public static String[] getParameterString(ExtractInfoHelper helper, boolean useCanonicalText) { int i = 0; ParameterInfo[] infos = helper.getParameterInfos(); int number = 0; for (ParameterInfo info : infos) { if (info.passAsParameter()) number++; } ArrayList<String> params = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ParameterInfo info : infos) { if (info.passAsParameter()) { PsiType paramType = info.getType(); final PsiPrimitiveType unboxed = PsiPrimitiveType.getUnboxedType(paramType); if (unboxed != null) paramType = unboxed; String paramTypeText; if (paramType == null || paramType.equalsToText(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT)) { paramTypeText = ""; } else { paramTypeText = (useCanonicalText ? paramType.getCanonicalText() : paramType.getPresentableText()) + " "; } params.add(paramTypeText + info.getName() + (i < number - 1 ? ", " : "")); i++; } } return ArrayUtil.toStringArray(params); }
private void putParameterOnStack(ParameterInfo... infos) { int[] index = new int[infos.length]; for (int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { ParameterInfo info = infos[i]; if (!info.isSkippedOrRemapped()) { index[i] = codegen.getFrameMap().enterTemp(info.getType()); } else { index[i] = -1; } } for (int i = infos.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ParameterInfo info = infos[i]; if (!info.isSkippedOrRemapped()) { Type type = info.type; StackValue.local(index[i], type).store(StackValue.onStack(type), codegen.v); } } }
private void generateConstructorAndFields( @NotNull ClassBuilder classBuilder, @NotNull ParametersBuilder allCapturedBuilder, @NotNull ParametersBuilder constructorInlineBuilder, @NotNull AnonymousObjectGeneration anonymousObjectGen, @NotNull FieldRemapper parentRemapper, @NotNull List<CapturedParamInfo> constructorAdditionalFakeParams) { List<Type> descTypes = new ArrayList<Type>(); Parameters constructorParams = constructorInlineBuilder.buildParameters(); int[] capturedIndexes = new int[constructorParams.getReal().size() + constructorParams.getCaptured().size()]; int index = 0; int size = 0; // complex processing cause it could have super constructor call params for (ParameterInfo info : constructorParams) { if (!info.isSkipped()) { // not inlined if (info.isCaptured() || info instanceof CapturedParamInfo) { capturedIndexes[index] = size; index++; } if (size != 0) { // skip this descTypes.add(info.getType()); } size += info.getType().getSize(); } } String constructorDescriptor = Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE, descTypes.toArray(new Type[descTypes.size()])); // TODO for inline method make public class anonymousObjectGen.setNewConstructorDescriptor(constructorDescriptor); MethodVisitor constructorVisitor = classBuilder.newMethod( NO_ORIGIN, AsmUtil.NO_FLAG_PACKAGE_PRIVATE, "<init>", constructorDescriptor, null, ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY); // initialize captured fields List<NewJavaField> newFieldsWithSkipped = TransformationUtilsKt.getNewFieldsToGenerate(allCapturedBuilder.listCaptured()); List<FieldInfo> fieldInfoWithSkipped = TransformationUtilsKt.transformToFieldInfo(newLambdaType, newFieldsWithSkipped); int paramIndex = 0; InstructionAdapter capturedFieldInitializer = new InstructionAdapter(constructorVisitor); for (int i = 0; i < fieldInfoWithSkipped.size(); i++) { FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfoWithSkipped.get(i); if (!newFieldsWithSkipped.get(i).getSkip()) { AsmUtil.genAssignInstanceFieldFromParam( fieldInfo, capturedIndexes[paramIndex], capturedFieldInitializer); } paramIndex++; } // then transform constructor // HACK: in inlinining into constructor we access original captured fields with field access not // local var // but this fields added to general params (this assumes local var access) not captured one, // so we need to add them to captured params for (CapturedParamInfo info : constructorAdditionalFakeParams) { CapturedParamInfo fake = constructorInlineBuilder.addCapturedParamCopy(info); if (fake.getLambda() != null) { // set remap value to skip this fake (captured with lambda already skipped) StackValue composed = StackValue.field( fake.getType(), oldObjectType, fake.getNewFieldName(), false, StackValue.LOCAL_0); fake.setRemapValue(composed); } } inlineMethodAndUpdateGlobalResult( anonymousObjectGen, parentRemapper, capturedFieldInitializer, constructor, constructorInlineBuilder, true); constructorVisitor.visitEnd(); AsmUtil.genClosureFields( TransformationUtilsKt.toNameTypePair( TransformationUtilsKt.filterSkipped(newFieldsWithSkipped)), classBuilder); }