   * Create a new instance of UIToolBarMain, with the given properties.
   * @param oManager the IUIToolBarManager that is managing this toolbar.
   * @param parent the parent frame for the application.
   * @param nType the unique identifier for this toolbar.
   * @param isSimple is the user in simple interface mode. True for yes, false for advanced mode.
  public UIToolBarMain(
      IUIToolBarManager oManager, ProjectCompendiumFrame parent, int nType, boolean isSimple) {

    this.oParent = parent;
    this.oManager = oManager;
    this.nType = nType;
    this.bSimpleInterface = isSimple;

    tbrToolBar =
        new UIToolBar(
                LanguageProperties.TOOLBARS_BUNDLE, "UIToolBarMain.mainToolbar")); // $NON-NLS-1$
