protected boolean parsedOutIndividualSkill(MOB mob, String qual, Vector acodes) { if ((qual == null) || (qual.length() == 0) || (qual.equalsIgnoreCase("all"))) return false; if (qual.length() > 0) for (int i = 1; i < Ability.DOMAIN_DESCS.length; i++) if (Ability.DOMAIN_DESCS[i].replace('_', ' ').equalsIgnoreCase(qual)) return false; else if ((Ability.DOMAIN_DESCS[i].replace('_', ' ').indexOf('/') >= 0) && (Ability.DOMAIN_DESCS[i] .replace('_', ' ') .substring(Ability.DOMAIN_DESCS[i].indexOf('/') + 1) .equalsIgnoreCase(qual))) return false; final Ability A = CMClass.findAbility(qual); if ((A != null) && (CMLib.ableMapper().qualifiesByAnyCharClass(A.ID())) && (acodes.contains(Integer.valueOf(A.classificationCode() & Ability.ALL_ACODES)))) { final Ability A2 = mob.fetchAbility(A.ID()); if (A2 == null) mob.tell(L("You don't know '@x1'.",; else { int level = CMLib.ableMapper().qualifyingLevel(mob, A2); if (level < 0) level = 0; final StringBuffer line = new StringBuffer(""); line.append("\n\rLevel ^!" + level + "^?:\n\r"); line.append( "^N[^H" + CMStrings.padRight(Integer.toString(A2.proficiency()), 3) + "%^?]^N " + CMStrings.padRight("^<HELP^>" + + "^</HELP^>", 19)); line.append("^?\n\r"); if (mob.session() != null) mob.session().wraplessPrintln(line.toString()); } return true; } return false; }
protected StringBuilder getAbilities( MOB viewerM, MOB ableM, Vector ofTypes, int mask, boolean addQualLine, int maxLevel) { final int COL_LEN1 = ListingLibrary.ColFixer.fixColWidth(3.0, viewerM); final int COL_LEN2 = ListingLibrary.ColFixer.fixColWidth(18.0, viewerM); final int COL_LEN3 = ListingLibrary.ColFixer.fixColWidth(19.0, viewerM); int highestLevel = 0; final int lowestLevel = ableM.phyStats().level() + 1; final StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(""); for (final Enumeration<Ability> a = ableM.allAbilities(); a.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Ability A = a.nextElement(); int level = CMLib.ableMapper().qualifyingLevel(ableM, A); if (level < 0) level = 0; if ((A != null) && (level > highestLevel) && (level < lowestLevel) && (ofTypes.contains(Integer.valueOf(A.classificationCode() & mask)))) highestLevel = level; } if ((maxLevel >= 0) && (maxLevel < highestLevel)) highestLevel = maxLevel; for (int l = 0; l <= highestLevel; l++) { final StringBuilder thisLine = new StringBuilder(""); int col = 0; for (final Enumeration<Ability> a = ableM.allAbilities(); a.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Ability A = a.nextElement(); int level = CMLib.ableMapper().qualifyingLevel(ableM, A); if (level < 0) level = 0; if ((A != null) && (level == l) && (ofTypes.contains(Integer.valueOf(A.classificationCode() & mask)))) { if (thisLine.length() == 0) thisLine.append("\n\rLevel ^!" + l + "^?:\n\r"); if ((++col) > 3) { thisLine.append("\n\r"); col = 1; } thisLine.append( "^N[^H" + CMStrings.padRight(Integer.toString(A.proficiency()), COL_LEN1) + "%^?]^N" + " " // +(A.isAutoInvoked()?"^H.^N":" ") + CMStrings.padRight( "^<HELP^>" + + "^</HELP^>", (col == 3) ? COL_LEN2 : COL_LEN3)); } } if (thisLine.length() > 0) msg.append(thisLine); } if (msg.length() == 0) msg.append(L("^!None!^?")); else if (addQualLine) msg.append( L( "\n\r\n\rUse QUALIFY to see additional skills you can GAIN.")); // ^H.^N = // passive/auto-invoked.")); return msg; }
public String getFormattedDate(Environmental E) { String date = CMStrings.padRight("Unknown", 11); if (E != null) { TimeClock C = (E instanceof Area) ? ((Area) E).getTimeObj() : (( != null) ? : null); if (C != null) date = CMStrings.padRight(C.getDayOfMonth() + "-" + C.getMonth() + "-" + C.getYear(), 11); } return date; }
protected String mobHeader(Faction useFaction) { final StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); str.append("\n\r"); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Name"), 20) + " "); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Lvl"), 4) + " "); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Att"), 5) + " "); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Dmg"), 5) + " "); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Armor"), 5) + " "); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Speed"), 5) + " "); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Rejuv"), 5) + " "); if (useFaction != null) str.append(CMStrings.padRight(, 7) + " "); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Money"), 5) + " "); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Worn"), 5)); str.append("\n\r"); return str.toString(); }
protected String itemHeader() { final StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); str.append("\n\r"); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Name"), 20) + " "); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Type"), 10) + " "); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Lvl"), 4) + " "); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Att"), 5) + " "); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Dmg"), 5) + " "); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Armor"), 5) + " "); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Value"), 5) + " "); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Rejuv"), 5) + " "); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Wght."), 4) + " "); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Size"), 4)); str.append("\n\r"); return str.toString(); }
@Override public boolean execute(MOB mob, List<String> commands, int metaFlags) throws { final StringBuffer head = new StringBuffer(""); final boolean isArchonLooker = CMSecurity.isASysOp(mob); head.append("^x["); head.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Class"), 16) + " "); head.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Race"), 8) + " "); head.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Lvl"), 4) + " "); if (isArchonLooker) head.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Last"), 18) + " "); head.append("] Character Name^.^?\n\r"); mob.tell( "^x[" + CMStrings.centerPreserve( L("The Administrators of @x1", CMProps.getVar(CMProps.Str.MUDNAME)), head.length() - 10) + "]^.^?"); final java.util.List<PlayerLibrary.ThinPlayer> allUsers = CMLib.database().getExtendedUserList(); String mask = CMProps.getVar(CMProps.Str.WIZLISTMASK); if (mask.length() == 0) mask = "-ANYCLASS +Archon"; final MaskingLibrary.CompiledZMask compiledMask = CMLib.masking().maskCompile(mask); for (final PlayerLibrary.ThinPlayer U : allUsers) { CharClass C; final MOB player = CMLib.players().getPlayer(; if (player != null) C = player.charStats().getCurrentClass(); else C = CMClass.getCharClass(U.charClass()); if (C == null) C = CMClass.findCharClass(U.charClass()); if (((player != null) && (CMLib.masking().maskCheck(compiledMask, player, true))) || (CMLib.masking().maskCheck(compiledMask, U))) { head.append("["); if (C != null) head.append(CMStrings.padRight(, 16) + " "); else head.append(CMStrings.padRight(L("Unknown"), 16) + " "); head.append(CMStrings.padRight(U.race(), 8) + " "); if ((C == null) || (!C.leveless())) head.append(CMStrings.padRight("" + U.level(), 4) + " "); else head.append(CMStrings.padRight(" ", 4) + " "); if (isArchonLooker) head.append(CMStrings.padRight(CMLib.time().date2String(U.last()), 18) + " "); head.append("] " +; head.append("\n\r"); } } mob.tell(head.toString()); return false; }
public boolean invoke(MOB mob, Vector commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { int autoGenerate = 0; if ((auto) && (commands.size() > 0) && (commands.firstElement() instanceof Integer)) { autoGenerate = ((Integer) commands.firstElement()).intValue(); commands.removeElementAt(0); givenTarget = null; } DVector enhancedTypes = enhancedTypes(mob, commands); randomRecipeFix(mob, addRecipes(mob, loadRecipes()), commands, autoGenerate); if (commands.size() == 0) { commonTell( mob, "Weave what? Enter \"weave list\" for a list, \"weave refit <item>\" to resize, \"weave learn <item>\", \"weave scan\", or \"weave mend <item>\"."); return false; } if ((!auto) && (commands.size() > 0) && (((String) commands.firstElement()).equalsIgnoreCase("bundle"))) { bundling = true; if (super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return super.bundle(mob, commands); return false; } List<List<String>> recipes = addRecipes(mob, loadRecipes()); String str = (String) commands.elementAt(0); bundling = false; String startStr = null; int duration = 4; if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("list")) { String mask = CMParms.combine(commands, 1); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(""); int toggler = 1; int toggleTop = 2; for (int r = 0; r < toggleTop; r++) buf.append( CMStrings.padRight("Item", 22) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("Lvl", 3) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("Material", 10) + " "); buf.append("\n\r"); for (int r = 0; r < recipes.size(); r++) { List<String> V = recipes.get(r); if (V.size() > 0) { String item = replacePercent((String) V.get(RCP_FINALNAME), ""); int level = CMath.s_int((String) V.get(RCP_LEVEL)); String wood = getComponentDescription(mob, V, RCP_WOOD); if (wood.length() > 5) { if (toggler > 1) buf.append("\n\r"); toggler = toggleTop; } if ((level <= xlevel(mob)) && ((mask == null) || (mask.length() == 0) || mask.equalsIgnoreCase("all") || CMLib.english().containsString(item, mask))) { buf.append( CMStrings.padRight(item, 22) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("" + level, 3) + " " + CMStrings.padRightPreserve("" + wood, 10) + ((toggler != toggleTop) ? " " : "\n\r")); if (++toggler > toggleTop) toggler = 1; } } } if (toggler != 1) buf.append("\n\r"); commonTell(mob, buf.toString()); enhanceList(mob); return true; } else if ((commands.firstElement() instanceof String) && (((String) commands.firstElement())).equalsIgnoreCase("learn")) { return doLearnRecipe(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel); } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("scan")) return publicScan(mob, commands); else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("mend")) { building = null; activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; messedUp = false; key = null; Vector newCommands = CMParms.parse(CMParms.combine(commands, 1)); building = getTarget(mob, mob.location(), givenTarget, newCommands, Wearable.FILTER_UNWORNONLY); if (!canMend(mob, building, false)) return false; activity = CraftingActivity.MENDING; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) mending " + + "."; displayText = "You are mending " +; verb = "mending " +; } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("refit")) { building = null; activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; key = null; messedUp = false; Vector newCommands = CMParms.parse(CMParms.combine(commands, 1)); building = getTarget(mob, mob.location(), givenTarget, newCommands, Wearable.FILTER_UNWORNONLY); if (building == null) return false; if ((building.material() != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_COTTON) && (building.material() != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_SILK) && (building.material() != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_HEMP) && (building.material() != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_VINE) && (building.material() != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_WHEAT) && (building.material() != RawMaterial.RESOURCE_SEAWEED)) { commonTell(mob, "That's not made of any sort of weavable material. It can't be refitted."); return false; } if (!(building instanceof Armor)) { commonTell(mob, "You don't know how to refit that sort of thing."); return false; } if (building.phyStats().height() == 0) { commonTell(mob, + " is already the right size."); return false; } activity = CraftingActivity.REFITTING; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) refitting " + + "."; displayText = "You are refitting " +; verb = "refitting " +; } else { building = null; activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; messedUp = false; aborted = false; key = null; int amount = -1; if ((commands.size() > 1) && (CMath.isNumber((String) commands.lastElement()))) { amount = CMath.s_int((String) commands.lastElement()); commands.removeElementAt(commands.size() - 1); } String recipeName = CMParms.combine(commands, 0); List<String> foundRecipe = null; List<List<String>> matches = matchingRecipeNames(recipes, recipeName, true); for (int r = 0; r < matches.size(); r++) { List<String> V = matches.get(r); if (V.size() > 0) { int level = CMath.s_int((String) V.get(RCP_LEVEL)); if (level <= xlevel(mob)) { foundRecipe = V; break; } } } if (foundRecipe == null) { commonTell( mob, "You don't know how to weave a '" + recipeName + "'. Try \"weave list\" for a list."); return false; } final String woodRequiredStr = (String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_WOOD); final List<Object> componentsFoundList = getAbilityComponents( mob, woodRequiredStr, "make " + CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(recipeName), autoGenerate); if (componentsFoundList == null) return false; int woodRequired = CMath.s_int(woodRequiredStr); woodRequired = adjustWoodRequired(woodRequired, mob); if (amount > woodRequired) woodRequired = amount; int[] pm = { RawMaterial.RESOURCE_COTTON, RawMaterial.RESOURCE_SILK, RawMaterial.RESOURCE_HEMP, RawMaterial.RESOURCE_VINE, RawMaterial.RESOURCE_WHEAT, RawMaterial.RESOURCE_SEAWEED }; String misctype = (String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_MISCTYPE); String spell = (foundRecipe.size() > RCP_SPELL) ? ((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_SPELL)).trim() : ""; bundling = spell.equalsIgnoreCase("BUNDLE") || misctype.equalsIgnoreCase("BUNDLE"); int[][] data = fetchFoundResourceData( mob, woodRequired, "weavable material", pm, 0, null, null, false, autoGenerate, enhancedTypes); if (data == null) return false; fixDataForComponents(data, componentsFoundList); woodRequired = data[0][FOUND_AMT]; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; int lostValue = autoGenerate > 0 ? 0 : CMLib.materials() .destroyResources(mob.location(), woodRequired, data[0][FOUND_CODE], 0, null) + CMLib.ableMapper().destroyAbilityComponents(componentsFoundList); building = CMClass.getItem((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_CLASSTYPE)); if (building == null) { commonTell(mob, "There's no such thing as a " + foundRecipe.get(RCP_CLASSTYPE) + "!!!"); return false; } duration = getDuration( CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_TICKS)), mob, CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_LEVEL)), 4); String itemName = replacePercent( (String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_FINALNAME), RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(data[0][FOUND_CODE])) .toLowerCase(); if (bundling) itemName = "a " + woodRequired + "# " + itemName; else if (itemName.endsWith("s")) itemName = "some " + itemName; else itemName = CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(itemName); building.setName(itemName); startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) weaving " + + "."; displayText = "You are weaving " +; verb = "weaving " +; building.setDisplayText(itemName + " lies here"); building.setDescription(itemName + ". "); building .basePhyStats() .setWeight( (int) Math.round((double) woodRequired * this.getItemWeightMultiplier(bundling))); building.setBaseValue(CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_VALUE))); building.setMaterial(data[0][FOUND_CODE]); building.basePhyStats().setLevel(CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_LEVEL))); building.setSecretIdentity(getBrand(mob)); int capacity = CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_CAPACITY)); long canContain = getContainerType((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_CONTAINMASK)); int armordmg = CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_ARMORDMG)); if (bundling) { building.setBaseValue(lostValue); building.basePhyStats().setWeight(woodRequired); } addSpells(building, spell); if (building instanceof Weapon) { ((Weapon) building).setWeaponClassification(Weapon.CLASS_FLAILED); for (int cl = 0; cl < Weapon.CLASS_DESCS.length; cl++) { if (misctype.equalsIgnoreCase(Weapon.CLASS_DESCS[cl])) ((Weapon) building).setWeaponClassification(cl); } building.basePhyStats().setDamage(armordmg); ((Weapon) building).setRawProperLocationBitmap(Wearable.WORN_WIELD | Wearable.WORN_HELD); ((Weapon) building).setRawLogicalAnd((capacity > 1)); } key = null; if (building instanceof Armor) { if (capacity > 0) { ((Armor) building).setCapacity(capacity + woodRequired); ((Armor) building).setContainTypes(canContain); } ((Armor) building).basePhyStats().setArmor(0); if (armordmg != 0) ((Armor) building).basePhyStats().setArmor(armordmg + (abilityCode() - 1)); setWearLocation(building, misctype, 0); } else if (building instanceof Container) { if (capacity > 0) { ((Container) building).setCapacity(capacity + woodRequired); ((Container) building).setContainTypes(canContain); } if (misctype.equalsIgnoreCase("LID")) ((Container) building).setLidsNLocks(true, false, false, false); else if (misctype.equalsIgnoreCase("LOCK")) { ((Container) building).setLidsNLocks(true, false, true, false); ((Container) building).setKeyName(Double.toString(Math.random())); key = CMClass.getItem("GenKey"); ((DoorKey) key).setKey(((Container) building).keyName()); key.setName("a key"); key.setDisplayText("a small key sits here"); key.setDescription("looks like a key to " +; key.recoverPhyStats(); key.text(); } } if (building instanceof Rideable) { setRideBasis((Rideable) building, misctype); } building.recoverPhyStats(); building.text(); building.recoverPhyStats(); } messedUp = !proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); if (bundling) { messedUp = false; duration = 1; verb = "bundling " + RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(building.material()).toLowerCase(); startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) " + verb + "."; displayText = "You are " + verb; } if (autoGenerate > 0) { if (key != null) commands.addElement(key); commands.addElement(building); return true; } CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, building, this, CMMsg.MSG_NOISYMOVEMENT, startStr); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); building = (Item); beneficialAffect(mob, mob, asLevel, duration); enhanceItem(mob, building, enhancedTypes); } else if (bundling) { messedUp = false; aborted = false; unInvoke(); } return true; }
public boolean invoke( MOB mob, Vector commands, Environmental givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { int autoGenerate = 0; if ((auto) && (givenTarget == this) && (commands.size() > 0) && (commands.firstElement() instanceof Integer)) { autoGenerate = ((Integer) commands.firstElement()).intValue(); commands.removeElementAt(0); givenTarget = null; } DVector enhancedTypes = enhancedTypes(mob, commands); randomRecipeFix(mob, addRecipes(mob, loadRecipes()), commands, autoGenerate); if (commands.size() == 0) { commonTell( mob, "Knit what? Enter \"knit list\" for a list, \"knit refit <item>\" to resize, \"knit scan\", or \"knit mend <item>\"."); return false; } if ((!auto) && (commands.size() > 0) && (((String) commands.firstElement()).equalsIgnoreCase("bundle"))) { bundling = true; if (super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return super.bundle(mob, commands); return false; } Vector recipes = addRecipes(mob, loadRecipes()); String str = (String) commands.elementAt(0); String startStr = null; bundling = false; int duration = 4; if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("list")) { String mask = CMParms.combine(commands, 1); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(""); int toggler = 1; int toggleTop = 2; for (int r = 0; r < toggleTop; r++) buf.append(CMStrings.padRight("Item", 28) + " Lvl " + CMStrings.padRight("Cloth", 5) + " "); buf.append("\n\r"); for (int r = 0; r < recipes.size(); r++) { Vector V = (Vector) recipes.elementAt(r); if (V.size() > 0) { String item = replacePercent((String) V.elementAt(RCP_FINALNAME), ""); int level = CMath.s_int((String) V.elementAt(RCP_LEVEL)); int wood = CMath.s_int((String) V.elementAt(RCP_WOOD)); wood = adjustWoodRequired(wood, mob); if ((level <= xlevel(mob)) && ((mask == null) || (mask.length() == 0) || mask.equalsIgnoreCase("all") || CMLib.english().containsString(item, mask))) { buf.append( CMStrings.padRight(item, 28) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("" + level, 3) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("" + wood, 5) + ((toggler != toggleTop) ? " " : "\n\r")); if (++toggler > toggleTop) toggler = 1; } } } if (toggler != 1) buf.append("\n\r"); commonTell(mob, buf.toString()); enhanceList(mob); return true; } if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("scan")) return publicScan(mob, commands); else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("mend")) { building = null; mending = false; messedUp = false; Vector newCommands = CMParms.parse(CMParms.combine(commands, 1)); building = getTarget(mob, mob.location(), givenTarget, newCommands, Wearable.FILTER_UNWORNONLY); if (!canMend(mob, building, false)) return false; mending = true; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) mending " + + "."; displayText = "You are mending " +; verb = "mending " +; } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("refit")) { building = null; mending = false; refitting = false; messedUp = false; Vector newCommands = CMParms.parse(CMParms.combine(commands, 1)); building = getTarget(mob, mob.location(), givenTarget, newCommands, Wearable.FILTER_UNWORNONLY); if (building == null) return false; if ((building.material() & RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MASK) != RawMaterial.MATERIAL_CLOTH) { commonTell(mob, "That's not made of cloth. It can't be refitted."); return false; } if (!(building instanceof Armor)) { commonTell(mob, "You don't know how to refit that sort of thing."); return false; } if (building.envStats().height() == 0) { commonTell(mob, + " is already the right size."); return false; } refitting = true; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) refitting " + + "."; displayText = "You are refitting " +; verb = "refitting " +; } else { building = null; mending = false; messedUp = false; refitting = false; aborted = false; int amount = -1; if ((commands.size() > 1) && (CMath.isNumber((String) commands.lastElement()))) { amount = CMath.s_int((String) commands.lastElement()); commands.removeElementAt(commands.size() - 1); } String recipeName = CMParms.combine(commands, 0); Vector foundRecipe = null; Vector matches = matchingRecipeNames(recipes, recipeName, true); for (int r = 0; r < matches.size(); r++) { Vector V = (Vector) matches.elementAt(r); if (V.size() > 0) { int level = CMath.s_int((String) V.elementAt(RCP_LEVEL)); if ((autoGenerate > 0) || (level <= xlevel(mob))) { foundRecipe = V; break; } } } if (foundRecipe == null) { commonTell( mob, "You don't know how to knit a '" + recipeName + "'. Try \"" + triggerStrings()[0].toLowerCase() + " list\" for a list."); return false; } int woodRequired = CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_WOOD)); woodRequired = adjustWoodRequired(woodRequired, mob); if (amount > woodRequired) woodRequired = amount; String misctype = (String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_MISCTYPE); bundling = misctype.equalsIgnoreCase("BUNDLE"); int[] pm = {RawMaterial.MATERIAL_CLOTH}; int[][] data = fetchFoundResourceData( mob, woodRequired, "cloth", pm, 0, null, null, bundling, autoGenerate, enhancedTypes); if (data == null) return false; woodRequired = data[0][FOUND_AMT]; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; int lostValue = autoGenerate > 0 ? 0 : CMLib.materials() .destroyResources(mob.location(), woodRequired, data[0][FOUND_CODE], 0, null); building = CMClass.getItem((String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_CLASSTYPE)); if (building == null) { commonTell( mob, "There's no such thing as a " + foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_CLASSTYPE) + "!!!"); return false; } duration = getDuration( CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_TICKS)), mob, CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_LEVEL)), 4); String itemName = replacePercent( (String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_FINALNAME), RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(data[0][FOUND_CODE])) .toLowerCase(); if (bundling) itemName = "a " + woodRequired + "# " + itemName; else if (itemName.endsWith("s")) itemName = "some " + itemName; else itemName = CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(itemName); building.setName(itemName); startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) knitting " + + "."; displayText = "You are knitting " +; verb = "knitting " +; playSound = "scissor.wav"; building.setDisplayText(itemName + " lies here"); building.setDescription(itemName + ". "); if (bundling) building.baseEnvStats().setWeight(woodRequired); else building.baseEnvStats().setWeight(woodRequired / 2); int hardness = RawMaterial.CODES.HARDNESS(data[0][FOUND_CODE]) - 1; building.setBaseValue(CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_VALUE))); building.setMaterial(data[0][FOUND_CODE]); building.baseEnvStats().setLevel(CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_LEVEL))); building.setSecretIdentity("This is the work of " + mob.Name() + "."); int capacity = CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_CAPACITY)); int canContain = CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_CONTAINMASK)); int armordmg = CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_ARMORDMG)); String spell = (foundRecipe.size() > RCP_SPELL) ? ((String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_SPELL)).trim() : ""; if (bundling) building.setBaseValue(lostValue); addSpells(building, spell); if (building instanceof Weapon) { ((Weapon) building).setWeaponClassification(Weapon.CLASS_NATURAL); setWeaponTypeClass((Weapon) building, misctype); building.baseEnvStats().setDamage(armordmg); ((Weapon) building).setRawProperLocationBitmap(Wearable.WORN_WIELD | Wearable.WORN_HELD); ((Weapon) building).setRawLogicalAnd((capacity > 1)); } if (building instanceof Armor) { if (capacity > 0) { ((Armor) building).setCapacity(capacity + woodRequired); ((Armor) building).setContainTypes(canContain); } ((Armor) building).baseEnvStats().setArmor(0); if (armordmg != 0) ((Armor) building).baseEnvStats().setArmor(armordmg + (abilityCode() - 1) + hardness); setWearLocation(building, misctype, 0); } if (building instanceof Rideable) { setRideBasis((Rideable) building, misctype); } building.recoverEnvStats(); building.text(); building.recoverEnvStats(); } messedUp = !proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); if (bundling) { messedUp = false; duration = 1; verb = "bundling " + RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(building.material()).toLowerCase(); startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) " + verb + "."; displayText = "You are " + verb; } if (autoGenerate > 0) { commands.addElement(building); return true; } CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, building, this, CMMsg.MSG_NOISYMOVEMENT, startStr); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); building = (Item); beneficialAffect(mob, mob, asLevel, duration); enhanceItem(mob, building, enhancedTypes); } else if (bundling) { messedUp = false; aborted = false; unInvoke(); } return true; }
@Override protected boolean autoGenInvoke( final MOB mob, List<String> commands, Physical givenTarget, final boolean auto, final int asLevel, int autoGenerate, boolean forceLevels, List<Item> crafted) { if (super.checkStop(mob, commands)) return true; if (super.checkInfo(mob, commands)) return true; final PairVector<EnhancedExpertise, Integer> enhancedTypes = enhancedTypes(mob, commands); randomRecipeFix(mob, addRecipes(mob, loadRecipes()), commands, autoGenerate); if (commands.size() == 0) { commonTell( mob, L( "Make what? Enter \"mleatherwork list\" for a list, \"mleatherworkd info <item>\", \"mleatherwork refit <item>\" to resize," + " \"mleatherwork learn <item>\", \"mleatherwork scan\", \"mleatherwork mend <item>\", or \"mleatherwork stop\" to cancel.")); return false; } if ((!auto) && (commands.size() > 0) && ((commands.get(0)).equalsIgnoreCase("bundle"))) { bundling = true; if (super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return super.bundle(mob, commands); return false; } final List<List<String>> recipes = addRecipes(mob, loadRecipes()); final String str = commands.get(0); playSound = "scissor.wav"; String startStr = null; bundling = false; int multiplier = 4; int duration = 4; if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("list")) { String mask = CMParms.combine(commands, 1); boolean allFlag = false; if (mask.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) { allFlag = true; mask = ""; } final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(""); int toggler = 1; final int toggleTop = 2; final int[] cols = { CMLib.lister().fixColWidth(30, mob.session()), CMLib.lister().fixColWidth(3, mob.session()), CMLib.lister().fixColWidth(3, mob.session()) }; for (int r = 0; r < toggleTop; r++) buf.append( (r > 0 ? " " : "") + CMStrings.padRight(L("Item"), cols[0]) + " " + CMStrings.padRight(L("Lvl"), cols[1]) + " " + CMStrings.padRight(L("Amt"), cols[2])); buf.append("\n\r"); for (int r = 0; r < recipes.size(); r++) { final List<String> V = recipes.get(r); if (V.size() > 0) { final String item = replacePercent(V.get(RCP_FINALNAME), ""); final int level = CMath.s_int(V.get(RCP_LEVEL)); final String wood = getComponentDescription(mob, V, RCP_WOOD); if (wood.length() > 5) { if (toggler > 1) buf.append("\n\r"); toggler = toggleTop; } if (((level <= xlevel(mob)) || allFlag) && ((mask.length() == 0) || mask.equalsIgnoreCase("all") || CMLib.english().containsString(item, mask))) { buf.append( CMStrings.padRight(item, cols[0]) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("" + (level), cols[1]) + " " + CMStrings.padRightPreserve("" + wood, cols[2]) + ((toggler != toggleTop) ? " " : "\n\r")); if (++toggler > toggleTop) toggler = 1; } } } if (toggler != 1) buf.append("\n\r"); commonTell(mob, buf.toString()); enhanceList(mob); return true; } else if (((commands.get(0))).equalsIgnoreCase("learn")) { return doLearnRecipe(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel); } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("scan")) return publicScan(mob, commands); else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("mend")) { buildingI = null; activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; messedUp = false; final Vector<String> newCommands = CMParms.parse(CMParms.combine(commands, 1)); buildingI = getTarget(mob, mob.location(), givenTarget, newCommands, Wearable.FILTER_UNWORNONLY); if (!canMend(mob, buildingI, false)) return false; activity = CraftingActivity.MENDING; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; startStr = L("<S-NAME> start(s) mending @x1.",; displayText = L("You are mending @x1",; verb = L("mending @x1",; } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("refit")) { buildingI = null; activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; messedUp = false; final Vector<String> newCommands = CMParms.parse(CMParms.combine(commands, 1)); buildingI = getTarget(mob, mob.location(), givenTarget, newCommands, Wearable.FILTER_UNWORNONLY); if (buildingI == null) return false; if ((buildingI.material() & RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MASK) != RawMaterial.MATERIAL_LEATHER) { commonTell(mob, L("That's not made of leather. That can't be refitted.")); return false; } if (!(buildingI instanceof Armor)) { commonTell(mob, L("You don't know how to refit that sort of thing.")); return false; } if (buildingI.phyStats().height() == 0) { commonTell(mob, L("@x1 is already the right size.",; return false; } activity = CraftingActivity.REFITTING; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; startStr = L("<S-NAME> start(s) refitting @x1.",; displayText = L("You are refitting @x1",; verb = L("refitting @x1",; } else { buildingI = null; activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; messedUp = false; aborted = false; int amount = -1; if ((commands.size() > 1) && (CMath.isNumber(commands.get(commands.size() - 1)))) { amount = CMath.s_int(commands.get(commands.size() - 1)); commands.remove(commands.size() - 1); } final String recipeName = CMParms.combine(commands, 0); List<String> foundRecipe = null; final List<List<String>> matches = matchingRecipeNames(recipes, recipeName, true); for (int r = 0; r < matches.size(); r++) { final List<String> V = matches.get(r); if (V.size() > 0) { final String name = V.get(RCP_FINALNAME); final int level = CMath.s_int(V.get(RCP_LEVEL)); if (level <= xlevel(mob)) { final int x = name.indexOf(' '); final Stage stage = Stage.valueOf(name.substring(0, x)); multiplier = stage.multiplier; foundRecipe = V; break; } } } if (foundRecipe == null) { commonTell( mob, L( "You don't know how to make a '@x1'. Try \"mleatherwork list\" for a list.", recipeName)); return false; } final String woodRequiredStr = foundRecipe.get(RCP_WOOD); final int[] compData = new int[CF_TOTAL]; final List<Object> componentsFoundList = getAbilityComponents( mob, woodRequiredStr, "make " + CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(recipeName), autoGenerate, compData); if (componentsFoundList == null) return false; int woodRequired = CMath.s_int(woodRequiredStr); woodRequired = adjustWoodRequired(woodRequired, mob); if (amount > woodRequired) woodRequired = amount; final int[] pm = {RawMaterial.MATERIAL_LEATHER}; final int[] pm1 = {RawMaterial.MATERIAL_METAL, RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MITHRIL}; final String misctype = foundRecipe.get(RCP_MISCTYPE); bundling = misctype.equalsIgnoreCase("BUNDLE"); final int[][] data = fetchFoundResourceData( mob, woodRequired, "leather", pm, (multiplier == 6) ? 1 : 0, (multiplier == 6) ? "metal" : null, (multiplier == 6) ? pm1 : null, bundling, autoGenerate, enhancedTypes); if (data == null) return false; fixDataForComponents(data, componentsFoundList); woodRequired = data[0][FOUND_AMT]; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; final int lostValue = autoGenerate > 0 ? 0 : CMLib.materials() .destroyResourcesValue( mob.location(), woodRequired, data[0][FOUND_CODE], data[1][FOUND_CODE], null) + CMLib.ableComponents().destroyAbilityComponents(componentsFoundList); buildingI = CMClass.getItem(foundRecipe.get(RCP_CLASSTYPE)); if (buildingI == null) { commonTell(mob, L("There's no such thing as a @x1!!!", foundRecipe.get(RCP_CLASSTYPE))); return false; } duration = getDuration(multiplier * CMath.s_int(foundRecipe.get(RCP_TICKS)), mob, 30, 4); buildingI.setMaterial(super.getBuildingMaterial(woodRequired, data, compData)); String itemName = (replacePercent( foundRecipe.get(RCP_FINALNAME), RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(data[0][FOUND_CODE]))) .toLowerCase(); if (bundling) itemName = "a " + woodRequired + "# " + itemName; else if (itemName.endsWith("s")) itemName = "some " + itemName; else itemName = CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(itemName); buildingI.setName(itemName); startStr = L("<S-NAME> start(s) making @x1.",; displayText = L("You are making @x1",; verb = L("making @x1",; buildingI.setDisplayText(L("@x1 lies here", itemName)); buildingI.setDescription(itemName + ". "); buildingI .basePhyStats() .setWeight(getStandardWeight(woodRequired + compData[CF_AMOUNT], bundling)); buildingI.setBaseValue(CMath.s_int(foundRecipe.get(RCP_VALUE)) * multiplier); buildingI.setSecretIdentity(getBrand(mob)); final int hardness = RawMaterial.CODES.HARDNESS(buildingI.material()) - 2; buildingI.basePhyStats().setLevel(CMath.s_int(foundRecipe.get(RCP_LEVEL)) + hardness); final int capacity = CMath.s_int(foundRecipe.get(RCP_CAPACITY)); final long canContain = getContainerType(foundRecipe.get(RCP_CONTAINMASK)); int armordmg = CMath.s_int(foundRecipe.get(RCP_ARMORDMG)); if (armordmg != 0) armordmg = armordmg + (multiplier - 1); if (bundling) buildingI.setBaseValue(lostValue); final String spell = (foundRecipe.size() > RCP_SPELL) ? foundRecipe.get(RCP_SPELL).trim() : ""; addSpells(buildingI, spell); if (buildingI instanceof Weapon) { ((Weapon) buildingI) .basePhyStats() .setAttackAdjustment(baseYield() + abilityCode() + (hardness * 5) - 1); ((Weapon) buildingI).setWeaponClassification(Weapon.CLASS_FLAILED); setWeaponTypeClass((Weapon) buildingI, misctype, Weapon.TYPE_SLASHING); buildingI.basePhyStats().setDamage(armordmg + hardness); ((Weapon) buildingI).setRawProperLocationBitmap(Wearable.WORN_WIELD | Wearable.WORN_HELD); ((Weapon) buildingI).setRawLogicalAnd((capacity > 1)); } if ((buildingI instanceof Armor) && (!(buildingI instanceof FalseLimb))) { if ((capacity > 0) && (buildingI instanceof Container)) { ((Container) buildingI).setCapacity(capacity + woodRequired); ((Container) buildingI).setContainTypes(canContain); } ((Armor) buildingI).basePhyStats().setArmor(0); if (armordmg != 0) ((Armor) buildingI) .basePhyStats() .setArmor(armordmg + (baseYield() + abilityCode() - 1) + hardness); setWearLocation(buildingI, misctype, 0); } if (buildingI instanceof Drink) { if (CMLib.flags().isGettable(buildingI)) { ((Drink) buildingI).setLiquidRemaining(0); ((Drink) buildingI).setLiquidHeld(capacity * 50); ((Drink) buildingI).setThirstQuenched(250); if ((capacity * 50) < 250) ((Drink) buildingI).setThirstQuenched(capacity * 50); } } buildingI.recoverPhyStats(); buildingI.text(); buildingI.recoverPhyStats(); } messedUp = !proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); if (bundling) { messedUp = false; duration = 1; verb = L("bundling @x1", RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(buildingI.material()).toLowerCase()); startStr = L("<S-NAME> start(s) @x1.", verb); displayText = L("You are @x1", verb); } if (autoGenerate > 0) { crafted.add(buildingI); return true; } final CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, buildingI, this, getActivityMessageType(), startStr); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); buildingI = (Item); beneficialAffect(mob, mob, asLevel, duration); enhanceItem(mob, buildingI, enhancedTypes); } else if (bundling) { messedUp = false; aborted = false; unInvoke(); } return true; }
@Override public boolean invoke(MOB mob, Vector commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { if (CMParms.combine(commands, 0).equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) { DATA.clear(); IPS.clear(); final Hashtable<String, List<MOB>> ipes = new Hashtable<String, List<MOB>>(); for (final Session S : CMLib.sessions().localOnlineIterable()) { if ((S.getAddress().length() > 0) && (S.mob() != null)) { List V = ipes.get(S.getAddress()); if (V == null) { V = new Vector(); ipes.put(S.getAddress(), V); } if (!V.contains(S.mob())) V.add(S.mob()); } } final StringBuffer rpt = new StringBuffer(""); for (final Enumeration e = ipes.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { final String addr = (String) e.nextElement(); final List<MOB> names = ipes.get(addr); if (names.size() > 1) { IPS.put(addr, names); rpt.append("Watch #" + (IPS.size()) + " added: "); for (int n = 0; n < names.size(); n++) { final MOB MN = names.get(n); if (MN.fetchEffect(ID()) == null) { final Ability A = (Ability) copyOf(); MN.addNonUninvokableEffect(A); A.setSavable(false); } rpt.append(MN.Name() + " "); } rpt.append("\n\r"); } } if (rpt.length() == 0) rpt.append("No users with duplicate IDs found. Try MULTIWATCH ADD name1 name2 ... "); mob.tell(rpt.toString()); return true; } else if (CMParms.combine(commands, 0).equalsIgnoreCase("stop")) { boolean foundLegacy = false; for (final Session S : CMLib.sessions().localOnlineIterable()) { if ((S != null) && (S.mob() != null) && (S.mob().fetchEffect(ID()) != null)) { foundLegacy = true; break; } } if ((DATA.size() == 0) && (IPS.size() == 0) && (!foundLegacy)) { mob.tell(L("Multiwatch is already off.")); return false; } for (final Enumeration<List<MOB>> e = IPS.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { final List<MOB> V = e.nextElement(); for (int v = 0; v < V.size(); v++) { final MOB M = V.get(v); final Ability A = M.fetchEffect(ID()); if (A != null) M.delEffect(A); } } for (final Session S : CMLib.sessions().localOnlineIterable()) { if ((S != null) && (S.mob() != null)) { final MOB M = S.mob(); final Ability A = M.fetchEffect(ID()); if (A != null) M.delEffect(A); } } mob.tell(L("Multiplay watcher is now turned off.")); DATA.clear(); IPS.clear(); return true; } else if ((commands.size() > 1) && ((String) commands.firstElement()).equalsIgnoreCase("add")) { final Vector V = new Vector(); for (int i = 1; i < commands.size(); i++) { final String name = (String) commands.elementAt(i); final MOB M = CMLib.players().getPlayer(name); if ((M.session() != null) && (CMLib.flags().isInTheGame(M, true))) V.addElement(M); else mob.tell(L("'@x1' is not online.", name)); } if (V.size() > 1) { for (int n = 0; n < V.size(); n++) { final MOB MN = (MOB) V.elementAt(n); if (MN.fetchEffect(ID()) == null) { final Ability A = (Ability) copyOf(); MN.addNonUninvokableEffect(A); A.setSavable(false); } } IPS.put("MANUAL" + (IPS.size() + 1), V); mob.tell(L("Manual Watch #@x1 added.", "" + IPS.size())); } return true; } else if ((commands.size() == 0) && (DATA.size() > 0) && (IPS.size() > 0)) { final StringBuffer report = new StringBuffer(""); for (final Enumeration<String> e = IPS.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { final String key = e.nextElement(); int sync = 0; final List<MOB> V = IPS.get(key); for (int v = 0; v < V.size(); v++) { final MOB M = V.get(v); final int data[] = DATA.get(M); if (data != null) sync += data[DATA_SYNCHROFOUND]; } report.append("^x" + key + "^?^., Syncs: " + sync + "\n\r"); report.append( CMStrings.padRight(L("Name"), 25) + CMStrings.padRight(L("Speech"), 15) + CMStrings.padRight(L("Socials"), 15) + CMStrings.padRight(L("CMD"), 10) + CMStrings.padRight(L("ORDERS"), 10) + "\n\r"); for (int v = 0; v < V.size(); v++) { final MOB M = V.get(v); int data[] = DATA.get(M); if (data == null) data = new int[DATA_TOTAL]; report.append(CMStrings.padRight(M.Name(), 25)); report.append( CMStrings.padRight( data[DATA_GOODSPEECH] + "/" + data[DATA_DIRSPEECH] + "/" + data[DATA_ANYSPEECH], 15)); report.append( CMStrings.padRight( data[DATA_GOODSOCIAL] + "/" + data[DATA_DIRSOCIAL] + "/" + data[DATA_ANYSOCIAL], 15)); report.append(CMStrings.padRight(data[DATA_TYPEDCOMMAND] + "", 10)); report.append(CMStrings.padRight(data[DATA_ORDER] + "", 10)); report.append("\n\r"); } report.append("\n\r"); } mob.tell(report.toString()); return true; } else { mob.tell(L("Try MULTIWATCH AUTO, MULTIWATCH STOP, or MULTIWATCH ADD name1 name2..")); return false; } }
public boolean execute(MOB mob, Vector commands, int metaFlags) throws { if (mob.session() == null) return true; PlayerStats pstats = mob.playerStats(); if (pstats == null) return true; if ((commands != null) && (commands.size() > 1) && (commands.elementAt(1) instanceof String) && (CMProps.getVar(CMProps.SYSTEM_MAILBOX).length() > 0)) { String name = CMParms.combine(commands, 1); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("BOX")) { String journalName = CMProps.getVar(CMProps.SYSTEM_MAILBOX); Vector<JournalsLibrary.JournalEntry> msgs = CMLib.database().DBReadJournalMsgs(journalName); while ((mob.session() != null) && (!mob.session().killFlag())) { Vector mymsgs = new Vector(); StringBuffer messages = new StringBuffer( "^X" + CMStrings.padCenter(mob.Name() + "'s MailBox", 48) + "^?^.\n\r"); messages.append( "^X### " + CMStrings.padRight("From", 15) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("Date", 20) + " Subject^?^.\n\r"); for (int num = 0; num < msgs.size(); num++) { JournalsLibrary.JournalEntry thismsg = msgs.elementAt(num); String to = (String); if (to.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL") || to.equalsIgnoreCase(mob.Name()) || (to.toUpperCase().trim().startsWith("MASK=") && CMLib.masking().maskCheck(to.trim().substring(5), mob, true))) { mymsgs.addElement(thismsg); messages.append( CMStrings.padRight("" + mymsgs.size(), 4) + CMStrings.padRight((thismsg.from), 16) + CMStrings.padRight(CMLib.time().date2String(, 21) + (thismsg.subj) + "\n\r"); } } if ((mymsgs.size() == 0) || (CMath.bset(metaFlags, Command.METAFLAG_POSSESSED)) || (CMath.bset(metaFlags, Command.METAFLAG_AS))) { if (CMath.bset(mob.getBitmap(), MOB.ATT_AUTOFORWARD)) mob.tell( "You have no email waiting, but then, it's probably been forwarded to you already."); else mob.tell("You have no email waiting."); return false; } Session S = mob.session(); try { if (S != null) S.snoopSuspension(1); mob.tell(messages.toString()); } finally { if (S != null) S.snoopSuspension(-1); } String s = mob.session().prompt("Enter a message #", ""); if ((!CMath.isInteger(s)) || (mob.session().killFlag())) return false; int num = CMath.s_int(s); if ((num <= 0) || (num > mymsgs.size())) mob.tell("That is not a valid number."); else while ((mob.session() != null) && (!mob.session().killFlag())) { JournalsLibrary.JournalEntry thismsg = (JournalsLibrary.JournalEntry) mymsgs.elementAt(num - 1); String key = thismsg.key; String from = thismsg.from; String date = CMLib.time().date2String(; String subj = thismsg.subj; String message = thismsg.msg; messages = new StringBuffer(""); messages.append("^XMessage :^?^." + num + "\n\r"); messages.append("^XFrom :^?^." + from + "\n\r"); messages.append("^XDate :^?^." + date + "\n\r"); messages.append("^XSubject :^?^." + subj + "\n\r"); messages.append("^X------------------------------------------------^?^.\n\r"); messages.append(message + "\n\r\n\r"); try { if (S != null) S.snoopSuspension(1); mob.tell(messages.toString()); } finally { if (S != null) S.snoopSuspension(-1); } s = mob.session() .choose("Would you like to D)elete, H)old, or R)eply (D/H/R)? ", "DHR", "H"); if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("H")) break; if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("R")) { if ((from.length() > 0) && (!from.equals(mob.Name())) && (!from.equalsIgnoreCase("BOX")) && (CMLib.players().getLoadPlayer(from) != null)) execute(mob, CMParms.makeVector(getAccessWords()[0], from), metaFlags); else mob.tell("You can not reply to this email."); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("D")) { CMLib.database().DBDeleteJournal(journalName, key); msgs.remove(thismsg); mob.tell("Deleted."); break; } } } } else { MOB M = CMLib.players().getLoadPlayer(name); if (M == null) { mob.tell( "There is no player called '" + name + "' to send email to. If you were trying to read your mail, try EMAIL BOX. If you were trying to change your email address, just enter EMAIL without any parameters."); return false; } if (!CMath.bset(M.getBitmap(), MOB.ATT_AUTOFORWARD)) { if (!mob.session().confirm("Send email to '" + M.Name() + "' (Y/n)?", "Y")) return false; } else { if (!mob.session() .confirm( "Send email to '" + M.Name() + "', even though their AUTOFORWARD is turned off (y/N)?", "N")) return false; } if (CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.SYSTEMI_MAXMAILBOX) > 0) { int count = CMLib.database() .DBCountJournal(CMProps.getVar(CMProps.SYSTEM_MAILBOX), null, M.Name()); if (count >= CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.SYSTEMI_MAXMAILBOX)) { mob.tell(M.Name() + "'s mailbox is full."); return false; } } String subject = mob.session().prompt("Email Subject: ", "").trim(); if (subject.length() == 0) { mob.tell("Aborted"); return false; } String message = mob.session().prompt("Enter your message\n\r: ", "").trim(); if (message.trim().length() == 0) { mob.tell("Aborted"); return false; } message += "\n\r\n\rThis message was sent through the " + CMProps.getVar(CMProps.SYSTEM_MUDNAME) + " mail server at " + CMProps.getVar(CMProps.SYSTEM_MUDDOMAIN) + ", port" + CMProps.getVar(CMProps.SYSTEM_MUDPORTS) + ". Please contact the administrators regarding any abuse of this system.\n\r"; CMLib.database() .DBWriteJournal( CMProps.getVar(CMProps.SYSTEM_MAILBOX), mob.Name(), M.Name(), subject, message); mob.tell("Your email has been sent."); return true; } } if ((pstats.getEmail() == null) || (pstats.getEmail().length() == 0)) mob.session().println("\n\rYou have no email address on file for this character."); else { if (commands == null) return true; String change = mob.session() .prompt( "You currently have '" + pstats.getEmail() + "' set as the email address for this character.\n\rChange it (y/N)?", "N"); if (change.toUpperCase().startsWith("N")) return false; } if ((CMProps.getVar(CMProps.SYSTEM_EMAILREQ).toUpperCase().startsWith("PASS")) && (commands != null) && (CMProps.getVar(CMProps.SYSTEM_MAILBOX).length() > 0)) mob.session() .println( "\n\r** Changing your email address will cause you to be logged off, and a new password to be generated and emailed to the new address. **\n\r"); String newEmail = mob.session().prompt("New E-mail Address:"); if (newEmail == null) return false; newEmail = newEmail.trim(); if (!CMProps.getVar(CMProps.SYSTEM_EMAILREQ).toUpperCase().startsWith("OPTION")) { if (newEmail.length() < 6) return false; if (newEmail.indexOf("@") < 0) return false; String confirmEmail = mob.session() .prompt("Confirm that '" + newEmail + "' is correct by re-entering.\n\rRe-enter:"); if (confirmEmail == null) return false; confirmEmail = confirmEmail.trim(); if (confirmEmail.length() == 0) return false; if (!(newEmail.equalsIgnoreCase(confirmEmail))) return false; } pstats.setEmail(newEmail); CMLib.database().DBUpdateEmail(mob); if ((commands != null) && (CMProps.getVar(CMProps.SYSTEM_EMAILREQ).toUpperCase().startsWith("PASS")) && (CMProps.getVar(CMProps.SYSTEM_MAILBOX).length() > 0)) { String password = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) password += (char) ('a' + CMLib.dice().roll(1, 26, -1)); pstats.setPassword(password); CMLib.database().DBUpdatePassword(mob.Name(), password); CMLib.database() .DBWriteJournal( CMProps.getVar(CMProps.SYSTEM_MAILBOX), mob.Name(), mob.Name(), "Password for " + mob.Name(), "Your new password for " + mob.Name() + " is: " + pstats.password() + "\n\rYou can login by pointing your mud client at " + CMProps.getVar(CMProps.SYSTEM_MUDDOMAIN) + " port(s):" + CMProps.getVar(CMProps.SYSTEM_MUDPORTS) + ".\n\rYou may use the PASSWORD command to change it once you are online."); mob.tell("You will receive an email with your new password shortly. Goodbye."); if (mob.session() != null) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) { } mob.session().kill(false, false, false); } } return true; }
public boolean invoke( MOB mob, Vector commands, Environmental givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { int autoGenerate = 0; if ((auto) && (givenTarget == this) && (commands.size() > 0) && (commands.firstElement() instanceof Integer)) { autoGenerate = ((Integer) commands.firstElement()).intValue(); commands.removeElementAt(0); givenTarget = null; } randomRecipeFix(mob, addRecipes(mob, loadRecipes()), commands, autoGenerate); if (commands.size() == 0) { commonTell(mob, "Papermake what? Enter \"Papermake list\" for a list."); return false; } if ((!auto) && (commands.size() > 0) && (((String) commands.firstElement()).equalsIgnoreCase("bundle"))) { bundling = true; if (super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return super.bundle(mob, commands); return false; } Vector recipes = addRecipes(mob, loadRecipes()); String str = (String) commands.elementAt(0); String startStr = null; int duration = 4; if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("list")) { String mask = CMParms.combine(commands, 1); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(CMStrings.padRight("Item", 22) + " Lvl Material required\n\r"); for (int r = 0; r < recipes.size(); r++) { Vector V = (Vector) recipes.elementAt(r); if (V.size() > 0) { String item = replacePercent((String) V.elementAt(RCP_FINALNAME), ""); int level = CMath.s_int((String) V.elementAt(RCP_LEVEL)); int wood = CMath.s_int((String) V.elementAt(RCP_WOOD)); wood = adjustWoodRequired(wood, mob); String material = (String) V.elementAt(RCP_WOODTYPE); if ((level <= xlevel(mob)) && ((mask == null) || (mask.length() == 0) || mask.equalsIgnoreCase("all") || CMLib.english().containsString(item, mask))) buf.append( CMStrings.padRight(item, 22) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("" + level, 3) + " " + wood + " " + material.toLowerCase() + "\n\r"); } } commonTell(mob, buf.toString()); return true; } building = null; messedUp = false; String materialDesc = ""; String recipeName = CMParms.combine(commands, 0); Vector foundRecipe = null; Vector matches = matchingRecipeNames(recipes, recipeName, true); for (int r = 0; r < matches.size(); r++) { Vector V = (Vector) matches.elementAt(r); if (V.size() > 0) { int level = CMath.s_int((String) V.elementAt(RCP_LEVEL)); if ((autoGenerate > 0) || (level <= xlevel(mob))) { foundRecipe = V; materialDesc = (String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_WOODTYPE); if (materialDesc.equalsIgnoreCase("WOOD")) materialDesc = "WOODEN"; break; } } } if (materialDesc.length() == 0) materialDesc = "WOODEN"; if (foundRecipe == null) { commonTell( mob, "You don't know how to make a '" + recipeName + "'. Try \"make list\" for a list."); return false; } int woodRequired = CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_WOOD)); woodRequired = adjustWoodRequired(woodRequired, mob); int[][] data = fetchFoundResourceData( mob, woodRequired, materialDesc, null, 0, null, null, false, autoGenerate, null); if (data == null) return false; woodRequired = data[0][FOUND_AMT]; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; if (autoGenerate <= 0) CMLib.materials() .destroyResources(mob.location(), woodRequired, data[0][FOUND_CODE], 0, null); building = CMClass.getItem((String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_CLASSTYPE)); if (building == null) { commonTell(mob, "There's no such thing as a " + foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_CLASSTYPE) + "!!!"); return false; } duration = getDuration( CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_TICKS)), mob, CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_LEVEL)), 4); String itemName = replacePercent( (String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_FINALNAME), RawMaterial.RESOURCE_DESCS[(data[0][FOUND_CODE] & RawMaterial.RESOURCE_MASK)]) .toLowerCase(); itemName = CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(itemName); building.setName(itemName); startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) making " + + "."; displayText = "You are making " +; verb = "making " +; playSound = "crumple.wav"; building.setDisplayText(itemName + " lies here"); building.setDescription(itemName + ". "); building.baseEnvStats().setWeight(woodRequired); building.setBaseValue( CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_VALUE)) + (woodRequired * (RawMaterial.RESOURCE_DATA[data[0][FOUND_CODE] & RawMaterial.RESOURCE_MASK][ RawMaterial.DATA_VALUE]))); building.setMaterial(data[0][FOUND_CODE]); String spell = (foundRecipe.size() > RCP_SPELL) ? ((String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_SPELL)).trim() : ""; addSpells(building, spell); building.setSecretIdentity("This is the work of " + mob.Name() + "."); if (((data[0][FOUND_CODE] & RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MASK) == RawMaterial.MATERIAL_WOODEN) || (data[0][FOUND_CODE] == RawMaterial.RESOURCE_RICE)) building.setMaterial(RawMaterial.RESOURCE_PAPER); building.baseEnvStats().setLevel(CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.elementAt(RCP_LEVEL))); building.recoverEnvStats(); building.text(); building.recoverEnvStats(); messedUp = !proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); if (autoGenerate > 0) { commands.addElement(building); return true; } CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, building, this, CMMsg.MSG_NOISYMOVEMENT, startStr); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); building = (Item); beneficialAffect(mob, mob, asLevel, duration); } return true; }
public boolean invoke(MOB mob, Vector commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { String s = CMParms.combine(commands, 0); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("Seed types known:\n\r"); int material = 0; String foundShortName = null; int col = 0; List<Integer> codes = RawMaterial.CODES.COMPOSE_RESOURCES(RawMaterial.MATERIAL_VEGETATION); for (Integer code : codes) { if (!CMParms.contains(Chant_SummonSeed.NON_SEEDS, code)) { String str = RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(code.intValue()); if (str.toUpperCase().equalsIgnoreCase(s)) { material = code.intValue(); foundShortName = CMStrings.capitalizeAndLower(str); break; } if (col == 4) { buf.append("\n\r"); col = 0; } col++; buf.append(CMStrings.padRight(CMStrings.capitalizeAndLower(str), 15)); } } if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("list")) { mob.tell(buf.toString() + "\n\r\n\r"); return true; } if (s.length() == 0) { mob.tell("Summon what kind of seed? Try LIST as a parameter..."); return false; } if (foundShortName == null) { mob.tell("'" + s + "' is an unknown type of vegetation."); return false; } if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; // now see if it worked boolean success = proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); if (success) { CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg( mob, null, this, verbalCastCode(mob, null, auto), auto ? "" : "^S<S-NAME> chant(s) to <S-HIS-HER> hands.^?"); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); for (int i = 2; i < (2 + (adjustedLevel(mob, asLevel) / 4)); i++) { Item newItem = CMClass.getBasicItem("GenResource"); String name = foundShortName.toLowerCase(); if (name.endsWith("ies")) name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 3) + "y"; if (name.endsWith("s")) name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 1); newItem.setName(CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(name + " seed")); newItem.setDisplayText( + " is here."); newItem.setDescription(""); newItem.setMaterial(material); newItem.basePhyStats().setWeight(0); newItem.recoverPhyStats(); newItem.setMiscText(newItem.text()); mob.addItem(newItem); } mob.location().showHappens(CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, "Some seeds appear!"); mob.location().recoverPhyStats(); } } else return beneficialWordsFizzle( mob, null, "<S-NAME> chant(s) to <S-HIS-HER> hands, but nothing happens."); // return whether it worked return success; }
@Override public boolean invoke( final MOB mob, Vector commands, Physical givenTarget, final boolean auto, final int asLevel) { final Vector originalCommands = (Vector) commands.clone(); if (super.checkStop(mob, commands)) return true; fireRequired = true; final CraftParms parsedVars = super.parseAutoGenerate(auto, givenTarget, commands); givenTarget = parsedVars.givenTarget; final PairVector<Integer, Integer> enhancedTypes = enhancedTypes(mob, commands); randomRecipeFix(mob, addRecipes(mob, loadRecipes()), commands, parsedVars.autoGenerate); if (commands.size() == 0) { commonTell( mob, L( "Make what? Enter \"@x1 list\" for a list, \"@x2 learn <item>\" to gain recipes, or \"@x3 stop\" to cancel.", triggerStrings()[0].toLowerCase(), triggerStrings()[0].toLowerCase(), triggerStrings()[0].toLowerCase())); return false; } if ((!auto) && (commands.size() > 0) && (((String) commands.firstElement()).equalsIgnoreCase("bundle"))) { bundling = true; if (super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return super.bundle(mob, commands); return false; } final List<List<String>> recipes = addRecipes(mob, loadRecipes()); final String str = (String) commands.elementAt(0); String startStr = null; bundling = false; int duration = 4; final int[] cols = { ListingLibrary.ColFixer.fixColWidth(16, mob.session()), ListingLibrary.ColFixer.fixColWidth(3, mob.session()) }; if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("list")) { String mask = CMParms.combine(commands, 1); boolean allFlag = false; if (mask.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) { allFlag = true; mask = ""; } final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer( L( "@x1 @x2 Metals required\n\r", CMStrings.padRight(L("Item"), cols[0]), CMStrings.padRight(L("Lvl"), cols[1]))); for (int r = 0; r < recipes.size(); r++) { final List<String> V = recipes.get(r); if (V.size() > 0) { final String item = replacePercent(V.get(RCP_FINALNAME), ""); final int level = CMath.s_int(V.get(RCP_LEVEL)); final String wood = getComponentDescription(mob, V, RCP_WOOD); if (((level <= xlevel(mob)) || allFlag) && ((mask.length() == 0) || mask.equalsIgnoreCase("all") || CMLib.english().containsString(item, mask))) buf.append( CMStrings.padRight(item, cols[0]) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("" + level, cols[1]) + " " + wood + "\n\r"); } } commonTell(mob, buf.toString()); enhanceList(mob); return true; } else if ((commands.firstElement() instanceof String) && (((String) commands.firstElement())).equalsIgnoreCase("learn")) { return doLearnRecipe(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel); } activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; buildingI = null; messedUp = false; String statue = null; if ((commands.size() > 1) && ((String) commands.lastElement()).startsWith("STATUE=")) { statue = (((String) commands.lastElement()).substring(7)).trim(); if (statue.length() == 0) statue = null; else commands.removeElementAt(commands.size() - 1); } int amount = -1; if ((commands.size() > 1) && (CMath.isNumber((String) commands.lastElement()))) { amount = CMath.s_int((String) commands.lastElement()); commands.removeElementAt(commands.size() - 1); } final String recipeName = CMParms.combine(commands, 0); List<String> foundRecipe = null; final List<List<String>> matches = matchingRecipeNames(recipes, recipeName, true); for (int r = 0; r < matches.size(); r++) { final List<String> V = matches.get(r); if (V.size() > 0) { final int level = CMath.s_int(V.get(RCP_LEVEL)); if ((parsedVars.autoGenerate > 0) || (level <= xlevel(mob))) { foundRecipe = V; break; } } } if (foundRecipe == null) { commonTell( mob, L( "You don't know how to make a '@x1'. Try \"@x2 list\" for a list.", recipeName, triggerStrings[0].toLowerCase())); return false; } final String woodRequiredStr = foundRecipe.get(RCP_WOOD); final List<Object> componentsFoundList = getAbilityComponents( mob, woodRequiredStr, "make " + CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(recipeName), parsedVars.autoGenerate); if (componentsFoundList == null) return false; int woodRequired = CMath.s_int(woodRequiredStr); woodRequired = adjustWoodRequired(woodRequired, mob); if (amount > woodRequired) woodRequired = amount; final String misctype = foundRecipe.get(RCP_MISCTYPE); final int[] pm = {RawMaterial.MATERIAL_METAL, RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MITHRIL}; bundling = misctype.equalsIgnoreCase("BUNDLE"); final int[][] data = fetchFoundResourceData( mob, woodRequired, "metal", pm, 0, null, null, bundling, parsedVars.autoGenerate, enhancedTypes); if (data == null) return false; fixDataForComponents(data, componentsFoundList); woodRequired = data[0][FOUND_AMT]; if (!bundling) { fireRequired = true; final Item fire = getRequiredFire(mob, parsedVars.autoGenerate); if (fire == null) return false; } else fireRequired = false; final Session session = mob.session(); if ((misctype.equalsIgnoreCase("statue")) && (session != null) && ((statue == null) || (statue.trim().length() == 0))) { final Ability me = this; final Physical target = givenTarget; session.prompt( new InputCallback(InputCallback.Type.PROMPT, "", 0) { @Override public void showPrompt() { session.promptPrint(L("What is a statue this of?\n\r: ")); } @Override public void timedOut() {} @Override public void callBack() { final String of = this.input; if ((of.trim().length() == 0) || (of.indexOf('<') >= 0)) return; final Vector newCommands = (Vector) originalCommands.clone(); newCommands.add("STATUE=" + of); me.invoke(mob, newCommands, target, auto, asLevel); } }); return false; } if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; final int lostValue = parsedVars.autoGenerate > 0 ? 0 : CMLib.materials() .destroyResourcesValue( mob.location(), data[0][FOUND_AMT], data[0][FOUND_CODE], 0, null) + CMLib.ableMapper().destroyAbilityComponents(componentsFoundList); buildingI = CMClass.getItem(foundRecipe.get(RCP_CLASSTYPE)); if (buildingI == null) { commonTell(mob, L("There's no such thing as a @x1!!!", foundRecipe.get(RCP_CLASSTYPE))); return false; } duration = getDuration( CMath.s_int(foundRecipe.get(RCP_TICKS)), mob, CMath.s_int(foundRecipe.get(RCP_LEVEL)), 4); String itemName = replacePercent(foundRecipe.get(RCP_FINALNAME), RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(data[0][FOUND_CODE])) .toLowerCase(); if (bundling) itemName = "a " + woodRequired + "# " + itemName; else itemName = CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(itemName); buildingI.setName(itemName); startStr = L("<S-NAME> start(s) smithing @x1.",; displayText = L("You are smithing @x1",; verb = L("smithing @x1",; playSound = "tinktinktink2.wav"; buildingI.setDisplayText(L("@x1 lies here", itemName)); buildingI.setDescription(itemName + ". "); buildingI.basePhyStats().setWeight(getStandardWeight(woodRequired, bundling)); buildingI.setBaseValue( CMath.s_int(foundRecipe.get(RCP_VALUE)) + (woodRequired * (RawMaterial.CODES.VALUE(data[0][FOUND_CODE])))); buildingI.setMaterial(data[0][FOUND_CODE]); buildingI.basePhyStats().setLevel(CMath.s_int(foundRecipe.get(RCP_LEVEL))); buildingI.setSecretIdentity(getBrand(mob)); final int capacity = CMath.s_int(foundRecipe.get(RCP_CAPACITY)); final String spell = (foundRecipe.size() > RCP_SPELL) ? foundRecipe.get(RCP_SPELL).trim() : ""; addSpells(buildingI, spell); if ((misctype.equalsIgnoreCase("statue")) && (statue != null) && (statue.trim().length() > 0)) { buildingI.setName(L("@x1 of @x2", itemName, statue.trim())); buildingI.setDisplayText(L("@x1 of @x2 is here", itemName, statue.trim())); buildingI.setDescription(L("@x1 of @x2. ", itemName, statue.trim())); } else if (buildingI instanceof Rideable) { setRideBasis((Rideable) buildingI, misctype); if (capacity == 0) ((Rideable) buildingI).setRiderCapacity(1); else if (capacity < 5) ((Rideable) buildingI).setRiderCapacity(capacity); } else if (buildingI instanceof Container) { ((Container) buildingI).setCapacity(capacity + woodRequired); if (misctype.equalsIgnoreCase("LID")) ((Container) buildingI).setDoorsNLocks(true, false, true, false, false, false); else if (misctype.equalsIgnoreCase("LOCK")) { ((Container) buildingI).setDoorsNLocks(true, false, true, true, false, true); ((Container) buildingI).setKeyName(Double.toString(Math.random())); } else ((Container) buildingI).setContainTypes(getContainerType(misctype)); } if (buildingI instanceof Drink) { if (CMLib.flags().isGettable(buildingI)) { ((Drink) buildingI).setLiquidHeld(capacity * 50); ((Drink) buildingI).setThirstQuenched(250); if ((capacity * 50) < 250) ((Drink) buildingI).setThirstQuenched(capacity * 50); ((Drink) buildingI).setLiquidRemaining(0); } } if (bundling) buildingI.setBaseValue(lostValue); buildingI.recoverPhyStats(); buildingI.text(); buildingI.recoverPhyStats(); messedUp = !proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); if (bundling) { messedUp = false; duration = 1; verb = L("bundling @x1", RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(buildingI.material()).toLowerCase()); startStr = L("<S-NAME> start(s) @x1.", verb); displayText = L("You are @x1", verb); } if (parsedVars.autoGenerate > 0) { commands.addElement(buildingI); return true; } final CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, buildingI, this, getActivityMessageType(), startStr); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); buildingI = (Item); beneficialAffect(mob, mob, asLevel, duration); enhanceItem(mob, buildingI, enhancedTypes); } else if (bundling) { messedUp = false; aborted = false; unInvoke(); } return true; }
public boolean invoke(MOB mob, Vector commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { int autoGenerate = 0; if ((auto) && (commands.size() > 0) && (commands.firstElement() instanceof Integer)) { autoGenerate = ((Integer) commands.firstElement()).intValue(); commands.removeElementAt(0); givenTarget = null; } DVector enhancedTypes = enhancedTypes(mob, commands); randomRecipeFix(mob, addRecipes(mob, loadRecipes()), commands, autoGenerate); if (commands.size() == 0) { commonTell( mob, "Make what? Enter \"mleatherwork list\" for a list, \"mleatherwork refit <item>\" to resize, \"mleatherwork learn <item>\", \"mleatherwork scan\", or \"mleatherwork mend <item>\"."); return false; } if ((!auto) && (commands.size() > 0) && (((String) commands.firstElement()).equalsIgnoreCase("bundle"))) { bundling = true; if (super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return super.bundle(mob, commands); return false; } List<List<String>> recipes = addRecipes(mob, loadRecipes()); String str = (String) commands.elementAt(0); playSound = "scissor.wav"; String startStr = null; bundling = false; int multiplier = 4; int duration = 4; if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("list")) { String mask = CMParms.combine(commands, 1); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(""); int toggler = 1; int toggleTop = 2; for (int r = 0; r < toggleTop; r++) buf.append( CMStrings.padRight("Item", 30) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("Lvl", 3) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("Amt", 3) + " "); buf.append("\n\r"); for (int r = 0; r < recipes.size(); r++) { List<String> V = recipes.get(r); if (V.size() > 0) { String item = replacePercent((String) V.get(RCP_FINALNAME), ""); int level = CMath.s_int((String) V.get(RCP_LEVEL)); String wood = getComponentDescription(mob, V, RCP_WOOD); if (wood.length() > 5) { if (toggler > 1) buf.append("\n\r"); toggler = toggleTop; } if ((level <= xlevel(mob)) && ((mask == null) || (mask.length() == 0) || mask.equalsIgnoreCase("all") || CMLib.english().containsString(item, mask))) { buf.append( CMStrings.padRight(item, 30) + " " + CMStrings.padRight("" + (level), 3) + " " + CMStrings.padRightPreserve("" + wood, 3) + ((toggler != toggleTop) ? " " : "\n\r")); if (++toggler > toggleTop) toggler = 1; } } } if (toggler != 1) buf.append("\n\r"); commonTell(mob, buf.toString()); enhanceList(mob); return true; } else if ((commands.firstElement() instanceof String) && (((String) commands.firstElement())).equalsIgnoreCase("learn")) { return doLearnRecipe(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel); } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("scan")) return publicScan(mob, commands); else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("mend")) { building = null; activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; messedUp = false; Vector newCommands = CMParms.parse(CMParms.combine(commands, 1)); building = getTarget(mob, mob.location(), givenTarget, newCommands, Wearable.FILTER_UNWORNONLY); if (!canMend(mob, building, false)) return false; activity = CraftingActivity.MENDING; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) mending " + + "."; displayText = "You are mending " +; verb = "mending " +; } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("refit")) { building = null; activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; messedUp = false; Vector newCommands = CMParms.parse(CMParms.combine(commands, 1)); building = getTarget(mob, mob.location(), givenTarget, newCommands, Wearable.FILTER_UNWORNONLY); if (building == null) return false; if ((building.material() & RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MASK) != RawMaterial.MATERIAL_LEATHER) { commonTell(mob, "That's not made of leather. That can't be refitted."); return false; } if (!(building instanceof Armor)) { commonTell(mob, "You don't know how to refit that sort of thing."); return false; } if (building.phyStats().height() == 0) { commonTell(mob, + " is already the right size."); return false; } activity = CraftingActivity.REFITTING; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) refitting " + + "."; displayText = "You are refitting " +; verb = "refitting " +; } else { building = null; activity = CraftingActivity.CRAFTING; messedUp = false; aborted = false; int amount = -1; if ((commands.size() > 1) && (CMath.isNumber((String) commands.lastElement()))) { amount = CMath.s_int((String) commands.lastElement()); commands.removeElementAt(commands.size() - 1); } String recipeName = CMParms.combine(commands, 0); List<String> foundRecipe = null; List<List<String>> matches = matchingRecipeNames(recipes, recipeName, true); for (int r = 0; r < matches.size(); r++) { List<String> V = matches.get(r); if (V.size() > 0) { String name = (String) V.get(RCP_FINALNAME); int level = CMath.s_int((String) V.get(RCP_LEVEL)); if ((level <= xlevel(mob)) && (name.toUpperCase().indexOf("BATTLEMOULDED") >= 0)) { multiplier = 9; foundRecipe = V; break; } else if ((level <= xlevel(mob)) && (name.toUpperCase().indexOf("LAMINAR") >= 0)) { multiplier = 8; foundRecipe = V; break; } else if ((level <= (xlevel(mob))) && (name.toUpperCase().indexOf("MASTERWORK") >= 0)) { multiplier = 7; foundRecipe = V; break; } else if ((level <= xlevel(mob)) && (name.toUpperCase().indexOf("REINFORCED") >= 0)) { multiplier = 6; foundRecipe = V; break; } else if ((level <= (xlevel(mob))) && (name.toUpperCase().indexOf("CUIRBOULI") >= 0)) { multiplier = 5; foundRecipe = V; break; } else if (level <= (xlevel(mob))) { multiplier = 4; foundRecipe = V; break; } } } if (foundRecipe == null) { commonTell( mob, "You don't know how to make a '" + recipeName + "'. Try \"mleatherwork list\" for a list."); return false; } final String woodRequiredStr = (String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_WOOD); final List<Object> componentsFoundList = getAbilityComponents( mob, woodRequiredStr, "make " + CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(recipeName), autoGenerate); if (componentsFoundList == null) return false; int woodRequired = CMath.s_int(woodRequiredStr); woodRequired = adjustWoodRequired(woodRequired, mob); if (amount > woodRequired) woodRequired = amount; int[] pm = {RawMaterial.MATERIAL_LEATHER}; int[] pm1 = {RawMaterial.MATERIAL_METAL, RawMaterial.MATERIAL_MITHRIL}; String misctype = (String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_MISCTYPE); bundling = misctype.equalsIgnoreCase("BUNDLE"); int[][] data = fetchFoundResourceData( mob, woodRequired, "leather", pm, (multiplier == 6) ? 1 : 0, (multiplier == 6) ? "metal" : null, (multiplier == 6) ? pm1 : null, bundling, autoGenerate, enhancedTypes); if (data == null) return false; fixDataForComponents(data, componentsFoundList); woodRequired = data[0][FOUND_AMT]; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; int lostValue = autoGenerate > 0 ? 0 : CMLib.materials() .destroyResources( mob.location(), woodRequired, data[0][FOUND_CODE], data[1][FOUND_CODE], null) + CMLib.ableMapper().destroyAbilityComponents(componentsFoundList); building = CMClass.getItem((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_CLASSTYPE)); if (building == null) { commonTell(mob, "There's no such thing as a " + foundRecipe.get(RCP_CLASSTYPE) + "!!!"); return false; } duration = getDuration(multiplier * CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_TICKS)), mob, 30, 4); String itemName = (replacePercent( (String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_FINALNAME), RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(data[0][FOUND_CODE]))) .toLowerCase(); if (bundling) itemName = "a " + woodRequired + "# " + itemName; else if (itemName.endsWith("s")) itemName = "some " + itemName; else itemName = CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(itemName); building.setName(itemName); startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) making " + + "."; displayText = "You are making " +; verb = "making " +; building.setDisplayText(itemName + " lies here"); building.setDescription(itemName + ". "); building .basePhyStats() .setWeight( (int) Math.round((double) woodRequired * this.getItemWeightMultiplier(bundling))); building.setBaseValue(CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_VALUE)) * multiplier); building.setMaterial(data[0][FOUND_CODE]); building.setSecretIdentity(getBrand(mob)); int hardness = RawMaterial.CODES.HARDNESS(data[0][FOUND_CODE]) - 2; building .basePhyStats() .setLevel(CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_LEVEL)) + (2 * hardness)); int capacity = CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_CAPACITY)); long canContain = getContainerType((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_CONTAINMASK)); int armordmg = CMath.s_int((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_ARMORDMG)); if (armordmg != 0) armordmg = armordmg + (multiplier - 1); if (bundling) building.setBaseValue(lostValue); String spell = (foundRecipe.size() > RCP_SPELL) ? ((String) foundRecipe.get(RCP_SPELL)).trim() : ""; addSpells(building, spell); if (building instanceof Weapon) { ((Weapon) building) .basePhyStats() .setAttackAdjustment(abilityCode() + (hardness * 5) + (abilityCode() - 1) - 1); ((Weapon) building).setWeaponClassification(Weapon.CLASS_FLAILED); setWeaponTypeClass((Weapon) building, misctype, Weapon.TYPE_SLASHING); building.basePhyStats().setDamage(armordmg + hardness); ((Weapon) building).setRawProperLocationBitmap(Wearable.WORN_WIELD | Wearable.WORN_HELD); ((Weapon) building).setRawLogicalAnd((capacity > 1)); } if (building instanceof Armor) { if (capacity > 0) { ((Armor) building).setCapacity(capacity + woodRequired); ((Armor) building).setContainTypes(canContain); } ((Armor) building).basePhyStats().setArmor(0); if (armordmg != 0) ((Armor) building).basePhyStats().setArmor(armordmg + (abilityCode() - 1) + hardness); setWearLocation(building, misctype, 0); } if (building instanceof Drink) { if (CMLib.flags().isGettable(building)) { ((Drink) building).setLiquidRemaining(0); ((Drink) building).setLiquidHeld(capacity * 50); ((Drink) building).setThirstQuenched(250); if ((capacity * 50) < 250) ((Drink) building).setThirstQuenched(capacity * 50); } } building.recoverPhyStats(); building.text(); building.recoverPhyStats(); } messedUp = !proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); if (bundling) { messedUp = false; duration = 1; verb = "bundling " + RawMaterial.CODES.NAME(building.material()).toLowerCase(); startStr = "<S-NAME> start(s) " + verb + "."; displayText = "You are " + verb; } if (autoGenerate > 0) { commands.addElement(building); return true; } CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, building, this, CMMsg.MSG_NOISYMOVEMENT, startStr); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); building = (Item); beneficialAffect(mob, mob, asLevel, duration); enhanceItem(mob, building, enhancedTypes); } else if (bundling) { messedUp = false; aborted = false; unInvoke(); } return true; }
public String getHelpStr() { if (getLongDesc().length() == 0) return null; if (helpStr == null) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("\n\rOrganization type: " + getName() + "\n\r\n\r"); str.append(getLongDesc()).append("\n\r"); str.append("\n\rAuthority Chart:\n\r\n\r"); final List<ClanPosition> showablePositions = new Vector<ClanPosition>(); for (ClanPosition P : getPositions()) { boolean showMe = false; for (Clan.Authority a : P.getFunctionChart()) if (a == Authority.CAN_DO) showMe = true; if (showMe) showablePositions.add(P); } final List<ClanPosition> sortedPositions = new Vector<ClanPosition>(); while (sortedPositions.size() < showablePositions.size()) { ClanPosition highPos = null; for (ClanPosition P : showablePositions) if ((!sortedPositions.contains(P)) && ((highPos == null) || (highPos.getRank() < P.getRank()))) highPos = P; sortedPositions.add(highPos); } final int[] posses = new int[sortedPositions.size()]; int posTotalLen = 0; for (int p = 0; p < sortedPositions.size(); p++) { posses[p] = sortedPositions.get(p).getName().length() + 2; posTotalLen += posses[p]; } int funcMaxLen = 0; int funcTotal = 0; String[] functionNames = new String[Clan.Function.values().length]; for (int f = 0; f < Clan.Function.values().length; f++) { Clan.Function func = Clan.Function.values()[f]; funcTotal += + 1; if ( > funcMaxLen) funcMaxLen = + 1; functionNames[f] =; } int funcAvg = funcTotal / Clan.Function.values().length; int funcMaxAvg = (int) CMath.round((double) funcAvg * 1.3); while ((funcMaxLen > funcMaxAvg) && ((funcMaxAvg + posTotalLen) > 78)) funcMaxLen--; if (posses.length > 0) while ((funcMaxLen + posTotalLen) > 78) { int highPos = 0; for (int p = 1; p < sortedPositions.size(); p++) if (posses[p] > posses[highPos]) highPos = p; posTotalLen--; posses[highPos]--; } final int commandColLen = funcMaxLen; str.append(CMStrings.padRight("Command", commandColLen - 1)).append("!"); for (int p = 0; p < posses.length; p++) { ClanPosition pos = sortedPositions.get(p); String name = CMStrings.capitalizeAndLower(pos.getName().replace('_', ' ')); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(name, posses[p] - 1)); if (p < posses.length - 1) str.append("!"); } str.append("\n\r"); Object lineDraw = new Object() { private static final String line = "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"; public String toString() { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(""); s.append(line.substring(0, commandColLen - 1)).append("+"); for (int p = 0; p < posses.length; p++) { s.append(CMStrings.padRight(line, posses[p] - 1)); if (p < posses.length - 1) s.append("+"); } return s.toString(); } }; str.append(lineDraw.toString()).append("\n\r"); for (Clan.Function func : Clan.Function.values()) { String fname = CMStrings.capitalizeAndLower(func.toString().replace('_', ' ')); str.append(CMStrings.padRight(fname, commandColLen - 1)).append("!"); for (int p = 0; p < sortedPositions.size(); p++) { ClanPosition pos = sortedPositions.get(p); Authority auth = pos.getFunctionChart()[func.ordinal()]; String x = ""; if (auth == Authority.CAN_DO) x = "X"; else if (auth == Authority.MUST_VOTE_ON) x = "v"; str.append(CMStrings.padCenter(x, posses[p] - 1)); if (p < posses.length - 1) str.append("!"); } str.append("\n\r").append(lineDraw.toString()).append("\n\r"); } /* protected String[] clanEffectNames =null; protected int[] clanEffectLevels =null; protected String[] clanEffectParms =null; protected String[] clanAbilityNames =null; protected int[] clanAbilityLevels =null; protected int[] clanAbilityProficiencies=null; protected boolean[] clanAbilityQuals =null; */ if ((clanAbilityLevels != null) && (clanEffectLevels != null) && (clanAbilityLevels.length > 0) && (clanEffectLevels.length > 0)) { str.append("\n\rBenefits per Clan Level:\n\r"); int maxLevel = -1; for (int x : clanEffectLevels) if (x > maxLevel) maxLevel = x; for (int x : clanAbilityLevels) if (x > maxLevel) maxLevel = x; for (int l = 1; l <= maxLevel; l++) { final List<String> levelBenefits = new LinkedList<String>(); for (int x = 0; x < clanEffectLevels.length; x++) if (clanEffectLevels[x] == l) { final Ability A = CMClass.getAbility(clanEffectNames[x]); if (A != null) { A.setMiscText(clanEffectParms[x]); String desc = A.accountForYourself(); if ((desc == null) || (desc.length() == 0)) desc = "Members gain the following effect: " +; levelBenefits.add(desc); } } for (int x = 0; x < clanAbilityLevels.length; x++) if (clanAbilityLevels[x] == l) { final Ability A = CMClass.getAbility(clanAbilityNames[x]); if (A != null) { if (clanAbilityQuals[x]) levelBenefits.add("Members qualify for: " +; else levelBenefits.add("Members automatically gain: " +; } } for (final String bene : levelBenefits) str.append("Level " + l + ": " + bene + "\n\r"); } } helpStr = str.toString(); } return helpStr; }
public StringBuffer deviations(MOB mob, String rest) { final Vector<String> V = CMParms.parse(rest); if ((V.size() == 0) || ((!V.get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("mobs")) && (!V.get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("items")) && (!V.get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("both")))) return new StringBuffer( "You must specify whether you want deviations on MOBS, ITEMS, or BOTH."); final String type = V.get(0).toLowerCase(); if (V.size() == 1) return new StringBuffer( "You must also specify a mob or item name, or the word room, or the word area."); final Room mobR = mob.location(); Faction useFaction = null; for (final Enumeration<Faction> e = CMLib.factions().factions(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Faction F = e.nextElement(); if (F.showInSpecialReported()) useFaction = F; } final String where = V.get(1).toLowerCase(); final Environmental E = mobR.fetchFromMOBRoomFavorsItems(mob, null, where, Wearable.FILTER_ANY); final Vector<Environmental> check = new Vector<Environmental>(); if (where.equalsIgnoreCase("room")) fillCheckDeviations(mobR, type, check); else if (where.equalsIgnoreCase("area")) { for (final Enumeration<Room> r = mobR.getArea().getFilledCompleteMap(); r.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Room R = r.nextElement(); fillCheckDeviations(R, type, check); } } else if (where.equalsIgnoreCase("world")) { for (final Enumeration<Room> r =; r.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Room R = r.nextElement(); fillCheckDeviations(R, type, check); } } else if (E == null) return new StringBuffer("'" + where + "' is an unknown item or mob name."); else if (type.equals("items") && (!(E instanceof Weapon)) && (!(E instanceof Armor))) return new StringBuffer("'" + where + "' is not a weapon or armor item."); else if (type.equals("mobs") && (!(E instanceof MOB))) return new StringBuffer("'" + where + "' is not a MOB."); else if ((!(E instanceof Weapon)) && (!(E instanceof Armor)) && (!(E instanceof MOB))) return new StringBuffer("'" + where + "' is not a MOB, or Weapon, or Item."); else check.add(E); final StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(""); str.append(L("Deviations Report:\n\r")); final StringBuffer itemResults = new StringBuffer(); final StringBuffer mobResults = new StringBuffer(); for (int c = 0; c < check.size(); c++) { if (check.get(c) instanceof Item) { final Item I = (Item) check.get(c); Weapon W = null; if (I instanceof Weapon) W = (Weapon) I; final Map<String, String> vals = CMLib.itemBuilder() .timsItemAdjustments( I, I.phyStats().level(), I.material(), I.rawLogicalAnd() ? 2 : 1, (W == null) ? 0 : W.weaponClassification(), I.maxRange(), I.rawProperLocationBitmap()); itemResults.append(CMStrings.padRight(, 20) + " "); itemResults.append(CMStrings.padRight(I.ID(), 10) + " "); itemResults.append(CMStrings.padRight("" + I.phyStats().level(), 4) + " "); itemResults.append( CMStrings.padRight( "" + getDeviation(I.basePhyStats().attackAdjustment(), vals, "ATTACK"), 5) + " "); itemResults.append( CMStrings.padRight("" + getDeviation(I.basePhyStats().damage(), vals, "DAMAGE"), 5) + " "); itemResults.append( CMStrings.padRight("" + getDeviation(I.basePhyStats().damage(), vals, "ARMOR"), 5) + " "); itemResults.append( CMStrings.padRight("" + getDeviation(I.baseGoldValue(), vals, "VALUE"), 5) + " "); itemResults.append( CMStrings.padRight( "" + ((I.phyStats().rejuv() == PhyStats.NO_REJUV) ? " MAX" : "" + I.phyStats().rejuv()), 5) + " "); if (I instanceof Weapon) itemResults.append(CMStrings.padRight("" + I.basePhyStats().weight(), 4)); else itemResults.append( CMStrings.padRight("" + getDeviation(I.basePhyStats().weight(), vals, "WEIGHT"), 4) + " "); if (I instanceof Armor) itemResults.append(CMStrings.padRight("" + ((Armor) I).phyStats().height(), 4)); else itemResults.append(CMStrings.padRight(" - ", 4) + " "); itemResults.append("\n\r"); } else { final MOB M = (MOB) check.get(c); mobResults.append(CMStrings.padRight(, 20) + " "); mobResults.append(CMStrings.padRight("" + M.phyStats().level(), 4) + " "); mobResults.append( CMStrings.padRight( "" + getDeviation( M.basePhyStats().attackAdjustment(), CMLib.leveler().getLevelAttack(M)), 5) + " "); mobResults.append( CMStrings.padRight( "" + getDeviation( M.basePhyStats().damage(), (int) Math.round( CMath.div( CMLib.leveler().getLevelMOBDamage(M), M.basePhyStats().speed()))), 5) + " "); mobResults.append( CMStrings.padRight( "" + getDeviation( M.basePhyStats().armor(), CMLib.leveler().getLevelMOBArmor(M)), 5) + " "); mobResults.append( CMStrings.padRight( "" + getDeviation( M.basePhyStats().speed(), CMLib.leveler().getLevelMOBSpeed(M)), 5) + " "); mobResults.append( CMStrings.padRight( "" + ((M.phyStats().rejuv() == PhyStats.NO_REJUV) ? " MAX" : "" + M.phyStats().rejuv()), 5) + " "); if (useFaction != null) mobResults.append( CMStrings.padRight( "" + (M.fetchFaction(useFaction.factionID()) == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? "N/A" : "" + M.fetchFaction(useFaction.factionID())), 7) + " "); double value = CMLib.beanCounter().getTotalAbsoluteNativeValue(M); double[] range = CMLib.leveler().getLevelMoneyRange(M); if (value < range[0]) mobResults.append(CMStrings.padRight("" + getDeviation(value, range[0]), 5) + " "); else if (value > range[1]) mobResults.append(CMStrings.padRight("" + getDeviation(value, range[1]), 5) + " "); else mobResults.append(CMStrings.padRight("0%", 5) + " "); int reallyWornCount = 0; for (int j = 0; j < M.numItems(); j++) { final Item Iw = M.getItem(j); if (!(Iw.amWearingAt(Wearable.IN_INVENTORY))) reallyWornCount++; } mobResults.append(CMStrings.padRight("" + reallyWornCount, 5) + " "); mobResults.append("\n\r"); } } if (itemResults.length() > 0) str.append(itemHeader() + itemResults.toString()); if (mobResults.length() > 0) str.append(mobHeader(useFaction) + mobResults.toString()); return str; }