@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ResidentConverter(List<ObjectConverter.ColumnInfo> allColumns) throws java.io.IOException { Optional<ObjectConverter.ColumnInfo> column; final java.util.List<ObjectConverter.ColumnInfo> columns = allColumns .stream() .filter( it -> "mixinReference".equals(it.typeSchema) && "Resident_entity".equals(it.typeName)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); columnCount = columns.size(); readers = new ObjectConverter.Reader[columnCount]; for (int i = 0; i < readers.length; i++) { readers[i] = (instance, rdr, ctx) -> StringConverter.skip(rdr, ctx); } final java.util.List<ObjectConverter.ColumnInfo> columnsExtended = allColumns .stream() .filter( it -> "mixinReference".equals(it.typeSchema) && "-ngs_Resident_type-".equals(it.typeName)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); columnCountExtended = columnsExtended.size(); readersExtended = new ObjectConverter.Reader[columnCountExtended]; for (int i = 0; i < readersExtended.length; i++) { readersExtended[i] = (instance, rdr, ctx) -> StringConverter.skip(rdr, ctx); } column = columns.stream().filter(it -> "id".equals(it.columnName)).findAny(); if (!column.isPresent()) throw new java.io.IOException( "Unable to find 'id' column in mixinReference Resident_entity. Check if DB is in sync"); __index___id = (int) column.get().order - 1; column = columnsExtended.stream().filter(it -> "id".equals(it.columnName)).findAny(); if (!column.isPresent()) throw new java.io.IOException( "Unable to find 'id' column in mixinReference Resident. Check if DB is in sync"); __index__extended_id = (int) column.get().order - 1; column = columns.stream().filter(it -> "birth".equals(it.columnName)).findAny(); if (!column.isPresent()) throw new java.io.IOException( "Unable to find 'birth' column in mixinReference Resident_entity. Check if DB is in sync"); __index___birth = (int) column.get().order - 1; column = columnsExtended.stream().filter(it -> "birth".equals(it.columnName)).findAny(); if (!column.isPresent()) throw new java.io.IOException( "Unable to find 'birth' column in mixinReference Resident. Check if DB is in sync"); __index__extended_birth = (int) column.get().order - 1; }
public boolean comparaDuasRespostas(String resp1, String resp2) throws java.lang.Exception { // --- prepara respostas para comparacao --- // From DataBase Notation String temp1 = StringConverter.fromDataBaseNotation(resp1); String temp2 = StringConverter.fromDataBaseNotation(resp2); // lowercase temp1 = temp1.toLowerCase(); temp2 = temp2.toLowerCase(); // sem acentos temp1 = StringConverter.removeAcentos(temp1); temp2 = StringConverter.removeAcentos(temp2); // corrige parenteses temp1 = StringConverter.replace(temp1, ") (", ")("); temp1 = StringConverter.replace(temp1, "( ", "("); temp1 = StringConverter.replace(temp1, " )", ")"); temp2 = StringConverter.replace(temp2, ") (", ")("); temp2 = StringConverter.replace(temp2, "( ", "("); temp2 = StringConverter.replace(temp2, " )", ")"); return temp1.equals(temp2); }
public synchronized Disciplina inclui(String nome, String descricao) throws Exception { // ------- Testa consist�ncia dos dados ------- String testeCons = testaConsistencia(null, nome, descricao); if (testeCons != null) throw new Exception("não foi possível inserir devido ao campo " + testeCons + ""); // ------- Insere na base de dados ------- // Inicia a conexão com a base de dados Connection dbCon = BancoDados.abreConexao(); Statement dbStmt = dbCon.createStatement(); ResultSet dbRs; String str; // Pega Id maximo long maxId = 1; str = "SELECT Max(cod) AS maxId From Disciplina"; BancoDadosLog.log(str); dbRs = dbStmt.executeQuery(str); if (dbRs.next()) { maxId = dbRs.getLong("maxId"); maxId++; } String id = Long.toString(maxId); nome = StringConverter.toDataBaseNotation(nome); // Insere o elemento na base de dados str = "INSERT INTO Disciplina (cod, nome, descricao, desativada)"; str += " VALUES (" + id + ",'" + nome + "'" + ",'" + StringConverter.toDataBaseNotation(descricao) + "',0)"; BancoDadosLog.log(str); dbStmt.executeUpdate(str); // Finaliza conexao dbStmt.close(); dbCon.close(); // ------- Insere na mem�ria ------- // Cria um novo objeto Disciplina obj = new Disciplina(id, nome, descricao, false); // Insere o objeto na lista do gerente this.listaObj.addElement(obj); // ---- Cria uma nova turma ---- Turma_ger turmager = new Turma_ger(); turmager.inclui("Turma 1", "", obj); return obj; }
private static int writeLine(Writer w, String s) throws IOException { String logLine = StringConverter.unicodeToAscii(s).append(lineSep).toString(); w.write(logLine); return logLine.length(); }
public String trataResposta(String resposta) throws Exception { if (resposta == null) return ""; // remove tabs da resposta resposta = StringConverter.replace(resposta, "\t", " "); // remove espacos duplos while (resposta.indexOf(" ") != -1) { resposta = StringConverter.replace(resposta, " ", " "); } // remove espacos do inicio e do final resposta.trim(); // Corrige posicionamento da virgula resposta = StringConverter.replace(resposta, " ,", ","); resposta = StringConverter.replace(resposta, ",", ", "); // Corrige posicionamento dos pontos // resposta = StringConverter.replace(resposta," .","."); // resposta = StringConverter.replace(resposta,".",". "); // remove espacos duplos resposta = StringConverter.replace(resposta, " ", " "); // remove enter no inicio e no final da string while (resposta.startsWith("\n") || resposta.startsWith("\r") || resposta.startsWith(" ")) { resposta = resposta.substring(1); } while (resposta.endsWith("\n") || resposta.endsWith("\r") || resposta.endsWith(" ")) { resposta = resposta.substring(0, resposta.length() - 1); } // resposta = StringConverter.replace(resposta," "," "); // while return resposta; }
public void altera(Disciplina obj, String nome, String descricao) throws Exception { // ------- Testa consist�ncia dos dados ------- String testeCons = testaConsistencia(obj, nome, descricao); if (testeCons != null) throw new Exception("não foi possível alterar devido ao campo " + testeCons + ""); // ------- Altera na base de dados ------- // Inicia a conexão com a base de dados Connection dbCon = BancoDados.abreConexao(); Statement dbStmt = dbCon.createStatement(); ResultSet dbRs; String str; nome = StringConverter.toDataBaseNotation(nome); str = "UPDATE Disciplina SET nome='" + nome + "', descricao='" + StringConverter.toDataBaseNotation(descricao) + "' WHERE cod=" + obj.getCod(); BancoDadosLog.log(str); dbStmt.executeUpdate(str); // Finaliza conexao dbStmt.close(); dbCon.close(); // Altera dados do objeto if (!obj.getNome().equals(nome)) { obj.setNome(nome); } if (!obj.getDescricao().equals(descricao)) { obj.setDescricao(descricao); } }
protected static synchronized void inicializa() throws Exception { if (listaObj == null) { // primeira utilização do gerente de objetos listaObj = new Vector(); // Inicia a conexão com a base de dados Connection dbCon = BancoDados.abreConexao(); Statement dbStmt = dbCon.createStatement(); ResultSet dbRs; // seleciona todos objetos String str = "SELECT * FROM Disciplina ORDER BY Nome"; BancoDadosLog.log(str); dbRs = dbStmt.executeQuery(str); while (dbRs.next()) { // Le dados da base String cod = dbRs.getString("cod"); String nome = dbRs.getString("nome"); String descricao = StringConverter.fromDataBaseNotation(dbRs.getString("descricao")); boolean desativada = dbRs.getBoolean("desativada"); // Instancia o objeto Disciplina obj = new Disciplina(cod, nome, descricao, desativada); // Coloca-o na lista de objetos listaObj.addElement(obj); } listaObj.trimToSize(); // Finaliza conexao dbStmt.close(); dbCon.close(); } }
/** * Method declaration * * @param r * @return * @throws IOException */ private static String readLine(LineNumberReader r) throws IOException { String s = r.readLine(); return StringConverter.asciiToUnicode(s); }
public String htmlParaImpressao() throws Exception { return "<B>" + StringConverter.replace(this.getEnunciado(), "\n", "<BR>") + "</B>"; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Detail2Converter(List<ObjectConverter.ColumnInfo> allColumns) throws java.io.IOException { Optional<ObjectConverter.ColumnInfo> column; final java.util.List<ObjectConverter.ColumnInfo> columns = allColumns .stream() .filter(it -> "test".equals(it.typeSchema) && "Detail2_entity".equals(it.typeName)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); columnCount = columns.size(); readers = new ObjectConverter.Reader[columnCount]; for (int i = 0; i < readers.length; i++) { readers[i] = (instance, rdr, ctx) -> { StringConverter.skip(rdr, ctx); return instance; }; } final java.util.List<ObjectConverter.ColumnInfo> columnsExtended = allColumns .stream() .filter(it -> "test".equals(it.typeSchema) && "-ngs_Detail2_type-".equals(it.typeName)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); columnCountExtended = columnsExtended.size(); readersExtended = new ObjectConverter.Reader[columnCountExtended]; for (int i = 0; i < readersExtended.length; i++) { readersExtended[i] = (instance, rdr, ctx) -> { StringConverter.skip(rdr, ctx); return instance; }; } column = columns.stream().filter(it -> "u".equals(it.columnName)).findAny(); if (!column.isPresent()) throw new java.io.IOException( "Unable to find 'u' column in test Detail2_entity. Check if DB is in sync"); __index___u = (int) column.get().order - 1; column = columnsExtended.stream().filter(it -> "u".equals(it.columnName)).findAny(); if (!column.isPresent()) throw new java.io.IOException( "Unable to find 'u' column in test Detail2. Check if DB is in sync"); __index__extended_u = (int) column.get().order - 1; column = columns.stream().filter(it -> "dd".equals(it.columnName)).findAny(); if (!column.isPresent()) throw new java.io.IOException( "Unable to find 'dd' column in test Detail2_entity. Check if DB is in sync"); __index___dd = (int) column.get().order - 1; column = columnsExtended.stream().filter(it -> "dd".equals(it.columnName)).findAny(); if (!column.isPresent()) throw new java.io.IOException( "Unable to find 'dd' column in test Detail2. Check if DB is in sync"); __index__extended_dd = (int) column.get().order - 1; column = columns.stream().filter(it -> "EntityCompositeid".equals(it.columnName)).findAny(); if (!column.isPresent()) throw new java.io.IOException( "Unable to find 'EntityCompositeid' column in test Detail2_entity. Check if DB is in sync"); __index___EntityCompositeid = (int) column.get().order - 1; column = columnsExtended.stream().filter(it -> "EntityCompositeid".equals(it.columnName)).findAny(); if (!column.isPresent()) throw new java.io.IOException( "Unable to find 'EntityCompositeid' column in test Detail2. Check if DB is in sync"); __index__extended_EntityCompositeid = (int) column.get().order - 1; column = columns.stream().filter(it -> "EntityIndex".equals(it.columnName)).findAny(); if (!column.isPresent()) throw new java.io.IOException( "Unable to find 'EntityIndex' column in test Detail2_entity. Check if DB is in sync"); __index___EntityIndex = (int) column.get().order - 1; column = columnsExtended.stream().filter(it -> "EntityIndex".equals(it.columnName)).findAny(); if (!column.isPresent()) throw new java.io.IOException( "Unable to find 'EntityIndex' column in test Detail2. Check if DB is in sync"); __index__extended_EntityIndex = (int) column.get().order - 1; column = columns.stream().filter(it -> "Index".equals(it.columnName)).findAny(); if (!column.isPresent()) throw new java.io.IOException( "Unable to find 'Index' column in test Detail2_entity. Check if DB is in sync"); __index___Index = (int) column.get().order - 1; column = columnsExtended.stream().filter(it -> "Index".equals(it.columnName)).findAny(); if (!column.isPresent()) throw new java.io.IOException( "Unable to find 'Index' column in test Detail2. Check if DB is in sync"); __index__extended_Index = (int) column.get().order - 1; }