHgrow(table, Priority.ALWAYS); return content; }
public void removeContact() { Contact contact = (Contact) list.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); contacts.remove(contact); }
public void removeOrderItem(MenuItem orderItem) { orderItems.remove(orderItem); }
@Override public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle resourceBundle) { viewModel.queryProperty().bind(searchTextField.textProperty()); searchResultsListView.setItems(viewModel.getResults()); searchTextField.setOnKeyPressed( event -> { if (event.getCode() == KeyCode.UP || event.getCode() == KeyCode.DOWN) { searchResultsListView.requestFocus(); searchResultsListView.fireEvent(event); } else if (event.getCode() == KeyCode.ESCAPE) { event.consume(); viewModel.closeSearch(); } else if (event.getCode() == KeyCode.ENTER) { if (viewModel.queryProperty().get().equals("times new roman")) { ObservableList<String> classes = MainController.getPrimaryStage().getScene().getRoot().getStyleClass(); if (classes.contains("gag")) { classes.remove("gag"); } else { classes.add("gag"); } } event.consume(); viewModel.buttonAction(searchResultsListView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem()); } }); searchTextField.setOnKeyReleased( event -> { viewModel.getSearchCommand().execute(); searchResultsListView.getSelectionModel().selectFirst(); }); searchResultsListView.setOnKeyPressed( event -> { if (event.getCode() == KeyCode.ESCAPE) { event.consume(); viewModel.closeSearch(); } else if (event.getCode() == KeyCode.ENTER || event.getCode() == KeyCode.SPACE) { event.consume(); viewModel.buttonAction(searchResultsListView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem()); } else if (!(event.getCode() == KeyCode.UP || event.getCode() == KeyCode.DOWN)) { searchTextField.requestFocus(); searchTextField.positionCaret(searchTextField.getLength()); searchTextField.fireEvent(event); } }); searchResultsListView.setCellFactory( param -> new ListCell<SearchResult>() { @Override protected void updateItem(SearchResult item, boolean empty) { setPadding(new Insets(0)); super.updateItem(item, empty); if (!empty) { setGraphic(viewModel.generateSearchResultRow(item)); } else { setGraphic(null); setText(""); } } }); searchResultsListView .visibleProperty() .bind(Bindings.size(viewModel.getResults()).greaterThan(0)); searchResultsListView .managedProperty() .bind(Bindings.size(viewModel.getResults()).greaterThan(0)); viewModel .getResults() .addListener( (ListChangeListener<? super SearchResult>) c -> { if (viewModel.getResults().size() > 0) { searchResultsListView.setPrefHeight( Integer.min(MAX_RESULTS_BEFORE_SCROLLBAR, viewModel.getResults().size()) * 30 + 10); searchResultsListView .getScene() .getWindow() .setHeight( Integer.min(MAX_RESULTS_BEFORE_SCROLLBAR, viewModel.getResults().size()) * 30 + 63); } else { searchResultsListView.getScene().getWindow().setHeight(61); } }); }
public void remove(Edition edition) { editionData.remove(edition); }
@FXML protected void handleRemoveFormationButton(ActionEvent E) { allFormations.remove(formationList.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem()); }