protected String toFormStringExpression(JParameter argument, Style classStyle) throws UnableToCompleteException { JType type = argument.getType(); String expr = argument.getName(); if (type.isPrimitive() != null) { return "\"\"+" + expr; } if (STRING_TYPE == type) { return expr; } if (type.isClass() != null && isOverlayArrayType(type.isClass())) { return "(new " + JSON_ARRAY_CLASS + "(" + expr + ")).toString()"; } if (type.isClass() != null && OVERLAY_VALUE_TYPE.isAssignableFrom(type.isClass())) { return "(new " + JSON_OBJECT_CLASS + "(" + expr + ")).toString()"; } if (type.getQualifiedBinaryName().startsWith("java.lang.")) { return String.format("(%s != null ? %s.toString() : null)", expr, expr); } Json jsonAnnotation = argument.getAnnotation(Json.class); final Style style = jsonAnnotation != null ? : classStyle; return locator.encodeExpression(type, expr, style) + ".toString()"; }
private void writeSubresourceLocatorImpl(JMethod method) throws UnableToCompleteException { JClassType iface = method.getReturnType().isInterface(); if (iface == null || !REST_SERVICE_TYPE.isAssignableFrom(iface)) { getLogger() .log( ERROR, "Invalid subresource locator method. Method must have return type of an interface that extends RestService: " + method.getReadableDeclaration()); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } Path pathAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(Path.class); if (pathAnnotation == null) { getLogger() .log( ERROR, "Invalid subresource locator method. Method must have @Path annotation: " + method.getReadableDeclaration()); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } String pathExpression = wrap(pathAnnotation.value()); for (JParameter arg : method.getParameters()) { PathParam paramPath = arg.getAnnotation(PathParam.class); if (paramPath != null) { pathExpression = pathExpression(pathExpression, arg, paramPath); } } p(method.getReadableDeclaration(false, false, false, false, true) + " {").i(1); { JType type = method.getReturnType(); String name; if (type instanceof JClassType) { JClassType restService = (JClassType) type; RestServiceClassCreator generator = new RestServiceClassCreator(getLogger(), context, restService); name = generator.create(); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Subresource method may not return: " + type); } p(method.getReturnType().getQualifiedSourceName() + " __subresource = new " + name + "();"); p( "((" + RestServiceProxy.class.getName() + ")__subresource).setResource(getResource().resolve(" + pathExpression + "));"); p("return __subresource;"); } i(-1).p("}"); }
protected String toStringExpression(JType type, String expr) { if (type.isPrimitive() != null) { return "\"\"+" + expr; } if (STRING_TYPE == type) { return expr; } if (type.isClass() != null && isOverlayArrayType(type.isClass())) { return "(new " + JSON_ARRAY_CLASS + "(" + expr + ")).toString()"; } if (type.isClass() != null && OVERLAY_VALUE_TYPE.isAssignableFrom(type.isClass())) { return "(new " + JSON_OBJECT_CLASS + "(" + expr + ")).toString()"; } return String.format("(%s != null ? %s.toString() : null)", expr, expr); }
@Override protected void generate() throws UnableToCompleteException { if (source.isInterface() == null) { getLogger().log(ERROR, "Type is not an interface."); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } locator = new JsonEncoderDecoderInstanceLocator(context, getLogger()); this.XML_CALLBACK_TYPE = find(XmlCallback.class, getLogger(), context); this.METHOD_CALLBACK_TYPE = find(MethodCallback.class, getLogger(), context); this.TEXT_CALLBACK_TYPE = find(TextCallback.class, getLogger(), context); this.JSON_CALLBACK_TYPE = find(JsonCallback.class, getLogger(), context); this.OVERLAY_CALLBACK_TYPE = find(OverlayCallback.class, getLogger(), context); this.DOCUMENT_TYPE = find(Document.class, getLogger(), context); this.METHOD_TYPE = find(Method.class, getLogger(), context); this.STRING_TYPE = find(String.class, getLogger(), context); this.JSON_VALUE_TYPE = find(JSONValue.class, getLogger(), context); this.OVERLAY_VALUE_TYPE = find(JavaScriptObject.class, getLogger(), context); this.OVERLAY_ARRAY_TYPES = new HashSet<JClassType>(); this.OVERLAY_ARRAY_TYPES.add(find(JsArray.class, getLogger(), context)); this.OVERLAY_ARRAY_TYPES.add(find(JsArrayBoolean.class, getLogger(), context)); this.OVERLAY_ARRAY_TYPES.add(find(JsArrayInteger.class, getLogger(), context)); this.OVERLAY_ARRAY_TYPES.add(find(JsArrayNumber.class, getLogger(), context)); this.OVERLAY_ARRAY_TYPES.add(find(JsArrayString.class, getLogger(), context)); this.QUERY_PARAM_LIST_TYPES = new HashSet<JClassType>(); this.QUERY_PARAM_LIST_TYPES.add(find(List.class, getLogger(), context)); this.QUERY_PARAM_LIST_TYPES.add(find(Set.class, getLogger(), context)); this.REST_SERVICE_TYPE = find(RestService.class, getLogger(), context); String path = null; Path pathAnnotation = source.getAnnotation(Path.class); if (pathAnnotation != null) { path = pathAnnotation.value(); } RemoteServiceRelativePath relativePath = source.getAnnotation(RemoteServiceRelativePath.class); if (relativePath != null) { path = relativePath.value(); } p("private " + RESOURCE_CLASS + " resource = null;"); p(); p("public void setResource(" + RESOURCE_CLASS + " resource) {").i(1); { p("this.resource = resource;"); } i(-1).p("}"); p("public " + RESOURCE_CLASS + " getResource() {").i(1); { p("if (this.resource == null) {").i(1); if (path == null) { p("this.resource = new " + RESOURCE_CLASS + "(" + DEFAULTS_CLASS + ".getServiceRoot());"); } else { p( "this.resource = new " + RESOURCE_CLASS + "(" + DEFAULTS_CLASS + ".getServiceRoot()).resolve(" + quote(path) + ");"); } i(-1).p("}"); p("return this.resource;"); } i(-1).p("}"); Options options = source.getAnnotation(Options.class); if (options != null && options.dispatcher() != Dispatcher.class) { p( "private " + DISPATCHER_CLASS + " dispatcher = " + options.dispatcher().getName() + ".INSTANCE;"); } else { p("private " + DISPATCHER_CLASS + " dispatcher = null;"); } p(); p("public void setDispatcher(" + DISPATCHER_CLASS + " dispatcher) {").i(1); { p("this.dispatcher = dispatcher;"); } i(-1).p("}"); p(); p("public " + DISPATCHER_CLASS + " getDispatcher() {").i(1); { p("return this.dispatcher;"); } i(-1).p("}"); for (JMethod method : source.getInheritableMethods()) { JClassType iface = method.getReturnType().isInterface(); if (iface != null && REST_SERVICE_TYPE.isAssignableFrom(iface)) writeSubresourceLocatorImpl(method); else writeMethodImpl(method); } }