   * Loads a secondary (library or stub) module for analysis. Automatically determines the correct
   * file type.
   * @param moduleFile the file to load
   * @return the ExecutableImage class for the loaded module
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws BinaryParseException
  public ExecutableImage loadModule(File moduleFile) throws IOException, BinaryParseException {
    // First try to load it as a PE file, then object file, ELF and finally raw binary code
    // The right thing to do would be some smart IDing of the file type, but
    // this exception chaining works for now...
    ExecutableImage module = null;
    try {
      module = new PEModule(moduleFile, getArchitecture());
      targetOS = TargetOS.WINDOWS;
    } catch (BinaryParseException e) {
      try {
        module = new ObjectFile(moduleFile, getArchitecture());
      } catch (BinaryParseException e2) {
        try {
          module = new ELFModule(moduleFile, getArchitecture());
          targetOS = TargetOS.LINUX;
        } catch (BinaryParseException e3) {
          module = new RawModule(moduleFile, getArchitecture());

    for (ExecutableImage existingModule : modules) {
      if (existingModule.getMaxAddress().getValue() >= module.getMinAddress().getValue()
          && existingModule.getMinAddress().getValue() <= module.getMaxAddress().getValue()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Virtual addresses of modules overlap!");

    for (ExportedSymbol symbol : module.getExportedSymbols()) {
      exportedSymbols.put(removeDecoration(symbol.getName()), symbol);
    return module;