private void dropTableIndexes(TableInfo tableInfo) throws IOException {
    String tableName = tableInfo.getTableName();

    // We need to open the table so that we can drop all related objects,
    // such as indexes on the table, etc.
    TableSchema schema = tableInfo.getTupleFile().getSchema();

    // Check whether this table is referenced by any other tables via
    // foreign keys.  Need to check the primary key and candidate keys.

    KeyColumnRefs pk = schema.getPrimaryKey();
    if (pk != null && !pk.getReferencingIndexes().isEmpty()) {
      throw new IOException(
          "Drop table failed due to the table" + " having foreign key dependencies:  " + tableName);

    List<KeyColumnRefs> candKeyList = schema.getCandidateKeys();
    for (KeyColumnRefs candKey : candKeyList) {
      if (!candKey.getReferencingIndexes().isEmpty()) {
        throw new IOException(
            "Drop table failed due to the table"
                + " having foreign key dependencies:  "
                + tableName);

    // If we got here, the table being dropped is not a referenced table.
    // Start cleaning up various schema objects for the table.

    List<KeyColumnRefs> parentCandKeyList;
    TableInfo parentTableInfo;
    // Now drop the foreign key constraint fields that this table
    // may have on other parent tables. Scan through this table's
    // Foreign key indexes to see which tables need maintenance
    List<ForeignKeyColumnRefs> forKeyList = schema.getForeignKeys();
    for (ForeignKeyColumnRefs forKey : forKeyList) {
      // Open the parent table, and iterate through all of its primary
      // and candidate keys, dropping any foreign key constraints that
      // refer to the child table with tableName
      String parentTableName = forKey.getRefTable();
      try {
        parentTableInfo = openTable(parentTableName);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IOException(
            "The referenced table, "
                + parentTableName
                + ", which is referenced by "
                + tableName
                + ", does not exist.");

      TableSchema parentSchema = parentTableInfo.getTupleFile().getSchema();
      KeyColumnRefs parentPK = parentSchema.getPrimaryKey();

      if (parentPK != null) {

      parentCandKeyList = parentSchema.getCandidateKeys();
      for (KeyColumnRefs parentCandKey : parentCandKeyList) {

      // Persist the changes we made to the schema

    // Then drop the indexes since we've checked the constraints

    IndexManager indexManager = storageManager.getIndexManager();
    for (String indexName : schema.getIndexes().keySet())
      indexManager.dropIndex(tableInfo, indexName);