private static void fillSdks(List<GlobalLibrary> globals) { for (Sdk sdk : ProjectJdkTable.getInstance().getAllJdks()) { final String name = sdk.getName(); final String homePath = sdk.getHomePath(); if (homePath == null) { continue; } final SdkAdditionalData data = sdk.getSdkAdditionalData(); final String additionalDataXml; final SdkType sdkType = (SdkType) sdk.getSdkType(); if (data == null) { additionalDataXml = null; } else { final Element element = new Element("additional"); sdkType.saveAdditionalData(data, element); additionalDataXml = JDOMUtil.writeElement(element, "\n"); } final List<String> paths = convertToLocalPaths(sdk.getRootProvider().getFiles(OrderRootType.CLASSES)); String versionString = sdk.getVersionString(); if (versionString != null && sdkType instanceof JavaSdk) { final JavaSdkVersion version = ((JavaSdk) sdkType).getVersion(versionString); if (version != null) { versionString = version.getDescription(); } } globals.add( new SdkLibrary( name, sdkType.getName(), versionString, homePath, paths, additionalDataXml)); } }
private static String getConvertedHomePath(Sdk sdk) { String homePath = sdk.getHomePath(); assert homePath != null : sdk; String path = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(homePath); if (!path.endsWith(File.separator)) { path += File.separator; } return path; }
@Override @SuppressWarnings("HardCodedStringLiteral") public void setupSdkPaths(@NotNull Sdk sdk) { String homePath = sdk.getHomePath(); assert homePath != null : sdk; File jdkHome = new File(homePath); List<VirtualFile> classes = findClasses(jdkHome, false); VirtualFile sources = findSources(jdkHome); VirtualFile docs = findDocs(jdkHome, "docs/api"); SdkModificator sdkModificator = sdk.getSdkModificator(); Set<VirtualFile> previousRoots = new LinkedHashSet<>(Arrays.asList(sdkModificator.getRoots(OrderRootType.CLASSES))); sdkModificator.removeRoots(OrderRootType.CLASSES); previousRoots.removeAll(new HashSet<>(classes)); for (VirtualFile aClass : classes) { sdkModificator.addRoot(aClass, OrderRootType.CLASSES); } for (VirtualFile root : previousRoots) { sdkModificator.addRoot(root, OrderRootType.CLASSES); } if (sources != null) { sdkModificator.addRoot(sources, OrderRootType.SOURCES); } VirtualFile javaFxSources = findSources(jdkHome, "javafx-src"); if (javaFxSources != null) { sdkModificator.addRoot(javaFxSources, OrderRootType.SOURCES); } if (docs != null) { sdkModificator.addRoot(docs, JavadocOrderRootType.getInstance()); } else if (SystemInfo.isMac) { VirtualFile commonDocs = findDocs(jdkHome, "docs"); if (commonDocs == null) { commonDocs = findInJar(new File(jdkHome, "docs.jar"), "doc/api"); if (commonDocs == null) { commonDocs = findInJar(new File(jdkHome, "docs.jar"), "docs/api"); } } if (commonDocs != null) { sdkModificator.addRoot(commonDocs, JavadocOrderRootType.getInstance()); } VirtualFile appleDocs = findDocs(jdkHome, "appledocs"); if (appleDocs == null) { appleDocs = findInJar(new File(jdkHome, "appledocs.jar"), "appledoc/api"); } if (appleDocs != null) { sdkModificator.addRoot(appleDocs, JavadocOrderRootType.getInstance()); } if (commonDocs == null && appleDocs == null && sources == null) { String url = getDefaultDocumentationUrl(sdk); if (url != null) { sdkModificator.addRoot( VirtualFileManager.getInstance().findFileByUrl(url), JavadocOrderRootType.getInstance()); } } } else if (getVersion(sdk) == JavaSdkVersion.JDK_1_7) { VirtualFile url = VirtualFileManager.getInstance().findFileByUrl(""); sdkModificator.addRoot(url, JavadocOrderRootType.getInstance()); } attachJdkAnnotations(sdkModificator); sdkModificator.commitChanges(); }
private Process launchBuildProcess(Project project, final int port, final UUID sessionId) throws ExecutionException { // choosing sdk with which the build process should be run final Sdk internalJdk = JavaAwareProjectJdkTableImpl.getInstanceEx().getInternalJdk(); Sdk projectJdk = internalJdk; final String versionString = projectJdk.getVersionString(); JavaSdkVersion sdkVersion = versionString != null ? ((JavaSdk) projectJdk.getSdkType()).getVersion(versionString) : null; if (sdkVersion != null) { final Set<Sdk> candidates = new HashSet<Sdk>(); for (Module module : ModuleManager.getInstance(project).getModules()) { final Sdk sdk = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(module).getSdk(); if (sdk != null && sdk.getSdkType() instanceof JavaSdk) { candidates.add(sdk); } } // now select the latest version from the sdks that are used in the project, but not older // than the internal sdk version for (Sdk candidate : candidates) { final String vs = candidate.getVersionString(); if (vs != null) { final JavaSdkVersion candidateVersion = ((JavaSdk) candidate.getSdkType()).getVersion(vs); if (candidateVersion != null) { if (candidateVersion.compareTo(sdkVersion) > 0) { sdkVersion = candidateVersion; projectJdk = candidate; } } } } } // validate tools.jar presence final File compilerPath; if (projectJdk.equals(internalJdk)) { final JavaCompiler systemCompiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); if (systemCompiler == null) { throw new ExecutionException( "No system java compiler is provided by the JRE. Make sure tools.jar is present in IntelliJ IDEA classpath."); } compilerPath = ClasspathBootstrap.getResourcePath(systemCompiler.getClass()); } else { final String path = ((JavaSdk) projectJdk.getSdkType()).getToolsPath(projectJdk); if (path == null) { throw new ExecutionException( "Cannot determine path to 'tools.jar' library for " + projectJdk.getName() + " (" + projectJdk.getHomePath() + ")"); } compilerPath = new File(path); } final GeneralCommandLine cmdLine = new GeneralCommandLine(); final String vmExecutablePath = ((JavaSdkType) projectJdk.getSdkType()).getVMExecutablePath(projectJdk); cmdLine.setExePath(vmExecutablePath); cmdLine.addParameter("-XX:MaxPermSize=150m"); cmdLine.addParameter("-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=64m"); final int heapSize = Registry.intValue("compiler.process.heap.size"); final int xms = heapSize / 2; if (xms > 32) { cmdLine.addParameter("-Xms" + xms + "m"); } cmdLine.addParameter("-Xmx" + heapSize + "m"); if (SystemInfo.isMac && sdkVersion != null && JavaSdkVersion.JDK_1_6.equals(sdkVersion) &&"compiler.process.32bit.vm.on.mac")) { // unfortunately -d32 is supported on jdk 1.6 only cmdLine.addParameter("-d32"); } cmdLine.addParameter("-Djava.awt.headless=true"); final String shouldGenerateIndex = System.getProperty(GlobalOptions.GENERATE_CLASSPATH_INDEX_OPTION); if (shouldGenerateIndex != null) { cmdLine.addParameter( "-D" + GlobalOptions.GENERATE_CLASSPATH_INDEX_OPTION + "=" + shouldGenerateIndex); } final String additionalOptions = Registry.stringValue("compiler.process.vm.options"); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(additionalOptions)) { final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(additionalOptions, " ", false); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { cmdLine.addParameter(tokenizer.nextToken()); } } // debugging final int debugPort = Registry.intValue("compiler.process.debug.port"); if (debugPort > 0) { cmdLine.addParameter("-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError"); cmdLine.addParameter( "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=" + debugPort); } if ("compiler.process.use.memory.temp.cache")) { cmdLine.addParameter("-D" + GlobalOptions.USE_MEMORY_TEMP_CACHE_OPTION); } if ("compiler.process.use.external.javac")) { cmdLine.addParameter("-D" + GlobalOptions.USE_EXTERNAL_JAVAC_OPTION); } final String host = NetUtils.getLocalHostString(); cmdLine.addParameter("-D" + GlobalOptions.HOSTNAME_OPTION + "=" + host); // javac's VM should use the same default locale that IDEA uses in order for javac to print // messages in 'correct' language final String lang = System.getProperty("user.language"); if (lang != null) { //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral cmdLine.addParameter("-Duser.language=" + lang); } final String country = System.getProperty(""); if (country != null) { //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral cmdLine.addParameter("" + country); } //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral final String region = System.getProperty("user.region"); if (region != null) { //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral cmdLine.addParameter("-Duser.region=" + region); } cmdLine.addParameter("-classpath"); final List<File> cp = ClasspathBootstrap.getBuildProcessApplicationClasspath(); cp.add(compilerPath); cp.addAll(myClasspathManager.getCompileServerPluginsClasspath()); cmdLine.addParameter(classpathToString(cp)); cmdLine.addParameter(BuildMain.class.getName()); cmdLine.addParameter(host); cmdLine.addParameter(Integer.toString(port)); cmdLine.addParameter(sessionId.toString()); final File workDirectory = new File(mySystemDirectory, SYSTEM_ROOT); workDirectory.mkdirs(); ensureLogConfigExists(workDirectory); cmdLine.addParameter(FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(workDirectory.getPath())); cmdLine.setWorkDirectory(workDirectory); return cmdLine.createProcess(); }