/** * Helper method used to get default value for wrappers used for primitive types (0 for Integer * etc) * * @since 1.6.1 */ public static Object defaultValue(Class<?> cls) { if (cls == Integer.TYPE) { return Integer.valueOf(0); } if (cls == Long.TYPE) { return Long.valueOf(0L); } if (cls == Boolean.TYPE) { return Boolean.FALSE; } if (cls == Double.TYPE) { return Double.valueOf(0.0); } if (cls == Float.TYPE) { return Float.valueOf(0.0f); } if (cls == Byte.TYPE) { return Byte.valueOf((byte) 0); } if (cls == Short.TYPE) { return Short.valueOf((short) 0); } if (cls == Character.TYPE) { return '\0'; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class " + cls.getName() + " is not a primitive type"); }
public static List readWatchableObjects(DataInputStream par0DataInputStream) throws IOException { ArrayList arraylist = null; for (byte byte0 = par0DataInputStream.readByte(); byte0 != 127; byte0 = par0DataInputStream.readByte()) { if (arraylist == null) { arraylist = new ArrayList(); } int i = (byte0 & 0xe0) >> 5; int j = byte0 & 0x1f; WatchableObject watchableobject = null; switch (i) { case 0: watchableobject = new WatchableObject(i, j, Byte.valueOf(par0DataInputStream.readByte())); break; case 1: watchableobject = new WatchableObject(i, j, Short.valueOf(par0DataInputStream.readShort())); break; case 2: watchableobject = new WatchableObject(i, j, Integer.valueOf(par0DataInputStream.readInt())); break; case 3: watchableobject = new WatchableObject(i, j, Float.valueOf(par0DataInputStream.readFloat())); break; case 4: watchableobject = new WatchableObject(i, j, Packet.readString(par0DataInputStream, 64)); break; case 5: short word0 = par0DataInputStream.readShort(); byte byte1 = par0DataInputStream.readByte(); short word1 = par0DataInputStream.readShort(); watchableobject = new WatchableObject(i, j, new ItemStack(word0, byte1, word1)); break; case 6: int k = par0DataInputStream.readInt(); int l = par0DataInputStream.readInt(); int i1 = par0DataInputStream.readInt(); watchableobject = new WatchableObject(i, j, new ChunkCoordinates(k, l, i1)); break; } arraylist.add(watchableobject); } return arraylist; }
public static Number toWrapper(int i) { if (i >= Byte.MIN_VALUE && i <= Byte.MAX_VALUE) { return Byte.valueOf((byte) i); } else if (i >= Short.MIN_VALUE && i <= Short.MAX_VALUE) { return Short.valueOf((short) i); } else { return Integer.valueOf(i); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings({"SuspiciousMethodCalls"}) public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> collection) { boolean modified = false; TByteIterator iter = iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { if (!collection.contains(Byte.valueOf(iter.next()))) { iter.remove(); modified = true; } } return modified; }
public Object getFieldValue(_Fields field) { switch (field) { case ID: return Long.valueOf(getId()); case FLAGS: return Integer.valueOf(getFlags()); case PARTITION: return Byte.valueOf(getPartition()); } throw new IllegalStateException(); }
@Override public Response getattr(String path, Map<Byte, Long> instanceMap) throws TException { // can be sent to ANY partition that replicates the path - we send it to the first returned by // the oracle path = makePathAbsolute(path); Set<Byte> parts = Sets.newHashSet(Byte.valueOf(partition)); Command cmd = newCommand(CommandType.ATTR, parts, instanceMap); AttrCmd attr = new AttrCmd(path, parts); cmd.setAttr(attr); Attr result = (Attr) replica.submitCommand(cmd); Response r = new Response(replica.getInstanceMap()); r.setGetattr(result); return r; }
@Override public Response readlink(String path, Map<Byte, Long> instanceMap) throws TException { path = makePathAbsolute(path); // can be sent to ANY partition that replicates the path - we send it to the first returned by // the oracle Set<Byte> parts = Sets.newHashSet(Byte.valueOf(partition)); Command cmd = newCommand(CommandType.READLINK, parts, instanceMap); ReadlinkCmd readlink = new ReadlinkCmd(path, parts); cmd.setReadlink(readlink); String result = (String) replica.submitCommand(cmd); Response r = new Response(replica.getInstanceMap()); r.setReadlink(result); return r; }
@Override public Response getdir(String path, Map<Byte, Long> instanceMap) throws TException { // can be sent to ANY partition that replicates the path - we send it to the first returned by // the oracle path = makePathAbsolute(path); Set<Byte> parts = Sets.newHashSet(Byte.valueOf(partition)); Command cmd = newCommand(CommandType.GETDIR, parts, instanceMap); GetdirCmd getdir = new GetdirCmd(path, parts); cmd.setGetdir(getdir); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<DirEntry> entries = (List<DirEntry>) replica.submitCommand(cmd); Response r = new Response(replica.getInstanceMap()); r.setGetdir(entries); return r; }
@Override public Response readBlocks( String path, FileHandle fh, long offset, long bytes, Map<Byte, Long> instanceMap) throws TException { path = makePathAbsolute(path); // assuming this replica replicates the file, send to own partition Set<Byte> parts = Sets.newHashSet(Byte.valueOf(partition)); Command cmd = newCommand(CommandType.READ_BLOCKS, parts, instanceMap); ReadBlocksCmd read = new ReadBlocksCmd(path, fh, offset, bytes, parts); cmd.setRead(read); ReadResult readResult = (ReadResult) replica.submitCommand(cmd); Response r = new Response(replica.getInstanceMap()); r.setReadBlocks(readResult); return r; }
@Override public Response debug(Debug debug) throws TException { Set<Byte> partitions; if (debug.getType() == DebugCommands.POPULATE_FILE.getId()) { partitions = oracle.partitionsOf("/"); } else { partitions = new HashSet<>(); partitions.add(Byte.valueOf(Byte.parseByte(debug.getData().get("partition")))); } Command cmd = newCommand(CommandType.DEBUG, partitions, null); cmd.setDebug(debug); replica.submitCommand(cmd); Response r = new Response(replica.getInstanceMap()); return r; }
@Override public <T> T next(InstanceType<T> instanceType, FixtureContract fixture) { try { if (instanceType.isCompatibleWith(Integer.class)) { return (T) Integer.valueOf(this.getNextRandom().intValue()); } else if (instanceType.isCompatibleWith(Short.class)) { return (T) Short.valueOf(getNextRandom().shortValue()); } else if (instanceType.isCompatibleWith(Long.class)) { return (T) getNextRandom(); } else if (instanceType.isCompatibleWith(Byte.class)) { return (T) Byte.valueOf(getNextRandom().byteValue()); } else if (instanceType.isCompatibleWith(Character.class)) { return (T) Character.valueOf(new String(new byte[] {getNextRandom().byteValue()}).charAt(0)); } return (T) this.getNextRandom(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ObjectCreationException(instanceType, e); } }
@SuppressWarnings("UnnecessaryBoxing") private static Object box(final Object value) { Object newBoxedValue; if (value instanceof Integer) { newBoxedValue = Integer.valueOf(((Integer) value).intValue()); } else if (value instanceof Byte) { newBoxedValue = Byte.valueOf(((Byte) value).byteValue()); } else if (value instanceof Short) { newBoxedValue = Short.valueOf(((Short) value).shortValue()); } else if (value instanceof Long) { newBoxedValue = Long.valueOf(((Long) value).longValue()); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { newBoxedValue = Boolean.valueOf(((Boolean) value).booleanValue()); } else if (value instanceof Character) { newBoxedValue = Character.valueOf(((Character) value).charValue()); } else { return new Object(); } return newBoxedValue; }
static { scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x01)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_1), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x02)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_2), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x03)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_3), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x04)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_4), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x05)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_5), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x06)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_6), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x07)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_7), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x08)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_8), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x09)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_9), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x0a)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_0), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x0b)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_MINUS), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x0c)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_EQUALS), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x0d)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x0e)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_TAB), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0xf)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_Q), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x10)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_W), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x11)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_E), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x12)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_R), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x13)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_T), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x14)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_Y), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x15)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_U), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x16)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_I), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x17)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_O), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x18)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_P), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x19)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_OPEN_BRACKET), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x1a)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_CLOSE_BRACKET), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x1b)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x1c)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x1d)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_A), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x1e)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_S), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x1f)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_D), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x20)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_F), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x21)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_G), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x22)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_H), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x23)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_J), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x24)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_K), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x25)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_L), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x26)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_SEMICOLON), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x27)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_QUOTE), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x28)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_BACK_QUOTE), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x29)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x2a)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SLASH), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x2b)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_Z), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x2c)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_X), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x2d)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_C), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x2e)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_V), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x2f)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_B), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x30)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_N), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x31)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_M), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x32)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_COMMA), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x33)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_PERIOD), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x34)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_SLASH), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x35)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x36)); // 37 KPad * // 38 Missing L-Alt - Java does not pickup scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_ALT), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x38)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x39)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_CAPS_LOCK), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x3a)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_F1), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x3b)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_F2), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x3c)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_F3), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x3d)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_F4), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x3e)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_F5), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x3f)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_F6), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x40)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_F7), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x41)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_F8), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x42)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_F9), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x43)); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_F10), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x44)); // 45 Missing Num-Lock - Java does not pickup scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_SCROLL_LOCK), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x46)); // 47-53 are Numpad keys // 54-56 are not used scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(122), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x57)); // F11 scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(123), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0x58)); // F12 // 59-ff are unused (for normal keys) // Extended Keys // e0,1c KPad Enter // e0,1d R-Ctrl // e0,2a fake L-Shift // e0,35 KPad / // e0,36 fake R-Shift // e0,37 Ctrl + Print Screen scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_ALT_GRAPH), Byte.valueOf((byte) (0x38 | 0x80))); // e0,46 Ctrl + Break scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_HOME), Byte.valueOf((byte) (0x47 | 0x80))); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_UP), Byte.valueOf((byte) (0x48 | 0x80))); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP), Byte.valueOf((byte) (0x49 | 0x80))); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT), Byte.valueOf((byte) (0x4b | 0x80))); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT), Byte.valueOf((byte) (0x4d | 0x80))); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_END), Byte.valueOf((byte) (0x4f | 0x80))); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN), Byte.valueOf((byte) (0x50 | 0x80))); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN), Byte.valueOf((byte) (0x51 | 0x80))); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_INSERT), Byte.valueOf((byte) (0x52 | 0x80))); scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_DELETE), Byte.valueOf((byte) (0x53 | 0x80))); // e0,5b L-Win // e0,5c R-Win // e0,5d Context-Menu scancodeTable.put(Integer.valueOf(19), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0xFF)); // Pause }
// ---- format ------------------------------------------------------- public static String format(byte value, String format) { return NumberUtils.format(Byte.valueOf(value), format); }
public static Object element(Object arg, ExecutionContext context) throws FunctionDomainException, TypeMismatchException { if (arg == null || arg == QueryService.UNDEFINED) return QueryService.UNDEFINED; if (arg instanceof Collection) { Collection c = (Collection) arg; // for remote distinct queries, the result of sub query could contain a // mix of String and PdxString which could be duplicates, so convert all // PdxStrings to String if (context.isDistinct() && ((DefaultQuery) context.getQuery()).isRemoteQuery()) { Set tempResults = new HashSet(); for (Object o : c) { if (o instanceof PdxString) { o = ((PdxString) o).toString(); } tempResults.add(o); } c.clear(); c.addAll(tempResults); tempResults = null; } checkSingleton(c.size()); return c.iterator().next(); } // not a Collection, must be an array Class clazz = arg.getClass(); if (!clazz.isArray()) throw new TypeMismatchException( LocalizedStrings.Functions_THE_ELEMENT_FUNCTION_CANNOT_BE_APPLIED_TO_AN_OBJECT_OF_TYPE_0 .toLocalizedString(clazz.getName())); // handle arrays if (arg instanceof Object[]) { Object[] a = (Object[]) arg; if (((DefaultQuery) context.getQuery()).isRemoteQuery() && context.isDistinct()) { for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] instanceof PdxString) { a[i] = ((PdxString) a[i]).toString(); } } } checkSingleton(a.length); return a[0]; } if (arg instanceof int[]) { int[] a = (int[]) arg; checkSingleton(a.length); return Integer.valueOf(a[0]); } if (arg instanceof long[]) { long[] a = (long[]) arg; checkSingleton(a.length); return Long.valueOf(a[0]); } if (arg instanceof boolean[]) { boolean[] a = (boolean[]) arg; checkSingleton(a.length); return Boolean.valueOf(a[0]); } if (arg instanceof byte[]) { byte[] a = (byte[]) arg; checkSingleton(a.length); return Byte.valueOf(a[0]); } if (arg instanceof char[]) { char[] a = (char[]) arg; checkSingleton(a.length); return new Character(a[0]); } if (arg instanceof double[]) { double[] a = (double[]) arg; checkSingleton(a.length); return Double.valueOf(a[0]); } if (arg instanceof float[]) { float[] a = (float[]) arg; checkSingleton(a.length); return new Float(a[0]); } if (arg instanceof short[]) { short[] a = (short[]) arg; checkSingleton(a.length); return new Short(a[0]); } // did I miss something? throw new TypeMismatchException( LocalizedStrings.Functions_THE_ELEMENT_FUNCTION_CANNOT_BE_APPLIED_TO_AN_OBJECT_OF_TYPE_0 .toLocalizedString(clazz.getName())); }
private Object createObject( Node node, String name, String classPackage, String type, String value, boolean setProperty) { Bean parentBean = null; if (beansStack.size() > 0) parentBean = (Bean) beansStack.peek(); Object object = null; // param is either an XSD type or a bean, // check if it can be converted to an XSD type XSDatatype dt = null; try { dt = DatatypeFactory.getTypeByName(type); } catch (DatatypeException dte) { // the type is not a valid XSD data type } // convert null value to default if ((dt != null) && (value == null)) { Class objType = dt.getJavaObjectType(); if (objType == String.class) value = ""; else if ((objType == java.math.BigInteger.class) || (objType == Long.class) || (objType == Integer.class) || (objType == Short.class) || (objType == Byte.class)) value = "0"; else if ((objType == java.math.BigDecimal.class) || (objType == Double.class) || (objType == Float.class)) value = "0.0"; else if (objType == Boolean.class) value = "false"; else if (objType == java.util.Date.class) value = DateUtils.getCurrentDate(); else if (objType == java.util.Calendar.class) value = DateUtils.getCurrentDateTime(); } // check whether the type was converted to an XSD datatype if ((dt != null) && dt.isValid(value, null)) { // create and return an XSD Java object (e.g. String, Integer, Boolean, etc) object = dt.createJavaObject(value, null); if (object instanceof java.util.Calendar) { // check that the object is truly a Calendar // because DatatypeFactory converts xsd:date // types to GregorianCalendar instead of Date. if (type.equals("date")) { java.text.DateFormat df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); try { object = df.parse(value); } catch (java.text.ParseException pe) { object = new java.util.Date(); } } } } else { // Create a bean object if (topLevelBean == null) topLevelBean = parentBean; object = pushBeanOnStack(classPackage, type); // Check fields to see if this property is the 'value' for the object Field[] fields = object.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { if (fields[i].isAnnotationPresent(ObjectXmlAsValue.class)) { try { StringBuffer fieldName = new StringBuffer(fields[i].getName()); char c = fieldName.charAt(0); if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { c += 'A' - 'a'; } fieldName.setCharAt(0, c); fieldName.insert(0, "set"); Method method = object .getClass() .getMethod(fieldName.toString(), new Class[] {fields[i].getType()}); method.invoke(object, value); break; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } } } NamedNodeMap nodeAttrs = node.getAttributes(); // iterate attributes and set field values for property attributes for (int i = 0; i < nodeAttrs.getLength(); i++) { String nodePrefix = nodeAttrs.item(i).getPrefix(); if (nodePrefix.equals(nsPrefix)) { String nodeName = nodeAttrs.item(i).getLocalName(); String nodeValue = nodeAttrs.item(i).getNodeValue(); try { Field field = object.getClass().getDeclaredField(nodeName); if (field.isAnnotationPresent(ObjectXmlAsAttribute.class)) { StringBuffer fieldName = new StringBuffer(field.getName()); char c = fieldName.charAt(0); if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { c += 'A' - 'a'; } fieldName.setCharAt(0, c); fieldName.insert(0, "set"); Method method = object.getClass().getMethod(fieldName.toString(), new Class[] {field.getType()}); if (field.getType() == String.class) method.invoke(object, nodeValue); else if (field.getType() == Boolean.TYPE) method.invoke(object, StringUtils.strToBool(nodeValue, "true")); else if (field.getType() == Byte.TYPE) method.invoke(object, Byte.valueOf(nodeValue).byteValue()); else if (field.getType() == Character.TYPE) method.invoke(object, Character.valueOf(nodeValue.charAt(0))); else if (field.getType() == Double.TYPE) method.invoke(object, Double.valueOf(nodeValue).doubleValue()); else if (field.getType() == Float.TYPE) method.invoke(object, Float.valueOf(nodeValue).floatValue()); else if (field.getType() == Integer.TYPE) method.invoke(object, Integer.valueOf(nodeValue).intValue()); else if (field.getType() == Long.TYPE) method.invoke(object, Long.valueOf(nodeValue).longValue()); else if (field.getType() == Short.TYPE) method.invoke(object, Short.valueOf(nodeValue).shortValue()); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } } } } if ((parentBean != null) && (setProperty)) { parentBean.setProperty(name, object); } return object; }
public static Object wrapAsObject(byte i) { return Byte.valueOf(i); }
public static Byte asByte(Object value) { if (value == null) return null; if (value instanceof Number) return ((Number) value).byteValue(); return Byte.valueOf(value.toString()); }
protected void entityInit() { super.entityInit(); dataWatcher.addObject(16, Byte.valueOf((byte) 0)); dataWatcher.addObject(17, Byte.valueOf((byte) 0)); }
/** * Primary Constructor * * @param parmObjTypes The object instances of the classes containing command line parsing * annotations. Non-null. Non-empty. * @param args * @param prefix */ public JCommanderModule(Collection<Class<?>> parmObjTypes, String[] args, String prefix) { checkNotNull(parmObjTypes); checkNotNull(args); checkNotNull(prefix); checkArgument(!parmObjTypes.isEmpty()); checkArgument(args.length != 0); this.parmObjTypes.addAll(parmObjTypes); this.args = args; this.prefix = prefix; /* * Populate the binding functions */ bindingFxns.put( int.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to(Integer.valueOf((int) val))); bindingFxns.put( byte.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to(Byte.valueOf((byte) val))); bindingFxns.put( long.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to(Long.valueOf((long) val))); bindingFxns.put( short.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to(Short.valueOf((short) val))); bindingFxns.put( float.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to(Float.valueOf((float) val))); bindingFxns.put( double.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to(Double.valueOf((double) val))); bindingFxns.put( char.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to(Character.valueOf((char) val))); bindingFxns.put( boolean.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to(Boolean.valueOf((boolean) val))); bindingFxns.put( Integer.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to((Integer) val)); bindingFxns.put( Byte.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to((Byte) val)); bindingFxns.put( Long.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to((Long) val)); bindingFxns.put( Short.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to((Short) val)); bindingFxns.put( Float.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to((Float) val)); bindingFxns.put( Double.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to((Double) val)); bindingFxns.put( Character.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to((Character) val)); bindingFxns.put( Boolean.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to((Boolean) val)); bindingFxns.put( String.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to((String) val)); bindingFxns.put( File.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to(((File) val).getAbsolutePath())); bindingFxns.put( Path.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to(((Path) val).toString())); bindingFxns.put( URL.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to(((URL) val).getFile())); bindingFxns.put( LocalDate.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to(((LocalDate) val).toString())); bindingFxns.put( LocalDateTime.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant() .annotatedWith(named((String) name)) .to(((LocalDateTime) val).toString())); bindingFxns.put( LocalTime.class, (name, val) -> bindConstant().annotatedWith(named((String) name)).to(((LocalTime) val).toString())); bindingFxnsForGenerics.put( new TypeLiteral<List<String>>() {}, (name, val) -> bind(new TypeLiteral<List<String>>() {}) .annotatedWith(named((String) name)) .toInstance((List<String>) val)); bindingFxnsForGenerics.put( new TypeLiteral<Set<String>>() {}, (name, val) -> bind(new TypeLiteral<Set<String>>() {}) .annotatedWith(named((String) name)) .toInstance((Set<String>) val)); }
/** * Wraps a key * * @param k key in the underlying map * @return an Object representation of the key */ protected Byte wrapKey(byte k) { return Byte.valueOf(k); }
/** Read a {@link Writable}, {@link String}, primitive type, or an array of the preceding. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Object readObject(DataInput in, ObjectWritable objectWritable, Configuration conf) throws IOException { String className = UTF8.readString(in); Class<?> declaredClass = PRIMITIVE_NAMES.get(className); if (declaredClass == null) { declaredClass = loadClass(conf, className); } Object instance; if (declaredClass.isPrimitive()) { // primitive types if (declaredClass == Boolean.TYPE) { // boolean instance = Boolean.valueOf(in.readBoolean()); } else if (declaredClass == Character.TYPE) { // char instance = Character.valueOf(in.readChar()); } else if (declaredClass == Byte.TYPE) { // byte instance = Byte.valueOf(in.readByte()); } else if (declaredClass == Short.TYPE) { // short instance = Short.valueOf(in.readShort()); } else if (declaredClass == Integer.TYPE) { // int instance = Integer.valueOf(in.readInt()); } else if (declaredClass == Long.TYPE) { // long instance = Long.valueOf(in.readLong()); } else if (declaredClass == Float.TYPE) { // float instance = Float.valueOf(in.readFloat()); } else if (declaredClass == Double.TYPE) { // double instance = Double.valueOf(in.readDouble()); } else if (declaredClass == Void.TYPE) { // void instance = null; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a primitive: " + declaredClass); } } else if (declaredClass.isArray()) { // array int length = in.readInt(); instance = Array.newInstance(declaredClass.getComponentType(), length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Array.set(instance, i, readObject(in, conf)); } } else if (declaredClass == String.class) { // String instance = UTF8.readString(in); } else if (declaredClass.isEnum()) { // enum instance = Enum.valueOf((Class<? extends Enum>) declaredClass, UTF8.readString(in)); } else { // Writable Class instanceClass = null; String str = UTF8.readString(in); instanceClass = loadClass(conf, str); Writable writable = WritableFactories.newInstance(instanceClass, conf); writable.readFields(in); instance = writable; if (instanceClass == NullInstance.class) { // null declaredClass = ((NullInstance) instance).declaredClass; instance = null; } } if (objectWritable != null) { // store values objectWritable.declaredClass = declaredClass; objectWritable.instance = instance; } return instance; }