  public List<EndpointAffinity> getOperatorAffinity() {
    Map<String, DrillbitEndpoint> endpointMap = new HashMap<String, DrillbitEndpoint>();
    for (DrillbitEndpoint ep : storagePlugin.getContext().getBits()) {
      endpointMap.put(ep.getAddress(), ep);

    Map<DrillbitEndpoint, EndpointAffinity> affinityMap =
        new HashMap<DrillbitEndpoint, EndpointAffinity>();
    for (ServerName sn : regionsToScan.values()) {
      DrillbitEndpoint ep = endpointMap.get(sn.getHostname());
      if (ep != null) {
        EndpointAffinity affinity = affinityMap.get(ep);
        if (affinity == null) {
          affinityMap.put(ep, new EndpointAffinity(ep, 1));
        } else {
    logger.debug("Took {} µs to get operator affinity", watch.elapsed(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) / 1000);
    return Lists.newArrayList(affinityMap.values());
  * returns a collection of all existing partitions
  * @return
 public List<Partition> getPartitions() {
   List<Partition> plist = new ArrayList<Partition>();
   for (Interval interval : intervals.values()) {
   return plist;
  public DequeueResult<byte[]> dequeue(int maxBatchSize) throws IOException {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(maxBatchSize > 0, "Batch size must be > 0.");

    // pre-compute the "claimed" state content in case of FIFO.
    byte[] claimedStateValue = null;
    if (consumerConfig.getDequeueStrategy() == DequeueStrategy.FIFO
        && consumerConfig.getGroupSize() > 1) {
      claimedStateValue = encodeStateColumn(ConsumerEntryState.CLAIMED);
    while (consumingEntries.size() < maxBatchSize && getEntries(consumingEntries, maxBatchSize)) {

      // ANDREAS: this while loop should stop once getEntries/populateCache reaches the end of the
      // queue. Currently, it
      // will retry as long as it gets at least one entry in every round, even if that is an entry
      // that must be ignored
      // because it cannot be claimed.
      // ANDREAS: It could be a problem that we always read to the end of the queue. This way one
      // flowlet instance may
      // always all entries, while others are idle.

      // For FIFO, need to try claiming the entry if group size > 1
      if (consumerConfig.getDequeueStrategy() == DequeueStrategy.FIFO
          && consumerConfig.getGroupSize() > 1) {
        Iterator<Map.Entry<byte[], SimpleQueueEntry>> iterator =
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
          SimpleQueueEntry entry = iterator.next().getValue();

          if (entry.getState() == null
              || QueueEntryRow.getStateInstanceId(entry.getState())
                  >= consumerConfig.getGroupSize()) {
            // If not able to claim it, remove it, and move to next one.
            if (!claimEntry(entry.getRowKey(), claimedStateValue)) {

    // If nothing get dequeued, return the empty result.
    if (consumingEntries.isEmpty()) {
      return EMPTY_RESULT;

    return new SimpleDequeueResult(consumingEntries.values());
  public Word getNextWord(String previousWord, boolean limit) throws Exception {
    if (weightsMap.isEmpty()) {
      return new Word(null, 1.0);
    if (null == previousWord || previousWord.equals(weightsMap.lastEntry().getValue().getValue())) {
      if (!limit) {
        return weightsMap.firstEntry().getValue();
      throw new LimitReachedException(
          previousWord, "Last word in dictionary \"" + name + "\" already reached.");

    Iterator<Word> iterator = weightsMap.values().iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      if (previousWord.equals(iterator.next().getValue())) {
        return iterator.next();
    throw new Exception(
        "No previous word \"" + previousWord + "\" was found in dictionary \"" + name + "\".");
   * Recalculates real bag size.
   * @return real size
  private int updateSize() {
    int size = 0;
    if (collectionPointer != null) {
      final OSBTreeBonsai<OIdentifiable, Integer> tree = loadTree();
      try {
        size = tree.getRealBagSize(changes);
      } finally {
    } else {
      for (Change change : changes.values()) {
        size += change.applyTo(0);

    for (OModifiableInteger diff : newEntries.values()) {
      size += diff.getValue();

    this.size = size;
    return size;
 private static ExecutionScript loadScript(
     String flowId, ExecutionPhase phase, String nodeId, Map<String, String> contents) {
   assert flowId != null;
   assert phase != null;
   assert nodeId != null;
   assert contents != null;
   String prefix = getPrefix(flowId, phase, nodeId);
   String scriptId = extract(contents, prefix, KEY_ID);
   String kindSymbol = extract(contents, prefix, KEY_KIND);
   ExecutionScript.Kind kind = ExecutionScript.Kind.findFromSymbol(kindSymbol);
   String blockersString = extract(contents, prefix, KEY_BLOCKERS);
   Set<String> blockers = parseTokens(blockersString);
   Map<String, String> environmentVariables =
       PropertiesUtil.createPrefixMap(contents, KEY_ENV_PREFIX);
   ExecutionScript script;
   if (kind == ExecutionScript.Kind.COMMAND) {
     String profileName = extract(contents, prefix, KEY_PROFILE);
     String moduleName = extract(contents, prefix, KEY_MODULE);
     NavigableMap<String, String> commandMap =
         PropertiesUtil.createPrefixMap(contents, KEY_COMMAND_PREFIX);
     if (commandMap.isEmpty()) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException(
           MessageFormat.format("\"{0}*\" is not defined", prefix + KEY_COMMAND_PREFIX));
     List<String> command = new ArrayList<String>(commandMap.values());
     script =
         new CommandScript(
             scriptId, blockers, profileName, moduleName, command, environmentVariables);
   } else if (kind == ExecutionScript.Kind.HADOOP) {
     String className = extract(contents, prefix, KEY_CLASS_NAME);
     Map<String, String> properties = PropertiesUtil.createPrefixMap(contents, KEY_PROP_PREFIX);
     script = new HadoopScript(scriptId, blockers, className, properties, environmentVariables);
   } else {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         MessageFormat.format("Unsupported kind in \"{0}\": {1}", prefix + KEY_KIND, kindSymbol));
   LOG.trace("Loaded script {}* -> {}", script);
   return script;
 public Collection<Object> values() {
   return configMap.values();
  public List<Point2D.Double> debugColumnVersion(
      String timestamp, double latitude, double longitude, double radius) {

    long sTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // build up a raster
    XRaster raster = new XRaster(this.space, this.min_size_of_height, this.max_num_of_column);
    Point2D.Double point = new Point2D.Double(latitude, longitude);
    ResultScanner rScanner = null;
    // return result
    HashMap<String, String> results = new HashMap<String, String>();
    ArrayList<Point2D.Double> returnPoints = new ArrayList<Point2D.Double>();
    try {
      // match rect to find the subspace it belongs to
      XBox[] match_boxes = raster.match(latitude, longitude, radius);
      String[] rowRange = new String[2];
      rowRange[0] = match_boxes[0].getRow();
      rowRange[1] = match_boxes[1].getRow() + "0";

      String[] c = raster.getColumns(match_boxes[0], match_boxes[1]);
      // the version here is harded coded, because i cannot get how many
      // objects in one cell now
      FilterList fList = new FilterList();
      rScanner = this.hbaseUtil.getResultSet(rowRange, fList, this.familyName, c, 1000000);

      BixiReader reader = new BixiReader();
      int count = 0;
      int accepted = 0;

      int max_column = 0;
      int min_column = 10000;
      int max_version = 0;
      int min_version = 10000;
      int row_count = 0;
      int byte_lenght = 0;

      for (Result r : rScanner) {
        byte_lenght = r.getBytes().getLength();

        NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>> resultMap =

        int count_column = 0;
        for (byte[] family : resultMap.keySet()) {
          NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>> columns = resultMap.get(family);
          count_column = 0;
          for (byte[] col : columns.keySet()) {
            NavigableMap<Long, byte[]> values = columns.get(col);
            if (values.values().size() > max_version) {
              max_version = values.values().size();
            if (values.values().size() < min_version) {
              min_version = values.values().size();

            for (Long version : values.keySet()) {
              // get the distance between this point and the given
              // point
              XStation station = reader.getStationFromJson(Bytes.toString(values.get(version)));

              Point2D.Double resPoint =
                  new Point2D.Double(station.getLatitude(), station.getlongitude());
              double distance = resPoint.distance(point);

              if (Bytes.toString(col).equals("0011")) {
                /*								System.out.println("!!!! key=>"+Bytes.toString(r.getRow())+
              if (distance <= radius) {
                // System.out.println("row=>"+Bytes.toString(r.getRow())
                // +
                // ";colum=>"+Bytes.toString(col)+";version=>"+version+
                // ";station=>"+station.getId()+";distance=>"+distance);
                results.put(station.getId(), String.valueOf(distance));
          if (count_column > max_column) max_column = count_column;
          if (count_column < min_column) min_column = count_column;
      System.out.println("byte_length=>" + byte_lenght + ";row_count=>" + row_count);
              + max_column
              + ";min_column=>"
              + min_column
              + ";max_version=>"
              + max_version
              + ";min_version=>"
              + min_version);
      long eTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
          "count=>" + count + ";accepted=>" + accepted + ";time=>" + (eTime - sTime));
      String outStr =
              + radius
              + ";count=>"
              + count
              + ";accepted=>"
              + accepted
              + ";time=>"
              + (eTime - sTime)
              + ";row_stride=>"
              + this.min_size_of_height
              + ";columns=>"
              + this.max_num_of_column;

    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
    return returnPoints;