public void makePuddle(Room R, int oldWeather, int newWeather) { for (int i = 0; i < R.numItems(); i++) { final Item I = R.getItem(i); if ((I instanceof Drink) && (!CMLib.flags().isGettable(I)) && (("puddle") >= 0) || ("snow") >= 0))) return; } final Item I = CMClass.getItem("GenLiquidResource"); CMLib.flags().setGettable(I, false); ((Drink) I).setLiquidHeld(100); ((Drink) I).setLiquidRemaining(100); ((Drink) I).setLiquidType(RawMaterial.RESOURCE_FRESHWATER); I.setMaterial(RawMaterial.RESOURCE_FRESHWATER); I.basePhyStats().setDisposition(I.basePhyStats().disposition() | PhyStats.IS_UNSAVABLE); CMLib.materials().addEffectsToResource(I); I.recoverPhyStats(); if (coldWetWeather(oldWeather)) { I.setName(L("some snow")); I.setDisplayText(L("some snow rests on the ground here.")); I.setDescription(L("the snow is white and still quite cold!")); } else { I.setName(L("a puddle of water")); I.setDisplayText(L("a puddle of water has formed here.")); I.setDescription(L("It looks drinkable.")); } R.addItem(I, ItemPossessor.Expire.Monster_EQ); R.recoverRoomStats(); }
public static Item buildPlant(MOB mob, Room room) { Item newItem = CMClass.getItem("GenItem"); newItem.setMaterial(RawMaterial.RESOURCE_GREENS); switch (CMLib.dice().roll(1, 5, 0)) { case 1: newItem.setName("some happy flowers"); newItem.setDisplayText("some happy flowers are growing here."); newItem.setDescription("Happy flowers with little red and yellow blooms."); break; case 2: newItem.setName("some happy weeds"); newItem.setDisplayText("some happy weeds are growing here."); newItem.setDescription("Long stalked little plants with tiny bulbs on top."); break; case 3: newItem.setName("a pretty fern"); newItem.setDisplayText("a pretty fern is growing here."); newItem.setDescription("Like a tiny bush, this dark green plant is lovely."); break; case 4: newItem.setName("a patch of sunflowers"); newItem.setDisplayText("a patch of sunflowers is growing here."); newItem.setDescription("Happy flowers with little yellow blooms."); break; case 5: newItem.setName("a patch of bluebonnets"); newItem.setDisplayText("a patch of bluebonnets is growing here."); newItem.setDescription("Happy flowers with little blue and purple blooms."); break; } Chant_SummonPlants newChant = new Chant_SummonPlants(); newItem.basePhyStats().setLevel(10 + (10 * newChant.getX1Level(mob))); newItem.basePhyStats().setWeight(1); newItem.setSecretIdentity(mob.Name()); newItem.setMiscText(newItem.text()); room.addItem(newItem); newItem.setExpirationDate(0); room.showHappens(CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, "Suddenly, " + + " sprout(s) up here."); newChant.PlantsLocation = room; newChant.littlePlants = newItem; if (, room)) { newChant.setInvoker(mob); newChant.setMiscText(mob.Name()); newItem.addNonUninvokableEffect(newChant); } else newChant.beneficialAffect(mob, newItem, 0, (newChant.adjustedLevel(mob, 0) * 240) + 450); room.recoverPhyStats(); return newItem; }
@Override protected Item buildMyPlant(MOB mob, Room room) { final int code = material & RawMaterial.RESOURCE_MASK; final Item newItem = CMClass.getBasicItem("GenItem"); final String name = CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(code).toLowerCase() + " tree"); newItem.setName(name); newItem.setDisplayText(L("@x1 grows here.",; newItem.setDescription(""); newItem.basePhyStats().setWeight(10000); CMLib.flags().setGettable(newItem, false); newItem.setMaterial(material); newItem.setSecretIdentity(mob.Name()); newItem.setMiscText(newItem.text()); room.addItem(newItem); final Chant_SummonTree newChant = new Chant_SummonTree(); newItem.basePhyStats().setLevel(10 + newChant.getX1Level(mob)); newItem.setExpirationDate(0); room.showHappens( CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, L("a tall, healthy @x1 tree sprouts up.", RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(code).toLowerCase())); room.recoverPhyStats(); newChant.plantsLocationR = room; newChant.littlePlantsI = newItem; if (, room)) { newChant.setInvoker(mob); newChant.setMiscText(mob.Name()); newItem.addNonUninvokableEffect(newChant); } else newChant.beneficialAffect(mob, newItem, 0, (newChant.adjustedLevel(mob, 0) * 240) + 450); room.recoverPhyStats(); return newItem; }
@Override public void executeMsg(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) { super.executeMsg(myHost, msg); if (msg.amITarget(this) && (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_DRINK)) { final MOB mob = msg.source(); final boolean thirsty = mob.curState().getThirst() <= 0; final boolean full = !mob.curState().adjThirst(thirstQuenched(), mob.maxState().maxThirst(mob.baseWeight())); if (thirsty) mob.tell(L("You are no longer thirsty.")); else if (full) mob.tell(L("You have drunk all you can.")); } else if ((msg.tool() == this) && (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_FILL) && ( instanceof Container) && (((Container) > 0)) { final Container container = (Container); final Item I = CMClass.getItem("GenLiquidResource"); I.setName(L("some milk")); I.setDisplayText(L("some milk has been left here.")); I.setDescription(L("It looks like milk")); I.setMaterial(RawMaterial.RESOURCE_MILK); I.setBaseValue(RawMaterial.CODES.VALUE(RawMaterial.RESOURCE_MILK)); I.basePhyStats().setWeight(1); CMLib.materials().addEffectsToResource(I); I.recoverPhyStats(); I.setContainer(container); if (container.owner() != null) if (container.owner() instanceof MOB) ((MOB) container.owner()).addItem(I); else if (container.owner() instanceof Room) ((Room) container.owner()).addItem(I, ItemPossessor.Expire.Resource); } }
/** * Creates an item object from String parameters. * * @param conn connection to database * @param param map of parameters to set * @return an item object */ public static Item createItem(Connection conn, Map<String, String[]> param) throws SQLException { Item item = new Item(); item.setName(param.get("name")[0]); item.setPrice(Integer.parseInt(param.get("price")[0])); item.setQuantity(Integer.parseInt(param.get("quantity")[0])); Clob cl = conn.createClob(); cl.setString(1, param.get("description")[0]); item.setDescription(cl); item.setStringDescr(cl); return item; }
public static void colorForSale(Room R, boolean rental, boolean reset) { synchronized (("SYNC" + R.roomID()).intern()) { R =; final String theStr = rental ? RENTSTR : SALESTR; final String otherStr = rental ? SALESTR : RENTSTR; int x = R.description().indexOf(otherStr); while (x >= 0) { R.setDescription(R.description().substring(0, x)); CMLib.database().DBUpdateRoom(R); x = R.description().indexOf(otherStr); } final String oldDescription = R.description(); x = R.description().indexOf(theStr.trim()); if ((x < 0) || (reset && (!R.displayText() .equals(CMath.bset(R.domainType(), Room.INDOORS) ? INDOORSTR : OUTDOORSTR)))) { if (reset) { R.setDescription(""); R.setDisplayText(CMath.bset(R.domainType(), Room.INDOORS) ? INDOORSTR : OUTDOORSTR); x = -1; } if (x < 0) R.setDescription(R.description() + theStr); else if (!reset) R.setDescription(R.description().substring(0, x + theStr.trim().length())); if (!R.description().equals(oldDescription)) CMLib.database().DBUpdateRoom(R); } else { R.setDescription(R.description().substring(0, x + theStr.trim().length())); if (!R.description().equals(oldDescription)) CMLib.database().DBUpdateRoom(R); } Item I = R.findItem(null, "$id$"); if ((I == null) || (!I.ID().equals("GenWallpaper"))) { I = CMClass.getItem("GenWallpaper"); CMLib.flags().setReadable(I, true); I.setName(("id")); I.setReadableText(CMLib.lang().L("This room is " +; I.setDescription(CMLib.lang().L("This room is @x1",; R.addItem(I); CMLib.database().DBUpdateItems(R); } } }
public Item isRuinedLoot(DVector policies, Item I) { if (I == null) return null; if ((CMath.bset(I.envStats().disposition(), EnvStats.IS_UNSAVABLE)) || (CMath.bset(I.envStats().sensesMask(), EnvStats.SENSE_ITEMNORUIN)) || (I instanceof Coins)) return I; if ("ruined ") >= 0) return I; for (int d = 0; d < policies.size(); d++) { if ((((Vector) policies.elementAt(d, 3)).size() > 0) && (!CMLib.masking().maskCheck((Vector) policies.elementAt(d, 3), I, true))) continue; if (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() > ((Integer) policies.elementAt(d, 1)).intValue()) continue; int flags = ((Integer) policies.elementAt(d, 2)).intValue(); if (CMath.bset(flags, CMMiscUtils.LOOTFLAG_WORN) && I.amWearingAt(Wearable.IN_INVENTORY)) continue; else if (CMath.bset(flags, CMMiscUtils.LOOTFLAG_UNWORN) && (!I.amWearingAt(Wearable.IN_INVENTORY))) continue; if (CMath.bset(flags, CMMiscUtils.LOOTFLAG_LOSS)) return null; Item I2 = CMClass.getItem("GenItem"); I2.baseEnvStats().setWeight(I.baseEnvStats().weight()); I2.setName(I.Name()); I2.setDisplayText(I.displayText()); I2.setDescription(I2.description()); I2.recoverEnvStats(); I2.setMaterial(I.material()); String ruinDescAdder = null; switch (I2.material() & RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MASK) { case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_LEATHER: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_CLOTH: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_VEGETATION: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_FLESH: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_PAPER: ruinDescAdder = CMStrings.capitalizeFirstLetter( + " is torn and ruined beyond repair."; break; case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_METAL: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MITHRIL: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_WOODEN: ruinDescAdder = CMStrings.capitalizeFirstLetter( + " is battered and ruined beyond repair."; break; case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_GLASS: ruinDescAdder = CMStrings.capitalizeFirstLetter( + " is shattered and ruined beyond repair."; break; case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_ROCK: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_PRECIOUS: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_PLASTIC: ruinDescAdder = CMStrings.capitalizeFirstLetter( + " is cracked and ruined beyond repair."; break; case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_UNKNOWN: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_ENERGY: case RawMaterial.MATERIAL_LIQUID: default: ruinDescAdder = CMStrings.capitalizeFirstLetter( + " is ruined beyond repair."; break; } I2.setDescription(CMStrings.endWithAPeriod(I2.description()) + " " + ruinDescAdder); String oldName = I2.Name(); I2.setName(CMLib.english().insertUnColoredAdjective(I2.Name(), "ruined")); int x = I2.displayText().toUpperCase().indexOf(oldName.toUpperCase()); I2.setBaseValue(0); if (x >= 0) I2.setDisplayText( I2.displayText().substring(0, x) + I2.Name() + I2.displayText().substring(x + oldName.length())); return I2; } return I; }
public boolean invoke(MOB mob, Vector commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { int autoGenerate = 0; if ((auto) && (commands.size() > 0) && (commands.firstElement() instanceof Integer)) { autoGenerate = ((Integer) commands.firstElement()).intValue(); commands.removeElementAt(0); givenTarget = null; } DVector enhancedTypes = enhancedTypes(mob, commands); randomRecipeFix(mob, addRecipes(mob, loadRecipes()), commands, autoGenerate); if (commands.size() == 0) { commonTell( mob, "Weave what? Enter \"weave list\" for a list, \"weave refit <item>\" to resize, \"weave learn <item>\", \"weave scan\", or \"weave mend <item>\"."); return false; } if ((!auto) && (commands.size() > 0) && (((String) commands.firstElement()).equalsIgnoreCase("bundle"))) { bundling = true; if (super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return super.bundle(mob, commands); return false; } List<List<String>> recipes = addRecipes(mob, loadRecipes()); String str = (String) commands.elementAt(0); bundling = false; String startStr = null; int duration = 4; if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("list")) { String mask = CMParms.combine(commands, 1); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(""); int toggler = 1; int toggleTop = 2; for (int r = 0; r < toggleTop; r++) buf.append( CMStrings.padRight("Item", 22) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("Lvl", 3) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("Material", 10) + " "); buf.append("\n\r"); for (int r = 0; r < recipes.size(); r++) { List<String> V = recipes.get(r); if (V.size() > 0) { String item = replacePercent((String) V.get(RCP_FINALNAME), ""); int level = CMath.s_int((String) V.get(RCP_LEVEL)); String wood = getComponentDescription(mob, V, RCP_WOOD); if (wood.length() > 5) { if (toggler > 1) buf.append("\n\r"); toggler = toggleTop; } if ((level <= xlevel(mob)) && ((mask == null) || (mask.length() == 0) || mask.equalsIgnoreCase("all") || CMLib.english().containsString(item, mask))) { buf.append( CMStrings.padRight(item, 22) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("" + level, 3) + " " + CMStrings.padRightPreserve("" + wood, 10) + ((toggler != toggleTop) ? " " : "\n\r")); if (++toggler > toggleTop) toggler = 1; } } } if (toggler != 1) buf.append("\n\r"); commonTell(mob, buf.toString()); enhanceList(mob); return true; } else if ((commands.firstElement() instanceof String) && (((String) commands.firstElement())).equalsIgnoreCase("learn")) { return doLearnRecipe(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel); } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("scan")) return publicScan(mob, commands); else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("mend")) { building = null; activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; messedUp = false; key = null; Vector newCommands = CMParms.parse(CMParms.combine(commands, 1)); building = getTarget(mob, mob.location(), givenTarget, newCommands, Wearable.FILTER_UNWORNONLY); if (!canMend(mob, building, false)) return false; activity = CraftingActivity.MENDING; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) mending " + + "."; displayText = "You are mending " +; verb = "mending " +; } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("refit")) { building = null; activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; key = null; messedUp = false; Vector newCommands = CMParms.parse(CMParms.combine(commands, 1)); building = getTarget(mob, mob.location(), givenTarget, newCommands, Wearable.FILTER_UNWORNONLY); if (building == null) return false; if ((building.material() != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_COTTON) && (building.material() != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_SILK) && (building.material() != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_HEMP) && (building.material() != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_VINE) && (building.material() != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_WHEAT) && (building.material() != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_SEAWEED)) { commonTell(mob, "That's not made of any sort of weavable material. It can't be refitted."); return false; } if (!(building instanceof Armor)) { commonTell(mob, "You don't know how to refit that sort of thing."); return false; } if (building.phyStats().height() == 0) { commonTell(mob, + " is already the right size."); return false; } activity = CraftingActivity.REFITTING; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) refitting " + + "."; displayText = "You are refitting " +; verb = "refitting " +; } else { building = null; activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; messedUp = false; aborted = false; key = null; int amount = -1; if ((commands.size() > 1) && (CMath.isNumber((String) commands.lastElement()))) { amount = CMath.s_int((String) commands.lastElement()); commands.removeElementAt(commands.size() - 1); } String recipeName = CMParms.combine(commands, 0); List<String> foundRecipe = null; List<List<String>> matches = matchingRecipeNames(recipes, recipeName, true); for (int r = 0; r < matches.size(); r++) { List<String> V = matches.get(r); if (V.size() > 0) { int level = CMath.s_int((String) V.get(RCP_LEVEL)); if (level <= xlevel(mob)) { foundRecipe = V; break; } } } if (foundRecipe == null) { commonTell( mob, "You don't know how to weave a '" + recipeName + "'. Try \"weave list\" for a list."); return false; } final String woodRequiredStr = (String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_WOOD); final List<Object> componentsFoundList = getAbilityComponents( mob, woodRequiredStr, "make " + CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(recipeName), autoGenerate); if (componentsFoundList == null) return false; int woodRequired = CMath.s_int(woodRequiredStr); woodRequired = adjustWoodRequired(woodRequired, mob); if (amount > woodRequired) woodRequired = amount; int[] pm = { RawMaterial.RESOURCE_COTTON, RawMaterial.RESOURCE_SILK, RawMaterial.RESOURCE_HEMP, RawMaterial.RESOURCE_VINE, RawMaterial.RESOURCE_WHEAT, RawMaterial.RESOURCE_SEAWEED }; String misctype = (String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_MISCTYPE); String spell = (foundRecipe.size() > RCP_SPELL) ? ((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_SPELL)).trim() : ""; bundling = spell.equalsIgnoreCase("BUNDLE") || misctype.equalsIgnoreCase("BUNDLE"); int[][] data = fetchFoundResourceData( mob, woodRequired, "weavable material", pm, 0, null, null, false, autoGenerate, enhancedTypes); if (data == null) return false; fixDataForComponents(data, componentsFoundList); woodRequired = data[0][FOUND_AMT]; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; int lostValue = autoGenerate > 0 ? 0 : CMLib.materials() .destroyResources(mob.location(), woodRequired, data[0][FOUND_CODE], 0, null) + CMLib.ableMapper().destroyAbilityComponents(componentsFoundList); building = CMClass.getItem((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_CLASSTYPE)); if (building == null) { commonTell(mob, "There's no such thing as a " + foundRecipe.get(RCP_CLASSTYPE) + "!!!"); return false; } duration = getDuration( CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_TICKS)), mob, CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_LEVEL)), 4); String itemName = replacePercent( (String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_FINALNAME), RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(data[0][FOUND_CODE])) .toLowerCase(); if (bundling) itemName = "a " + woodRequired + "# " + itemName; else if (itemName.endsWith("s")) itemName = "some " + itemName; else itemName = CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(itemName); building.setName(itemName); startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) weaving " + + "."; displayText = "You are weaving " +; verb = "weaving " +; building.setDisplayText(itemName + " lies here"); building.setDescription(itemName + ". "); building .basePhyStats() .setWeight( (int) Math.round((double) woodRequired * this.getItemWeightMultiplier(bundling))); building.setBaseValue(CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_VALUE))); building.setMaterial(data[0][FOUND_CODE]); building.basePhyStats().setLevel(CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_LEVEL))); building.setSecretIdentity(getBrand(mob)); int capacity = CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_CAPACITY)); long canContain = getContainerType((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_CONTAINMASK)); int armordmg = CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_ARMORDMG)); if (bundling) { building.setBaseValue(lostValue); building.basePhyStats().setWeight(woodRequired); } addSpells(building, spell); if (building instanceof Weapon) { ((Weapon) building).setWeaponClassification(Weapon.CLASS_FLAILED); for (int cl = 0; cl < Weapon.CLASS_DESCS.length; cl++) { if (misctype.equalsIgnoreCase(Weapon.CLASS_DESCS[cl])) ((Weapon) building).setWeaponClassification(cl); } building.basePhyStats().setDamage(armordmg); ((Weapon) building).setRawProperLocationBitmap(Wearable.WORN_WIELD | Wearable.WORN_HELD); ((Weapon) building).setRawLogicalAnd((capacity > 1)); } key = null; if (building instanceof Armor) { if (capacity > 0) { ((Armor) building).setCapacity(capacity + woodRequired); ((Armor) building).setContainTypes(canContain); } ((Armor) building).basePhyStats().setArmor(0); if (armordmg != 0) ((Armor) building).basePhyStats().setArmor(armordmg + (abilityCode() - 1)); setWearLocation(building, misctype, 0); } else if (building instanceof Container) { if (capacity > 0) { ((Container) building).setCapacity(capacity + woodRequired); ((Container) building).setContainTypes(canContain); } if (misctype.equalsIgnoreCase("LID")) ((Container) building).setLidsNLocks(true, false, false, false); else if (misctype.equalsIgnoreCase("LOCK")) { ((Container) building).setLidsNLocks(true, false, true, false); ((Container) building).setKeyName(Double.toString(Math.random())); key = CMClass.getItem("GenKey"); ((DoorKey) key).setKey(((Container) building).keyName()); key.setName("a key"); key.setDisplayText("a small key sits here"); key.setDescription("looks like a key to " +; key.recoverPhyStats(); key.text(); } } if (building instanceof Rideable) { setRideBasis((Rideable) building, misctype); } building.recoverPhyStats(); building.text(); building.recoverPhyStats(); } messedUp = !proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); if (bundling) { messedUp = false; duration = 1; verb = "bundling " + RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(building.material()).toLowerCase(); startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) " + verb + "."; displayText = "You are " + verb; } if (autoGenerate > 0) { if (key != null) commands.addElement(key); commands.addElement(building); return true; } CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, building, this, CMMsg.MSG_NOISYMOVEMENT, startStr); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); building = (Item); beneficialAffect(mob, mob, asLevel, duration); enhanceItem(mob, building, enhancedTypes); } else if (bundling) { messedUp = false; aborted = false; unInvoke(); } return true; }
public boolean invoke(MOB mob, Vector commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { String s = CMParms.combine(commands, 0); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("Seed types known:\n\r"); int material = 0; String foundShortName = null; int col = 0; List<Integer> codes = RawMaterial.CODES.COMPOSE_RESOURCES(RawMaterial.MATERIAL_VEGETATION); for (Integer code : codes) { if (!CMParms.contains(Chant_SummonSeed.NON_SEEDS, code)) { String str = RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(code.intValue()); if (str.toUpperCase().equalsIgnoreCase(s)) { material = code.intValue(); foundShortName = CMStrings.capitalizeAndLower(str); break; } if (col == 4) { buf.append("\n\r"); col = 0; } col++; buf.append(CMStrings.padRight(CMStrings.capitalizeAndLower(str), 15)); } } if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("list")) { mob.tell(buf.toString() + "\n\r\n\r"); return true; } if (s.length() == 0) { mob.tell("Summon what kind of seed? Try LIST as a parameter..."); return false; } if (foundShortName == null) { mob.tell("'" + s + "' is an unknown type of vegetation."); return false; } if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; // now see if it worked boolean success = proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); if (success) { CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg( mob, null, this, verbalCastCode(mob, null, auto), auto ? "" : "^S<S-NAME> chant(s) to <S-HIS-HER> hands.^?"); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); for (int i = 2; i < (2 + (adjustedLevel(mob, asLevel) / 4)); i++) { Item newItem = CMClass.getBasicItem("GenResource"); String name = foundShortName.toLowerCase(); if (name.endsWith("ies")) name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 3) + "y"; if (name.endsWith("s")) name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 1); newItem.setName(CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(name + " seed")); newItem.setDisplayText( + " is here."); newItem.setDescription(""); newItem.setMaterial(material); newItem.basePhyStats().setWeight(0); newItem.recoverPhyStats(); newItem.setMiscText(newItem.text()); mob.addItem(newItem); } mob.location().showHappens(CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, "Some seeds appear!"); mob.location().recoverPhyStats(); } } else return beneficialWordsFizzle( mob, null, "<S-NAME> chant(s) to <S-HIS-HER> hands, but nothing happens."); // return whether it worked return success; }
@Override public boolean invoke( MOB mob, List<String> commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { final MOB target = super.getTarget(mob, commands, givenTarget); if (target == null) return false; final Race R = target.charStats().getMyRace(); if (R.bodyMask()[Race.BODY_HEAD] <= 0) { mob.tell(L("@x1 has no head!",; return false; } LegalBehavior B = null; if (mob.location() != null) B =; List<LegalWarrant> warrants = new Vector<LegalWarrant>(); if (B != null) warrants = B.getWarrantsOf(, target); if ((warrants.size() == 0) && (!CMSecurity.isAllowed(mob, mob.location(), CMSecurity.SecFlag.ABOVELAW))) { mob.tell(L("You are not allowed to behead @x1 at this time.", target.Name())); return false; } final Item w = mob.fetchWieldedItem(); Weapon ww = null; if ((w == null) || (!(w instanceof Weapon))) { mob.tell(L("You cannot behead without a weapon!")); return false; } ww = (Weapon) w; if ((!auto) && (!CMSecurity.isASysOp(mob))) { if (ww.weaponDamageType() != Weapon.TYPE_SLASHING) { mob.tell(L("You cannot behead with a @x1!",; return false; } if (mob.isInCombat() && (mob.rangeToTarget() > 0)) { mob.tell(L("You are too far away to try that!")); return false; } if (!CMLib.flags().isBoundOrHeld(target)) { mob.tell(L("@x1 is not bound and would resist.", target.charStats().HeShe())); return false; } } if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; int levelDiff = target.phyStats().level() - (mob.phyStats().level() + (2 * getXLEVELLevel(mob))); if (levelDiff > 0) levelDiff = levelDiff * 3; else levelDiff = 0; final boolean hit = (auto) || CMLib.combat().rollToHit(mob, target); boolean success = proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto) && (hit); if (success) { final CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg( mob, target, this, CMMsg.MASK_MALICIOUS | CMMsg.MASK_MOVE | CMMsg.MASK_SOUND | CMMsg.TYP_JUSTICE | (auto ? CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS : 0), null); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); target.curState().setHitPoints(1); final Ability A2 = target.fetchEffect("Injury"); if (A2 != null) A2.setMiscText(mob.Name() + "/head"); CMLib.combat() .postDamage( mob, target, ww, Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2, CMMsg.MSG_WEAPONATTACK, ww.weaponClassification(), auto ? "" : L( "^F^<FIGHT^><S-NAME> rear(s) back and behead(s) <T-NAME>!^</FIGHT^>^?@x1", CMLib.protocol().msp("decap.wav", 30))); mob.location().recoverRoomStats(); final Item limb = CMClass.getItem("GenLimb"); limb.setName(L("@x1`s head", target.Name())); limb.basePhyStats().setAbility(1); limb.setDisplayText(L("the bloody head of @x1 is sitting here.", target.Name())); limb.setSecretIdentity( + "`s bloody head."); int material = RawMaterial.RESOURCE_MEAT; for (int r = 0; r < R.myResources().size(); r++) { final Item I = R.myResources().get(r); final int mat = I.material() & RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MASK; if (((mat == RawMaterial.MATERIAL_FLESH)) || (r == R.myResources().size() - 1)) { material = I.material(); break; } } limb.setMaterial(material); limb.basePhyStats().setLevel(1); limb.basePhyStats().setWeight(5); limb.recoverPhyStats(); mob.location().addItem(limb, ItemPossessor.Expire.Player_Drop); for (int i = 0; i < warrants.size(); i++) { final LegalWarrant W = warrants.get(i); W.setCrime("pardoned"); W.setOffenses(0); } } else success = false; if (mob.getVictim() == target) mob.makePeace(true); if (target.getVictim() == mob) target.makePeace(true); } else maliciousFizzle(mob, target, L("<S-NAME> attempt(s) a beheading and fail(s)!")); return success; }