  private static boolean test(String proto, MBeanServer mbs) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Testing for proto " + proto);

    JMXConnectorServer cs;
    JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL(proto, null, 0);
    try {
      cs = JMXConnectorServerFactory.newJMXConnectorServer(url, null, mbs);
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
      System.out.println("System does not recognize URL: " + url + "; ignoring");
      return true;
    JMXServiceURL addr = cs.getAddress();
    JMXServiceURL rmiurl = new JMXServiceURL("rmi", null, 0);
    JMXConnector client = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(addr);
    MBeanServerConnection mbsc = client.getMBeanServerConnection();
    ObjectName on = new ObjectName("x:proto=" + proto + ",ok=yes");
        new Object[] {rmiurl, null},
        new String[] {JMXServiceURL.class.getName(), Map.class.getName()});
    System.out.println("Successfully deserialized with " + proto);

    return true;
  /** Constructs a PrintGCStat object to monitor a remote JVM. */
  public PrintGCStat(MBeanServerConnection server) throws IOException {
    // Create the platform mxbean proxies
    this.rmbean = newPlatformMXBeanProxy(server, RUNTIME_MXBEAN_NAME, RuntimeMXBean.class);
    this.mmbean = newPlatformMXBeanProxy(server, MEMORY_MXBEAN_NAME, MemoryMXBean.class);
    ObjectName poolName = null;
    ObjectName gcName = null;
    try {
      poolName = new ObjectName(MEMORY_POOL_MXBEAN_DOMAIN_TYPE + ",*");
      gcName = new ObjectName(GARBAGE_COLLECTOR_MXBEAN_DOMAIN_TYPE + ",*");
    } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
      // should not reach here
      assert (false);

    Set<ObjectName> mbeans = server.queryNames(poolName, null);
    if (mbeans != null) {
      pools = new ArrayList<MemoryPoolMXBean>();
      for (ObjectName objName : mbeans) {
        MemoryPoolMXBean p =
            newPlatformMXBeanProxy(server, objName.getCanonicalName(), MemoryPoolMXBean.class);

    mbeans = server.queryNames(gcName, null);
    if (mbeans != null) {
      gcmbeans = new ArrayList<GarbageCollectorMXBean>();
      for (ObjectName objName : mbeans) {
        GarbageCollectorMXBean gc =
                server, objName.getCanonicalName(), GarbageCollectorMXBean.class);
  protected Result describeMbean(
      @Nonnull MBeanServerConnection mbeanServer, @Nonnull ObjectName objectName)
      throws IntrospectionException, ReflectionException, InstanceNotFoundException, IOException {
    MBeanInfo mbeanInfo = mbeanServer.getMBeanInfo(objectName);
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sw);
    out.println("# MBEAN");
    out.println("## OPERATIONS");
    List<MBeanOperationInfo> operations = Arrays.asList(mbeanInfo.getOperations());
        new Comparator<MBeanOperationInfo>() {
          public int compare(MBeanOperationInfo o1, MBeanOperationInfo o2) {
            return o1.getName().compareTo(o1.getName());

    for (MBeanOperationInfo opInfo : operations) {
      out.print("* " + opInfo.getName() + "(");
      MBeanParameterInfo[] signature = opInfo.getSignature();
      for (int i = 0; i < signature.length; i++) {
        MBeanParameterInfo paramInfo = signature[i];
        out.print(paramInfo.getType() + " " + paramInfo.getName());
        if (i < signature.length - 1) {
          out.print(", ");

      out.print("):" + opInfo.getReturnType() /* + " - " + opInfo.getDescription() */);
    out.println("## ATTRIBUTES");
    List<MBeanAttributeInfo> attributes = Arrays.asList(mbeanInfo.getAttributes());
        new Comparator<MBeanAttributeInfo>() {
          public int compare(MBeanAttributeInfo o1, MBeanAttributeInfo o2) {
            return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());
    for (MBeanAttributeInfo attrInfo : attributes) {
          "* "
              + attrInfo.getName()
              + ": "
              + attrInfo.getType()
              + " - "
              + (attrInfo.isReadable() ? "r" : "")
              + (attrInfo.isWritable() ? "w" : "") /* + " - " +
                    attrInfo.getDescription() */);

    String description = sw.getBuffer().toString();
    return new Result(objectName, description, description);
 public void setProperty(String property, Object value) {
   try {
     server.setAttribute(name, new Attribute(property, value));
   } catch (MBeanException e) {
     throwExceptionWithTarget("Could not set property: " + property + ". Reason: ", e);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throwException("Could not set property: " + property + ". Reason: ", e);
 public Object getProperty(String property) {
   try {
     return server.getAttribute(name, property);
   } catch (MBeanException e) {
     throwExceptionWithTarget("Could not access property: " + property + ". Reason: ", e);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     if (!ignoreErrors) throwException("Could not access property: " + property + ". Reason: ", e);
   return null;
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    if (args.length != 4) {
      System.err.println("Please provide process id zabbix-host zabbix-port host-guid");
    String processPid = args[0];
    String zabbixHost = args[1];
    String zabbixPort = args[2];
    String hostGuid = args[3];

    VirtualMachine vm = VirtualMachine.attach(processPid);
    String connectorAddr =
    if (connectorAddr == null) {
      String agent =
              + File.separator
              + "lib"
              + File.separator
              + "management-agent.jar";
      connectorAddr =
    JMXServiceURL serviceURL = new JMXServiceURL(connectorAddr);
    JMXConnector connector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(serviceURL);
    MBeanServerConnection mbsc = connector.getMBeanServerConnection();
    ObjectName objName = new ObjectName(ManagementFactory.THREAD_MXBEAN_NAME);
    Set<ObjectName> mbeans = mbsc.queryNames(objName, null);
    for (ObjectName name : mbeans) {
      ThreadMXBean threadBean;
      threadBean =
          ManagementFactory.newPlatformMXBeanProxy(mbsc, name.toString(), ThreadMXBean.class);
      long threadIds[] = threadBean.getAllThreadIds();
      for (long threadId : threadIds) {
        ThreadInfo threadInfo = threadBean.getThreadInfo(threadId);
        System.out.println(threadInfo.getThreadName() + " / " + threadInfo.getThreadState());
 private Object getAttribute(ObjectName objName, String attrName)
     throws MBeanException, InstanceNotFoundException, AttributeNotFoundException,
         ReflectionException, IOException {
   final NameValueMap values = getCachedAttributes(objName, Collections.singleton(attrName));
   Object value = values.get(attrName);
   if (value != null || values.containsKey(attrName)) {
     return value;
   // Not in cache, presumably because it was omitted from the
   // getAttributes result because of an exception.  Following
   // call will probably provoke the same exception.
   return conn.getAttribute(objName, attrName);
  public GroovyMBean(MBeanServerConnection server, ObjectName name, boolean ignoreErrors)
      throws JMException, IOException {
    this.server = server;
    this.name = name;
    this.ignoreErrors = ignoreErrors;
    this.beanInfo = server.getMBeanInfo(name);

    MBeanOperationInfo[] operationInfos = beanInfo.getOperations();
    for (MBeanOperationInfo info : operationInfos) {
      String signature[] = createSignature(info);
      // Construct a simplistic key to support overloaded operations on the MBean.
      String operationKey = createOperationKey(info.getName(), signature.length);
      operations.put(operationKey, signature);
 private synchronized NameValueMap getCachedAttributes(ObjectName objName, Set<String> attrNames)
     throws InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException, IOException {
   NameValueMap values = cachedValues.get(objName);
   if (values != null && values.keySet().containsAll(attrNames)) {
     return values;
   attrNames = new TreeSet<String>(attrNames);
   Set<String> oldNames = cachedNames.get(objName);
   if (oldNames != null) {
   values = new NameValueMap();
   final AttributeList attrs =
       conn.getAttributes(objName, attrNames.toArray(new String[attrNames.size()]));
   for (Attribute attr : attrs.asList()) {
     values.put(attr.getName(), attr.getValue());
   cachedValues.put(objName, values);
   cachedNames.put(objName, attrNames);
   return values;
  public Object invokeMethod(String method, Object arguments) {
    Object[] argArray;
    if (arguments instanceof Object[]) {
      argArray = (Object[]) arguments;
    } else {
      argArray = new Object[] {arguments};
    // Locate the specific method based on the name and number of parameters
    String operationKey = createOperationKey(method, argArray.length);
    String[] signature = operations.get(operationKey);

    if (signature != null) {
      try {
        return server.invoke(name, method, argArray, signature);
      } catch (MBeanException e) {
        throwExceptionWithTarget("Could not invoke method: " + method + ". Reason: ", e);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throwException("Could not invoke method: " + method + ". Reason: ", e);
      return null;
    } else {
      return super.invokeMethod(method, arguments);
  public Result invokeOperation(
      @Nonnull MBeanServerConnection mBeanServer,
      @Nonnull ObjectName on,
      @Nonnull String operationName,
      @Nonnull String... arguments)
      throws JMException, IOException {

    logger.debug("invokeOperation({},{}, {}, {})...", on, operationName, Arrays.asList(arguments));
    MBeanInfo mbeanInfo = mBeanServer.getMBeanInfo(on);

    List<MBeanOperationInfo> candidates = new ArrayList<MBeanOperationInfo>();
    for (MBeanOperationInfo mbeanOperationInfo : mbeanInfo.getOperations()) {
      if (mbeanOperationInfo.getName().equals(operationName)
          && mbeanOperationInfo.getSignature().length == arguments.length) {
        logger.debug("Select matching operation {}", mbeanOperationInfo);
      } else {
        logger.trace("Ignore non matching operation {}", mbeanOperationInfo);
    if (candidates.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Operation '"
              + operationName
              + "("
              + Strings2.join(arguments, ", ")
              + ")' NOT found on "
              + on);
    } else if (candidates.size() > 1) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "More than 1 ("
              + candidates.size()
              + ") operation '"
              + operationName
              + "("
              + Strings2.join(arguments, ", ")
              + ")' found on '"
              + on
              + "': "
              + candidates);
    MBeanOperationInfo beanOperationInfo = candidates.get(0);

    MBeanParameterInfo[] mbeanParameterInfos = beanOperationInfo.getSignature();

    List<String> signature = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (MBeanParameterInfo mbeanParameterInfo : mbeanParameterInfos) {

    Object[] convertedArguments = convertValues(arguments, signature);

    logger.debug("Invoke {}:{}({}) ...", on, operationName, Arrays.asList(convertedArguments));

    Object result =
        mBeanServer.invoke(on, operationName, convertedArguments, signature.toArray(new String[0]));

    if ("void".equals(beanOperationInfo.getReturnType()) && result == null) {
      result = "void";

        "Invoke {}:{}({}): {}", on, operationName, Arrays.asList(convertedArguments), result);

    String description =
        "Invoke operation "
            + on
            + ":"
            + operationName
            + "("
            + Strings2.join(convertedArguments, ", ")
            + "): "
            + Strings2.toString(result);
    return new Result(on, result, description);
   * @param mbeanServer
   * @param objectName
   * @param attributeName
   * @param attributeValue if <code>null</code>, this is a read access.
   * @return if this is a read access, the returned value (may be null); if it is a write access,
   *     return <code>void.class</code>.
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws JMException
  public Result invokeAttribute(
      @Nonnull MBeanServerConnection mbeanServer,
      @Nonnull ObjectName objectName,
      @Nonnull String attributeName,
      @Nullable String attributeValue)
      throws IOException, JMException {
    MBeanInfo mbeanInfo = mbeanServer.getMBeanInfo(objectName);
    MBeanAttributeInfo attributeInfo = null;
    for (MBeanAttributeInfo mai : mbeanInfo.getAttributes()) {
      if (mai.getName().equals(attributeName)) {
        attributeInfo = mai;
    if (attributeInfo == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "No attribute '"
              + attributeName
              + "' found on '"
              + objectName
              + "'. Existing attributes: "
              + Arrays.asList(mbeanInfo.getAttributes()));

    String description;
    Object resultValue;

    if (attributeValue == null) {
      if (attributeInfo.isReadable()) {
        Object attribute = mbeanServer.getAttribute(objectName, attributeName);
        logger.info("get attribute value {}:{}:{}", objectName, attributeName, attribute);
        resultValue = attribute;
        description =
            "Get attribute value " + objectName + ":" + attributeName + ": " + resultValue;
      } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Attribute '"
                + attributeName
                + "' is not readable on '"
                + objectName
                + "': "
                + attributeInfo);
    } else {
      if (attributeInfo.isWritable()) {
        Object value = convertValue(attributeValue, attributeInfo.getType());
        mbeanServer.setAttribute(objectName, new Attribute(attributeName, value));
        logger.info("set attribute value {}:{}:{}", objectName, attributeName, value);

        description = "Set attribute value " + objectName + ":" + attributeName + ": " + value;
        resultValue = void.class;
      } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Attribute '"
                + attributeName
                + "' is not writable on '"
                + objectName
                + "': "
                + attributeInfo);

    return new Result(objectName, resultValue, description);
  public Map<ObjectName, Result> process(JmxInvokerArguments arguments) throws IOException {

    String pid =
        (arguments.pid == null) ? Files2.readFile(arguments.pidFile, "US-ASCII") : arguments.pid;
    pid = pid.replace("\n", "").trim();

    ObjectName on = arguments.objectName;

    String[] op = arguments.operation;

    String operationName = op == null || op.length == 0 ? null : op[0];
    String[] operationArguments =
        op == null || op.length < 2 ? new String[0] : Arrays.copyOfRange(op, 1, op.length);

    String[] attr = arguments.attribute;
    String attributeName = attr == null || attr.length == 0 ? null : attr[0];
    String attributeValue = attr == null || attr.length < 2 ? null : attr[1];

    MBeanServerConnection mbeanServer = connectToMbeanServer(pid);

    Map<ObjectName, Result> results = new TreeMap<ObjectName, Result>();

    Set<ObjectName> objectNames = mbeanServer.queryNames(on, null);
    if (objectNames.isEmpty()) {
      logger.warn("No mbean found for ObjectName {}", on);

    for (ObjectName objectName : objectNames) {
      Result result;
      try {
        if (operationName != null) {
          result = invokeOperation(mbeanServer, objectName, operationName, operationArguments);
        } else if (attributeName != null) {
          result = invokeAttribute(mbeanServer, objectName, attributeName, attributeValue);
        } else if (arguments.describeMbeans) {
          result = describeMbean(mbeanServer, objectName);
        } else if (arguments.listMbeans) {
          result = new Result(objectName, objectName.toString(), objectName.toString());
        } else {
          throw new CmdLineException(
              arguments.cmdLineParser, "NO SEARCH_MBEANS OR OPERATION OR ATTRIBUTE DEFINED");
      } catch (Exception e) {
        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
        String msg = "## EXCEPTION ##\n" + sw.toString();
        result = new Result(objectName, msg, msg);

      results.put(objectName, result);

    logger.info("INVOCATION RESULT");
    logger.info("JVM pid: {}", pid);
    logger.info("Searched object-name: {}", on);
    if (operationName != null) {
      logger.info("Invoke operation {}{}", operationName, Arrays.asList(operationArguments));
    } else if (attributeValue == null) {
      logger.info("Get attribute {}", attributeName);
    } else {
      logger.info("Set attribute {}: {}", attributeName, attributeValue);
    for (Map.Entry<ObjectName, Result> entry : results.entrySet()) {
      logger.info("{}", entry.getKey());
      logger.info("\t{}", entry.getValue());

    return results;
  private static boolean test(String proto, MBeanServer mbs, ObjectName on) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Testing for protocol " + proto);

    JMXConnectorServer cs;
    JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL(proto, null, 0);
    try {
      cs = JMXConnectorServerFactory.newJMXConnectorServer(url, null, mbs);
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
      System.out.println("System does not recognize URL: " + url + "; ignoring");
      return true;
    JMXServiceURL addr = cs.getAddress();
    JMXConnector client = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(addr);
    MBeanServerConnection mbsc = client.getMBeanServerConnection();
    Object getAttributeExotic = mbsc.getAttribute(on, "Exotic");
    AttributeList getAttrs = mbsc.getAttributes(on, new String[] {"Exotic"});
    AttributeList setAttrs = new AttributeList();
    setAttrs.add(new Attribute("Exotic", new Exotic()));
    setAttrs = mbsc.setAttributes(on, setAttrs);
    Object invokeExotic = mbsc.invoke(on, "anExotic", new Object[] {}, new String[] {});
    MBeanInfo exoticMBI = mbsc.getMBeanInfo(on);

    mbsc.setAttribute(on, new Attribute("Exception", Boolean.TRUE));
    Exception getAttributeException, setAttributeException, invokeException;
    try {
      try {
        mbsc.getAttribute(on, "Exotic");
        throw noException("getAttribute");
      } catch (Exception e) {
        getAttributeException = e;
      try {
        mbsc.setAttribute(on, new Attribute("Exotic", new Exotic()));
        throw noException("setAttribute");
      } catch (Exception e) {
        setAttributeException = e;
      try {
        mbsc.invoke(on, "anExotic", new Object[] {}, new String[] {});
        throw noException("invoke");
      } catch (Exception e) {
        invokeException = e;
    } finally {
      mbsc.setAttribute(on, new Attribute("Exception", Boolean.FALSE));

    boolean ok = true;

    ok &= checkAttrs("getAttributes", getAttrs);
    ok &= checkAttrs("setAttributes", setAttrs);

    ok &= checkType("getAttribute", getAttributeExotic, Exotic.class);
    ok &= checkType("getAttributes", attrValue(getAttrs), Exotic.class);
    ok &= checkType("setAttributes", attrValue(setAttrs), Exotic.class);
    ok &= checkType("invoke", invokeExotic, Exotic.class);
    ok &= checkType("getMBeanInfo", exoticMBI, ExoticMBeanInfo.class);

    ok &= checkExceptionType("getAttribute", getAttributeException, ExoticException.class);
    ok &= checkExceptionType("setAttribute", setAttributeException, ExoticException.class);
    ok &= checkExceptionType("invoke", invokeException, ExoticException.class);

    if (ok) System.out.println("Test passes for protocol " + proto);
    return ok;