public Vector getUsacFiles(String invoice) { Vector fileList = new Vector(); String query = ""; query = query + " SELECT distinct filename, ' Date:'||to_char(usac_prcs_dat,'MM/DD/YYYY'),trunc(usac_prcs_dat) usac_prcs_dat "; query = query + " FROM stage_usac_form "; query = query + " WHERE rtrim(ltrim(sdc_inv_no)) = ?"; query = query + " ORDER BY usac_prcs_dat "; USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("getUsacFiles() Query :" + query, this, null); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { pstmt = cConn.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setString(1, invoice); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { fileList.addElement(rs.getString(1)); fileList.addElement(rs.getString(2)); } // rs.close(); // stmt.close(); if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close ResultSet and statement", this, e); } USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("getUsacFiles() Failed Query:" + query, this, ex); } /* try { if( rs != null) rs.close(); } catch(Exception e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close ResultSet",this,null); } try { if( pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch(Exception e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close Prepared Statement",this,null); }*/ return fileList; }
private String getMonth(String month) { String query; String i_month = ""; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; query = "select to_number(to_char(to_date(?,'Month'),'MM')) from dual"; USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Dinvjrnl:Get Month - Query" + query, this, null); try { pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setString(1, month); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { i_month = rs.getString(1); } if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Dinvjrnl: Month Conversion Failed ", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/prepared statement", this, e); } } return i_month; }
@Override public Set<EmpVO> getEmpsByDeptno(Integer deptno) { Set<EmpVO> set = new LinkedHashSet<EmpVO>(); EmpVO empVO = null; Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { Class.forName(driver); con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userid, passwd); pstmt = con.prepareStatement(GET_Emps_ByDeptno_STMT); pstmt.setInt(1, deptno); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { empVO = new EmpVO(); empVO.setEmpno(rs.getInt("empno")); empVO.setEname(rs.getString("ename")); empVO.setJob(rs.getString("job")); empVO.setHiredate(rs.getDate("hiredate")); empVO.setSal(rs.getDouble("sal")); empVO.setComm(rs.getDouble("comm")); empVO.setDeptno(rs.getInt("deptno")); set.add(empVO); // Store the row in the vector } // Handle any driver errors } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't load database driver. " + e.getMessage()); // Handle any SQL errors } catch (SQLException se) { throw new RuntimeException("A database error occured. " + se.getMessage()); } finally { if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { se.printStackTrace(System.err); } } if (pstmt != null) { try { pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { se.printStackTrace(System.err); } } if (con != null) { try { con.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } return set; }
public StoredTransactionOutput getTransactionOutput(Sha256Hash hash, long index) throws BlockStoreException { maybeConnect(); PreparedStatement s = null; try { s = conn.get() .prepareStatement( "SELECT height, value, scriptBytes FROM openOutputs " + "WHERE hash = ? AND index = ?"); s.setBytes(1, hash.getBytes()); // index is actually an unsigned int s.setInt(2, (int) index); ResultSet results = s.executeQuery(); if (! { return null; } // Parse it. int height = results.getInt(1); BigInteger value = new BigInteger(results.getBytes(2)); // Tell the StoredTransactionOutput that we are a coinbase, as that is encoded in height StoredTransactionOutput txout = new StoredTransactionOutput(hash, index, value, height, true, results.getBytes(3)); return txout; } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new BlockStoreException(ex); } finally { if (s != null) try { s.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new BlockStoreException("Failed to close PreparedStatement"); } } }
/** * This method queries the database to get the name of the Billing System. * * @exception SQLException, if query fails * @author */ public String getBlgsysnm(String blgsys) { String query; String blgsysnm = ""; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; query = "select bs_nm from blg_sys where bs_id = ?"; USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Dinvjrnl: Billing System Name Query :" + query, this, null); try { pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setString(1, blgsys); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { blgsysnm = rs.getString(1); } if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Dinvjrnl: Billing System Name not Retreived ", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/prepare statement", this, e); } } return blgsysnm; }
/** * Method called by the Form panel to delete existing data. * * @param persistentObject value object to delete * @return an ErrorResponse value object in case of errors, VOResponse if the operation is * successfully completed */ public Response deleteRecord(ValueObject persistentObject) throws Exception { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { EmpVO vo = (EmpVO) persistentObject; // delete from WORKING_DAYS... stmt = conn.prepareStatement("delete from WORKING_DAYS where EMP_CODE=?"); stmt.setString(1, vo.getEmpCode()); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); // delete from EMP... stmt = conn.prepareStatement("delete from EMP where EMP_CODE=?"); stmt.setString(1, vo.getEmpCode()); stmt.execute(); gridFrame.reloadData(); frame.getGrid().clearData(); return new VOResponse(vo); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return new ErrorResponse(ex.getMessage()); } finally { try { stmt.close(); conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException ex1) { } } }
/** * This method queries the database to get the details related to the bp_id passed. * * @exception SQLException, if query fails * @author */ public Vector getBpdet(String bpid) { String query; Vector bpdet = new Vector(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; query = "select rtrim(bs_id_fk||bp_rgn),bp_month from blg_prd where bp_id = ?"; try { pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setString(1, bpid); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { bpdet.addElement(rs.getString(1)); bpdet.addElement(rs.getString(2)); } if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Dinvjrnl: BP_ID details not Retreived ", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/prepared statement", this, e); } } return bpdet; }
/** * This method queries the database to get the list of the Billing Systems. * * @exception SQLException, if query fails * @author */ public Vector getYears(String year) { String query; Vector years = new Vector(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; query = "select yr||'-'||(yr+1),yr from fung_yr where yr > ?"; try { pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setString(1, year); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { years.addElement(rs.getString(1)); years.addElement(rs.getString(2)); } if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Dinvjrnl: Years List not Retreived ", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/prepared statement", this, e); } } return years; }
/** * ************************************************************************ Lineas de Remesa * * @param whereClause where clause or null (starting with AND) * @return lines */ public MRemesaLine[] getLines(String whereClause, String orderClause) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT * FROM C_RemesaLine WHERE C_Remesa_ID=? "); if (whereClause != null) sql.append(whereClause); if (orderClause != null) sql.append(" ").append(orderClause); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; try { pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), get_TrxName()); pstmt.setInt(1, getC_Remesa_ID()); ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( list.add(new MRemesaLine(getCtx(), rs)); rs.close(); pstmt.close(); pstmt = null; } catch (Exception e) { log.saveError("getLines - " + sql, e); } finally { try { if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } pstmt = null; } // MRemesaLine[] lines = new MRemesaLine[list.size()]; list.toArray(lines); return lines; } // getLines
private void putUpdateStoredBlock(StoredBlock storedBlock, boolean wasUndoable) throws SQLException { try { PreparedStatement s = conn.get() .prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO headers(hash, chainWork, height, header, wasUndoable)" + " VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); // We skip the first 4 bytes because (on prodnet) the minimum target has 4 0-bytes byte[] hashBytes = new byte[28]; System.arraycopy(storedBlock.getHeader().getHash().getBytes(), 3, hashBytes, 0, 28); s.setBytes(1, hashBytes); s.setBytes(2, storedBlock.getChainWork().toByteArray()); s.setInt(3, storedBlock.getHeight()); s.setBytes(4, storedBlock.getHeader().unsafeRimbitSerialize()); s.setBoolean(5, wasUndoable); s.executeUpdate(); s.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // It is possible we try to add a duplicate StoredBlock if we upgraded // In that case, we just update the entry to mark it wasUndoable if (!(e.getSQLState().equals(POSTGRES_DUPLICATE_KEY_ERROR_CODE)) || !wasUndoable) throw e; PreparedStatement s = conn.get().prepareStatement("UPDATE headers SET wasUndoable=? WHERE hash=?"); s.setBoolean(1, true); // We skip the first 4 bytes because (on prodnet) the minimum target has 4 0-bytes byte[] hashBytes = new byte[28]; System.arraycopy(storedBlock.getHeader().getHash().getBytes(), 3, hashBytes, 0, 28); s.setBytes(2, hashBytes); s.executeUpdate(); s.close(); } }
public void closeConnections() throws SQLException { if (itemPreparedStatement != null) { itemPreparedStatement.close(); } if (itemConnection != null) { itemConnection.close(); } if (holdingsPreparedStatement != null) { holdingsPreparedStatement.close(); } if (holdingsConnection != null) { holdingsConnection.close(); } if (bibResultSet != null) { bibResultSet.close(); } if (bibStatement != null) { bibStatement.close(); } if (bibConnection != null) { bibConnection.close(); } if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } }
/** * This method queries the database to check if the passed start date for the Journal Month starts * exactly after the Previous end date. * * @exception SQLException, if query fails * @author */ public boolean check(String strtdat, String blgsys, String year, String month, String rgn) { if (month.length() > ((new Integer("2")).intValue())) { month = getMonth(month); } String query; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; query = "select 'true' from (select bp_end_dat,bp_year from blg_prd "; query = query + "where bp_month= decode(to_number(?),1,12,to_number(?)-1) and bs_id_fk = ?"; if ((rgn != null) && !(rgn.equals(""))) { query = query + " and bp_rgn = ?"; } else { query = query + " and bp_rgn is null"; } query = query + " and bp_year=decode(to_number(?),1,to_number(?)-1,to_number(?) ) ) A "; query = query + " where to_date(?,'MM/DD/YYYY')-A.bp_end_dat=1"; USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Dinvjrnl:check Date- Query" + query, this, null); try { pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setString(1, month); pstmt.setString(2, month); pstmt.setString(3, blgsys); int m = 4; if ((rgn != null) && !(rgn.equals(""))) { pstmt.setString(m, rgn); m = m + 1; } pstmt.setString(m, month); pstmt.setString(m + 1, year); pstmt.setString(m + 2, year); pstmt.setString(m + 3, strtdat); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); return true; } } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Dinvjrnl: Date Check Failed ", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/prepared statement", this, e); } } return false; }
/** * This method queries the database to get the Journal Dates for the passed in Funding Year * * @exception SQLException, if query fails * @author */ public Vector getJrnldts(String year) { String query; Vector jrnllst = new Vector(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; query = "select bp_id,decode(bs_nm,'CRIS','1','IABS','2','BART','3','SOFI','4','INFRANET','5','6') ord, "; query = query + "rtrim(bs_nm||' '||bp_rgn) nm, bp_month,decode(bp_month,1,'January',"; query = query + "2,'February',3,'March',4,'April',5,'May',6,'June',7,'July',8,'August',9,'September',"; query = query + "10,'October',11,'November',12,'December'), to_char(bp_strt_dat,'MM/DD/YYYY'),to_char(bp_end_dat,'MM/DD/YYYY') "; query = query + "from blg_prd,blg_sys "; query = query + "where bs_id=bs_id_fk and ( bp_strt_dat >= "; query = query + "(select strt_dat from fung_yr where yr = ?) and "; query = query + "bp_end_dat <= (select end_dat from fung_yr where yr = ?) "; query = query + "or ( bp_year =to_number(?) and bp_month=7) ) "; query = query + "order by ord,nm,bp_strt_dat "; USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Dinvjrnl: JRNL Dates Query :" + query, this, null); try { pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setString(1, year); pstmt.setString(2, year); pstmt.setString(3, year); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Dinvjrnl jrnldts = new Dinvjrnl(null); jrnldts.strBpid = rs.getString(1); jrnldts.strBlgsys = rs.getString(3); jrnldts.strBlgmnth = rs.getString(5); jrnldts.strBlgstrtdt = rs.getString(6); jrnldts.strBlgenddt = rs.getString(7); jrnllst.addElement(jrnldts); jrnldts = null; } if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Dinvjrnl: JRNL Dates not retreived for the Year ", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/prepared statement", this, e); } } USFEnv.getLog() .writeDebug("Dinvjrnl: Journal Dates Vector size :" + jrnllst.size(), this, null); return jrnllst; }
private static Map saveSites(ExchSite3[] sites, int siteType, int sourceID, Connection c) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement insert = null; PreparedStatement delete = null; try { insert = c.prepareStatement( "insert into dat_customer_sites (site_id, site_type, source_id, internal_name, display_name) " + "values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); delete = c.prepareStatement("delete from dat_customer_sites where site_id = ?"); Map siteIDs = new HashMap(sites.length * 2 + 1); for (int i = 0; i < sites.length; i++) { ExchSite3 site = sites[i]; int siteID = queryLookupSiteId(sourceID, site.getInternalName(), siteType, c); if (siteID == 0) { // if we couldn't find an existing siteID, grab the next one from the sequence siteID = getNextFromSequence("seq_site_id", c); } else { // if there is an existing siteID, delete it so we can insert the changes delete.setInt(1, siteID); int deleted = delete.executeUpdate(); if (deleted != 1) { throw new SQLException("Delete for siteID " + siteID + " returned " + deleted); } } siteIDs.put(site.getInternalName(), siteID); insert.setInt(1, siteID); insert.setInt(2, siteType); insert.setInt(3, sourceID); insert.setString( 4, DirectoryUtils.truncateString(site.getInternalName(), DB_SITE_INTERNALNAME_LENGTH)); insert.setString( 5, DirectoryUtils.truncateString(site.getDisplayName(), DB_SITE_DISPLAYNAME_LENGTH)); insert.executeUpdate(); } return siteIDs; } finally { if (delete != null) { delete.close(); } if (insert != null) { insert.close(); } } }
public String getCustomerByCard(String cardId) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, Exception { String sql = ""; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stm = null; ResultSet result = null; try { conn = getConnection(); try { sql = " select t1.* from t_cif_customer t1,t_pif_card t2 " + " where t1.cut_id = t2.cosumer_id and t2.card_id=" + cardId; stm = conn.prepareStatement(sql); result = stm.executeQuery();; CustomerDTO temp = new CustomerDTO(); return result.getString("stuemp_no").toString(); } finally { if (stm != null) { stm.close(); } } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("²éѯÊý¾Ý¿âʧ°Ü"); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("²éѯÊý¾Ý¿âʧ°Ü"); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
private static int queryLookupServerId(int sourceID, String serverInternalName, Connection c) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement idSelect = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { int serverId = 0; idSelect = c.prepareStatement( "select server_id from dat_customer_servers " + "where source_id = ? and internal_name = ?"); idSelect.setInt(1, sourceID); idSelect.setString(2, serverInternalName); rs = idSelect.executeQuery(); if ( { serverId = rs.getInt(1); } return serverId; } finally { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } if (idSelect != null) { idSelect.close(); } } }
public void deleteUser(String username) { if (isReadOnly()) { // Reject the operation since the provider is read-only throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; boolean abortTransaction = false; try { // Delete all of the users's extended properties con = DbConnectionManager.getTransactionConnection(); pstmt = con.prepareStatement(DELETE_USER_PROPS); pstmt.setString(1, username); pstmt.execute(); pstmt.close(); // Delete the actual user entry pstmt = con.prepareStatement(DELETE_USER); pstmt.setString(1, username); pstmt.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); abortTransaction = true; } finally { DbConnectionManager.closeTransactionConnection(pstmt, con, abortTransaction); } }
String getRandomChannelWithVelociraptors(String exclude) { Connection con = null; String value = ""; try { con = pool.getConnection(timeout); PreparedStatement s = con.prepareStatement( "SELECT `channel` FROM `channels` WHERE `channel` != ? AND `active_velociraptors` > 0 ORDER BY (RAND() * active_velociraptors) DESC LIMIT 1;"); s.setString(1, exclude); s.executeQuery(); ResultSet rs = s.getResultSet(); while ( { value = rs.getString("channel"); } rs.close(); s.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DBAccess.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { if (con != null) { con.close(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DBAccess.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return value; }
void update_war(int db_id, long duration, long remaining, long time_to_start, int current_chain) { Connection con = null; try { con = pool.getConnection(timeout); PreparedStatement s = con.prepareStatement( "UPDATE `wars` SET `duration` = ? ,`remaining` = ?, `time_to_start` = ?, `current_chain` = ? WHERE id = ?"); s.setLong(1, duration); s.setLong(2, remaining); s.setLong(3, time_to_start); s.setInt(4, current_chain); s.setInt(5, db_id); s.executeUpdate(); s.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DBAccess.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { if (con != null) { con.close(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DBAccess.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }
String getSetting(String key) { Connection con = null; String value = ""; try { con = pool.getConnection(timeout); PreparedStatement s = con.prepareStatement("SELECT `value` FROM `settings` WHERE `key` = ?"); s.setString(1, key); s.executeQuery(); ResultSet rs = s.getResultSet(); while ( { value = rs.getString("value"); } rs.close(); s.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DBAccess.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { if (con != null) { con.close(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DBAccess.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return value; }
void joinChannel(Channel channel) { Connection con = null; try { con = pool.getConnection(timeout); PreparedStatement s = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `channels` (`channel`) VALUES (?)"); s.setString(1, channel.getName().toLowerCase()); s.executeUpdate(); s.close(); if (!this.channel_data.containsKey(channel.getName().toLowerCase())) { ChannelInfo new_channel = new ChannelInfo(channel.getName().toLowerCase()); new_channel.setDefaultOptions(); this.channel_data.put(channel.getName().toLowerCase(), new_channel); } this.saveChannelSettings(this.channel_data.get(channel.getName().toLowerCase())); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DBAccess.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { if (con != null) { con.close(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DBAccess.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }
public void removeFromChannelGroup(String group, ChannelInfo channel) { Connection con = null; try { con = pool.getConnection(timeout); PreparedStatement s = con.prepareStatement( "DELETE `channel_groups`.* FROM `channel_groups` INNER JOIN `channels` ON (`channel_groups`.`channel_id` = `channels`.`id`) WHERE `channels`.`channel` = ? AND `channel_groups`.`name` = ?"); s.setString(1,; s.setString(2, group); s.executeUpdate(); s.close(); // Will do nothing if the channel is not in the list. this.channel_groups.get(group.toLowerCase()).remove(channel); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DBAccess.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { if (con != null) { con.close(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DBAccess.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }
public void addToChannelGroup(String group, ChannelInfo channel) { Connection con = null; try { con = pool.getConnection(timeout); PreparedStatement s = con.prepareStatement( "REPLACE INTO `channel_groups` SET `name` = ?, `channel_id` = (SELECT `id` FROM `channels` WHERE `channel` = ?)"); s.setString(1, group.toLowerCase()); s.setString(2,; s.executeUpdate(); s.close(); // Will do nothing if the channel is not in the list. if (!this.channel_groups.containsKey(group.toLowerCase())) { this.channel_groups.put(group.toLowerCase(), new HashSet<>()); } this.channel_groups.get(group.toLowerCase()).add(channel); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DBAccess.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { if (con != null) { con.close(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DBAccess.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }
@Override public void delete(Integer deptno) { int updateCount_EMPs = 0; Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; try { Class.forName(driver); con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userid, passwd); // 1●設定於 pstm.executeUpdate()之前 con.setAutoCommit(false); // 先刪除員工 pstmt = con.prepareStatement(DELETE_EMPs); pstmt.setInt(1, deptno); updateCount_EMPs = pstmt.executeUpdate(); // 再刪除部門 pstmt = con.prepareStatement(DELETE_DEPT); pstmt.setInt(1, deptno); pstmt.executeUpdate(); // 2●設定於 pstm.executeUpdate()之後 con.commit(); con.setAutoCommit(true); System.out.println("刪除部門編號" + deptno + "時,共有員工" + updateCount_EMPs + "人同時被刪除"); // Handle any driver errors } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't load database driver. " + e.getMessage()); // Handle any SQL errors } catch (SQLException se) { if (con != null) { try { // 3●設定於當有exception發生時之catch區塊內 con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException excep) { throw new RuntimeException("rollback error occured. " + excep.getMessage()); } } throw new RuntimeException("A database error occured. " + se.getMessage()); } finally { if (pstmt != null) { try { pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { se.printStackTrace(System.err); } } if (con != null) { try { con.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } }
/** * Calculate the balance for a coinbase, to-address, or p2sh address. * * @param address The address to calculate the balance of * @return The balance of the address supplied. If the address has not been seen, or there are no * outputs open for this address, the return value is 0 * @throws BlockStoreException */ public BigInteger calculateBalanceForAddress(Address address) throws BlockStoreException { maybeConnect(); PreparedStatement s = null; try { s = conn.get() .prepareStatement( "select sum(('x'||lpad(substr(value::text, 3, 50),16,'0'))::bit(64)::bigint) " + "from openoutputs where toaddress = ?"); s.setString(1, address.toString()); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); if ( { return BigInteger.valueOf(rs.getLong(1)); } else { throw new BlockStoreException("Failed to execute balance lookup"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new BlockStoreException(ex); } finally { if (s != null) try { s.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new BlockStoreException("Could not close statement"); } } }
/** * Returns the siteId for the site with the given source, name, and type. If no such site is * found, this method returns 0; */ private static int queryLookupSiteId( int sourceID, String siteInternalName, int siteType, Connection c) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = c.prepareStatement( "select site_id from dat_customer_sites " + "where source_id = ? and internal_name = ? and site_type = ?"); int siteID = 0; ps.setInt(1, sourceID); ps.setString(2, siteInternalName); ps.setInt(3, siteType); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { siteID = rs.getInt(1); } return siteID; } finally { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } if (ps != null) { ps.close(); } } }
public MetadataBlob[] select(String selectString) { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = conn.prepareStatement( "select writingKey, mapkey, blobdata from metadatablobs " + selectString + ";"); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<MetadataBlob> list = new ArrayList<MetadataBlob>(); while ( { MetadataBlob f = new MetadataBlob( rs.getString("writingkey"), rs.getString("mapkey"), rs.getString("blobdata")); list.add(f); } return list.toArray(new MetadataBlob[0]); } catch (SQLException sqe) { System.err.println("Error selecting: " + selectString); sqe.printStackTrace(); return null; } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException sqe2) { sqe2.printStackTrace(); } } }
/** Test large batch behavior. */ public void testLargeBatch() throws Exception { final int n = 5000; getConnection().close(); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate("create table #testLargeBatch (val int)"); stmt.executeUpdate("insert into #testLargeBatch (val) values (0)"); PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement("update #testLargeBatch set val=? where val=?"); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { pstmt.setInt(1, i + 1); pstmt.setInt(2, i); pstmt.addBatch(); } int counts[] = pstmt.executeBatch(); // System.out.println(pstmt.getWarnings()); assertEquals(n, counts.length); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { assertEquals(1, counts[i]); } pstmt.close(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select count(*) from #testLargeBatch"); assertTrue(; assertEquals(1, rs.getInt(1)); assertFalse(; rs.close(); stmt.close(); }
public void UpdateCustomer(CustomerDTO customer) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, Exception { String sql = ""; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stm = null; try { conn = getConnection(); String stuempid = customer.getStuemp_no(); sql = "update ykt_cur.t_cif_customer set password='******' where stuemp_no='" + stuempid + "'"; stm = conn.prepareStatement(sql); stm.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("²éѯÊý¾Ý¿âʧ°Ü"); throw (e); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw (e); } finally { if (stm != null) { stm.close(); } } }
public int update(String tableName, String colName, Object newValue, Object oldValue) throws SQLException { // syntax: // update [table] set [column] = [new value] // where [column] = [old value] int updated = 0; boolean hasWhere = false; if ((oldValue != null) && !(oldValue.equals(""))) { hasWhere = true; } PreparedStatement pstmt = pstmtBuilder.buildUpdateStatement(conn, tableName, colName, hasWhere); try { pstmt.setObject(1, newValue); if (hasWhere) { pstmt.setObject(2, oldValue); } updated = pstmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { System.out.println(sqle); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } finally { try { pstmt.close(); conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } return updated; }