/*.................................................................................................................*/ public boolean transformTree(AdjustableTree tree, MesquiteString resultString, boolean notify) { Taxa taxa = tree.getTaxa(); // counting how many excluded int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < taxa.getNumTaxa(); i++) { if (!tree.taxonInTree(i)) count++; } if (count == 0) { discreetAlert( "The tree contains all of the taxa available in the block of taxa. There are none available to be added"); return true; } // getting list of excluded ListableVector excluded = new ListableVector(count); count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < taxa.getNumTaxa(); i++) { if (!tree.taxonInTree(i)) { excluded.addElement(taxa.getTaxon(i), false); } } // presenting choice Listable[] toInclude = ListDialog.queryListMultiple( containerOfModule(), "Add taxa to tree", "Select taxa to be added to the tree", MesquiteString.helpString, "Add", false, excluded, null); if (toInclude == null || toInclude.length == 0) return true; for (int i = 0; i < toInclude.length; i++) { int taxon = taxa.whichTaxonNumber((Taxon) toInclude[i]); tree.graftTaxon(taxon, tree.getRoot(), false); } if (notify && tree instanceof Listened) ((Listened) tree) .notifyListeners(this, new Notification(MesquiteListener.BRANCHES_REARRANGED)); return true; }
public void calculateNumber(Taxon taxon, MesquiteNumber result, MesquiteString resultString) { if (result == null) return; clearResultAndLastResult(result); Taxa taxa = taxon.getTaxa(); int it = taxa.whichTaxonNumber(taxon); if (taxa != currentTaxa || observedStates == null) { observedStates = matrixSourceTask.getCurrentMatrix(taxa); currentTaxa = taxa; } if (observedStates == null || !(observedStates.getParentData() instanceof DNAData)) return; DNAData data = (DNAData) observedStates.getParentData(); int count = data.getAminoAcidNumbers(it, ProteinData.TER, countEvenIfOthers.getValue()); if (result != null) result.setValue(count); if (resultString != null) resultString.setValue( "Number of stop codons in taxon " + observedStates.getName() + ": " + count); saveLastResult(result); saveLastResultString(resultString); }