   * Inserts an instance into the hash table
   * @param inst instance to be inserted
   * @param instA to create the hash key from
   * @throws Exception if the instance can't be inserted
  private void insertIntoTable(Instance inst, double[] instA) throws Exception {

    double[] tempClassDist2;
    double[] newDist;
    DecisionTableHashKey thekey;

    if (instA != null) {
      thekey = new DecisionTableHashKey(instA);
    } else {
      thekey = new DecisionTableHashKey(inst, inst.numAttributes(), false);

    // see if this one is already in the table
    tempClassDist2 = (double[]) m_entries.get(thekey);
    if (tempClassDist2 == null) {
      if (m_classIsNominal) {
        newDist = new double[m_theInstances.classAttribute().numValues()];

        // Leplace estimation
        for (int i = 0; i < m_theInstances.classAttribute().numValues(); i++) {
          newDist[i] = 1.0;

        newDist[(int) inst.classValue()] = inst.weight();

        // add to the table
        m_entries.put(thekey, newDist);
      } else {
        newDist = new double[2];
        newDist[0] = inst.classValue() * inst.weight();
        newDist[1] = inst.weight();

        // add to the table
        m_entries.put(thekey, newDist);
    } else {

      // update the distribution for this instance
      if (m_classIsNominal) {
        tempClassDist2[(int) inst.classValue()] += inst.weight();

        // update the table
        m_entries.put(thekey, tempClassDist2);
      } else {
        tempClassDist2[0] += (inst.classValue() * inst.weight());
        tempClassDist2[1] += inst.weight();

        // update the table
        m_entries.put(thekey, tempClassDist2);
   * Buildclassifier selects a classifier from the set of classifiers by minimising error on the
   * training data.
   * @param data the training data to be used for generating the boosted classifier.
   * @exception Exception if the classifier could not be built successfully
  public void buildClassifier(Instances data) throws Exception {

    if (m_Classifiers.length == 0) {
      throw new Exception("No base classifiers have been set!");
    Instances newData = new Instances(data);
    newData.randomize(new Random(m_Seed));
    if (newData.classAttribute().isNominal() && (m_NumXValFolds > 1))
    Instances train = newData; // train on all data by default
    Instances test = newData; // test on training data by default
    Classifier bestClassifier = null;
    int bestIndex = -1;
    double bestPerformance = Double.NaN;
    int numClassifiers = m_Classifiers.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < numClassifiers; i++) {
      Classifier currentClassifier = getClassifier(i);
      Evaluation evaluation;
      if (m_NumXValFolds > 1) {
        evaluation = new Evaluation(newData);
        for (int j = 0; j < m_NumXValFolds; j++) {
          train = newData.trainCV(m_NumXValFolds, j);
          test = newData.testCV(m_NumXValFolds, j);
          evaluation.evaluateModel(currentClassifier, test);
      } else {
        evaluation = new Evaluation(train);
        evaluation.evaluateModel(currentClassifier, test);

      double error = evaluation.errorRate();
      if (m_Debug) {
            "Error rate: "
                + Utils.doubleToString(error, 6, 4)
                + " for classifier "
                + currentClassifier.getClass().getName());

      if ((i == 0) || (error < bestPerformance)) {
        bestClassifier = currentClassifier;
        bestPerformance = error;
        bestIndex = i;
    m_ClassifierIndex = bestIndex;
    m_Classifier = bestClassifier;
    if (m_NumXValFolds > 1) {
   * Build Decorate classifier
   * @param data the training data to be used for generating the classifier
   * @exception Exception if the classifier could not be built successfully
  public void buildClassifier(Instances data) throws Exception {
    if (m_Classifier == null) {
      throw new Exception("A base classifier has not been specified!");
    if (data.checkForStringAttributes()) {
      throw new UnsupportedAttributeTypeException("Cannot handle string attributes!");
    if (data.classAttribute().isNumeric()) {
      throw new UnsupportedClassTypeException("Decorate can't handle a numeric class!");
    if (m_NumIterations < m_DesiredSize)
      throw new Exception("Max number of iterations must be >= desired ensemble size!");

    // initialize random number generator
    if (m_Seed == -1) m_Random = new Random();
    else m_Random = new Random(m_Seed);

    int i = 1; // current committee size
    int numTrials = 1; // number of Decorate iterations
    Instances divData = new Instances(data); // local copy of data - diversity data
    Instances artData = null; // artificial data

    // compute number of artficial instances to add at each iteration
    int artSize = (int) (Math.abs(m_ArtSize) * divData.numInstances());
    if (artSize == 0) artSize = 1; // atleast add one random example
    computeStats(data); // Compute training data stats for creating artificial examples

    // initialize new committee
    m_Committee = new Vector();
    Classifier newClassifier = m_Classifier;
    double eComm = computeError(divData); // compute ensemble error
    if (m_Debug)
          "Initialize:\tClassifier " + i + " added to ensemble. Ensemble error = " + eComm);

    // repeat till desired committee size is reached OR the max number of iterations is exceeded
    while (i < m_DesiredSize && numTrials < m_NumIterations) {
      // Generate artificial training examples
      artData = generateArtificialData(artSize, data);

      // Label artificial examples
      addInstances(divData, artData); // Add new artificial data

      // Build new classifier
      Classifier tmp[] = Classifier.makeCopies(m_Classifier, 1);
      newClassifier = tmp[0];
      // Remove all the artificial data
      removeInstances(divData, artSize);

      // Test if the new classifier should be added to the ensemble
      m_Committee.add(newClassifier); // add new classifier to current committee
      double currError = computeError(divData);
      if (currError <= eComm) { // adding the new member did not increase the error
        eComm = currError;
        if (m_Debug)
              "Iteration: "
                  + (1 + numTrials)
                  + "\tClassifier "
                  + i
                  + " added to ensemble. Ensemble error = "
                  + eComm);
      } else { // reject the current classifier because it increased the ensemble error
        m_Committee.removeElementAt(m_Committee.size() - 1); // pop the last member
   * Tests a certain range of attributes of the given data, whether it can be processed by the
   * handler, given its capabilities. Classifiers implementing the <code>
   * MultiInstanceCapabilitiesHandler</code> interface are checked automatically for their
   * multi-instance Capabilities (if no bags, then only the bag-structure, otherwise only the first
   * bag).
   * @param data the data to test
   * @param fromIndex the range of attributes - start (incl.)
   * @param toIndex the range of attributes - end (incl.)
   * @return true if all the tests succeeded
   * @see MultiInstanceCapabilitiesHandler
   * @see #m_InstancesTest
   * @see #m_MissingValuesTest
   * @see #m_MissingClassValuesTest
   * @see #m_MinimumNumberInstancesTest
  public boolean test(Instances data, int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
    int i;
    int n;
    int m;
    Attribute att;
    Instance inst;
    boolean testClass;
    Capabilities cap;
    boolean missing;
    Iterator iter;

    // shall we test the data?
    if (!m_InstancesTest) return true;

    // no Capabilities? -> warning
    if ((m_Capabilities.size() == 0)
        || ((m_Capabilities.size() == 1) && handles(Capability.NO_CLASS)))
      System.err.println(createMessage("No capabilities set!"));

    // any attributes?
    if (toIndex - fromIndex < 0) {
      m_FailReason = new WekaException(createMessage("No attributes!"));
      return false;

    // do wee need to test the class attribute, i.e., is the class attribute
    // within the range of attributes?
    testClass =
        (data.classIndex() > -1)
            && (data.classIndex() >= fromIndex)
            && (data.classIndex() <= toIndex);

    // attributes
    for (i = fromIndex; i <= toIndex; i++) {
      att = data.attribute(i);

      // class is handled separately
      if (i == data.classIndex()) continue;

      // check attribute types
      if (!test(att)) return false;

    // class
    if (!handles(Capability.NO_CLASS) && (data.classIndex() == -1)) {
      m_FailReason = new UnassignedClassException(createMessage("Class attribute not set!"));
      return false;

    // special case: no class attribute can be handled
    if (handles(Capability.NO_CLASS) && (data.classIndex() > -1)) {
      cap = getClassCapabilities();
      iter = cap.capabilities();
      if (!iter.hasNext()) {
        m_FailReason = new WekaException(createMessage("Cannot handle any class attribute!"));
        return false;

    if (testClass && !handles(Capability.NO_CLASS)) {
      att = data.classAttribute();
      if (!test(att, true)) return false;

      // special handling of RELATIONAL class
      // TODO: store additional Capabilities for this case

      // missing class labels
      if (m_MissingClassValuesTest) {
        if (!handles(Capability.MISSING_CLASS_VALUES)) {
          for (i = 0; i < data.numInstances(); i++) {
            if (data.instance(i).classIsMissing()) {
              m_FailReason =
                  new WekaException(createMessage("Cannot handle missing class values!"));
              return false;
        } else {
          if (m_MinimumNumberInstancesTest) {
            int hasClass = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < data.numInstances(); i++) {
              if (!data.instance(i).classIsMissing()) hasClass++;

            // not enough instances with class labels?
            if (hasClass < getMinimumNumberInstances()) {
              m_FailReason =
                  new WekaException(
                          "Not enough training instances with class labels (required: "
                              + getMinimumNumberInstances()
                              + ", provided: "
                              + hasClass
                              + ")!"));
              return false;

    // missing values
    if (m_MissingValuesTest) {
      if (!handles(Capability.MISSING_VALUES)) {
        missing = false;
        for (i = 0; i < data.numInstances(); i++) {
          inst = data.instance(i);

          if (inst instanceof SparseInstance) {
            for (m = 0; m < inst.numValues(); m++) {
              n = inst.index(m);

              // out of scope?
              if (n < fromIndex) continue;
              if (n > toIndex) break;

              // skip class
              if (n == inst.classIndex()) continue;

              if (inst.isMissing(n)) {
                missing = true;
          } else {
            for (n = fromIndex; n <= toIndex; n++) {
              // skip class
              if (n == inst.classIndex()) continue;

              if (inst.isMissing(n)) {
                missing = true;

          if (missing) {
            m_FailReason =
                new NoSupportForMissingValuesException(
                    createMessage("Cannot handle missing values!"));
            return false;

    // instances
    if (m_MinimumNumberInstancesTest) {
      if (data.numInstances() < getMinimumNumberInstances()) {
        m_FailReason =
            new WekaException(
                    "Not enough training instances (required: "
                        + getMinimumNumberInstances()
                        + ", provided: "
                        + data.numInstances()
                        + ")!"));
        return false;

    // Multi-Instance? -> check structure (regardless of attribute range!)
    if (handles(Capability.ONLY_MULTIINSTANCE)) {
      // number of attributes?
      if (data.numAttributes() != 3) {
        m_FailReason =
            new WekaException(
                createMessage("Incorrect Multi-Instance format, must be 'bag-id, bag, class'!"));
        return false;

      // type of attributes and position of class?
      if (!data.attribute(0).isNominal()
          || !data.attribute(1).isRelationValued()
          || (data.classIndex() != data.numAttributes() - 1)) {
        m_FailReason =
            new WekaException(
                    "Incorrect Multi-Instance format, must be 'NOMINAL att, RELATIONAL att, CLASS att'!"));
        return false;

      // check data immediately
      if (getOwner() instanceof MultiInstanceCapabilitiesHandler) {
        MultiInstanceCapabilitiesHandler handler = (MultiInstanceCapabilitiesHandler) getOwner();
        cap = handler.getMultiInstanceCapabilities();
        boolean result;
        if (data.numInstances() > 0) result = cap.test(data.attribute(1).relation(0));
        else result = cap.test(data.attribute(1).relation());

        if (!result) {
          m_FailReason = cap.m_FailReason;
          return false;

    // passed all tests!
    return true;
   * returns a Capabilities object specific for this data. The minimum number of instances is not
   * set, the check for multi-instance data is optional.
   * @param data the data to base the capabilities on
   * @param multi if true then the structure is checked, too
   * @return a data-specific capabilities object
   * @throws Exception in case an error occurrs, e.g., an unknown attribute type
  public static Capabilities forInstances(Instances data, boolean multi) throws Exception {
    Capabilities result;
    Capabilities multiInstance;
    int i;
    int n;
    int m;
    Instance inst;
    boolean missing;

    result = new Capabilities(null);

    // class
    if (data.classIndex() == -1) {
    } else {
      switch (data.classAttribute().type()) {
        case Attribute.NOMINAL:
          if (data.classAttribute().numValues() == 1) result.enable(Capability.UNARY_CLASS);
          else if (data.classAttribute().numValues() == 2) result.enable(Capability.BINARY_CLASS);
          else result.enable(Capability.NOMINAL_CLASS);

        case Attribute.NUMERIC:

        case Attribute.STRING:

        case Attribute.DATE:

        case Attribute.RELATIONAL:

          throw new UnsupportedAttributeTypeException(
              "Unknown class attribute type '" + data.classAttribute() + "'!");

      // missing class values
      for (i = 0; i < data.numInstances(); i++) {
        if (data.instance(i).classIsMissing()) {

    // attributes
    for (i = 0; i < data.numAttributes(); i++) {
      // skip class
      if (i == data.classIndex()) continue;

      switch (data.attribute(i).type()) {
        case Attribute.NOMINAL:
          if (data.attribute(i).numValues() == 2) result.enable(Capability.BINARY_ATTRIBUTES);
          else if (data.attribute(i).numValues() > 2) result.enable(Capability.NOMINAL_ATTRIBUTES);

        case Attribute.NUMERIC:

        case Attribute.DATE:

        case Attribute.STRING:

        case Attribute.RELATIONAL:

          throw new UnsupportedAttributeTypeException(
              "Unknown attribute type '" + data.attribute(i).type() + "'!");

    // missing values
    missing = false;
    for (i = 0; i < data.numInstances(); i++) {
      inst = data.instance(i);

      if (inst instanceof SparseInstance) {
        for (m = 0; m < inst.numValues(); m++) {
          n = inst.index(m);

          // skip class
          if (n == inst.classIndex()) continue;

          if (inst.isMissing(n)) {
            missing = true;
      } else {
        for (n = 0; n < data.numAttributes(); n++) {
          // skip class
          if (n == inst.classIndex()) continue;

          if (inst.isMissing(n)) {
            missing = true;

      if (missing) {

    // multi-instance data?
    if (multi) {
      if ((data.numAttributes() == 3)
          && (data.attribute(0).isNominal()) // bag-id
          && (data.attribute(1).isRelationValued()) // bag
          && (data.classIndex() == data.numAttributes() - 1)) {
        multiInstance = new Capabilities(null);

    return result;
   * Evaluates a feature subset by cross validation
   * @param feature_set the subset to be evaluated
   * @param num_atts the number of attributes in the subset
   * @return the estimated accuracy
   * @throws Exception if subset can't be evaluated
  protected double estimatePerformance(BitSet feature_set, int num_atts) throws Exception {

    m_evaluation = new Evaluation(m_theInstances);
    int i;
    int[] fs = new int[num_atts];

    double[] instA = new double[num_atts];
    int classI = m_theInstances.classIndex();

    int index = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < m_numAttributes; i++) {
      if (feature_set.get(i)) {
        fs[index++] = i;

    // create new hash table
    m_entries = new Hashtable((int) (m_theInstances.numInstances() * 1.5));

    // insert instances into the hash table
    for (i = 0; i < m_numInstances; i++) {

      Instance inst = m_theInstances.instance(i);
      for (int j = 0; j < fs.length; j++) {
        if (fs[j] == classI) {
          instA[j] = Double.MAX_VALUE; // missing for the class
        } else if (inst.isMissing(fs[j])) {
          instA[j] = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        } else {
          instA[j] = inst.value(fs[j]);
      insertIntoTable(inst, instA);

    if (m_CVFolds == 1) {

      // calculate leave one out error
      for (i = 0; i < m_numInstances; i++) {
        Instance inst = m_theInstances.instance(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < fs.length; j++) {
          if (fs[j] == classI) {
            instA[j] = Double.MAX_VALUE; // missing for the class
          } else if (inst.isMissing(fs[j])) {
            instA[j] = Double.MAX_VALUE;
          } else {
            instA[j] = inst.value(fs[j]);
        evaluateInstanceLeaveOneOut(inst, instA);
    } else {

      // calculate 10 fold cross validation error
      for (i = 0; i < m_CVFolds; i++) {
        Instances insts = m_theInstances.testCV(m_CVFolds, i);
        evaluateFoldCV(insts, fs);

    switch (m_evaluationMeasure) {
      case EVAL_DEFAULT:
        if (m_classIsNominal) {
          return m_evaluation.pctCorrect();
        return -m_evaluation.rootMeanSquaredError();
      case EVAL_ACCURACY:
        return m_evaluation.pctCorrect();
      case EVAL_RMSE:
        return -m_evaluation.rootMeanSquaredError();
      case EVAL_MAE:
        return -m_evaluation.meanAbsoluteError();
      case EVAL_AUC:
        double[] classPriors = m_evaluation.getClassPriors();
        double weightedAUC = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < m_theInstances.classAttribute().numValues(); i++) {
          double tempAUC = m_evaluation.areaUnderROC(i);
          if (!Utils.isMissingValue(tempAUC)) {
            weightedAUC += (classPriors[i] * tempAUC);
          } else {
            System.err.println("Undefined AUC!!");
        return weightedAUC;
    // shouldn't get here
    return 0.0;
   * Calculates the accuracy on a test fold for internal cross validation of feature sets
   * @param fold set of instances to be "left out" and classified
   * @param fs currently selected feature set
   * @return the accuracy for the fold
   * @throws Exception if something goes wrong
  double evaluateFoldCV(Instances fold, int[] fs) throws Exception {

    int i;
    int ruleCount = 0;
    int numFold = fold.numInstances();
    int numCl = m_theInstances.classAttribute().numValues();
    double[][] class_distribs = new double[numFold][numCl];
    double[] instA = new double[fs.length];
    double[] normDist;
    DecisionTableHashKey thekey;
    double acc = 0.0;
    int classI = m_theInstances.classIndex();
    Instance inst;

    if (m_classIsNominal) {
      normDist = new double[numCl];
    } else {
      normDist = new double[2];

    // first *remove* instances
    for (i = 0; i < numFold; i++) {
      inst = fold.instance(i);
      for (int j = 0; j < fs.length; j++) {
        if (fs[j] == classI) {
          instA[j] = Double.MAX_VALUE; // missing for the class
        } else if (inst.isMissing(fs[j])) {
          instA[j] = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        } else {
          instA[j] = inst.value(fs[j]);
      thekey = new DecisionTableHashKey(instA);
      if ((class_distribs[i] = (double[]) m_entries.get(thekey)) == null) {
        throw new Error("This should never happen!");
      } else {
        if (m_classIsNominal) {
          class_distribs[i][(int) inst.classValue()] -= inst.weight();
        } else {
          class_distribs[i][0] -= (inst.classValue() * inst.weight());
          class_distribs[i][1] -= inst.weight();
      m_classPriorCounts[(int) inst.classValue()] -= inst.weight();
    double[] classPriors = m_classPriorCounts.clone();

    // now classify instances
    for (i = 0; i < numFold; i++) {
      inst = fold.instance(i);
      System.arraycopy(class_distribs[i], 0, normDist, 0, normDist.length);
      if (m_classIsNominal) {
        boolean ok = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < normDist.length; j++) {
          if (Utils.gr(normDist[j], 1.0)) {
            ok = true;

        if (!ok) { // majority class
          normDist = classPriors.clone();

        //	if (ok) {
        if (m_evaluationMeasure == EVAL_AUC) {
          m_evaluation.evaluateModelOnceAndRecordPrediction(normDist, inst);
        } else {
          m_evaluation.evaluateModelOnce(normDist, inst);
        /*	} else {
          normDist[(int)m_majority] = 1.0;
          if (m_evaluationMeasure == EVAL_AUC) {
            m_evaluation.evaluateModelOnceAndRecordPrediction(normDist, inst);
          } else {
            m_evaluation.evaluateModelOnce(normDist, inst);
        } */
      } else {
        if (Utils.eq(normDist[1], 0.0)) {
          double[] temp = new double[1];
          temp[0] = m_majority;
          m_evaluation.evaluateModelOnce(temp, inst);
        } else {
          double[] temp = new double[1];
          temp[0] = normDist[0] / normDist[1];
          m_evaluation.evaluateModelOnce(temp, inst);

    // now re-insert instances
    for (i = 0; i < numFold; i++) {
      inst = fold.instance(i);

      m_classPriorCounts[(int) inst.classValue()] += inst.weight();

      if (m_classIsNominal) {
        class_distribs[i][(int) inst.classValue()] += inst.weight();
      } else {
        class_distribs[i][0] += (inst.classValue() * inst.weight());
        class_distribs[i][1] += inst.weight();
    return acc;
   * Returns a description of the classifier.
   * @return a description of the classifier as a string.
  public String toString() {

    if (m_entries == null) {
      return "Decision Table: No model built yet.";
    } else {
      StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer();

          "Decision Table:"
              + "\n\nNumber of training instances: "
              + m_numInstances
              + "\nNumber of Rules : "
              + m_entries.size()
              + "\n");

      if (m_useIBk) {
        text.append("Non matches covered by IB1.\n");
      } else {
        text.append("Non matches covered by Majority class.\n");

      /*text.append("Best first search for feature set,\nterminated after "+
      m_maxStale+" non improving subsets.\n"); */

      text.append("Evaluation (for feature selection): CV ");
      if (m_CVFolds > 1) {
        text.append("(" + m_CVFolds + " fold) ");
      } else {
        text.append("(leave one out) ");
      text.append("\nFeature set: " + printFeatures());

      if (m_displayRules) {

        // find out the max column width
        int maxColWidth = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_dtInstances.numAttributes(); i++) {
          if (m_dtInstances.attribute(i).name().length() > maxColWidth) {
            maxColWidth = m_dtInstances.attribute(i).name().length();

          if (m_classIsNominal || (i != m_dtInstances.classIndex())) {
            Enumeration e = m_dtInstances.attribute(i).enumerateValues();
            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
              String ss = (String) e.nextElement();
              if (ss.length() > maxColWidth) {
                maxColWidth = ss.length();

        StringBuffer tm = new StringBuffer();
        for (int i = 0; i < m_dtInstances.numAttributes(); i++) {
          if (m_dtInstances.classIndex() != i) {
            int d = maxColWidth - m_dtInstances.attribute(i).name().length();
            for (int j = 0; j < d + 1; j++) {
              tm.append(" ");
        tm.append(m_dtInstances.attribute(m_dtInstances.classIndex()).name() + "  ");

        for (int i = 0; i < tm.length() + 10; i++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < tm.length() + 10; i++) {

        Enumeration e = m_entries.keys();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
          DecisionTableHashKey tt = (DecisionTableHashKey) e.nextElement();
          text.append(tt.toString(m_dtInstances, maxColWidth));
          double[] ClassDist = (double[]) m_entries.get(tt);

          if (m_classIsNominal) {
            int m = Utils.maxIndex(ClassDist);
            try {
              text.append(m_dtInstances.classAttribute().value(m) + "\n");
            } catch (Exception ee) {
          } else {
            text.append((ClassDist[0] / ClassDist[1]) + "\n");

        for (int i = 0; i < tm.length() + 10; i++) {
      return text.toString();
   * Generates the classifier.
   * @param data set of instances serving as training data
   * @throws Exception if the classifier has not been generated successfully
  public void buildClassifier(Instances data) throws Exception {

    // can classifier handle the data?

    // remove instances with missing class
    m_theInstances = new Instances(data);

    m_rr = new Random(1);

    if (m_theInstances.classAttribute().isNominal()) { // 	 Set up class priors
      m_classPriorCounts = new double[data.classAttribute().numValues()];
      Arrays.fill(m_classPriorCounts, 1.0);
      for (int i = 0; i < data.numInstances(); i++) {
        Instance curr = data.instance(i);
        m_classPriorCounts[(int) curr.classValue()] += curr.weight();
      m_classPriors = m_classPriorCounts.clone();


    if (m_theInstances.classAttribute().isNumeric()) {
      m_disTransform = new weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Discretize();
      m_classIsNominal = false;

      // use binned discretisation if the class is numeric
      ((weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Discretize) m_disTransform).setBins(10);
      ((weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Discretize) m_disTransform).setInvertSelection(true);

      // Discretize all attributes EXCEPT the class
      String rangeList = "";
      rangeList += (m_theInstances.classIndex() + 1);
      // System.out.println("The class col: "+m_theInstances.classIndex());

      ((weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Discretize) m_disTransform)
    } else {
      m_disTransform = new weka.filters.supervised.attribute.Discretize();
      ((weka.filters.supervised.attribute.Discretize) m_disTransform).setUseBetterEncoding(true);
      m_classIsNominal = true;

    m_theInstances = Filter.useFilter(m_theInstances, m_disTransform);

    m_numAttributes = m_theInstances.numAttributes();
    m_numInstances = m_theInstances.numInstances();
    m_majority = m_theInstances.meanOrMode(m_theInstances.classAttribute());

    // Perform the search
    int[] selected = m_search.search(m_evaluator, m_theInstances);

    m_decisionFeatures = new int[selected.length + 1];
    System.arraycopy(selected, 0, m_decisionFeatures, 0, selected.length);
    m_decisionFeatures[m_decisionFeatures.length - 1] = m_theInstances.classIndex();

    // reduce instances to selected features
    m_delTransform = new Remove();

    // set features to keep
    m_dtInstances = Filter.useFilter(m_theInstances, m_delTransform);

    // reset the number of attributes
    m_numAttributes = m_dtInstances.numAttributes();

    // create hash table
    m_entries = new Hashtable((int) (m_dtInstances.numInstances() * 1.5));

    // insert instances into the hash table
    for (int i = 0; i < m_numInstances; i++) {
      Instance inst = m_dtInstances.instance(i);
      insertIntoTable(inst, null);

    // Replace the global table majority with nearest neighbour?
    if (m_useIBk) {
      m_ibk = new IBk();

    // Save memory
    if (m_saveMemory) {
      m_theInstances = new Instances(m_theInstances, 0);
      m_dtInstances = new Instances(m_dtInstances, 0);
    m_evaluation = null;