public static Object invokeSuperclassMethodImpl(
      BshClassManager bcm, Object instance, String methodName, Object[] args)
      throws UtilEvalError, ReflectError, InvocationTargetException {
    String superName = ClassGeneratorUtil.BSHSUPER + methodName;

    // look for the specially named super delegate method
    Class clas = instance.getClass();
    Method superMethod =
        Reflect.resolveJavaMethod(bcm, clas, superName, Types.getTypes(args), false /*onlyStatic*/);
    if (superMethod != null) return Reflect.invokeMethod(superMethod, instance, args);

    // No super method, try to invoke regular method
    // could be a superfluous "super." which is legal.
    Class superClass = clas.getSuperclass();
    superMethod =
            bcm, superClass, instance, methodName, args, false /*onlyStatic*/);
    return Reflect.invokeMethod(superMethod, instance, args);
  public JapaneseTokenizer init(final byte[] txt) {
    String source = string(txt);
    if (wc) { // convert wide-space to space
      source = source.replace('\u3000', '\u0020');
    final ArrayList<?> morpheme = (ArrayList<?>) Reflect.invoke(parse, tagger, source);
    final ArrayList<Morpheme> list = new ArrayList<>();
    try {
      int prev = 0;
      final int ms = morpheme.size();
      for (int i = 0; i < ms; i++) {
        final Object m = morpheme.get(i);
        final String srfc = surface.get(m).toString();
        final String ftr = feature.get(m).toString();
        final int strt = start.getInt(m);
        if (i != 0) {
          final int l = strt - prev;
          if (l != 0) {
            list.add(new Morpheme(source.substring(strt - 1, strt + l - 1), KIGOU_FEATURE));
        prev = srfc.length() + strt;

        // separates continuous mark (ASCII)
        boolean cont = true;
        final ArrayList<Morpheme> marks = new ArrayList<>();
        final int sl = srfc.length();
        for (int s = 0; s < sl; s++) {
          final String c = String.valueOf(srfc.charAt(s));
          final byte[] t = token(c);
          if (t.length == 1) {
            if (letter(t[0]) || digit(t[0])) cont = false;
            else marks.add(new Morpheme(c, KIGOU_FEATURE));
          } else {
            cont = false;

        if (cont) list.addAll(marks);
        else list.add(new Morpheme(srfc, ftr));
    } catch (final Exception ex) {
      Util.errln(Util.className(this) + ": " + ex);
    tokenList = list;
    tokens = list.iterator();

    return this;
  static {
    IOFile dic = null;
    if (Reflect.available(PATTERN)) {
      dic = new IOFile(LANG);
      if (!dic.exists()) {
        dic = new IOFile(Prop.HOME, "etc/" + LANG);
        if (!dic.exists()) {
          available = false;
    } else {
      available = false;

    if (available) {
      Class<?> clz = Reflect.find(PATTERN);
      if (clz == null) {
        Util.debug("Could not initialize Igo Japanese lexer.");
      } else {
        /* Igo constructor. */
        final Constructor<?> tgr = Reflect.find(clz, String.class);
        tagger = Reflect.get(tgr, dic.path());
        if (tagger == null) {
          available = false;
          Util.debug("Could not initialize Igo Japanese lexer.");
        } else {
          parse = Reflect.method(clz, "parse", CharSequence.class);
          if (parse == null) {
            Util.debug("Could not initialize Igo lexer method.");
          clz = Reflect.find("net.reduls.igo.Morpheme");
          surface = Reflect.field(clz, "surface");
          feature = Reflect.field(clz, "feature");
          start = Reflect.field(clz, "start");
   * Parse the BSHBlock for for the class definition and generate the class using ClassGenerator.
  public static Class generateClassImpl(
      String name,
      Modifiers modifiers,
      Class[] interfaces,
      Class superClass,
      BSHBlock block,
      boolean isInterface,
      CallStack callstack,
      Interpreter interpreter)
      throws EvalError {
    // Scripting classes currently requires accessibility
    // This can be eliminated with a bit more work.
    try {
    } catch (Capabilities.Unavailable e) {
      throw new EvalError(
          "Defining classes currently requires reflective Accessibility.", block, callstack);

    NameSpace enclosingNameSpace =;
    String packageName = enclosingNameSpace.getPackage();
    String className =
        enclosingNameSpace.isClass ? (enclosingNameSpace.getName() + "$" + name) : name;
    String fqClassName = packageName == null ? className : packageName + "." + className;

    BshClassManager bcm = interpreter.getClassManager();
    // Race condition here...

    // Create the class static namespace
    NameSpace classStaticNameSpace = new NameSpace(enclosingNameSpace, className);
    classStaticNameSpace.isClass = true;


    // Evaluate any inner class class definitions in the block
    // effectively recursively call this method for contained classes first
    block.evalBlock(callstack, interpreter, true /*override*/, ClassNodeFilter.CLASSCLASSES);

    // Generate the type for our class
    Variable[] variables = getDeclaredVariables(block, callstack, interpreter, packageName);
    DelayedEvalBshMethod[] methods = getDeclaredMethods(block, callstack, interpreter, packageName);

    ClassGeneratorUtil classGenerator =
        new ClassGeneratorUtil(
    byte[] code = classGenerator.generateClass();

    // if debug, write out the class file to debugClasses directory
    if (DEBUG_DIR != null)
      try {
        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(DEBUG_DIR + '/' + className + ".class");
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "cannot create file " + DEBUG_DIR + '/' + className + ".class", e);

    // Define the new class in the classloader
    Class genClass = bcm.defineClass(fqClassName, code);

    // import the unq name into parent
    enclosingNameSpace.importClass(fqClassName.replace('$', '.'));

    try {
          ClassGeneratorUtil.BSHINIT, block, false /*strictJava*/);
    } catch (UtilEvalError e) {
      throw new InterpreterError("unable to init static: " + e);

    // Give the static space its class static import
    // important to do this after all classes are defined

    // evaluate the static portion of the block in the static space
    block.evalBlock(callstack, interpreter, true /*override*/, ClassNodeFilter.CLASSSTATIC);


    if (!genClass.isInterface()) {
      // Set the static bsh This callback
      String bshStaticFieldName = ClassGeneratorUtil.BSHSTATIC + className;
      try {
        LHS lhs = Reflect.getLHSStaticField(genClass, bshStaticFieldName);
        lhs.assign(classStaticNameSpace.getThis(interpreter), false /*strict*/);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new InterpreterError("Error in class gen setup: " + e);

    return genClass;
 /** Sets up a default logger based on the name of the current class. */
 public TestCase() {
   this.$log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("TestCase." + Reflect.getShortClassName(this));