public synchronized void fail() throws Fail { int err = GetLastError(); Memory buffer = new Memory(2048); int res = FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, null, err, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), buffer, (int) buffer.size(), null); log = log && log( 1, "fail() %s, Windows GetLastError()= %d, %s\n", lineno(1), err, buffer.getString(0, true)); // FIXME here convert from Windows error code to 'posix' error code Fail f = new Fail(); throw f; }
RandomConfig(String[] args) { Limits fireBrigades = new Limits(10, 15, "fireBrigades", "fire brigades"); Limits policeForces = new Limits(10, 15, "policeForces", "police forces"); Limits ambulanceTeams = new Limits(5, 8, "ambulanceTeams", "ambulance teams"); Limits fireStations = new Limits(1, 1, "fireStations", "fire stations"); Limits policeStations = new Limits(1, 1, "policeStations", "police stations"); Limits ambulanceCenters = new Limits(1, 1, "ambulanceCenters", "ambulance centers"); Limits civilians = new Limits(70, 90, "civilians", "civilians"); Limits refuges = new Limits(1, 5, "refuges", "refuges"); Limits fires = new Limits(2, 8, "fires", "fires"); Limits fireRadius = new Limits(0, 20000, "fireradius", "fire radius"); Limits[] allLimits = new Limits[] { fireBrigades, policeForces, ambulanceTeams, fireStations, policeStations, ambulanceCenters, civilians, refuges, fires, fireRadius }; boolean allowTrappedAgents = false; boolean bigFires = false; boolean trappedCivilians = true; String dir = ""; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { if (args[i].startsWith("-min-")) { for (int j = 0; j < allLimits.length; ++j) { if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-min-" + allLimits[j].prefix)) allLimits[j].min = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); } } else if (args[i].startsWith("-max-")) { for (int j = 0; j < allLimits.length; ++j) { if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-max-" + allLimits[j].prefix)) allLimits[j].max = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); } } else if (args[i].startsWith("-no-")) { for (int j = 0; j < allLimits.length; ++j) { if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-no-" + allLimits[j].prefix)) { allLimits[j].min = 0; allLimits[j].max = 0; } } } else if (args[i].startsWith("-set-")) { int num = Integer.parseInt(args[i + 1]); for (int j = 0; j < allLimits.length; ++j) { if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-set-" + allLimits[j].prefix)) { allLimits[j].min = num; allLimits[j].max = num; } } ++i; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-t") || args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("--allow-trapped-agents")) { allowTrappedAgents = true; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-c") || args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("--allow-untrapped-civilians")) { trappedCivilians = false; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-b") || args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("--big-fires")) { bigFires = true; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-d") || args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("--dir")) { dir = args[i + 1]; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-h") || args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("--help")) { System.out.println("Usage: RandomConfig [options]"); System.out.println( "This program will read from \"road.bin\", \"node.bin\" and \"building.bin\" and produce a randomised \"gisini.txt\""); System.out.println("Options"); System.out.println("======="); for (int j = 0; j < allLimits.length; ++j) { System.out.println( "-min-" + allLimits[j].prefix + "\tSet the minimum number of " + allLimits[j].name + " (currently " + allLimits[j].min + ")"); System.out.println( "-max-" + allLimits[j].prefix + "\tSet the maximum number of " + allLimits[j].name + " (currently " + allLimits[j].max + ")"); System.out.println( "-no-" + allLimits[j].prefix + "\tSet the minimum and maximum of " + allLimits[j].name + " to zero"); } System.out.println( "-t\t--allow-trapped-agents\tAllow rescue agents (fire brigades, police forces and ambulance teams) to be placed inside buildings (default OFF)"); System.out.println( "-c\t--allow-untrapped-civilians\tAllow civilians to be placed outside buildings (default OFF)"); System.out.println("-b\t--big-fires\tAllow big fires"); System.out.println("-d\t--dir\tSet output directory (use full path)"); System.out.println("-h\t--help\tPrint this message"); return; } } try { File parentDir = new File(dir); File gisini = new File(parentDir, "gisini.txt"); // Open the output PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(gisini))); // Build the city data allNodes = MapFiles.loadNodes(parentDir); allRoads = MapFiles.loadRoads(parentDir); allBuildings = MapFiles.loadBuildings(parentDir); Memory memory = new HashMemory(); for (int i = 0; i < allNodes.length; ++i) memory.add(allNodes[i], 0); for (int i = 0; i < allRoads.length; ++i) memory.add(allRoads[i], 0); for (int i = 0; i < allBuildings.length; ++i) memory.add(allBuildings[i], 0); // Place items int numFireBrigades = fireBrigades.getNumber(); int numPoliceForces = policeForces.getNumber(); int numAmbulanceTeams = ambulanceTeams.getNumber(); int numFireStations = fireStations.getNumber(); int numPoliceStations = policeStations.getNumber(); int numAmbulanceCenters = ambulanceCenters.getNumber(); int numRefuges = refuges.getNumber(); int numCivilians = civilians.getNumber(); int numFires = fires.getNumber(); FireStation[] fireStationBuildings = new FireStation[numFireStations]; PoliceOffice[] policeOfficeBuildings = new PoliceOffice[numPoliceStations]; AmbulanceCenter[] ambulanceCenterBuildings = new AmbulanceCenter[numAmbulanceCenters]; Refuge[] refugeBuildings = new Refuge[numRefuges]; Building[] normalBuildings = placeMotionlessObjects( fireStationBuildings, policeOfficeBuildings, ambulanceCenterBuildings, refugeBuildings, allBuildings); MapFiles.writeGISMotionlessObjects( out, fireStationBuildings, policeOfficeBuildings, ambulanceCenterBuildings, refugeBuildings); FireBrigade[] fireBrigadeObjects = new FireBrigade[numFireBrigades]; PoliceForce[] policeForceObjects = new PoliceForce[numPoliceForces]; AmbulanceTeam[] ambulanceTeamObjects = new AmbulanceTeam[numAmbulanceTeams]; Civilian[] civilianObjects = new Civilian[numCivilians]; // // placeMovingObjects(fireBrigadeObjects,policeForceObjects,ambulanceTeamObjects,civilianObjects,allBuildings,allRoads,allNodes,allowTrappedAgents,trappedCivilians); placeMovingObjects( fireBrigadeObjects, policeForceObjects, ambulanceTeamObjects, civilianObjects, allBuildings, new Road[0], allNodes, allowTrappedAgents, trappedCivilians); MapFiles.writeGISMovingObjects( out, fireBrigadeObjects, policeForceObjects, ambulanceTeamObjects, civilianObjects, memory); Building[] fireBuildings; if (bigFires) fireBuildings = placeBigFires(numFires, normalBuildings, fireRadius); else fireBuildings = placeNormalFires(numFires, normalBuildings); MapFiles.writeGISFires(out, fireBuildings); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Abstract class: it provides all methods and attributes for each instruction type * * @author Trubia Massimo, Russo Daniele */ public abstract class Instruction { protected BitSet32 repr; protected List<Integer> params; protected int paramCount; protected String syntax; protected String name; protected String comment; protected static Memory memory = Memory.getInstance(); protected Register[] TR; // is not static because each instruction has got its own registers protected String fullname; protected static boolean enableForwarding = (Boolean) Config.get("forwarding"); protected String label; protected static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Instruction.class.getName()); /** Creates a new instance of Instruction */ public Instruction() { params = new LinkedList<Integer>(); TR = new Register[5]; repr = new BitSet32(); repr.reset(false); syntax = new String(); // initialization of temporary registers for (int i = 0; i < TR.length; i++) { TR[i] = new Register(); } } /** <pre> * Returns a BitSet32 holding the binary representation of the Instruction * @return the Bitset32 representing the instruction * </pre> * */ public BitSet32 getRepr() { return repr; } /** * Creates a new instance of an Instruction's subclass * * @param name string value to pass in order to instanciate an instruction object * @return the instruction object */ public static Instruction buildInstruction(String name) { Instruction returnedObject = null; for (InstructionEnumerator op : InstructionEnumerator.values()) { if ( == true) { returnedObject = op.getObject(); return returnedObject; } } return returnedObject; } public enum InstructionEnumerator { // ALU R-Type 32-bits ADD { Instruction getObject() { ADD newObject = new ADD(); return newObject; } }, ADDU { Instruction getObject() { ADDU newObject = new ADDU(); return newObject; } }, SUB { Instruction getObject() { SUB newObject = new SUB(); return newObject; } }, SUBU { Instruction getObject() { SUBU newObject = new SUBU(); return newObject; } }, DIV { Instruction getObject() { DIV newObject = new DIV(); return newObject; } }, DIVU { Instruction getObject() { DIVU newObject = new DIVU(); return newObject; } }, MULT { Instruction getObject() { MULT newObject = new MULT(); return newObject; } }, MULTU { Instruction getObject() { MULTU newObject = new MULTU(); return newObject; } }, // ALU I-Type 32-bits ADDI { Instruction getObject() { ADDI newObject = new ADDI(); return newObject; } }, ADDIU { Instruction getObject() { ADDIU newObject = new ADDIU(); return newObject; } }, // ALU Shifting 32-bits SLL { Instruction getObject() { SLL newObject = new SLL(); return newObject; } }, SLLV { Instruction getObject() { SLLV newObject = new SLLV(); return newObject; } }, SRA { Instruction getObject() { SRA newObject = new SRA(); return newObject; } }, SRAV { Instruction getObject() { SRAV newObject = new SRAV(); return newObject; } }, SRL { Instruction getObject() { SRL newObject = new SRL(); return newObject; } }, SRLV { Instruction getObject() { SRLV newObject = new SRLV(); return newObject; } }, // ALU R-Type AND { Instruction getObject() { AND newObject = new AND(); return newObject; } }, DADD { Instruction getObject() { DADD newObject = new DADD(); return newObject; } }, DADDU { Instruction getObject() { DADDU newObject = new DADDU(); return newObject; } }, DSUB { Instruction getObject() { DSUB newObject = new DSUB(); return newObject; } }, DSUBU { Instruction getObject() { DSUBU newObject = new DSUBU(); return newObject; } }, OR { Instruction getObject() { OR newObject = new OR(); return newObject; } }, SLT { Instruction getObject() { SLT newObject = new SLT(); return newObject; } }, SLTU { Instruction getObject() { SLTU newObject = new SLTU(); return newObject; } }, XOR { Instruction getObject() { XOR newObject = new XOR(); return newObject; } }, MOVN { Instruction getObject() { MOVN newObject = new MOVN(); return newObject; } }, MOVZ { Instruction getObject() { MOVZ newObject = new MOVZ(); return newObject; } }, DDIV { Instruction getObject() { DDIV newObject = new DDIV(); return newObject; } }, DDIVU { Instruction getObject() { DDIVU newObject = new DDIVU(); return newObject; } }, DMULT { Instruction getObject() { DMULT newObject = new DMULT(); return newObject; } }, DMULTU { Instruction getObject() { DMULTU newObject = new DMULTU(); return newObject; } }, MFLO { Instruction getObject() { MFLO newObject = new MFLO(); return newObject; } }, MFHI { Instruction getObject() { MFHI newObject = new MFHI(); return newObject; } }, // ALU I-Type ANDI { Instruction getObject() { ANDI newObject = new ANDI(); return newObject; } }, DADDI { Instruction getObject() { DADDI newObject = new DADDI(); return newObject; } }, DADDUI { Instruction getObject() { DADDUI newObject = new DADDUI(); return newObject; } }, DADDIU { Instruction getObject() { DADDIU newObject = new DADDIU(); return newObject; } }, LUI { Instruction getObject() { LUI newObject = new LUI(); return newObject; } }, ORI { Instruction getObject() { ORI newObject = new ORI(); return newObject; } }, SLTI { Instruction getObject() { SLTI newObject = new SLTI(); return newObject; } }, SLTIU { Instruction getObject() { SLTIU newObject = new SLTIU(); return newObject; } }, XORI { Instruction getObject() { XORI newObject = new XORI(); return newObject; } }, // ALU Shifting DSLL { Instruction getObject() { DSLL newObject = new DSLL(); return newObject; } }, DSLLV { Instruction getObject() { DSLLV newObject = new DSLLV(); return newObject; } }, DSRA { Instruction getObject() { DSRA newObject = new DSRA(); return newObject; } }, DSRAV { Instruction getObject() { DSRAV newObject = new DSRAV(); return newObject; } }, DSRL { Instruction getObject() { DSRL newObject = new DSRL(); return newObject; } }, DSRLV { Instruction getObject() { DSRLV newObject = new DSRLV(); return newObject; } }, // Load-Signed LB { Instruction getObject() { LB newObject = new LB(); return newObject; } }, LH { Instruction getObject() { LH newObject = new LH(); return newObject; } }, LW { Instruction getObject() { LW newObject = new LW(); return newObject; } }, LD { Instruction getObject() { LD newObject = new LD(); return newObject; } }, // Load-Unsigned LBU { Instruction getObject() { LBU newObject = new LBU(); return newObject; } }, LHU { Instruction getObject() { LHU newObject = new LHU(); return newObject; } }, LWU { Instruction getObject() { LWU newObject = new LWU(); return newObject; } }, // Store SB { Instruction getObject() { SB newObject = new SB(); return newObject; } }, SH { Instruction getObject() { SH newObject = new SH(); return newObject; } }, SW { Instruction getObject() { SW newObject = new SW(); return newObject; } }, SD { Instruction getObject() { SD newObject = new SD(); return newObject; } }, // Unconditional branches J { Instruction getObject() { J newObject = new J(); return newObject; } }, JAL { Instruction getObject() { JAL newObject = new JAL(); return newObject; } }, JALR { Instruction getObject() { JALR newObject = new JALR(); return newObject; } }, JR { Instruction getObject() { JR newObject = new JR(); return newObject; } }, BNE { Instruction getObject() { BNE newObject = new BNE(); return newObject; } }, B { Instruction getObject() { B newObject = new B(); return newObject; } }, // Conditional branches BEQ { Instruction getObject() { BEQ newObject = new BEQ(); return newObject; } }, BNEZ { Instruction getObject() { BNEZ newObject = new BNEZ(); return newObject; } }, BEQZ { Instruction getObject() { BEQZ newObject = new BEQZ(); return newObject; } }, BGEZ { Instruction getObject() { BGEZ newObject = new BGEZ(); return newObject; } }, // Special instructions NOP { Instruction getObject() { NOP newObject = new NOP(); return newObject; } }, BUBBLE { Instruction getObject() { BUBBLE newObject = new BUBBLE(); return newObject; } }, HALT { Instruction getObject() { HALT newObject = new HALT(); return newObject; } }, TRAP { Instruction getObject() { TRAP newObject = new TRAP(); return newObject; } }, SYSCALL { Instruction getObject() { SYSCALL newObject = new SYSCALL(); return newObject; } }, BREAK { Instruction getObject() { BREAK newObject = new BREAK(); return newObject; } }; abstract Instruction getObject(); } /** * * * <pre> * Instruction fetch. * Now it is used in order to generate the Dinero trace-file * </pre> */ public void IF() throws BreakException {} /** * * * <pre> * Decode stage of the Pipeline * In this method all instructions that modify GPRs lock the involved register * </pre> */ public abstract void ID() throws RAWException, IrregularWriteOperationException, IrregularStringOfBitsException, TwosComplementSumException, HaltException, JumpException, BreakException; /** * * * <pre> * Execute stage of the Pipeline * In this stage all Alu Instructions perform their computations and save results in temporary registers * </pre> */ public abstract void EX() throws HaltException, IrregularStringOfBitsException, IntegerOverflowException, TwosComplementSumException, IrregularWriteOperationException, IrregularWriteOperationException, DivisionByZeroException; /** * * * <pre> * Memory stage of the Pipeline * In this stage all Load and Store instructions access memory for getting or putting data * </pre> */ public abstract void MEM() throws HaltException, IrregularStringOfBitsException, MemoryElementNotFoundException, AddressErrorException, IrregularWriteOperationException; /** * * * <pre> * Write Back stage of the Pipeline * In this stage all instructions that modify registers write and unlock them * </pre> */ public abstract void WB() throws HaltException, IrregularStringOfBitsException; /** * * * <pre> * Builds the binary encoding of instructions. * Every instruction is represented by a 32 bit field * </pre> */ public abstract void pack() throws IrregularStringOfBitsException; /** * Gets the number of params to pass at the instruction object * * @return number of params */ public int getNParams() { return paramCount; }; /** * * * <pre> * Gets the syntax of any instruction as string composed by the following simbols * %R Register * %I Immediate * %U Unsigned Immediate * %L Memory Label * %E Program Label used for Jump Instructions * %B Program Label used for Brench Instructions * * examples: * Instruction -----> Syntax * DADD R1,R2,R3 | %R,%R,%R * DADDI R1,R2,-3 | %R,%R,%I * DSLL R1,R2,15 | %R,%R,%U * LD R1,vet(R0) | %R,%L(%R) * J loop | %E * BNE R1,R2,loop | %R,%R,%B * </pre> */ public String getSyntax() { return syntax; } /** * Returns the name of the instruction as string. * * @return the instruction name(e.g. "DADD") */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * * * <pre> * Returns a list with the instruction parameters * e.g. DADD R1,R2,R3 --> params= { 1, 2, 3} * LD R1, var(R0)--> params= { 1, address memory corresponding with var, 0} * </pre> * * @return the list of parameters */ public List<Integer> getParams() { return params; } /** *<pre> * Sets the instruction with a list of parameters * Passed list | Instruction to set * e.g. list= { 1, 2, 3} | DADD R1,R2,R3 * list= { 1, address memory corresponding with var, 0} | LD R1, var(R0) *@param params The list of parameters **/ public void setParams(List<Integer> params) { this.params = params; } /** * Sets the full name of the instruction as string * * @param value full name of the instruction (e.g. "DADD R1,R2,R3") */ public void setFullName(String value) { fullname = value; } /** * Sets the comment of the instruction as string. The comment is the text after every semicolon in * the file .s * * @params value the full name of the instruction (e.g. "DADD R1,R2,R3") */ public void setComment(String comment) { this.comment = comment; } /** * Gets the comment of the instruction as string.The comment is the text after every semicolon in * the file .s * * @return the comment */ public String getComment() { return comment; } /** * Gets the comment of the instruction as string. The comment is the text after every semicolon in * the file .s * * @return the full name of the instruction (e.g. "DADD R1,R2,R3") */ public String getFullName() { return fullname; } public String toString() { return fullname; } /** * Enable forwarding mode * * @param value This variable enable the forwarding modality if it is true */ public static void setEnableForwarding(boolean value) { enableForwarding = value; } /** * Gets the state of EnableForwarding. This modality anticipates writing on registers at EX stage * for Alu instructions or at MEM stage for Load-Store instructions * * @return The forwarding state */ public static boolean getEnableForwarding() { return enableForwarding; } /** * * * <pre> * Gets the label of the instruction. Labels may be assigned to instructions * when they are inserted in the symbol table * </pre> * * @return label of the instruction */ public String getLabel() { return label; } /** * * * <pre> * Sets the label of the instruction. Labels may be assigned to instructions * when they are inserted in the symbol table * </pre> * * @value label of the instruction */ public void setLabel(String value) { label = value; } }