public String[] knownNamespaces() { final PsiElement parentElement = getParent(); BidirectionalMap<String, String> map = initNamespaceMaps(parentElement); Set<String> known = Collections.emptySet(); if (map != null) { known = new HashSet<String>(map.values()); } if (parentElement instanceof XmlTag) { if (known.isEmpty()) return ((XmlTag) parentElement).knownNamespaces(); ContainerUtil.addAll(known, ((XmlTag) parentElement).knownNamespaces()); } else { XmlExtension xmlExtension = XmlExtension.getExtensionByElement(this); if (xmlExtension != null) { final XmlFile xmlFile = xmlExtension.getContainingFile(this); if (xmlFile != null) { final XmlTag rootTag = xmlFile.getRootTag(); if (rootTag != null && rootTag != this) { if (known.isEmpty()) return rootTag.knownNamespaces(); ContainerUtil.addAll(known, rootTag.knownNamespaces()); } } } } return ArrayUtil.toStringArray(known); }
@Nullable @NonNls public String getSubTagText(@NonNls String qname) { final XmlTag tag = findFirstSubTag(qname); if (tag == null) return null; return tag.getValue().getText(); }
public static String findUrl(PsiFile file, int offset, String uri) { final PsiElement currentElement = file.findElementAt(offset); final XmlAttribute attribute = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(currentElement, XmlAttribute.class); if (attribute != null) { final XmlTag tag = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(currentElement, XmlTag.class); if (tag != null) { final String prefix = tag.getPrefixByNamespace(XmlUtil.XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_URI); if (prefix != null) { final String attrValue = tag.getAttributeValue(XmlUtil.SCHEMA_LOCATION_ATT, XmlUtil.XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_URI); if (attrValue != null) { final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(attrValue); while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { if (uri.equals(tokenizer.nextToken())) { if (!tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) return uri; final String url = tokenizer.nextToken(); return url.startsWith(HTTP_PROTOCOL) ? url : uri; } if (!tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) return uri; tokenizer.nextToken(); // skip file location } } } } } return uri; }
@NotNull public XPathType getExpectedType(XPathExpression expr) { final XmlTag tag = PsiTreeUtil.getContextOfType(expr, XmlTag.class, true); if (tag != null && XsltSupport.isXsltTag(tag)) { final XsltElement element = XsltElementFactory.getInstance().wrapElement(tag, XsltElement.class); if (element instanceof XsltVariable) { return ((XsltVariable) element).getType(); } else { final XmlAttribute attr = PsiTreeUtil.getContextOfType(expr, XmlAttribute.class, true); if (attr != null) { if (element instanceof XsltWithParam) { final XmlAttribute nameAttr = tag.getAttribute("name", null); if (nameAttr != null) { final XmlAttributeValue valueElement = nameAttr.getValueElement(); if (valueElement != null) { final PsiReference[] references = valueElement.getReferences(); for (PsiReference reference : references) { final PsiElement psiElement = reference.resolve(); if (psiElement instanceof XsltVariable) { return ((XsltVariable) psiElement).getType(); } } } } } else { final String name = attr.getName(); return getTypeForTag(tag, name); } } } } return XPathType.UNKNOWN; }
public XmlNSDescriptor getNSDescriptor(final String namespace, boolean strict) { final XmlTag parentTag = getParentTag(); if (parentTag == null && namespace.equals(XmlUtil.XHTML_URI)) { final XmlNSDescriptor descriptor = getDtdDescriptor(XmlUtil.getContainingFile(this)); if (descriptor != null) { return descriptor; } } Map<String, CachedValue<XmlNSDescriptor>> map = initNSDescriptorsMap(); final CachedValue<XmlNSDescriptor> descriptor = map.get(namespace); if (descriptor != null) { final XmlNSDescriptor value = descriptor.getValue(); if (value != null) { return value; } } if (parentTag == null) { final XmlDocument parentOfType = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(this, XmlDocument.class); if (parentOfType == null) { return null; } return parentOfType.getDefaultNSDescriptor(namespace, strict); } return parentTag.getNSDescriptor(namespace, strict); }
private static void fillFromSchema(PsiFile file, ElementNames names) { if (!(file instanceof XmlFile)) return; final XmlFile f = (XmlFile) file; final XmlDocument d = f.getDocument(); if (d == null) return; final XmlTag rootTag = d.getRootTag(); if (rootTag == null) return; //noinspection unchecked names.dependencies.add(new NSDeclTracker(rootTag)); try { final Map<String, String> namespaceDeclarations = rootTag.getLocalNamespaceDeclarations(); final Collection<String> prefixes = namespaceDeclarations.keySet(); //noinspection unchecked final Set<XmlElementDescriptor> history = new THashSet<XmlElementDescriptor>(); final XmlElementFactory ef = XmlElementFactory.getInstance(file.getProject()); int noSchemaNamespaces = 0; for (String prefix : prefixes) { final String namespace = namespaceDeclarations.get(prefix); if (isIgnoredNamespace(prefix, namespace)) continue; final XmlTag tag = ef.createTagFromText("<dummy-tag xmlns='" + namespace + "' />", XMLLanguage.INSTANCE); final XmlDocument document = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(tag, XmlDocument.class); final XmlNSDescriptor rootDescriptor = tag.getNSDescriptor(tag.getNamespace(), true); if (rootDescriptor == null || (rootDescriptor instanceof XmlNSDescriptorImpl && ((XmlNSDescriptorImpl) rootDescriptor).getTag() == null) || !rootDescriptor.getDeclaration().isPhysical()) { final QName any = QNameUtil.createAnyLocalName(namespace); names.elementNames.add(any); names.attributeNames.add(any); noSchemaNamespaces++; continue; } //noinspection unchecked names.dependencies.add(rootDescriptor.getDescriptorFile()); final XmlElementDescriptor[] e = rootDescriptor.getRootElementsDescriptors(document); for (XmlElementDescriptor descriptor : e) { processElementDescriptors(descriptor, tag, names, history); } } names.validateNames = names.elementNames.size() > noSchemaNamespaces; // final QName any = QNameUtil.createAnyLocalName(""); // names.elementNames.add(any); // names.attributeNames.add(any); } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) { Logger.getInstance(XsltContextProvider.class.getName()).error(e); } }
private static XmlTag createTag( @NotNull XmlTag contextTag, @NotNull XmlElementDescriptor descriptor) { String namespace = getNamespace(descriptor); XmlTag tag = contextTag.createChildTag(descriptor.getName(), namespace, null, false); PsiElement lastChild = tag.getLastChild(); assert lastChild != null; lastChild.delete(); // remove XML_EMPTY_ELEMENT_END return tag; }
public static Pair<TextRange, PsiElement> getProblemRange(final XmlTag tag) { final PsiElement startToken = XmlTagUtil.getStartTagNameElement(tag); if (startToken == null) { return Pair.create(tag.getTextRange(), (PsiElement) tag); } return Pair.create( startToken.getTextRange().shiftRight(-tag.getTextRange().getStartOffset()), (PsiElement) tag); }
@Override protected boolean isValidForFile( @NotNull Project project, @NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull PsiFile file) { if (!(file instanceof XmlFile)) return false; XmlTag contextTag = getContextTag(editor, file); return contextTag != null && isInsideTagBody(contextTag, editor) && contextTag.getDescriptor() != null; }
public static void acceptAvailableChildren( final DomElement element, final DomElementVisitor visitor) { final XmlTag tag = element.getXmlTag(); if (tag != null) { for (XmlTag xmlTag : tag.getSubTags()) { final DomElement childElement = element.getManager().getDomElement(xmlTag); if (childElement != null) { childElement.accept(visitor); } } } }
@NotNull public XmlTag[] findSubTags(final String name, final String namespace) { final XmlTag[] subTags = getSubTags(); final List<XmlTag> result = new ArrayList<XmlTag>(); for (final XmlTag subTag : subTags) { if (namespace == null) { if (name.equals(subTag.getName())) result.add(subTag); } else if (name.equals(subTag.getLocalName()) && namespace.equals(subTag.getNamespace())) { result.add(subTag); } } return ContainerUtil.toArray(result, new XmlTag[result.size()]); }
private static void processElementDescriptors( XmlElementDescriptor descriptor, XmlTag tag, ElementNames names, Set<XmlElementDescriptor> history) { if (!history.add(descriptor)) { return; } final String namespace = descriptor instanceof XmlElementDescriptorImpl ? ((XmlElementDescriptorImpl) descriptor).getNamespace() : tag.getNamespace(); names.elementNames.add(new QName(namespace, descriptor.getName())); final XmlAttributeDescriptor[] attributesDescriptors = descriptor.getAttributesDescriptors(null); for (XmlAttributeDescriptor attributesDescriptor : attributesDescriptors) { final String localPart = attributesDescriptor.getName(); if (!"xmlns".equals(localPart)) names.attributeNames.add(new QName(localPart)); } final XmlElementDescriptor[] descriptors = descriptor.getElementsDescriptors(tag); for (XmlElementDescriptor elem : descriptors) { processElementDescriptors(elem, tag, names, history); } }
@Nullable protected XmlElementDescriptor computeElementDescriptor() { for (XmlElementDescriptorProvider provider : Extensions.getExtensions(XmlElementDescriptorProvider.EP_NAME)) { XmlElementDescriptor elementDescriptor = provider.getDescriptor(this); if (elementDescriptor != null) { return elementDescriptor; } } final String namespace = getNamespace(); if (XmlUtil.EMPTY_URI.equals(namespace)) { // nonqualified items final XmlTag parent = getParentTag(); if (parent != null) { final XmlElementDescriptor descriptor = parent.getDescriptor(); if (descriptor != null) { XmlElementDescriptor fromParent = descriptor.getElementDescriptor(this, parent); if (fromParent != null && !(fromParent instanceof AnyXmlElementDescriptor)) { return fromParent; } } } } XmlElementDescriptor elementDescriptor = null; final XmlNSDescriptor nsDescriptor = getNSDescriptor(namespace, false); LOG.debug( "Descriptor for namespace " + namespace + " is " + (nsDescriptor != null ? nsDescriptor.getClass().getCanonicalName() : "NULL")); if (nsDescriptor != null) { if (!DumbService.getInstance(getProject()).isDumb() || DumbService.isDumbAware(nsDescriptor)) { elementDescriptor = nsDescriptor.getElementDescriptor(this); } } if (elementDescriptor == null) { return XmlUtil.findXmlDescriptorByType(this); } return elementDescriptor; }
@Nullable public static <T extends DomElement> T findDomElement( @Nullable final PsiElement element, final Class<T> beanClass, boolean strict) { if (element == null) return null; XmlTag tag = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, XmlTag.class, strict); DomElement domElement; while (tag != null) { domElement = DomManager.getDomManager(tag.getProject()).getDomElement(tag); if (domElement != null) { return domElement.getParentOfType(beanClass, false); } tag = tag.getParentTag(); } return null; }
public static void generateTag(@NotNull XmlTag newTag, Editor editor) { generateRaw(newTag); final XmlTag restored = CodeInsightUtilCore.forcePsiPostprocessAndRestoreElement(newTag); if (restored == null) { LOG.error("Could not restore tag: " + newTag.getText()); } TemplateBuilder builder = TemplateBuilderFactory.getInstance().createTemplateBuilder(restored); replaceElements(restored, builder);, false); }
public static List<DomElement> getDefinedChildren( @NotNull final DomElement parent, final boolean tags, final boolean attributes) { if (parent instanceof MergedObject) { final SmartList<DomElement> result = new SmartList<>(); parent.acceptChildren( new DomElementVisitor() { @Override public void visitDomElement(final DomElement element) { if (hasXml(element)) { result.add(element); } } }); return result; } ProgressManager.checkCanceled(); if (parent instanceof GenericAttributeValue) return Collections.emptyList(); if (parent instanceof DomFileElement) { final DomFileElement element = (DomFileElement) parent; return tags ? Arrays.asList(element.getRootElement()) : Collections.<DomElement>emptyList(); } final XmlElement xmlElement = parent.getXmlElement(); if (xmlElement instanceof XmlTag) { XmlTag tag = (XmlTag) xmlElement; final DomManager domManager = parent.getManager(); final SmartList<DomElement> result = new SmartList<>(); if (attributes) { for (final XmlAttribute attribute : tag.getAttributes()) { if (!attribute.isValid()) { LOG.error("Invalid attr: parent.valid=" + tag.isValid()); continue; } GenericAttributeValue element = domManager.getDomElement(attribute); if (checkHasXml(attribute, element)) { ContainerUtil.addIfNotNull(result, element); } } } if (tags) { for (final XmlTag subTag : tag.getSubTags()) { if (!subTag.isValid()) { LOG.error("Invalid subtag: parent.valid=" + tag.isValid()); continue; } DomElement element = domManager.getDomElement(subTag); if (checkHasXml(subTag, element)) { ContainerUtil.addIfNotNull(result, element); } } } return result; } return Collections.emptyList(); }
private static void replaceElements(XmlTag tag, TemplateBuilder builder) { for (XmlAttribute attribute : tag.getAttributes()) { XmlAttributeValue value = attribute.getValueElement(); if (value != null) { builder.replaceElement(value, TextRange.from(1, 0), new MacroCallNode(new CompleteMacro())); } } if ("<".equals(tag.getText())) { builder.replaceElement( tag, TextRange.from(1, 0), new MacroCallNode(new CompleteSmartMacro())); } else if (tag.getSubTags().length == 0) { int i = tag.getText().indexOf("></"); if (i > 0) { builder.replaceElement( tag, TextRange.from(i + 1, 0), new MacroCallNode(new CompleteMacro())); } } for (XmlTag subTag : tag.getSubTags()) { replaceElements(subTag, builder); } }
@Nullable public static DomElement getDomElement(@Nullable final PsiElement element) { if (element == null) return null; final Project project = element.getProject(); final DomManager domManager = DomManager.getDomManager(project); final XmlAttribute attr = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, XmlAttribute.class, false); if (attr != null) { final GenericAttributeValue value = domManager.getDomElement(attr); if (value != null) return value; } XmlTag tag = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, XmlTag.class, false); while (tag != null) { final DomElement domElement = domManager.getDomElement(tag); if (domElement != null) return domElement; tag = tag.getParentTag(); } return null; }
@Override public void visitXmlTag(XmlTag tag) { super.visitXmlTag(tag); final XmlElementDescriptor descriptor = tag.getDescriptor(); if (descriptor instanceof JavaFxClassTagDescriptorBase) { appendClassName(descriptor.getDeclaration()); } else if (descriptor instanceof JavaFxPropertyTagDescriptor && ((JavaFxPropertyTagDescriptor) descriptor).isStatic()) { final PsiElement declaration = descriptor.getDeclaration(); if (declaration instanceof PsiMember) { appendClassName(((PsiMember) declaration).getContainingClass()); } } }
private static void generateRaw(final @NotNull XmlTag newTag) { XmlElementDescriptor selected = newTag.getDescriptor(); if (selected == null) return; switch (selected.getContentType()) { case XmlElementDescriptor.CONTENT_TYPE_EMPTY: newTag.collapseIfEmpty(); ASTNode node = newTag.getNode(); assert node != null; ASTNode elementEnd = node.findChildByType(XmlTokenType.XML_EMPTY_ELEMENT_END); if (elementEnd == null) { LeafElement emptyTagEnd = Factory.createSingleLeafElement( XmlTokenType.XML_EMPTY_ELEMENT_END, "/>", 0, 2, null, newTag.getManager()); node.addChild(emptyTagEnd); } break; case XmlElementDescriptor.CONTENT_TYPE_MIXED: newTag.getValue().setText(""); } for (XmlAttributeDescriptor descriptor : selected.getAttributesDescriptors(newTag)) { if (descriptor.isRequired()) { newTag.setAttribute(descriptor.getName(), ""); } } List<XmlElementDescriptor> tags = getRequiredSubTags(selected); for (XmlElementDescriptor descriptor : tags) { if (descriptor == null) { XmlTag tag = XmlElementFactory.getInstance(newTag.getProject()) .createTagFromText("<", newTag.getLanguage()); newTag.addSubTag(tag, false); } else { XmlTag subTag = newTag.addSubTag(createTag(newTag, descriptor), false); generateRaw(subTag); } } }
@Nullable private static XmlTag getAnchor( @NotNull XmlTag contextTag, Editor editor, XmlElementDescriptor selected) { XmlContentDFA contentDFA = XmlContentDFA.getContentDFA(contextTag); int offset = editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(); if (contentDFA == null) { return null; } XmlTag anchor = null; boolean previousPositionIsPossible = true; for (XmlTag subTag : contextTag.getSubTags()) { if (contentDFA.getPossibleElements().contains(selected)) { if (subTag.getTextOffset() > offset) { break; } anchor = subTag; previousPositionIsPossible = true; } else { previousPositionIsPossible = false; } contentDFA.transition(subTag); } return previousPositionIsPossible ? null : anchor; }
protected XPathType getTypeForTag(XmlTag tag, String attribute) { String tagName = tag.getLocalName(); if ("select".equals(attribute)) { if ("copy-of".equals(tagName) || "for-each".equals(tagName) || "apply-templates".equals(tagName)) { return XPathType.NODESET; } else if ("value-of".equals(tagName) || "sort".equals(tagName)) { return XPathType.STRING; } return XPathType.ANY; } else if ("test".equals(attribute)) { if ("if".equals(tagName) || "when".equals(tagName)) { return XPathType.BOOLEAN; } } else if ("number".equals(attribute)) { if ("value".equals(tagName)) { return XPathType.NUMBER; } } return XPathType.UNKNOWN; }
@Override public void invoke( @NotNull final Project project, @NotNull final Editor editor, @NotNull final PsiFile file) { if (!CodeInsightUtilBase.prepareEditorForWrite(editor)) return; try { final XmlTag contextTag = getContextTag(editor, file); if (contextTag == null) { throw new CommonRefactoringUtil.RefactoringErrorHintException( "Caret should be positioned inside a tag"); } XmlElementDescriptor currentTagDescriptor = contextTag.getDescriptor(); assert currentTagDescriptor != null; final XmlElementDescriptor[] descriptors = currentTagDescriptor.getElementsDescriptors(contextTag); Arrays.sort( descriptors, new Comparator<XmlElementDescriptor>() { @Override public int compare(XmlElementDescriptor o1, XmlElementDescriptor o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } }); final JBList list = new JBList(descriptors); list.setCellRenderer(new MyListCellRenderer()); Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final XmlElementDescriptor selected = (XmlElementDescriptor) list.getSelectedValue(); new WriteCommandAction.Simple(project, "Generate XML Tag", file) { @Override protected void run() { if (selected == null) return; XmlTag newTag = createTag(contextTag, selected); PsiElement anchor = getAnchor(contextTag, editor, selected); if (anchor == null) { // insert it in the cursor position int offset = editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(); Document document = editor.getDocument(); document.insertString(offset, newTag.getText()); PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project).commitDocument(document); newTag = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType( file.findElementAt(offset + 1), XmlTag.class, false); } else { newTag = (XmlTag) contextTag.addAfter(newTag, anchor); } if (newTag != null) { generateTag(newTag, editor); } } }.execute(); } }; if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) { XmlElementDescriptor descriptor = ContainerUtil.find( descriptors, new Condition<XmlElementDescriptor>() { @Override public boolean value(XmlElementDescriptor xmlElementDescriptor) { return xmlElementDescriptor.getName().equals(TEST_THREAD_LOCAL.get()); } }); list.setSelectedValue(descriptor, false);; } else { JBPopupFactory.getInstance() .createListPopupBuilder(list) .setTitle("Choose Tag Name") .setItemChoosenCallback(runnable) .setFilteringEnabled( new Function<Object, String>() { @Override public String fun(Object o) { return ((XmlElementDescriptor) o).getName(); } }) .createPopup() .showInBestPositionFor(editor); } } catch (CommonRefactoringUtil.RefactoringErrorHintException e) { HintManager.getInstance().showErrorHint(editor, e.getMessage()); } }
private static boolean isInsideTagBody(XmlTag contextTag, @NotNull Editor editor) { return contextTag.getValue().getTextRange().contains(editor.getCaretModel().getOffset()); }