  * checks if a particular chained task is ready for processing
  * @param chain_id the id this process is part off order
  * @param process_id the process_id
  * @return
  * @throws java.sql.SQLException
 public boolean canExecute(int chain_id, int process_id) throws SQLException {
   boolean isReady = false;
   try (AutoCloseableDBConnection c = new AutoCloseableDBConnection();
       PreparedStatement getChain =
               "SELECT process_id,busy FROM chain_activities WHERE (chain_id=?) ORDER BY process_id")) {
     getChain.setInt(1, chain_id);
     LinkedHashMap<Integer, Boolean> clearedToRunMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
     try (ResultSet executeQuery = getChain.executeQuery()) {
       while (executeQuery.next()) {
         clearedToRunMap.put(executeQuery.getInt("process_id"), executeQuery.getBoolean("busy"));
     int predecessingProcess = -1;
     for (Entry<Integer, Boolean> aProcess : clearedToRunMap.entrySet()) {
       if (aProcess.getKey() == process_id) {
       } else {
         predecessingProcess = aProcess.getKey();
         // check if this process is already busy
     if (predecessingProcess == -1) {
       // then there's no predecessing process, meaning it can be run for sure
       isReady = true;
     } else if (clearedToRunMap.get(predecessingProcess)) {
       try ( // then it's busy, but it can be that it's not yet done !
       ProcessDAO pdao = ProcessDAO.getInstance()) {
         isReady = pdao.isCompletedProcess(process_id);
   return isReady;
  private void getContactList() {
    Map<String, EaseUser> users = DemoHelper.getInstance().getContactList();
    Iterator<Entry<String, EaseUser>> iterator = users.entrySet().iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      Entry<String, EaseUser> entry = iterator.next();
      if (!entry.getKey().equals(Constant.NEW_FRIENDS_USERNAME)
          && !entry.getKey().equals(Constant.GROUP_USERNAME)
          && !entry.getKey().equals(Constant.CHAT_ROOM)
          && !entry.getKey().equals(Constant.CHAT_ROBOT)) contactList.add(entry.getValue());
    // 排序
        new Comparator<EaseUser>() {

          public int compare(EaseUser lhs, EaseUser rhs) {
            if (lhs.getInitialLetter().equals(rhs.getInitialLetter())) {
              return lhs.getNick().compareTo(rhs.getNick());
            } else {
              if ("#".equals(lhs.getInitialLetter())) {
                return 1;
              } else if ("#".equals(rhs.getInitialLetter())) {
                return -1;
              return lhs.getInitialLetter().compareTo(rhs.getInitialLetter());
   * Generate http request entity from Spring Integration message.
   * @param requestMessage
   * @param method
   * @return
  private HttpEntity<?> generateRequest(Message<?> requestMessage, HttpMethod method) {
    HttpHeaders httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
    headerMapper.fromHeaders(requestMessage.getHeaders(), httpHeaders);

    Map<String, ?> messageHeaders = requestMessage.getHeaders();
    for (Entry<String, ?> header : messageHeaders.entrySet()) {
      if (!header.getKey().startsWith(CitrusMessageHeaders.PREFIX)
          && !MessageUtils.isSpringInternalHeader(header.getKey())
          && !httpHeaders.containsKey(header.getKey())) {
        httpHeaders.add(header.getKey(), header.getValue().toString());

    Object payload = requestMessage.getPayload();
    if (httpHeaders.getContentType() == null) {
              contentType.contains("charset") ? contentType : contentType + ";charset=" + charset));

    if (HttpMethod.POST.equals(method) || HttpMethod.PUT.equals(method)) {
      return new HttpEntity<Object>(payload, httpHeaders);

    return new HttpEntity<Object>(httpHeaders);
 public LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries evaluate(final LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries... x) {
   if (x.length > 2) {
     s_logger.info("Have more than two time series in array; only using first two");
   final FastIntDoubleTimeSeries ts1 = (FastIntDoubleTimeSeries) x[0].getFastSeries();
   final FastIntDoubleTimeSeries ts2 = (FastIntDoubleTimeSeries) x[1].getFastSeries();
   final int n = ts1.size();
   final int[] times = new int[n];
   final double[] returns = new double[n];
   final Iterator<Entry<Integer, Double>> iter1 = ts1.iterator();
   Entry<Integer, Double> entry1;
   Double value2;
   Integer t;
   int i = 0;
   while (iter1.hasNext()) {
     entry1 = iter1.next();
     t = entry1.getKey();
     value2 = ts2.getValue(t);
     if (value2 == null || Math.abs(value2) < ZERO) {
       if (getMode().equals(CalculationMode.STRICT)) {
         throw new TimeSeriesException("No data in second series for time " + t);
     } else {
       times[i] = entry1.getKey();
       returns[i++] = Math.log(entry1.getValue() / value2);
   return getSeries(x[0], times, returns, i);
 private Instance getConnectorConfiguration(Model model, StringToExpressionConverter converter) {
   final Instance configuration =
   configuration.set("definitionId", getDefinitionId());
   configuration.set("version", getDefinitionVersion());
   final Map<String, Object> additionalInputs = definitionMapper.getAdditionalInputs(inputs);
   final Map<String, Object> allInput = new HashMap<String, Object>(inputs);
   for (Entry<String, Object> input : allInput.entrySet()) {
     final String parameterKeyFor = getParameterKeyFor(input.getKey());
     if (parameterKeyFor != null) {
       final Instance parameter = model.newInstance("connectorconfiguration.ConnectorParameter");
       parameter.set("key", parameterKeyFor);
               definitionMapper.transformParameterValue(parameterKeyFor, input.getValue(), inputs),
       configuration.add("parameters", parameter);
     } else {
       if (BonitaStudioLog.isLoggable(IStatus.OK)) {
             input.getKey() + " not mapped for " + getDefinitionId(), BarImporterPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
   return configuration;
  * Get all the acceptable values for a option for a board The outcome of this method can be used
  * to fill a combobox
  * @param menu the name of a menu not the ide
  * @param boardName the name of a board not the ide
  * @return
 public String[] getMenuItemNames(String menuLabel, String boardName) {
   String menuID = null;
   String boardID = getBoardIDFromName(boardName);
   HashSet<String> ret = new HashSet<String>();
   Map<String, String> menuInfo = mArduinoSupportedBoards.get("menu");
   for (Entry<String, String> e2 : menuInfo.entrySet()) {
     if (e2.getValue().equals(menuLabel)) menuID = e2.getKey();
   String SearchKey = menuID + "." + boardID + ".";
   for (Entry<String, String> e2 : menuInfo.entrySet()) {
     int numsubkeys = e2.getKey().split("\\.").length;
     boolean startOk = e2.getKey().startsWith(SearchKey);
     if ((numsubkeys == 3) && (startOk)) ret.add(e2.getValue());
   // from Arduino IDE 1.5.4 menu is subset of the board. The previous code will not return a
   // result
   Map<String, String> boardInfo = mArduinoSupportedBoards.get(boardID);
   if (boardInfo != null) {
     SearchKey = "menu." + menuID + ".";
     for (Entry<String, String> e2 : boardInfo.entrySet()) {
       int numsubkeys = e2.getKey().split("\\.").length;
       boolean startOk = e2.getKey().startsWith(SearchKey);
       if ((numsubkeys == 3) && (startOk)) ret.add(e2.getValue());
   return ret.toArray(new String[ret.size()]);
  public synchronized CDOChangeSetData merge(CDOChangeSet target, CDOChangeSet source)
      throws ConflictException {
    result = new CDOChangeSetDataImpl();
    conflicts = CDOIDUtil.createMap();

    targetMap = createMap(target);
    sourceMap = createMap(source);

    Set<CDOID> taken = new HashSet<CDOID>();
    for (Entry<CDOID, Object> entry : targetMap.entrySet()) {
      CDOID id = entry.getKey();
      Object targetData = entry.getValue();
      Object sourceData = sourceMap.get(id);

      if (merge(targetData, sourceData)) {

    for (Entry<CDOID, Object> entry : sourceMap.entrySet()) {
      CDOID id = entry.getKey();
      if (taken.add(id)) {
        Object sourceData = entry.getValue();
        Object targetData = targetMap.get(id);
        merge(targetData, sourceData);

    if (!conflicts.isEmpty()) {
      throw new ConflictException(
          "Merger could not resolve all conflicts: " + conflicts, this, result);

    return result;
  * Non-Leaf command help.
  * <p>This method is called if the given command line <code>args</code> calls for help on a
  * non-leaf (i.e. no commons-cli switches) node.
  * @param exitCode the <code>System.exit</code> value to use.
  * @param msg Optional error message. Null if only help is to be displayed, Message is sent to
  *     standard err before the help if not null.
 protected void commandHelp(int exitCode, String msg) {
   if (exitCode != 0 && msg != null) System.err.println(msg);
   String cmdStr = getLeadingCommandString(this);
   if (commandName != null) cmdStr += " " + commandName;
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\nValid commands: " + cmdStr + " [-h|--help]|<");
   boolean first = true;
   for (Entry<String, CliCommand> entry : commands.entrySet()) {
     if (!first) sb.append("|");
     first = false;
   sb.append(" -h,--help        Display " + commandName + " help.\n");
   sb.append("\n  Help for any given " + commandName + " sub-command can be obtained by:\n");
   for (Entry<String, CliCommand> entry : commands.entrySet())
         "    "
             + entry.getKey()
             + " [-"
             + CliBase.HelpShortCl
             + " | --"
             + CliBase.HelpLongCl
             + "]\n");
   //        System.exit(exitCode);
   throw new RuntimeException(getClass().getSimpleName() + " Help displayed, see logs");
  public static <Type> JSONValue toJSON(
      Map<String, Type> value, AbstractJsonEncoderDecoder<Type> encoder, Style style) {
    if (value == null) {
      return JSONNull.getInstance();

    switch (style) {
      case DEFAULT:
      case SIMPLE:
          JSONObject rc = new JSONObject();
          for (Entry<String, Type> t : value.entrySet()) {
            rc.put(t.getKey(), encoder.encode(t.getValue()));
          return rc;
          JSONObject rc = new JSONObject();
          JSONArray entries = new JSONArray();
          int i = 0;
          for (Entry<String, Type> t : value.entrySet()) {
            JSONObject entry = new JSONObject();
            entry.put("key", new JSONString(t.getKey()));
            entry.put("value", encoder.encode(t.getValue()));
            entries.set(i++, entry);
          rc.put("entry", entries);
          return rc;
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
            "The encoding style is not yet suppored: " + style.name());
  private List<GenericClass> getAssignableClasses(
      TypeVariable<?> typeVariable,
      boolean allowRecursion,
      Map<TypeVariable<?>, Type> ownerVariableMap) {
    Map<GenericClass, Integer> assignableClasses = new LinkedHashMap<GenericClass, Integer>();

    logger.debug("Getting assignable classes for type variable " + typeVariable);
    for (Entry<GenericClass, Integer> entry : classMap.entrySet()) {
      GenericClass key = entry.getKey();
      logger.debug("Current class for type variable " + typeVariable + ": " + key);

      if (!key.satisfiesBoundaries(typeVariable, ownerVariableMap)) {
        logger.debug("Bounds not satisfied");
      if (!allowRecursion && key.hasWildcardOrTypeVariables()) {
        logger.debug("Recursion not allowed but type has wilcard or type variables");

      assignableClasses.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
    logger.debug("Found assignable classes: " + assignableClasses.size());

    return sortByValue(assignableClasses);
  public void testFromSystem_containsListValues() throws Exception {
    Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
    properties.put("testProperty", "b,bee");

    for (Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
      System.setProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    Splitter splitter = Splitter.on(',');
    Configuration systemConfiguration = configurationHelper.fromSystem();
    for (Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
      String[] actualValues = systemConfiguration.getStringArray(entry.getKey());
      String[] expectedValues;
      if ("line.separator".equals(entry.getKey())) {
        expectedValues = new String[] {SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR};
      } else {
        expectedValues = splitter.splitToList(entry.getValue()).toArray(new String[0]);
          String.format("Values for key %s do not match", entry.getKey()),
  private List<GenericClass> getAssignableClasses(
      WildcardType wildcardType,
      boolean allowRecursion,
      Map<TypeVariable<?>, Type> ownerVariableMap) {
    Map<GenericClass, Integer> assignableClasses = new LinkedHashMap<GenericClass, Integer>();

    logger.debug("Getting assignable classes for wildcard type " + wildcardType);
    for (Entry<GenericClass, Integer> entry : classMap.entrySet()) {
      GenericClass key = entry.getKey();
      logger.debug("Current class for wildcard " + wildcardType + ": " + key);

      if (!key.satisfiesBoundaries(wildcardType, ownerVariableMap)) {
        logger.debug("Does not satisfy boundaries");

      if (!allowRecursion && key.hasWildcardOrTypeVariables()) {
        logger.debug("Stopping because of type recursion");
      logger.debug("Is assignable");

      assignableClasses.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    return sortByValue(assignableClasses);
  public boolean loadLibrary(String libname, boolean ignoreError, ClassLoader cl) {
    try {
      for (Entry<String, String> nativeEntry : platformNativeIndex.entrySet()) {
        if (nativeEntry.getKey().contains(libname)) {
          if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                "Loading mapped entry: [{}] [{}] [{}]",
          File nativeLibCopy =
                  String.format("%s.jni", libname));
          return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error("Unable to load native library [{}] - {}", libname, e);

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug("No mapped library match for [{}]", libname);
    return false;
 public static JsonObject mergeJsonFiles(JsonObject target, String... filenames)
     throws IOException {
   if (target == null) {
     target = new JsonObject();
   for (String filename : filenames) {
     String url = Config.CLOUD_STORAGE_BASE_URL + filename;
     JsonObject obj = fetchJsonFromPublicURL(url);
     if (obj == null) {
       throw new FileNotFoundException(url);
     } else {
       for (Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : obj.entrySet()) {
         if (entry.getValue().isJsonArray()) {
           // tries to merge an array with the existing one, if it's the case:
           JsonArray existing = target.getAsJsonArray(entry.getKey());
           if (existing == null) {
             existing = new JsonArray();
             target.add(entry.getKey(), existing);
         } else {
           target.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
   return target;
 private void updateMarkers(Map<String, Marker> markers) {
   HashMap<String, Marker> newMarkers = new HashMap<String, Marker>();
   TreeMap<Marker, String> ordered = new TreeMap<Marker, String>();
   for (Entry<String, Marker> e : markers.entrySet()) {
     if (isTabWorthyMarker(e.getValue())) {
       newMarkers.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
       ordered.put(e.getValue(), e.getKey());
   for (Entry<Marker, String> e : ordered.entrySet()) {
     final String markerId = e.getValue();
     MarkerButton b = new MarkerButton(e.getKey());
         new ClickListener() {
           public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
             activeMarker = markerId;
   latestMarkers = newMarkers;
  public void testFetchPartitionKeys() {

    HashMap<ByteArray, byte[]> entrySet =
    List<Integer> fetchPartitionsList = Arrays.asList(0, 2);

    // insert it into server-0 store
    int fetchPartitionKeyCount = 0;
    Store<ByteArray, byte[]> store = getStore(0, testStoreName);
    for (Entry<ByteArray, byte[]> entry : entrySet.entrySet()) {
      store.put(entry.getKey(), new Versioned<byte[]>(entry.getValue()));
      if (isKeyPartition(entry.getKey(), 0, testStoreName, fetchPartitionsList)) {

    Iterator<ByteArray> fetchIt =
        getAdminClient().fetchKeys(0, testStoreName, fetchPartitionsList, null, false);
    // check values
    int count = 0;
    while (fetchIt.hasNext()) {
          "Fetched key should belong to asked partitions",
          isKeyPartition(fetchIt.next(), 0, testStoreName, fetchPartitionsList));

    // assert all keys for asked partitions are returned.
    assertEquals("All keys for asked partitions should be received", fetchPartitionKeyCount, count);
  * (non-Javadoc)
  * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.layout.LayouttoolInterface#execute(java.util.Map)
 public void execute(Map<EditPart, Rectangle> map) {
   TransactionalEditingDomain ted = getTransactionalEditingDomain();
   if (ted != null) {
     CommandStack cs = null;
     // Add a command to apply new bounds of all nodes
     for (Entry<EditPart, Rectangle> s : map.entrySet()) {
       SetBoundsCommand boundsCommand =
           new SetBoundsCommand(
               "apply layout",
               new EObjectAdapter((View) s.getKey().getModel()),
       GraphicalEditPart gep = (GraphicalEditPart) s.getKey();
       if (cs == null) {
         cs = gep.getViewer().getEditDomain().getCommandStack();
     try {
       // Execute layout commands with animation
       cs.execute(new ICommandProxy(command));
     } catch (Exception e) {
       Activator.getDefault().log(e.getMessage() + " : Cannot apply new bounds of all nodes", e);
  public void testUpdate() {
    final HashMap<ByteArray, byte[]> entrySet =

    Iterator<Pair<ByteArray, Versioned<byte[]>>> iterator =
        new AbstractIterator<Pair<ByteArray, Versioned<byte[]>>>() {

          final Iterator<Entry<ByteArray, byte[]>> entrySetItr = entrySet.entrySet().iterator();

          protected Pair<ByteArray, Versioned<byte[]>> computeNext() {
            while (entrySetItr.hasNext()) {
              Entry<ByteArray, byte[]> entry = entrySetItr.next();
              return new Pair<ByteArray, Versioned<byte[]>>(
                  entry.getKey(), new Versioned<byte[]>(entry.getValue()));
            return endOfData();

    getAdminClient().updateEntries(0, testStoreName, iterator, null);

    // check updated values
    Store<ByteArray, byte[]> store = getStore(0, testStoreName);
    for (Entry<ByteArray, byte[]> entry : entrySet.entrySet()) {
      assertNotSame("entry should be present at store", 0, store.get(entry.getKey()).size());
          "entry value should match",
          new String(entry.getValue()),
          new String(store.get(entry.getKey()).get(0).getValue()));
  * This will update lists {@link #deletedAnnotations}, {@link #addedAnnotations} and {@link
  * #modifiedAnnotations} according to the given values.
  * @param newOffset Offset of the text we want the annotation updated of.
  * @param newLength Length of the text we want the annotation updated of.
  * @param initiallyCollapsed Indicates that the created annotation should be folded from start.
  * @throws BadLocationException Thrown if we try and get an out of range character. Should not
  *     happen.
 private void createOrUpdateAnnotation(
     final int newOffset, final int newLength, boolean initiallyCollapsed)
     throws BadLocationException {
   boolean createAnnotation = true;
   final Map<Annotation, Position> copy = new HashMap<Annotation, Position>(currentAnnotations);
   final String text = document.get(newOffset, newLength);
   for (Iterator<Entry<Annotation, Position>> iterator = copy.entrySet().iterator();
       iterator.hasNext(); ) {
     Entry<Annotation, Position> entry = iterator.next();
     if (entry.getKey().getText().equals(text)) {
       createAnnotation = false;
       final Position oldPosition = entry.getValue();
       if (oldPosition.getOffset() != newOffset || oldPosition.getLength() != newLength) {
         final Position newPosition = new Position(newOffset, newLength);
         modifiedAnnotations.put(entry.getKey(), newPosition);
         currentAnnotations.put(entry.getKey(), newPosition);
   if (createAnnotation) {
     Annotation annotation = null;
     annotation = new ProjectionAnnotation(initiallyCollapsed);
     final Position position = new Position(newOffset, newLength);
     currentAnnotations.put(annotation, position);
     addedAnnotations.put(annotation, position);
  public void testRecoverData() {
    // use store with replication 2, required write 2 for this test.
    String testStoreName = "test-recovery-data";

    HashMap<ByteArray, byte[]> entrySet =
    // insert it into server-0 store
    Store<ByteArray, byte[]> store = getStore(0, testStoreName);
    for (Entry<ByteArray, byte[]> entry : entrySet.entrySet()) {
      store.put(entry.getKey(), new Versioned<byte[]>(entry.getValue()));

    // assert server 1 is empty
    store = getStore(1, testStoreName);
    for (Entry<ByteArray, byte[]> entry : entrySet.entrySet()) {
      assertSame("entry should NOT be present at store", 0, store.get(entry.getKey()).size());

    // recover all data
    adminClient.restoreDataFromReplications(1, 2);

    // assert server 1 has all entries for its partitions
    store = getStore(1, testStoreName);
    for (Entry<ByteArray, byte[]> entry : entrySet.entrySet()) {
      ByteArray key = entry.getKey();
      assertSame("entry should be present for key " + key, 1, store.get(entry.getKey()).size());
          "entry value should match",
          new String(entry.getValue()),
          new String(store.get(entry.getKey()).get(0).getValue()));
  * Computes the m matrix with one setup (you should execute it with the other setup too).
  * @param root The ancestor of {@code w}, {@code x} nodes. ({@code v}).
  * @param d Distance matrix.
  * @param w The left node of {@code root}.
  * @param x The right node of {@code root}.
  * @param rightM The subtable for the right m.
  * @param ret The result table.
  * @param leftKeys The leaves of {@code w} tree.
  * @param rightKeys The leaves of {@code x} tree.
 private void computeM(
     final DendrogramNode root,
     final Map<RowKey, DistanceVectorDataValue> d,
     final DendrogramNode w,
     final DendrogramNode x,
     final Map<Triple<DendrogramNode, RowKey, RowKey>, Number> rightM,
     final Map<Triple<DendrogramNode, RowKey, RowKey>, Number> ret,
     final Set<RowKey> leftKeys,
     final Set<RowKey> rightKeys) {
   final Map<RowKey, Map<RowKey, Number>> t = computeT(w, ret, d, leftKeys, rightKeys);
   for (final Entry<RowKey, Map<RowKey, Number>> entry : t.entrySet()) {
     for (final Entry<RowKey, Number> innerEntry : entry.getValue().entrySet()) {
       double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
       for (final RowKey l : rightKeys) {
         final Triple<DendrogramNode, RowKey, RowKey> key =
             Triple.apply(x, l, innerEntry.getKey());
         if (!rightM.containsKey(key)) {
         final double alternative =
             entry.getValue().get(l).doubleValue() + rightM.get(key).doubleValue();
         if (alternative > max) {
           max = alternative;
       ret.put(Triple.apply(root, entry.getKey(), innerEntry.getKey()), Double.valueOf(max));
 public ICredential getCredentialObject(String userId)
     throws MissingCredentialException, InvalidCredentialException {
   ICredential credential = null;
   if (getAccounts(configurationMap).size() == 0) {
     throw new MissingCredentialException(
         "No API accounts have been configured in application properties");
   String prefix = Constants.ACCOUNT_PREFIX;
   Map<String, String> credMap = getValuesByCategory(configurationMap, prefix);
   if (userId != null && userId.trim().length() != 0) {
     for (Entry<String, String> entry : credMap.entrySet()) {
       if (entry.getKey().endsWith(Constants.CREDENTIAL_USERNAME_SUFFIX)
           && entry.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(userId)) {
         String acctKey = entry.getKey().substring(0, entry.getKey().indexOf('.'));
         credential = returnCredential(credMap, acctKey);
     if (credential == null) {
       throw new MissingCredentialException(
           "Account for the username does not exists in the properties file");
   } else {
     int index = 1;
     String userName = (String) credMap.get(prefix + index + Constants.CREDENTIAL_USERNAME_SUFFIX);
     if (userName != null && userName.trim().length() != 0) {
       credential = returnCredential(credMap, prefix + index);
     } else {
       throw new MissingCredentialException("Associate valid account for index 1");
   return credential;
 public void assertAll(Iterable<Diagnostic> asserted, DiagnosticPredicate predicates[]) {
   HashMap<DiagnosticPredicate, Boolean> consumed = new HashMap<DiagnosticPredicate, Boolean>();
   for (DiagnosticPredicate p : predicates) consumed.put(p, Boolean.FALSE);
   for (Diagnostic d : asserted) {
     boolean found = false;
     for (Entry<DiagnosticPredicate, Boolean> e : consumed.entrySet())
       if ((!e.getValue() || e.getKey().isGreedy()) && e.getKey().apply(d)) {
         consumed.put(e.getKey(), Boolean.TRUE);
         found = true;
     if (!found) {
       if (predicates.length == 1)
         throw new ComparisonFailure(
             "Predicate does not match", predicates[0].toString(), diagnosticsToString(d));
       throw new ComparisonFailure(
           "No predicate in expected matches",
   ArrayList<DiagnosticPredicate> unconsumed = new ArrayList<DiagnosticPredicate>();
   for (Entry<DiagnosticPredicate, Boolean> e : consumed.entrySet())
     if (!e.getValue() && e.getKey().isRequired()) unconsumed.add(e.getKey());
   if (unconsumed.size() != 0)
     throw new ComparisonFailure(
         "Missing diagnostics for required predicates",
  public void init() throws BabuDBException {

    // load persisted snapshots from disk
    for (Entry<String, DatabaseInternal> entry :
        dbs.getDatabaseManager().getDatabasesInternal().entrySet()) {

      final File snapDir = new File(dbs.getConfig().getBaseDir(), entry.getKey() + "/snapshots");
      if (snapDir.exists()) {

        Map<String, Snapshot> snapMap = new HashMap<String, Snapshot>();
        snapshotDBs.put(entry.getKey(), snapMap);

        boolean compressed = entry.getValue().getLSMDB().getIndex(0).isCompressed();
        boolean mmaped = entry.getValue().getLSMDB().getIndex(0).isMMapEnabled();

        String[] snapshots = snapDir.list();
        for (String snapName : snapshots) {
          BabuDBView view =
              new DiskIndexView(
                  snapDir + "/" + snapName, entry.getValue().getComparators(), compressed, mmaped);
          snapMap.put(snapName, new Snapshot(view, dbs));
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void setup(OAuth2Settings settings) throws OAuth2SettingsException {
    /* validate supplied settings */
    if (settings == null) {
      throw new OAuth2SettingsException("Missing settings.");
    if (Utils.isNullOrEmpty(settings.getTokenUri())) {
      throw new OAuth2SettingsException("Token server URI missing.");
    } else {
      tokenServer = settings.getTokenUri();
    if (Utils.isNullOrEmpty(settings.getRefreshToken())) {
      throw new OAuth2SettingsException("Refresh token cannot be null or empty.");
    if (Utils.isNullOrEmpty(settings.getClientId())) {
      throw new OAuth2SettingsException("Client ID cannot be null or empty.");
    if (settings.getClientSecret() != null) {
      tokenParams.put("client_secret", settings.getClientSecret());
    if (!Utils.isNullOrEmpty(settings.getScope())) {
      tokenParams.put("scope", settings.getScope());

    /* populate token request params */
    tokenParams.put("client_id", settings.getClientId());
    tokenParams.put("grant_type", "refresh_token");
    tokenParams.put("refresh_token", settings.getRefreshToken());
    for (Entry<String, String> entry : settings.getExtraTokenParams().entrySet()) {
      if (!tokenParams.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
        tokenParams.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
   * Use local LRU to evict data, and get <code> requestBytes </code> available space.
   * @param requestBytes The data requested.
   * @return <code> true </code> if the space is granted, <code> false </code> if not.
  private boolean memoryEvictionLRU(long requestBytes) {
    Set<Integer> pinList;

    try {
      pinList = mMasterClient.worker_getPinIdList();
    } catch (TException e) {
      pinList = new HashSet<Integer>();

    synchronized (mLatestBlockAccessTimeMs) {
      synchronized (mUsersPerLockedBlock) {
        while (mWorkerSpaceCounter.getAvailableBytes() < requestBytes) {
          long blockId = -1;
          long latestTimeMs = Long.MAX_VALUE;
          for (Entry<Long, Long> entry : mLatestBlockAccessTimeMs.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue() < latestTimeMs
                && !pinList.contains(BlockInfo.computeInodeId(entry.getKey()))) {
              if (!mUsersPerLockedBlock.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
                blockId = entry.getKey();
                latestTimeMs = entry.getValue();
          if (blockId != -1) {
          } else {
            return false;

    return true;
   * Method to determine a comple argument based on the dependency declared by an argument. The
   * method calls a recursive method that searches in each line of the processed sentence for the
   * dependency declared and dependencies of each depency
   * @param arg - The original argument
   * @param sentenceLines - all lines of the SRL file that compse the processed sentence
  private static void preDetermineFullArg(SemanticRelationArgument arg, String[] sentenceLines) {
    TreeMap<Integer, ArgumentTerm> parts = new TreeMap<Integer, ArgumentTerm>();
        new ArgumentTerm(arg.getShortArg(), arg.getShortArgLemma(), arg.getShortArgPosTag()));

    // call to recursive method
    parts.putAll(retrieveDependentArgs(parts, sentenceLines));

    // build a string based on all dependencies found and populate the array of ArgumentTerms
    // The TreeMap guarantees that the words are read in order, since
    // the nodes are ordered by the line ID
    String fullArg = "";
    int firstWordLine = arg.getArgLine();
    for (Entry<Integer, ArgumentTerm> part : parts.entrySet()) {

      // Add ArgumentTerm to array of ArgumentTerm objects

      fullArg += part.getValue().getWord() + " ";
      // check if the argument actually begins prior the argument lead
      if (part.getKey() < firstWordLine) {
        firstWordLine = part.getKey();

  /** Saves the defaults and missing values. */
  public void save() {
    if (!this.folder.exists()) {

    if (!this.file.exists()) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {

    this.config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(this.file);
    for (Entry<String, Object> en : this.defaults.entrySet()) {
      if (!this.config.contains(en.getKey())) {
        ConfigUtils.setObject(this.config, en.getKey(), en.getValue());

    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
  * Sets the rendering settings associated to the image.
  * @param viewedBy The value to set.
 void setViewedBy(Map viewedBy) {
   Map m = new LinkedHashMap();
   if (viewedBy != null) {
     long id = MetadataViewerAgent.getUserDetails().getId();
     Entry entry;
     Iterator i = viewedBy.entrySet().iterator();
     ExperimenterData exp;
     while (i.hasNext()) {
       entry = (Entry) i.next();
       exp = (ExperimenterData) entry.getKey();
       if (exp.getId() == id) {
         m.put(exp, entry.getValue());
     i = viewedBy.entrySet().iterator();
     while (i.hasNext()) {
       entry = (Entry) i.next();
       exp = (ExperimenterData) entry.getKey();
       if (exp.getId() != id) {
         m.put(exp, entry.getValue());
   this.viewedBy = m;
 private ServletRequest prepareServletRequest(
     Object target, NativeWebRequest request, MethodParameter parameter) {
   String modelPrefixName = parameter.getParameterAnnotation(FormModel.class).value();
   HttpServletRequest nativeRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request.getNativeRequest();
   MultipartRequest multipartRequest =
       WebUtils.getNativeRequest(nativeRequest, MultipartRequest.class);
   MockHttpServletRequest mockRequest = null;
   if (multipartRequest != null) {
     MockMultipartHttpServletRequest mockMultipartRequest = new MockMultipartHttpServletRequest();
     for (MultipartFile file : multipartRequest.getFileMap().values()) {
           new MultipartFileWrapper(getNewParameterName(file.getName(), modelPrefixName), file));
     mockRequest = mockMultipartRequest;
   } else {
     mockRequest = new MockHttpServletRequest();
   for (Entry<String, String> entry : getUriTemplateVariables(request).entrySet()) {
     String parameterName = entry.getKey();
     String value = entry.getValue();
     if (isFormModelAttribute(parameterName, modelPrefixName)) {
       mockRequest.setParameter(getNewParameterName(parameterName, modelPrefixName), value);
   for (Object parameterEntry : nativeRequest.getParameterMap().entrySet()) {
     Entry<String, String[]> entry = (Entry<String, String[]>) parameterEntry;
     String parameterName = entry.getKey();
     String[] value = entry.getValue();
     if (isFormModelAttribute(parameterName, modelPrefixName)) {
       mockRequest.setParameter(getNewParameterName(parameterName, modelPrefixName), value);
   return mockRequest;