// // NOTE: This file was generated from: japidviews/_tags/SampleTag.html // Change to this file will be lost next time the template file is compiled. // @cn.bran.play.NoEnhance public class SampleTag extends cn.bran.japid.template.JapidTemplateBase { public static final String sourceTemplate = "japidviews/_tags/SampleTag.html"; { headers.put("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); } // - add implicit fields with Play final Request request = Request.current(); final Response response = Response.current(); final Session session = Session.current(); final RenderArgs renderArgs = RenderArgs.current(); final Params params = Params.current(); final Validation validation = Validation.current(); final cn.bran.play.FieldErrors errors = new cn.bran.play.FieldErrors(validation); final play.Play _play = new play.Play(); // - end of implicit fields with Play public SampleTag() { super(null); } public SampleTag(StringBuilder out) { super(out); } private String a; public cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResult render(String a) { this.a = a; long t = -1; super.layout(); return new cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResult(this.headers, getOut(), t); } @Override protected void doLayout() { // ------ ; // line 1 p("Hi "); // line 1 p(a); // line 2 p("!\n"); // line 2 } }
// // NOTE: This file was generated from: japidviews/more/MyController/myLayout.html // Change to this file will be lost next time the template file is compiled. // @cn.bran.play.NoEnhance public abstract class myLayout extends cn.bran.japid.template.JapidTemplateBase { public static final String sourceTemplate = "japidviews/more/MyController/myLayout.html"; { putHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); } // - add implicit fields with Play final Request request = Request.current(); final Response response = Response.current(); final Session session = Session.current(); final RenderArgs renderArgs = RenderArgs.current(); final Params params = Params.current(); final Validation validation = Validation.current(); final cn.bran.play.FieldErrors errors = new cn.bran.play.FieldErrors(validation); final play.Play _play = new play.Play(); // - end of implicit fields with Play public myLayout() { super(null); } public myLayout(StringBuilder out) { super(out); } @Override public void layout() { p("<p>"); // line 1 title(); // line 1 p("</p>\n" + "<p>"); // line 1 side(); // line 2 p("</p>\n" + "<p>\n"); // line 2 doLayout(); // line 4 p("</p>"); // line 4 } protected void title() {}; protected void side() {}; protected abstract void doLayout(); }
public void spawn( int processes, int maxHeap, String frameworkCode, ArrayList<ServerInfo> logins, String[] args) { try { for (int i = 0; i < processes; i++) { int termPort = 44445 + i; Params.setTerminationPort(args, termPort); spawnInner(processes, i, maxHeap, frameworkCode, logins, args, termPort); } iActiveServers = processes; this.logins = logins; } catch (Exception e) { Globals.onException(e); } }
private void spawnInner( int processes, int serverIndex, int maxHeap, String frameworkCode, ArrayList<ServerInfo> logins, String[] args, int terminationPort) throws Exception { String ownLocation = new File(".").getAbsolutePath(); System.out.println("ownLocation=" + ownLocation); DistributedLockProvider provider = Globals.instantiateLockProvider(frameworkCode); String localClasspath; if (System.getProperty("java.class.path").contains("Chainbench.jar")) localClasspath = ownLocation + "/Chainbench.jar"; else { final String CP_STUB = ".;./bin;./lib/*;./lib/ojdbc6.jar;./lib/aspectjrt.jar"; localClasspath = provider.getMiniServerClasspath(CP_STUB); } int pathEnvVarIndex = -1; // Need to copy env vars across or get a Windows networking error Map<String, String> variables = System.getenv(); String[] envp = new String[variables.size()]; int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : variables.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue(); if (name.toLowerCase().equals("path")) { pathEnvVarIndex = i; System.out.println("PATH AT INDEX" + i); System.out.println("PATH=" + value); } envp[i++] = name + "=" + value; } Params.setServerIndex(args, serverIndex); String flattened = Params.spaceSeparatedList(args); System.out.println("Flattened=" + flattened); String debugFlags = (serverIndex == 0) ? " -debug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=1234 " : ""; String cmdStub; String miniserverClasspath; String extraProps = ""; if (serverIndex != 0 && logins.size() != 0) { int remoteBoxIndex = serverIndex % (logins.size()); ServerInfo login = logins.get(remoteBoxIndex); cmdStub = "cmd /K start java -cp " + localClasspath + " com.hp.software.chainbench.SSH " + login.getHost() + " " + login.getUsername() + " " + login.getPassword() + " " + terminationPort + " " + " java "; miniserverClasspath = "./Chainbench.jar"; // Speeds up JDBC cxns on Linux - // see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5503063/oracle-getconnection-slow extraProps = "-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom"; ServerInfo remote = (ServerInfo) login.clone(); remote.setTerminationPort(terminationPort); servers.add(remote); } else { miniserverClasspath = localClasspath; cmdStub = "cmd /K start java "; ServerInfo local = new ServerInfo("localhost", null, null, terminationPort); servers.add(local); } String loadTimeWeaver = ""; if (Params.getSlowdownMode(args).equals(Constants.SLOWDOWN_ASPECT)) { loadTimeWeaver = " -javaagent:./lib/aspectjweaver.jar "; } else if (Params.getSlowdownMode(args).equals(Constants.SLOWDOWN_REVISER)) { loadTimeWeaver = " -javaagent:./lib/gluonj.jar=debug:com.hp.software.chainbench.SlowdownReviser "; } String propsStub = // " -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError " + " -Xms" + maxHeap + "m" + " -Xmx" + maxHeap + "m" + loadTimeWeaver + debugFlags + extraProps; String props = provider.getJavaProps(propsStub, args); String cmd = cmdStub + " " + props + " " + " -cp " + miniserverClasspath + " com.hp.software.chainbench.MiniServer " + flattened; System.out.println(cmd); /* " -Dgemfire.remove-unresponsive-client=true " + " -Dgemfire.enable-network-partition-detection=true " + " -Dgemfire.departure-correlation-window=30 " + " -Dgemfire.conserve-sockets=false " + " -Dgemfire.ack-severe-alert-threshold=5 " + */ // /* " -Dhazelcast.initial.min.cluster.size=" + processes + // " -Dhazelcast.restart.on.max.idle=true " + // " -Dhazelcast.max.no.heartbeat.seconds=15 " + // " -Dhazelcast.in.thread.priority=10 " + // " -Dhazelcast.out.thread.priority=10 " + // " -Dhazelcast.service.thread.priority=10 " + */ // /* " -Djgroups.bind_addr=" + bindAddress + " " + " -Djgroups.diagnostics_addr=" + bindAddress + " " + " -Dsm.ini.groupname=testGroupName " + */ File dir = new File(ownLocation); Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd, envp, dir); localProcesses.add(p); }
private static Params makeParams(StashInfo stashInfo) { Params params = new Params(); params.setErrorNotificationTitle("Unstashed with conflicts"); params.setMergeDialogCustomizer(new UnstashMergeDialogCustomizer(stashInfo)); return params; }
// // NOTE: This file was generated from: japidviews/Application/decorateName.html // Change to this file will be lost next time the template file is compiled. // @cn.bran.play.NoEnhance public class decorateName extends cn.bran.play.JapidTemplateBase { public static final String sourceTemplate = "japidviews/Application/decorateName.html"; { putHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); } // - add implicit fields with Play final Request request = Request.current(); final Response response = Response.current(); final Session session = Session.current(); final RenderArgs renderArgs = RenderArgs.current(); final Params params = Params.current(); final Validation validation = Validation.current(); final cn.bran.play.FieldErrors errors = new cn.bran.play.FieldErrors(validation); final play.Play _play = new play.Play(); // - end of implicit fields with Play public decorateName() { super(null); } public decorateName(StringBuilder out) { super(out); } /* based on https://github.com/branaway/Japid/issues/12 */ public static final String[] argNames = new String[] { /* args of the template*/ "s", }; public static final String[] argTypes = new String[] { /* arg types of the template*/ "String", }; public static final Object[] argDefaults = new Object[] { null, }; public static java.lang.reflect.Method renderMethod = getRenderMethod(japidviews.Application.decorateName.class); { setRenderMethod(renderMethod); setArgNames(argNames); setArgTypes(argTypes); setArgDefaults(argDefaults); setSourceTemplate(sourceTemplate); } ////// end of named args stuff private String s; public cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResult render(String s) { this.s = s; long t = -1; try { super.layout(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { super.handleException(e); } return new cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResultPartial(getHeaders(), getOut(), t, actionRunners); } @Override protected void doLayout() { // ------ ; // line 1 p("\n" + "^^^_ "); // line 1 p(s); // line 3 p(" _^^^\n"); // line 3 } }
// // NOTE: This file was generated from: japidviews/templates/AllPost2.html // Change to this file will be lost next time the template file is compiled. // @cn.bran.play.NoEnhance public class AllPost2 extends Layout { public static final String sourceTemplate = "japidviews/templates/AllPost2.html"; { putHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8"); } // - add implicit fields with Play final Request request = Request.current(); final Response response = Response.current(); final Session session = Session.current(); final RenderArgs renderArgs = RenderArgs.current(); final Params params = Params.current(); final Validation validation = Validation.current(); final cn.bran.play.FieldErrors errors = new cn.bran.play.FieldErrors(validation); final play.Play _play = new play.Play(); // - end of implicit fields with Play public AllPost2() { super(null); } public AllPost2(StringBuilder out) { super(out); } /* based on https://github.com/branaway/Japid/issues/12 */ public static final String[] argNames = new String[] { /* args of the template*/ "blogTitle", "allPost", }; public static final String[] argTypes = new String[] { /* arg types of the template*/ "String", "List<Post>", }; public static final Object[] argDefaults = new Object[] { null, null, }; public static java.lang.reflect.Method renderMethod = getRenderMethod(japidviews.templates.AllPost2.class); { setRenderMethod(renderMethod); setArgNames(argNames); setArgTypes(argTypes); setArgDefaults(argDefaults); setSourceTemplate(sourceTemplate); } ////// end of named args stuff private String blogTitle; // line 3 private List<Post> allPost; // line 3 public cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResult render(String blogTitle, List<Post> allPost) { this.blogTitle = blogTitle; this.allPost = allPost; long t = -1; try { super.layout(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { super.handleException(e); } // line 3 return new cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResultPartial( getHeaders(), getOut(), t, actionRunners, sourceTemplate); } @Override protected void doLayout() { beginDoLayout(sourceTemplate); // ------ ; // line 1 p("\n"); // line 3 p("\n" + "\n"); // line 5 if (allPost.size() > 0) { // line 8 p(" <p></p>\n" + " "); // line 8 for (Post p : allPost) { // line 10 p(" "); // line 10 final Display _Display1 = new Display(getOut()); _Display1.setActionRunners(getActionRunners()).setOut(getOut()); _Display1.render( // line 11 new Display.DoBody<String>() { // line 11 public void render(final String title) { // line 11 // line 11 p(" <p>The real title is: "); // line 11 p(title); // line 12 p(";</p>\n" + " "); // line 12 } StringBuilder oriBuffer; @Override public void setBuffer(StringBuilder sb) { oriBuffer = getOut(); setOut(sb); } @Override public void resetBuffer() { setOut(oriBuffer); } }, named("post", p), named("as", "home")); // line 11 p(" "); // line 13 } // line 14 } else { // line 15 p(" <p>There is no post at this moment</p>\n"); // line 15 } // line 17 p("\n"); // line 17 final Tag2 _Tag22 = new Tag2(getOut()); _Tag22.setActionRunners(getActionRunners()).setOut(getOut()); _Tag22.render(named("msg", blogTitle), named("age", 1000)); // line 19// line 19 p("\n" + "<p>end of it</p>"); // line 19 endDoLayout(sourceTemplate); } @Override protected void title() { p("Home"); ; } }
// // NOTE: This file was generated from: japidviews/_tags/picka.html // Change to this file will be lost next time the template file is compiled. // @cn.bran.play.NoEnhance public class picka extends cn.bran.japid.template.JapidTemplateBase { public static final String sourceTemplate = "japidviews/_tags/picka.html"; { putHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); } // - add implicit fields with Play final Request request = Request.current(); final Response response = Response.current(); final Session session = Session.current(); final RenderArgs renderArgs = RenderArgs.current(); final Params params = Params.current(); final Validation validation = Validation.current(); final cn.bran.play.FieldErrors errors = new cn.bran.play.FieldErrors(validation); final play.Play _play = new play.Play(); // - end of implicit fields with Play public picka() { super(null); } public picka(StringBuilder out) { super(out); } /* based on https://github.com/branaway/Japid/issues/12 */ public static final String[] argNames = new String[] { /* args of the template*/ "a", "b", }; public static final String[] argTypes = new String[] { /* arg types of the template*/ "String", "String", }; public static final Object[] argDefaults = new Object[] { null, null, }; public static java.lang.reflect.Method renderMethod = getRenderMethod(japidviews._tags.picka.class); { setRenderMethod(renderMethod); setArgNames(argNames); setArgTypes(argTypes); setArgDefaults(argDefaults); } ////// end of named args stuff private String a; private String b; public cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResult render( DoBody body, cn.bran.japid.compiler.NamedArgRuntime... named) { Object[] args = buildArgs(named, body); return runRenderer(args); } private DoBody body; public static interface DoBody<A> { void render(A a); } public cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResult render(String a, String b, DoBody body) { this.body = body; this.a = a; this.b = b; long t = -1; super.layout(); return new cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResultPartial(getHeaders(), getOut(), t, actionRunners); } @Override protected void doLayout() { // ------ ; // line 1 p("<p>\n" + "some text \n" + "</p>\n" + "<p>\n"); // line 1 if (body != null) body.render(a + b); p("</p>\n" + "<p>\n" + "more text \n" + "</p>\n" + " "); // line 6 } }
// // NOTE: This file was generated from: japidviews/templates/EachCall.html // Change to this file will be lost next time the template file is compiled. // @cn.bran.play.NoEnhance public class EachCall extends cn.bran.play.JapidTemplateBase { public static final String sourceTemplate = "japidviews/templates/EachCall.html"; { putHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8"); } // - add implicit fields with Play final Request request = Request.current(); final Response response = Response.current(); final Session session = Session.current(); final RenderArgs renderArgs = RenderArgs.current(); final Params params = Params.current(); final Validation validation = Validation.current(); final cn.bran.play.FieldErrors errors = new cn.bran.play.FieldErrors(validation); final play.Play _play = new play.Play(); // - end of implicit fields with Play public EachCall() { super(null); } public EachCall(StringBuilder out) { super(out); } /* based on https://github.com/branaway/Japid/issues/12 */ public static final String[] argNames = new String[] { /* args of the template*/ "posts", }; public static final String[] argTypes = new String[] { /* arg types of the template*/ "List<String>", }; public static final Object[] argDefaults = new Object[] { null, }; public static java.lang.reflect.Method renderMethod = getRenderMethod(japidviews.templates.EachCall.class); { setRenderMethod(renderMethod); setArgNames(argNames); setArgTypes(argTypes); setArgDefaults(argDefaults); setSourceTemplate(sourceTemplate); } ////// end of named args stuff private List<String> posts; // line 1 public cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResult render(List<String> posts) { this.posts = posts; long t = -1; try { super.layout(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { super.handleException(e); } // line 1 return new cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResultPartial( getHeaders(), getOut(), t, actionRunners, sourceTemplate); } @Override protected void doLayout() { beginDoLayout(sourceTemplate); // ------ ; // line 1 p( "\n" + "<p>\n" + "The \"each/Each\" command is a for loop on steroid, with lots of loop information. \n" + "</p>\n" + "\n" + "<p> \n" + "The instance variable is defined after the | line, the same way as any tag render-back\n" + "</p>\n" + "\n"); // line 1 final Each _Each0 = new Each(getOut()); _Each0.setOut(getOut()); _Each0.render( // line 11 posts, new Each.DoBody<String>() { // line 11 public void render( final String p, final int _size, final int _index, final boolean _isOdd, final String _parity, final boolean _isFirst, final boolean _isLast) { // line 11 // line 11 p(" <p>index: "); // line 11 p(_index); // line 12 p(", parity: "); // line 12 p(_parity); // line 12 p(", is odd? "); // line 12 p(_isOdd); // line 12 p(", is first? "); // line 12 p(_isFirst); // line 12 p(", is last? "); // line 12 p(_isLast); // line 12 p(", total size: "); // line 12 p(_size); // line 12 p(" </p>\n" + " call a tag: "); // line 12 final SampleTag _SampleTag1 = new SampleTag(getOut()); _SampleTag1.setActionRunners(getActionRunners()).setOut(getOut()); _SampleTag1.render(p); // line 13// line 13 } StringBuilder oriBuffer; @Override public void setBuffer(StringBuilder sb) { oriBuffer = getOut(); setOut(sb); } @Override public void resetBuffer() { setOut(oriBuffer); } }); // line 11 p("\n"); // line 14 final SampleTag _SampleTag2 = new SampleTag(getOut()); _SampleTag2.setActionRunners(getActionRunners()).setOut(getOut()); _SampleTag2.render("end"); // line 16// line 16 p( "\n" + "<p> now we have an enhanced for loop (the \"open for loop\") that also makes all the loop properties available</p>\n" + "\n"); // line 16 int k = 1; // line 20 final Each _Each3 = new Each(getOut()); _Each3.setOut(getOut()); _Each3.render( // line 21 posts, new Each.DoBody<String>() { // line 21 public void render( final String p, final int _size, final int _index, final boolean _isOdd, final String _parity, final boolean _isFirst, final boolean _isLast) { // line 21 // line 21 p(" <p>index: "); // line 21 p(_index); // line 22 p(", parity: "); // line 22 p(_parity); // line 22 p(", is odd? "); // line 22 p(_isOdd); // line 22 p(", is first? "); // line 22 p(_isFirst); // line 22 p(", is last? "); // line 22 p(_isLast); // line 22 p(", total size: "); // line 22 p(_size); // line 22 p(" </p>\n" + " call a tag: "); // line 22 final SampleTag _SampleTag4 = new SampleTag(getOut()); _SampleTag4.setActionRunners(getActionRunners()).setOut(getOut()); _SampleTag4.render(p); // line 23// line 23 } StringBuilder oriBuffer; @Override public void setBuffer(StringBuilder sb) { oriBuffer = getOut(); setOut(sb); } @Override public void resetBuffer() { setOut(oriBuffer); } }); // line 21 p("\n" + "\n"); // line 24 int[] ints = {1, 2, 3}; // line 27 final Each _Each5 = new Each(getOut()); _Each5.setOut(getOut()); _Each5.render( // line 28 ints, new Each.DoBody<Integer>() { // line 28 public void render( final Integer i, final int _size, final int _index, final boolean _isOdd, final String _parity, final boolean _isFirst, final boolean _isLast) { // line 28 // line 28 p(" --> "); // line 28 p(escape(i)); // line 29 p("\n"); // line 29 } StringBuilder oriBuffer; @Override public void setBuffer(StringBuilder sb) { oriBuffer = getOut(); setOut(sb); } @Override public void resetBuffer() { setOut(oriBuffer); } }); // line 28 ; // line 30 endDoLayout(sourceTemplate); } }
// // NOTE: This file was generated from: japidviews/Application/search.html // Change to this file will be lost next time the template file is compiled. // @cn.bran.play.NoEnhance public class search extends cn.bran.japid.template.JapidTemplateBase { public static final String sourceTemplate = "japidviews/Application/search.html"; { putHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); } // - add implicit fields with Play final Request request = Request.current(); final Response response = Response.current(); final Session session = Session.current(); final RenderArgs renderArgs = RenderArgs.current(); final Params params = Params.current(); final Validation validation = Validation.current(); final cn.bran.play.FieldErrors errors = new cn.bran.play.FieldErrors(validation); final play.Play _play = new play.Play(); // - end of implicit fields with Play public search() { super(null); } public search(StringBuilder out) { super(out); } /* based on https://github.com/branaway/Japid/issues/12 */ public static final String[] argNames = new String[] { /* args of the template*/ "sp", }; public static final String[] argTypes = new String[] { /* arg types of the template*/ "SearchParams", }; public static final Object[] argDefaults = new Object[] { null, }; public static java.lang.reflect.Method renderMethod = getRenderMethod(japidviews.Application.search.class); { setRenderMethod(renderMethod); setArgNames(argNames); setArgTypes(argTypes); setArgDefaults(argDefaults); } ////// end of named args stuff private SearchParams sp; public cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResult render(SearchParams sp) { this.sp = sp; long t = -1; super.layout(); return new cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResultPartial(getHeaders(), getOut(), t, actionRunners); } @Override protected void doLayout() { // ------ ; // line 1 p("\n" + "\n" + "keys: "); // line 1 try { Object o = sp.keywords; if (o.toString().length() == 0) { p("没有 keywords"); } else { p(o); } } catch (NullPointerException npe) { p("没有 keywords"); } // line 3 p(", mode: "); // line 3 try { Object o = sp.mode; if (o.toString().length() == 0) { p("no mode"); } else { p(o); } } catch (NullPointerException npe) { p("no mode"); } // line 3 p("\n" + "\n" + "true/false: "); // line 3 p(true ? "class=\"someclass\"" : ""); // line 5 ; // line 5 } }
// // NOTE: This file was generated from: japidviews/_tags/paramWithDefaults.html // Change to this file will be lost next time the template file is compiled. // @cn.bran.play.NoEnhance public class paramWithDefaults extends cn.bran.play.JapidTemplateBase { public static final String sourceTemplate = "japidviews/_tags/paramWithDefaults.html"; { putHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8"); } // - add implicit fields with Play final Request request = Request.current(); final Response response = Response.current(); final Session session = Session.current(); final RenderArgs renderArgs = RenderArgs.current(); final Params params = Params.current(); final Validation validation = Validation.current(); final cn.bran.play.FieldErrors errors = new cn.bran.play.FieldErrors(validation); final play.Play _play = new play.Play(); // - end of implicit fields with Play public paramWithDefaults() { super(null); } public paramWithDefaults(StringBuilder out) { super(out); } /* based on https://github.com/branaway/Japid/issues/12 */ public static final String[] argNames = new String[] { /* args of the template*/ "msg", "m2", "age", }; public static final String[] argTypes = new String[] { /* arg types of the template*/ "String", "String", "Integer", }; public static final Object[] argDefaults = new Object[] { "message 1 default value", new String("m2message"), 20, }; public static java.lang.reflect.Method renderMethod = getRenderMethod(japidviews._tags.paramWithDefaults.class); { setRenderMethod(renderMethod); setArgNames(argNames); setArgTypes(argTypes); setArgDefaults(argDefaults); setSourceTemplate(sourceTemplate); } ////// end of named args stuff private String msg; // line 1 private String m2; // line 1 private Integer age; // line 1 public cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResult render(String msg, String m2, Integer age) { this.msg = msg; this.m2 = m2; this.age = age; long t = -1; try { super.layout(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { super.handleException(e); } // line 1 return new cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResultPartial( getHeaders(), getOut(), t, actionRunners, sourceTemplate); } @Override protected void doLayout() { beginDoLayout(sourceTemplate); // ------ ; // line 1 p("\n" + "<span>"); // line 5 p(msg); // line 6 p("</span>\n" + "<span>"); // line 6 p(m2); // line 7 p("</span>\n" + "<span>"); // line 7 p(age); // line 8 p("</span>\n" + "\n"); // line 8 endDoLayout(sourceTemplate); } }
// // NOTE: This file was generated from: japidviews/templates/Set.html // Change to this file will be lost next time the template file is compiled. // @cn.bran.play.NoEnhance public class Set extends japidviews._layouts.SetLayout { public static final String sourceTemplate = "japidviews/templates/Set.html"; { putHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8"); } // - add implicit fields with Play final Request request = Request.current(); final Response response = Response.current(); final Session session = Session.current(); final RenderArgs renderArgs = RenderArgs.current(); final Params params = Params.current(); final Validation validation = Validation.current(); final cn.bran.play.FieldErrors errors = new cn.bran.play.FieldErrors(validation); final play.Play _play = new play.Play(); // - end of implicit fields with Play public Set() { super(null); } public Set(StringBuilder out) { super(out); } /* based on https://github.com/branaway/Japid/issues/12 */ public static final String[] argNames = new String[] { /* args of the template*/ "a", }; public static final String[] argTypes = new String[] { /* arg types of the template*/ "String", }; public static final Object[] argDefaults = new Object[] { null, }; public static java.lang.reflect.Method renderMethod = getRenderMethod(japidviews.templates.Set.class); { setRenderMethod(renderMethod); setArgNames(argNames); setArgTypes(argTypes); setArgDefaults(argDefaults); setSourceTemplate(sourceTemplate); } ////// end of named args stuff private String a; // line 2 public cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResult render(String a) { this.a = a; long t = -1; try { super.layout(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { super.handleException(e); } // line 2 return new cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResultPartial( getHeaders(), getOut(), t, actionRunners, sourceTemplate); } @Override protected void doLayout() { beginDoLayout(sourceTemplate); // ------ ; // line 1 p("\n"); // line 2 p("\n" + "\n"); // line 11 p("\n" + "\n"); // line 13 // line 17 endDoLayout(sourceTemplate); } @Override protected void footer() { // line 17 p(" great footer. Call a tag: "); // line 17 final dummyTag _dummyTag2 = new dummyTag(getOut()); _dummyTag2.setActionRunners(getActionRunners()).setOut(getOut()); _dummyTag2.render("me"); // line 18// line 18 ; } @Override protected void title() { p("Home away" + a); ; } }
// // NOTE: This file was generated from: japidviews/templates/SimpleTemp.txt // Change to this file will be lost next time the template file is compiled. // @cn.bran.play.NoEnhance public class SimpleTemp_txt extends cn.bran.japid.template.JapidTemplateBase { public static final String sourceTemplate = "japidviews/templates/SimpleTemp.txt"; { putHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"); } // - add implicit fields with Play final Request request = Request.current(); final Response response = Response.current(); final Session session = Session.current(); final RenderArgs renderArgs = RenderArgs.current(); final Params params = Params.current(); final Validation validation = Validation.current(); final cn.bran.play.FieldErrors errors = new cn.bran.play.FieldErrors(validation); final play.Play _play = new play.Play(); // - end of implicit fields with Play public SimpleTemp_txt() { super(null); } public SimpleTemp_txt(StringBuilder out) { super(out); } /* based on https://github.com/branaway/Japid/issues/12 */ public static final String[] argNames = new String[] { /* args of the template*/ "blogTitle", }; public static final String[] argTypes = new String[] { /* arg types of the template*/ "String", }; public static final Object[] argDefaults = new Object[] { null, }; public static java.lang.reflect.Method renderMethod = getRenderMethod(japidviews.templates.SimpleTemp_txt.class); { setRenderMethod(renderMethod); setArgNames(argNames); setArgTypes(argTypes); setArgDefaults(argDefaults); } ////// end of named args stuff private String blogTitle; public cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResult render(String blogTitle) { this.blogTitle = blogTitle; long t = -1; super.layout(); return new cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResultPartial(getHeaders(), getOut(), t, actionRunners); } @Override protected void doLayout() { // ------ ; // line 1 p("\n" + "blog title: "); // line 1 p(blogTitle); // line 3 p("\n"); // line 3 } }
// // NOTE: This file was generated from: japidviews/templates/def.html // Change to this file will be lost next time the template file is compiled. // @cn.bran.play.NoEnhance public class def extends defLayout { public static final String sourceTemplate = "japidviews/templates/def.html"; { putHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); } // - add implicit fields with Play final Request request = Request.current(); final Response response = Response.current(); final Session session = Session.current(); final RenderArgs renderArgs = RenderArgs.current(); final Params params = Params.current(); final Validation validation = Validation.current(); final cn.bran.play.FieldErrors errors = new cn.bran.play.FieldErrors(validation); final play.Play _play = new play.Play(); // - end of implicit fields with Play public def() { super(null); } public def(StringBuilder out) { super(out); } /* based on https://github.com/branaway/Japid/issues/12 */ public static final String[] argNames = new String[] { /* args of the template*/ }; public static final String[] argTypes = new String[] { /* arg types of the template*/ }; public static final Object[] argDefaults = new Object[] {}; public static java.lang.reflect.Method renderMethod = getRenderMethod(japidviews.templates.def.class); { setRenderMethod(renderMethod); setArgNames(argNames); setArgTypes(argTypes); setArgDefaults(argDefaults); setSourceTemplate(sourceTemplate); } ////// end of named args stuff public cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResult render() { long t = -1; try { super.layout(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { super.handleException(e); } return new cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResultPartial(getHeaders(), getOut(), t, actionRunners); } @Override protected void doLayout() { // -- set up the tag objects final dummyTag _dummyTag4 = new dummyTag(getOut()); { _dummyTag4.setActionRunners(getActionRunners()); } // -- end of the tag objects // ------ ; // line 1 p("\n" + "<p>check 1</p>\n"); // line 1 p("\n" + "\n" + "\n"); // line 4 // line 7 p("\n" + "<p>check 2</p>\n"); // line 12 // line 15 p("<p>check 3</p>\n" + "\n"); // line 18 p("\n" + "\n"); // line 21 // line 23 p("\n" + "\n" + "<p>check 4</p>\n"); // line 26 _dummyTag4.setOut(getOut()); _dummyTag4.render(get("bar")); // line 29 p("\n" + "\n"); // line 29 p("<p>check 5</p>\n" + "\n"); // line 31 p(foo()); // line 34 p("\n" + "\n" + "<p>check 6</p>\n" + "\n"); // line 34 String a = ""; // line 39 a += "bssdfsdf"; // line 40 p("\n"); // line 41 if (a.length() > 0) { // line 42 p(a); // line 43 } // line 44 p("\n"); // line 44 } public String foo2(String p) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder ori = getOut(); this.setOut(sb); final dummyTag _dummyTag1 = new dummyTag(getOut()); { _dummyTag1.setActionRunners(getActionRunners()); } // line 7 p(" <p>hi "); // line 7 p(p); // line 8 p("!,</p> \n" + " <p>from "); // line 8 p(request.action); // line 9 p("</p>\n" + " <p>OK you can call a tag:</p>\n" + " "); // line 9 _dummyTag1.setOut(getOut()); _dummyTag1.render(p); // line 11 this.setOut(ori); return sb.toString(); } public String foo() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder ori = getOut(); this.setOut(sb); // line 15 p(" "); // line 15 String s = "hi there"; // line 16 p(" <p>foo hello "); // line 16 p(foo2(s)); // line 17 p("</p>\n"); // line 17 this.setOut(ori); return sb.toString(); } public String bar() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder ori = getOut(); this.setOut(sb); // line 23 p("\n" + " "); // line 23 String s = "hi2"; // line 24 p(" <p>bar hi "); // line 24 p(s); // line 25 p("!</p>\n"); // line 25 this.setOut(ori); return sb.toString(); } }
// // NOTE: This file was generated from: japidviews/more/Portlets/panel2.html // Change to this file will be lost next time the template file is compiled. // @cn.bran.play.NoEnhance public class panel2 extends cn.bran.play.JapidTemplateBase { public static final String sourceTemplate = "japidviews/more/Portlets/panel2.html"; { putHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8"); } // - add implicit fields with Play final Request request = Request.current(); final Response response = Response.current(); final Session session = Session.current(); final RenderArgs renderArgs = RenderArgs.current(); final Params params = Params.current(); final Validation validation = Validation.current(); final cn.bran.play.FieldErrors errors = new cn.bran.play.FieldErrors(validation); final play.Play _play = new play.Play(); // - end of implicit fields with Play public panel2() { super(null); } public panel2(StringBuilder out) { super(out); } /* based on https://github.com/branaway/Japid/issues/12 */ public static final String[] argNames = new String[] { /* args of the template*/ "a", }; public static final String[] argTypes = new String[] { /* arg types of the template*/ "String", }; public static final Object[] argDefaults = new Object[] { null, }; public static java.lang.reflect.Method renderMethod = getRenderMethod(japidviews.more.Portlets.panel2.class); { setRenderMethod(renderMethod); setArgNames(argNames); setArgTypes(argTypes); setArgDefaults(argDefaults); setSourceTemplate(sourceTemplate); } ////// end of named args stuff private String a; // line 1 public cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResult render(String a) { this.a = a; long t = -1; try { super.layout(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { super.handleException(e); } // line 1 return new cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResultPartial( getHeaders(), getOut(), t, actionRunners, sourceTemplate); } @Override protected void doLayout() { beginDoLayout(sourceTemplate); // ------ ; // line 1 p("<p>panel-2 "); // line 1 p(a); // line 2 p(": "); // line 2 p(new Date()); // line 2 p("</p>\n"); // line 2 endDoLayout(sourceTemplate); } }