public synchronized List<ProviderIdent> listProviders() { final ArrayList<ProviderIdent> providerIdents = new ArrayList<ProviderIdent>(); final String[] strings = getClassnames(); for (final String classname : strings) { try { providerIdents.add(getProviderDeclaration(loadClass(classname))); } catch (PluginException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return providerIdents; }
/** Return true if the file has a class that provides the ident. */ public synchronized boolean isLoaderFor(final ProviderIdent ident) { final String[] strings = getClassnames(); for (final String classname : strings) { try { if (matchesProviderDeclaration(ident, loadClass(classname))) { return true; } } catch (PluginException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return false; }