static void constructTransactionSummary( SortedMap<String, Integer> transactionSummary, JSONObject scenarioStats, int size) { JSONObject transactionSum = new JSONObject(); for (SortedMap.Entry<String, Integer> transaction : transactionSummary.entrySet()) { transactionSum.put(transaction.getKey(), (transaction.getValue().intValue() / size)); } scenarioStats.put("TransactionSummary", transactionSum); }
private String getInputEventSignature(SortedMap<String, Class> typeMap) { try { MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); for (SortedMap.Entry<String, Class> entry : typeMap.entrySet()) { md5.update(entry.getKey().getBytes()); md5.update(entry.getValue().getSimpleName().getBytes()); } byte[] d = md5.digest(); return UUIDUtil.md5ToString(d); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { return null; } }
@Override public void doMove( String s, Table table, WhitePlayer whitePlayer, BlackPlayer blackPlayer, ArrayList<SaveState> saveStateArrayList, SaveState previousState, TextArea status) throws IOException, Mate, CheckIsOpen, CastlingDone, ChangePawn { // BufferedReader reader=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; while (!s.equals("exit")) { saveStateArrayList.add(new SaveState(table, whitePlayer, blackPlayer)); previousState = saveStateArrayList.get(saveStateArrayList.size() - 1); boolean nextToBlack = false; System.out.println("White player moves: " + s); // s = reader.readLine(); try { new WhiteMove(s).move(table, whitePlayer, blackPlayer); Cell myKingCell = table.getOpponentKingCell( WHITE, whitePlayer.getChessItemsMap(), blackPlayer.getChessItemsMap(), table); // is Check to my king? if (Move.isInAllItemsOfAvailableCellListBlack( myKingCell, blackPlayer.getChessItemsMap(), table)) { System.out.println("Black player will Announce you Check and Mate"); // Undo Last Move previousState.undoHere(table, whitePlayer, blackPlayer); // Undo Last Move table.toString(); throw new CheckIsOpen(); } // table.toString(); nextToBlack = true; } catch (PlayerSameChessItem playerSameChessItem) { System.out.println("Source & Target are the same"); } catch (EmptySourceCell emptySourceCell) { System.out.println("Source Cell is empty"); } catch (InvalidSource invalidSource) { System.out.println("Source is invalid"); } catch (NoCell noCell) { } catch (InvalidMoveString invalidMoveString) { System.out.println("String is invalid"); } catch (InvalidMove invalidMove) { } catch (NoAvailableCells noAvailableCells) { System.out.println("No Available Cells"); } /*catch (Check check) { }*/ if (nextToBlack) { // is Check or not? Cell kingCell = table.getOpponentKingCell( BLACK, whitePlayer.getChessItemsMap(), blackPlayer.getChessItemsMap(), table); if (Move.isInAllItemsOfAvailableCellListWhite( kingCell, whitePlayer.getChessItemsMap(), table)) { try { throw new Check(); } catch (Check check) { System.out.println("Check to Black Army"); // is Mate or not? ArrayList<BlackTestMove> blackTestMoves = new ArrayList<>(); saveStateArrayList.add(new SaveState(table, whitePlayer, blackPlayer)); previousState = saveStateArrayList.get(saveStateArrayList.size() - 1); for (SortedMap.Entry<String, ChessItem> item : blackPlayer.getChessItemsMap().entrySet()) { if (item.getValue() instanceof BlackKing) { try { for (Cell cell : new BlackKingMoves(table.getCellByString(item.getKey()), table, true) .getMoves()) { blackTestMoves.add( new BlackTestMove( item.getValue().toString(), item.getKey(), cell.toString())); } } catch (NoAvailableCells noAvailableCells) { } } if (item.getValue() instanceof BlackQueen) { try { for (Cell cell : new BlackQueenMoves(table.getCellByString(item.getKey()), table).getMoves()) { blackTestMoves.add( new BlackTestMove( item.getValue().toString(), item.getKey(), cell.toString())); } } catch (NoAvailableCells noAvailableCells) { } } if (item.getValue() instanceof BlackBishop) { try { for (Cell cell : new BlackBishopMoves(table.getCellByString(item.getKey()), table) .getMoves()) { blackTestMoves.add( new BlackTestMove( item.getValue().toString(), item.getKey(), cell.toString())); } } catch (NoAvailableCells noAvailableCells) { } } if (item.getValue() instanceof BlackKnight) { try { for (Cell cell : new BlackKnightMoves(table.getCellByString(item.getKey()), table) .getMoves()) { blackTestMoves.add( new BlackTestMove( item.getValue().toString(), item.getKey(), cell.toString())); } } catch (NoAvailableCells noAvailableCells) { } } if (item.getValue() instanceof BlackPawn) { try { for (Cell cell : new BlackPawnMoves(table.getCellByString(item.getKey()), table).getMoves()) { blackTestMoves.add( new BlackTestMove( item.getValue().toString(), item.getKey(), cell.toString())); } } catch (NoAvailableCells noAvailableCells) { } } if (item.getValue() instanceof BlackRook) { try { for (Cell cell : new BlackRookMoves(table.getCellByString(item.getKey()), table).getMoves()) { blackTestMoves.add( new BlackTestMove( item.getValue().toString(), item.getKey(), cell.toString())); } } catch (NoAvailableCells noAvailableCells) { } } } ArrayList<BlackTestMove> availableMoves = new ArrayList<>(); try { if (blackTestMoves.size() > 0) { for (BlackTestMove move : blackTestMoves) { if (move.getChessItem().equals(Black.KING)) { new BlackMove(move.getSource(), move.getDestination()) .move(table, whitePlayer, blackPlayer); if (!(Move.isInAllItemsOfAvailableCellListWhite( table.getCellByString(move.getDestination()), whitePlayer.getChessItemsMap(), table))) { availableMoves.add(move); } previousState.undoHere(table, whitePlayer, blackPlayer); } else { new BlackMove(move.getSource(), move.getDestination()) .move(table, whitePlayer, blackPlayer); if (!(Move.isInAllItemsOfAvailableCellListWhite( kingCell, whitePlayer.getChessItemsMap(), table))) { availableMoves.add(move); } previousState.undoHere(table, whitePlayer, blackPlayer); } } if (availableMoves.size() == 0) { throw new Mate(BLACK); } else { status.appendText("Available moves for black player are:\n"); System.out.println("Available moves for black player are:"); for (BlackTestMove move : availableMoves) { status.appendText(move.toString() + "\n"); System.out.println(move.toString()); } } } } catch (NoAvailableCells noAvailableCells) { } catch (NoCell noCell) { } catch (InvalidMove invalidMove) { } catch (PlayerSameChessItem playerSameChessItem) { } catch (EmptySourceCell emptySourceCell) { } catch (InvalidSource invalidSource) { } } } saveState = new SaveState(table, whitePlayer, blackPlayer); table.toString(); break; } } }