public int compare(ICFBamServerListFuncObj lhs, ICFBamServerListFuncObj rhs) { if (lhs == null) { if (rhs == null) { return (0); } else { return (-1); } } else if (rhs == null) { return (1); } else { String lhsValue = lhs.getObjQualifiedName(); String rhsValue = rhs.getObjQualifiedName(); if (lhsValue == null) { if (rhsValue == null) { return (0); } else { return (-1); } } else if (rhsValue == null) { return (1); } else { return (lhsValue.compareTo(rhsValue)); } } }
public void refreshMe() { Component cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { if (!((JInternalFrame) cont).isClosed()) { Collection<ICFBamParamObj> dataCollection; ICFBamServerListFuncObj focus = getSwingFocusAsServerListFunc(); if (focus != null) { dataCollection = focus.getOptionalComponentsParams(swingIsInitializing); } else { dataCollection = null; } JPanel panel = getTabViewComponentsParamsListJPanel(); ICFBamSwingParamJPanelList jpList = (ICFBamSwingParamJPanelList) panel; jpList.setSwingDataCollection(dataCollection); } } }
public JPanel getTabViewComponentsParamsListJPanel() { if (tabViewComponentsParamsListJPanel == null) { Collection<ICFBamParamObj> dataCollection; ICFBamServerListFuncObj focus = getSwingFocusAsServerListFunc(); if (focus != null) { dataCollection = focus.getOptionalComponentsParams(swingIsInitializing); } else { dataCollection = null; } ICFBamServerMethodObj swingContainer; if ((focus != null) && (focus instanceof ICFBamServerMethodObj)) { swingContainer = (ICFBamServerMethodObj) focus; } else { swingContainer = null; } tabViewComponentsParamsListJPanel = swingSchema .getParamFactory() .newListJPanel( null, swingContainer, dataCollection, new RefreshComponentsParamsList(), true); } return (tabViewComponentsParamsListJPanel); }
public Object getValueAt(int row, int column) { if ((row < 0) || (column < -1)) { return (null); } if (arrayOfServerListFunc == null) { return (null); } int len = arrayOfServerListFunc.length; if (row >= len) { return (null); } ICFBamServerListFuncObj obj = arrayOfServerListFunc[row]; if (obj == null) { return (null); } Object retval; switch (column) { case COLID_ROW_HEADER: retval = obj; break; case COLID_OBJQUALIFIEDNAME: retval = obj.getObjQualifiedName(); break; case COLID_ID: retval = new Long(obj.getRequiredId()); break; case COLID_NAME: retval = obj.getRequiredName(); if (retval == null) { retval = ""; } break; case COLID_SHORTNAME: retval = obj.getOptionalShortName(); if (retval == null) { retval = ""; } break; case COLID_LABEL: retval = obj.getOptionalLabel(); if (retval == null) { retval = ""; } break; case COLID_SHORTDESCRIPTION: retval = obj.getOptionalShortDescription(); if (retval == null) { retval = ""; } break; case COLID_DESCRIPTION: retval = obj.getOptionalDescription(); if (retval == null) { retval = ""; } break; case COLID_SUFFIX: retval = obj.getOptionalSuffix(); if (retval == null) { retval = ""; } break; case COLID_DEFAULTVISIBILITY: retval = new Boolean(obj.getRequiredDefaultVisibility()); break; case COLID_ISINSTANCEMETHOD: retval = new Boolean(obj.getRequiredIsInstanceMethod()); break; case COLID_JMETHODBODY: retval = obj.getRequiredJMethodBody(); if (retval == null) { retval = ""; } break; case COLID_LOOKUP_DEFSCHEMA: retval = obj.getOptionalLookupDefSchema(); break; case COLID_LOOKUP_RETTABLE: retval = obj.getOptionalLookupRetTable(); break; default: retval = null; break; } return (retval); }
public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs) throws SAXException { CFBamXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter schemaFormatter = null; try { // Common XML Attributes String attrId = null; String attrTenantId = null; String attrTableId = null; String attrName = null; // Attribute Extraction String attrLocalName; int numAttrs; int idxAttr; final String S_ProcName = "startElement"; final String S_LocalName = "LocalName"; assert qName.equals("RqstServerListFuncReadByUNameIdx"); CFBamXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = (CFBamXMsgRqstHandler) getParser(); if (xmsgRqstHandler == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()"); } schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter(); ICFBamSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaObj(); if (schemaObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()"); } // Extract Attributes numAttrs = attrs.getLength(); for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) { attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr); if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) { if (attrId != null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newUniqueIndexViolationException( getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName); } attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr); } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantId")) { if (attrTenantId != null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newUniqueIndexViolationException( getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName); } attrTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr); } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TableId")) { if (attrTableId != null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newUniqueIndexViolationException( getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName); } attrTableId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr); } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Name")) { if (attrName != null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newUniqueIndexViolationException( getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName); } attrName = attrs.getValue(idxAttr); } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) { // ignored } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newUnrecognizedAttributeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName); } } // Ensure that required attributes have values if ((attrTenantId == null) || (attrTenantId.length() <= 0)) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantId"); } if ((attrTableId == null) || (attrTableId.length() <= 0)) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TableId"); } if (attrName == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Name"); } // Save named attributes to context CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext(); // Convert string attributes to native Java types // and apply the converted attributes to the editBuff. long natTenantId; natTenantId = Long.parseLong(attrTenantId); long natTableId; natTableId = Long.parseLong(attrTableId); String natName; natName = attrName; // Read the object ICFBamServerListFuncObj read = ((ICFBamServerListFuncObj) schemaObj .getServerListFuncTableObj() .readServerListFuncByUNameIdx(natTenantId, natTableId, natName, true)); if (read != null) { String response = schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPreamble() + "\n" + "\t" + CFBamXMsgServerMethodMessageFormatter.formatServerMethodRspnSingleOpenTag() + CFBamXMsgServerMethodMessageFormatter.formatServerMethodRspnDerivedRec( "\n\t\t", read.getServerMethodBuff()) + "\n" + "\t" + CFBamXMsgServerMethodMessageFormatter.formatServerMethodRspnSingleCloseTag() + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble(); ((CFBamXMsgRqstHandler) getParser()).appendResponse(response); } else { String response = schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPreamble() + "\n" + "\t" + CFBamXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnNoDataFound() + "\n" + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble(); xmsgRqstHandler.appendResponse(response); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { CFBamXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFBamXMsgRqstHandler) getParser()); schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter(); String response = schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPreamble() + "\n" + "\t" + CFBamXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e) + "\n" + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble(); xmsgRqstHandler.resetResponse(); xmsgRqstHandler.appendResponse(response); xmsgRqstHandler.setCaughtException(true); } catch (Error e) { CFBamXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFBamXMsgRqstHandler) getParser()); schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter(); String response = schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPreamble() + "\n" + "\t" + CFBamXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e) + "\n" + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble(); xmsgRqstHandler.resetResponse(); xmsgRqstHandler.appendResponse(response); xmsgRqstHandler.setCaughtException(true); } }