/** [Internal] */ private void paintBackground(Graphics2D g2, Color theBackground) { Color color1 = g2.getColor(); if (theBackground == null) theBackground = Color.white; g2.setColor(theBackground); g2.fillRect(0, 0, 30000, 30000); g2.setColor(color1); }
/** Erase the whole canvas. (Does not repaint.) */ private void erase() { Color original = graphic.getColor(); graphic.setColor(backgroundColor); Dimension size = canvas.getSize(); graphic.fill(new Rectangle(0, 0, size.width, size.height)); graphic.setColor(original); }
/** * Draws the edge. * * @param graphics the graphics context */ public void draw(Graphics2D graphics) { updateContactPoints(); Color oldColor = graphics.getColor(); Stroke oldStroke = graphics.getStroke(); graphics.setColor(getBorderColor()); graphics.setStroke(getLineStyle()); graphics.draw(getPath()); graphics.setStroke(oldStroke); graphics.setColor(oldColor); }
/** * Draws this without refreshing steps. * * @param panel the drawing panel requesting the drawing * @param _g the graphics context on which to draw */ public void drawMe(DrawingPanel panel, Graphics _g) { // position and show inspector if requested during loading if (inspectorX != Integer.MIN_VALUE && trackerPanel != null && trackerPanel.getTFrame() != null) { positionInspector(); Runnable runner = new Runnable() { public void run() { showInspector = false; inspector.setVisible(true); } }; if (showInspector) SwingUtilities.invokeLater(runner); } if (isVisible() && isTraceVisible()) { // draw trace only if fixed coords & (non-worldview or no ref frame) TrackerPanel tPanel = (TrackerPanel) panel; ImageCoordSystem coords = tPanel.getCoords(); // get active coords boolean isRefFrame = coords instanceof ReferenceFrame; if (isRefFrame) { coords = ((ReferenceFrame) coords).getCoords(); } boolean fixed = coords.isFixedAngle() && coords.isFixedOrigin() && coords.isFixedScale(); if (fixed && (!(tPanel instanceof WorldTView) || !isRefFrame)) { trace.reset(); for (int i = 0; i < traceX.length; i++) { if (Double.isNaN(traceX[i])) continue; tracePt.setLocation(traceX[i], traceY[i]); java.awt.Point p = tracePt.getScreenPosition(tPanel); if (trace.getCurrentPoint() == null) trace.moveTo((float) p.getX(), (float) p.getY()); else trace.lineTo((float) p.getX(), (float) p.getY()); } Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) _g; Color color = g2.getColor(); Stroke stroke = g2.getStroke(); g2.setColor(getFootprint().getColor()); g2.setStroke(traceStroke); g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF); g2.draw(trace); // restore original color and stroke g2.setColor(color); g2.setStroke(stroke); } } super.draw(panel, _g); }
private void setFillColor(int symbolType) { penColor = gRef.getColor(); switch (symbolType) { case FTAConstants.SYMB_BASIC: gRef.setColor(Preferences.basicInitiatingEventColor); break; case FTAConstants.SYMB_UNDEV: gRef.setColor(Preferences.undevelopedEventColor); break; case FTAConstants.SYMB_EXTERN: gRef.setColor(Preferences.externalEventColor); break; case FTAConstants.SYMB_INTERMEDIATE: gRef.setColor(Preferences.intermediateEventColor); break; case FTAConstants.SYMB_AND: gRef.setColor(Preferences.andGateColor); break; case FTAConstants.SYMB_OR: gRef.setColor(Preferences.orGateColor); break; case FTAConstants.SYMB_PRIORITY_AND: gRef.setColor(Preferences.priorityAndGateColor); break; case FTAConstants.SYMB_EXCL_OR: gRef.setColor(Preferences.exclusiveOrGateColor); break; case FTAConstants.SYMB_INHIBIT: gRef.setColor(Preferences.inhibitGateColor); break; case FTAConstants.SYMB_CONDITION: gRef.setColor(Preferences.conditioningEventColor); break; case FTAConstants.SYMB_TRANS_IN: gRef.setColor(Preferences.transferInColor); break; case FTAConstants.SYMB_TRANS_OUT: gRef.setColor(Preferences.transferOutColor); break; default: gRef.setColor(Preferences.backgroundColor); break; } }
void drawCircleFrom(Graphics2D g, int fx, int fy, int tx, int ty, Color color, int size) { Color col = g.getColor(); g.setColor(color); int x, y; if (fx == tx) { // vertical line x = fx; if (ty > fy) y = fy + size / 2; else y = fy - size / 2; } else { // assume horizontal for now y = fy; if (tx > fx) x = fx + size / 2; else x = fx - size / 2; } // x and y are the centre of the circle // adjust to top left corner x -= size / 2; y -= size / 2; g.drawOval(x, y, size, size); g.fillOval(x, y, size, size); g.setColor(col); }
void drawCircleTo(Graphics2D g, int fx, int fy, int tx, int ty, Color color, int size) { Color col = g.getColor(); g.setColor(color); int x, y; x = tx; y = ty; if (color == Color.BLUE) { if (fx == tx) { // vertical line if (ty > fy) y = ty - size / 2; else y = ty + size / 2; } else { if (tx > fx) x = tx - size / 2; else x = tx + size / 2; } } // x and y are the centre of the circle // adjust to top left corner x -= size / 2; y -= size / 2; g.drawOval(x, y, size, size); g.fillOval(x, y, size, size); g.setColor(col); }
void draw(Graphics2D g) { int endX, endY; Block from = null; if (fromId > -1) from = diag.blocks.get(new Integer(fromId)); Block to = null; if (!endsAtLine && toId > -1) to = diag.blocks.get(new Integer(toId)); if (toX == -1) endX = diag.xa; else endX = toX; if (toY == -1) endY = diag.ya; else endY = toY; g.setColor(Color.GRAY); Stroke stroke = g.getStroke(); ZigzagStroke zzstroke = new ZigzagStroke(stroke, 2, 4); if (toX == -1) { g.drawRect(fromX - 3, fromY - 3, 6, 6); return; } if (from != null) { if (fromSide == Side.TOP) fromY = from.cy - from.height / 2; else if (fromSide == Side.BOTTOM) fromY = from.cy + from.height / 2; else if (fromSide == Side.LEFT) fromX = from.cx - from.width / 2; else if (fromSide == Side.RIGHT) fromX = from.cx + from.width / 2; } if (to != null) { if (toSide == Side.TOP) toY = to.cy - to.height / 2; else if (toSide == Side.BOTTOM) toY = to.cy + to.height / 2; else if (toSide == Side.LEFT) toX = to.cx - to.width / 2; else if (toSide == Side.RIGHT) toX = to.cx + to.width / 2; } if (driver.selArrowP == this) g.setColor(Color.BLUE); else if ((from instanceof ComponentBlock || from instanceof ExtPortBlock || from instanceof Enclosure) && (to instanceof ComponentBlock || to instanceof ExtPortBlock || to instanceof Enclosure || endsAtLine)) if (checkStatus == Status.UNCHECKED) g.setColor(Color.BLACK); else if (checkStatus == Status.COMPATIBLE) g.setColor(FOREST_GREEN); else g.setColor(ORANGE_RED); else if (from instanceof LegendBlock || to instanceof LegendBlock) g.setColor(Color.GRAY); int fx, fy, tx, ty; fx = fromX; fy = fromY; // tx = toX; // ty = toY; // int autoX = -1, autoY = -1; // only used for automatic ports if (bends != null) { for (Bend bend : bends) { tx = bend.x; ty = bend.y; if (!dropOldest) g.drawLine(fx, fy, tx, ty); else { Shape shape = new Line2D.Double(fx, fy, tx, ty); shape = zzstroke.createStrokedShape(shape); g.draw(shape); // g.setStroke(stroke); } if (bend.marked) { Color col = g.getColor(); g.setColor(Color.RED); g.drawOval(tx - 5, ty - 5, 10, 10); g.setColor(col); } calcLimits(fx, tx, fy, ty); fx = tx; fy = ty; } } tx = endX; ty = endY; int x = endX; if (to != null && endsAtBlock && to.multiplex) { String s = to.mpxfactor; if (s == null) s = " "; int i = s.length() * driver.fontWidth + 10; x -= i; } if (headMarked) { Color col = g.getColor(); g.setColor(Color.RED); g.drawOval(x - 5, toY - 5, 10, 10); g.setColor(col); } if (!dropOldest) g.drawLine(fx, fy, tx, ty); else { Shape shape = new Line2D.Double(fx, fy, tx, ty); shape = zzstroke.createStrokedShape(shape); g.draw(shape); // g.setStroke(stroke); } if (tailMarked) { Color col = g.getColor(); g.setColor(Color.RED); g.drawOval(fromX - 5, fromY - 5, 10, 10); g.setColor(col); } calcLimits(fx, x, fy, toY); if (!endsAtBlock && !endsAtLine) { g.drawRect(fromX - 3, fromY - 3, 6, 6); g.drawRect(x - 3, toY - 3, 6, 6); } else if (endsAtBlock) { if ((from instanceof ComponentBlock || from instanceof ExtPortBlock || from instanceof Enclosure) && (to instanceof ComponentBlock || to instanceof ExtPortBlock || to instanceof Enclosure)) { Arrowhead ah = new Arrowhead(fx, fy, toX, toY); ah.draw(g); } } else if (endsAtLine) { drawCircleTo(g, fx, fy, x, toY, Color.BLACK, 4); // g.drawOval(toX - 2, toY - 2, 4, 4); // g.fillOval(toX - 2, toY - 2, 4, 4); } if (toX != -1 && (endsAtBlock || endsAtLine)) { if (upStreamPort != null && (from instanceof ComponentBlock || from instanceof Enclosure)) { if (upStreamPort.equals("*")) { drawCircleFrom(g, fromX, fromY, endX, endY, Color.BLUE, 8); // g.setColor(Color.BLUE); // g.drawOval(fromX, fromY - 4, 8, 8); // g.fillOval(fromX, fromY - 4, 8, 8); } else if (from.visible) { g.setColor(Color.BLUE); int y = fromY + driver.fontHeight; int x2 = fromX + driver.fontWidth; g.drawString(upStreamPort, x2, y); } g.setColor(Color.BLACK); } if (downStreamPort != null && !endsAtLine && to != null && (to instanceof ComponentBlock || to instanceof Enclosure)) { if (downStreamPort.equals("*")) { drawCircleTo(g, fx, fy, toX, toY, Color.BLUE, 8); // g.setColor(Color.BLUE); // g.drawOval(x - 8, toY - 4, 8, 8); // g.fillOval(x - 8, toY - 4, 8, 8); } else if (to.visible) { g.setColor(Color.BLUE); int y = toY - driver.fontHeight / 2; x = toX - driver.fontWidth * (downStreamPort.length() + 1); if (!endsAtLine && to != null && to.multiplex) x -= 20; g.drawString(downStreamPort, x, y); } g.setColor(Color.BLACK); } } if (extraArrowhead != null) extraArrowhead.draw(g); }
private void clearArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle) { penColor = gRef.getColor(); gRef.setColor(Preferences.backgroundColor); gRef.fillArc(x, y, width, height, startAngle, arcAngle); gRef.setColor(penColor); }