protected void collectAllVariablesOnBothSides( Set<InferenceVariable> dependencies, Pair<PsiTypeParameter[], PsiClassType> capture) { mySession.collectDependencies(capture.second, dependencies); for (PsiTypeParameter psiTypeParameter : capture.first) { final InferenceVariable var = mySession.getInferenceVariable(psiTypeParameter); if (var != null) { dependencies.add(var); } } }
/** a = b imply every bound of a matches a bound of b and vice versa */ private boolean eqCrossVariables(InferenceVariable inferenceVariable, List<PsiType> eqBounds) { boolean needFurtherIncorporation = false; for (PsiType eqBound : eqBounds) { final InferenceVariable inferenceVar = mySession.getInferenceVariable(eqBound); if (inferenceVar != null) { for (InferenceBound inferenceBound : InferenceBound.values()) { for (PsiType bound : inferenceVariable.getBounds(inferenceBound)) { if (mySession.getInferenceVariable(bound) != inferenceVar) { needFurtherIncorporation |= inferenceVar.addBound(bound, inferenceBound); } } for (PsiType bound : inferenceVar.getBounds(inferenceBound)) { if (mySession.getInferenceVariable(bound) != inferenceVariable) { needFurtherIncorporation |= inferenceVariable.addBound(bound, inferenceBound); } } } } } return needFurtherIncorporation; }
/** a < b & S <: a & b <: T imply S <: b & a <: T */ private boolean crossVariables( InferenceVariable inferenceVariable, List<PsiType> upperBounds, List<PsiType> lowerBounds, InferenceBound inferenceBound) { final InferenceBound oppositeBound = inferenceBound == InferenceBound.LOWER ? InferenceBound.UPPER : InferenceBound.LOWER; boolean result = false; for (PsiType upperBound : upperBounds) { final InferenceVariable inferenceVar = mySession.getInferenceVariable(upperBound); if (inferenceVar != null && inferenceVariable != inferenceVar) { for (PsiType lowerBound : lowerBounds) { result |= inferenceVar.addBound(lowerBound, inferenceBound); } for (PsiType varUpperBound : inferenceVar.getBounds(oppositeBound)) { result |= inferenceVariable.addBound(varUpperBound, oppositeBound); } } } return result; }
public boolean incorporate() { final Collection<InferenceVariable> inferenceVariables = mySession.getInferenceVariables(); final PsiSubstitutor substitutor = mySession.retrieveNonPrimitiveEqualsBounds(inferenceVariables); for (InferenceVariable inferenceVariable : inferenceVariables) { if (inferenceVariable.getInstantiation() != PsiType.NULL) continue; final List<PsiType> eqBounds = inferenceVariable.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ); final List<PsiType> upperBounds = inferenceVariable.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER); final List<PsiType> lowerBounds = inferenceVariable.getBounds(InferenceBound.LOWER); eqEq(eqBounds); upDown(lowerBounds, upperBounds, substitutor); upDown(eqBounds, upperBounds, substitutor); upDown(lowerBounds, eqBounds, substitutor); upUp(upperBounds); } for (Pair<PsiTypeParameter[], PsiClassType> capture : myCaptures) { final PsiClassType right = capture.second; final PsiClass gClass = right.resolve(); LOG.assertTrue(gClass != null); final PsiTypeParameter[] parameters = capture.first; PsiType[] typeArgs = right.getParameters(); if (parameters.length != typeArgs.length) continue; for (int i = 0; i < typeArgs.length; i++) { PsiType aType = typeArgs[i]; if (aType instanceof PsiCapturedWildcardType) { aType = ((PsiCapturedWildcardType) aType).getWildcard(); } final InferenceVariable inferenceVariable = mySession.getInferenceVariable(parameters[i]); LOG.assertTrue(inferenceVariable != null); final List<PsiType> eqBounds = inferenceVariable.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ); final List<PsiType> upperBounds = inferenceVariable.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER); final List<PsiType> lowerBounds = inferenceVariable.getBounds(InferenceBound.LOWER); if (aType instanceof PsiWildcardType) { for (PsiType eqBound : eqBounds) { if (!isInferenceVariableOrFreshTypeParameter(eqBound)) return false; } final PsiClassType[] paramBounds = inferenceVariable.getParameter().getExtendsListTypes(); PsiType glb = null; for (PsiClassType paramBound : paramBounds) { if (glb == null) { glb = paramBound; } else { glb = GenericsUtil.getGreatestLowerBound(glb, paramBound); } } if (!((PsiWildcardType) aType).isBounded()) { for (PsiType upperBound : upperBounds) { if (glb != null && mySession.getInferenceVariable(upperBound) == null) { addConstraint( new StrictSubtypingConstraint( upperBound, mySession.substituteWithInferenceVariables(glb))); } } for (PsiType lowerBound : lowerBounds) { if (isInferenceVariableOrFreshTypeParameter(lowerBound)) return false; } } else if (((PsiWildcardType) aType).isExtends()) { final PsiType extendsBound = ((PsiWildcardType) aType).getExtendsBound(); for (PsiType upperBound : upperBounds) { if (mySession.getInferenceVariable(upperBound) == null) { if (paramBounds.length == 1 && paramBounds[0].equalsToText(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT) || paramBounds.length == 0) { addConstraint(new StrictSubtypingConstraint(upperBound, extendsBound)); } else if (extendsBound.equalsToText(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT) && glb != null) { addConstraint( new StrictSubtypingConstraint( upperBound, mySession.substituteWithInferenceVariables(glb))); } } } for (PsiType lowerBound : lowerBounds) { if (isInferenceVariableOrFreshTypeParameter(lowerBound)) return false; } } else { LOG.assertTrue(((PsiWildcardType) aType).isSuper()); final PsiType superBound = ((PsiWildcardType) aType).getSuperBound(); for (PsiType upperBound : upperBounds) { if (glb != null && mySession.getInferenceVariable(upperBound) == null) { addConstraint( new StrictSubtypingConstraint( mySession.substituteWithInferenceVariables(glb), upperBound)); } } for (PsiType lowerBound : lowerBounds) { if (mySession.getInferenceVariable(lowerBound) == null) { addConstraint(new StrictSubtypingConstraint(lowerBound, superBound)); } } } } else { inferenceVariable.addBound(aType, InferenceBound.EQ); } } } return true; }