 public void testRandomRangeAndBatches() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
   ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
   int treeSize = random.nextInt(maxTreeSize / 10, maxTreeSize * 10);
   for (int i = 0; i < perThreadTrees / 10; i++)
     testInsertions(threads * 10, treeSize, random.nextInt(1, 100) / 10f, treeSize / 100, true);
 private static IntFunction<Integer> twoDiceThrows() {
   return i -> {
     final ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
     final int firstThrow = random.nextInt(1, 7);
     final int secondThrow = random.nextInt(1, 7);
     return firstThrow + secondThrow;
  /** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testConcurrentStart() throws Exception {
    ThreadLocalRandom rnd = ThreadLocalRandom.current();

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      try {
        clientNodes = new HashSet<>();

        while (clientNodes.size() < 2) clientNodes.add(rnd.nextInt(1, NODES_CNT));

        clientNodes.add(NODES_CNT - 1);

        log.info("Test iteration [iter=" + i + ", clients=" + clientNodes + ']');

        Ignite srv = startGrid(0); // Start server node first.


        startGridsMultiThreaded(1, NODES_CNT - 1);



        for (int node : clientNodes) {
          Ignite ignite = grid(node);

      } finally {
 public MutatedInstanceMetaData<MultiMaskEfsmSkeleton, MultiMaskEfsmMutation> apply(
     MultiMaskEfsmSkeleton individual) {
   List<Step> transitions = getTransitions(individual);
   if (transitions.isEmpty()) {
     return new MutatedInstanceMetaData<MultiMaskEfsmSkeleton, MultiMaskEfsmMutation>(
         new MultiMaskEfsmSkeleton(individual), new MutationCollection<MultiMaskEfsmMutation>());
   MyMap num = new MyMap();
   for (Step s : transitions) {
     num.put(s, 1);
   for (VarsActionsScenario s : individual.getCounterExamples()) {
     getTrace(individual, s, num);
   double sum = 0;
   for (Step s : transitions) {
     sum += num.get(s);
   int i = 0;
   double cur = num.get(transitions.get(0)) / sum;
   ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
   while (random.nextDouble() > cur) {
     cur += num.get(transitions.get(i)) / sum;
   Step s = transitions.get(i);
   MultiMaskEfsmSkeleton ind = new MultiMaskEfsmSkeleton(individual);
   int x = random.nextInt(MultiMaskEfsmSkeleton.STATE_COUNT);
   ind.getState(s.state).getTransitionGroup(s.event, s.group).setNewState(s.index, x);
   return new MutatedInstanceMetaData<MultiMaskEfsmSkeleton, MultiMaskEfsmMutation>(
       new MutationCollection<MultiMaskEfsmMutation>(
           new DestinationStateMutation(s.state, s.event, s.group, s.index, x)));
 public static ByteBuffer randomBytes(int quantity, ThreadLocalRandom tlr) {
   ByteBuffer slice = ByteBuffer.allocate(quantity);
   ByteBuffer source = dataSource.duplicate();
   source.position(tlr.nextInt(source.capacity() - quantity));
   source.limit(source.position() + quantity);
   return slice;
  private static RandomTree randomTreeByBuilder(int minSize, int maxSize) {
    assert minSize > 3;
    ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
    BTree.Builder<Integer> builder = BTree.builder(naturalOrder());

    int targetSize = random.nextInt(minSize, maxSize);
    int maxModificationSize = (int) Math.sqrt(targetSize);

    TreeSet<Integer> canonical = new TreeSet<>();

    int curSize = 0;
    TreeSet<Integer> ordered = new TreeSet<>();
    List<Integer> shuffled = new ArrayList<>();
    while (curSize < targetSize) {
      int nextSize = maxModificationSize <= 1 ? 1 : random.nextInt(1, maxModificationSize);

      // leave a random selection of previous values
      (random.nextBoolean() ? ordered.headSet(random.nextInt()) : ordered.tailSet(random.nextInt()))
      shuffled =
          new ArrayList<>(
              shuffled.subList(0, shuffled.size() < 2 ? 0 : random.nextInt(shuffled.size() / 2)));

      for (int i = 0; i < nextSize; i++) {
        Integer next = random.nextInt();

      switch (random.nextInt(5)) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 2:
          for (Integer i : ordered) builder.add(i);
        case 3:
        case 4:
          for (Integer i : shuffled) builder.add(i);

      curSize += nextSize;
      maxModificationSize = Math.min(maxModificationSize, targetSize - curSize);

    BTreeSet<Integer> btree = BTreeSet.<Integer>wrap(builder.build(), naturalOrder());
    Assert.assertEquals(canonical.size(), btree.size());
    return new RandomTree(canonical, btree);
   * Erzeugt eine Datei mit der angegebenen Anzahl in sortierter Reihenfolge. Die Zahlen werden
   * hintereinander weg geschrieben und durch ein Leerzeichen getrennt. Die Range der zufaellig
   * generierten Zahlen ist 1..(quantity * 5)
   * @param filename, Dateiname (Endung *.dat wird automatisch ergaenzt)
   * @param quantity, die Anzahl der zufaellig generierten Zahlen
   * @param desc, true = absteigend sortiert; false = aufsteigend sortiert
  public static void sortNum(String filename, int quantity, boolean desc) {

    File file = new File(filename + ".dat");
    if (file.exists()) {
      System.err.println("Die Datei existiert bereits");
    } else {
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
      BufferedWriter bw = null;
      try {
        FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file);
        bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);

        ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
        List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        for (int i = 1; i <= quantity; i++) {
          list.add(random.nextInt(1, quantity * 5));


        if (desc) {
          for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {
            bw.write(String.valueOf(list.get(i)) + " ");
          bw.write(String.valueOf(list.get(list.size() - 1)));
        } else {
          for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {
            bw.write(String.valueOf(list.get(i)) + " ");
          bw.write(String.valueOf(list.get(list.size() - 1)));

        System.err.println("Die Datei " + filename + ".dat wurde erfolgreich erstellt");
      } catch (IOException e) {
      } finally {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
  private static RandomTree randomTreeByUpdate(int minSize, int maxSize) {
    assert minSize > 3;
    TreeSet<Integer> canonical = new TreeSet<>();

    ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
    int targetSize = random.nextInt(minSize, maxSize);
    int maxModificationSize = random.nextInt(2, targetSize);
    Object[] accmumulate = BTree.empty();
    int curSize = 0;
    while (curSize < targetSize) {
      int nextSize = maxModificationSize == 1 ? 1 : random.nextInt(1, maxModificationSize);
      TreeSet<Integer> build = new TreeSet<>();
      for (int i = 0; i < nextSize; i++) {
        Integer next = random.nextInt();
      accmumulate =
          BTree.update(accmumulate, naturalOrder(), build, UpdateFunction.<Integer>noOp());
      curSize += nextSize;
      maxModificationSize = Math.min(maxModificationSize, targetSize - curSize);
    return new RandomTree(canonical, BTreeSet.<Integer>wrap(accmumulate, naturalOrder()));
   * Erzeugt eine Datei mit der angegebenen Anzahl an zufaelligen Zahlen. Die Zahlen werden
   * hintereinander weg geschrieben und durch ein Leerzeichen getrennt. Die Range der zufaelligen
   * Zahlen ist 1..(quantity * 5)
   * @param filename, Dateiname (Endung *.dat wird automatisch ergaenzt)
   * @param quantity, die Anzahl der zufaellig generierten Zahlen
  public static void sortNum(String filename, int quantity) {

    File file = new File(filename + ".dat");
    if (file.exists()) {
      System.err.println("Die Datei existiert bereits");
    } else {
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
      BufferedWriter bw = null;
      try {
        FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file);
        bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);

        ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();

        for (int i = 1; i < quantity; i++) {
          bw.write(String.valueOf(random.nextInt(1, quantity * 5)) + " ");
                random.nextInt(1, quantity * 5))); // nach der letzten Zahl folgt kein Space
        System.err.println("Die Datei " + filename + ".dat wurde erfolgreich erstellt");
      } catch (IOException e) {
      } finally {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
   * Spins/yields/blocks until node s is matched or caller gives up.
   * @param s the waiting node
   * @param pred the predecessor of s, or s itself if it has no predecessor, or null if unknown (the
   *     null case does not occur in any current calls but may in possible future extensions)
   * @param e the comparison value for checking match
   * @param timed if true, wait only until timeout elapses
   * @param nanos timeout in nanosecs, used only if timed is true
   * @return matched item, or e if unmatched on interrupt or timeout
  private Message awaitMatch(Node s, Node pred, Message e, boolean timed, long nanos)
      throws SuspendExecution {
    long lastTime = timed ? System.nanoTime() : 0L;
    Strand w = Strand.currentStrand();
    int spins =
            ? 0
            : -1); // no spins in fiber; otherwise, initialized after first item and cancel checks
    ThreadLocalRandom randomYields = null; // bound if needed

    if (spins == 0) requestUnpark(s, w);

    for (; ; ) {
      Object item = s.item;

      if (item == CHANNEL_CLOSED) setReceiveClosed();

      if (item != e) { // matched
        // assert item != s;
        s.forgetContents(); // avoid garbage
        return this.<Message>cast(item);
      if ((w.isInterrupted() || (timed && nanos <= 0)) && s.casItem(e, s)) { // cancel
        unsplice(pred, s);
        return e;

      if (spins < 0) { // establish spins at/near front
        if ((spins = spinsFor(pred, s.isData)) > 0) randomYields = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
      } else if (spins > 0) { // spin
        if (randomYields.nextInt(CHAINED_SPINS) == 0) Strand.yield(); // occasionally yield
      } else if (s.waiter == null) {
        requestUnpark(s, w); // request unpark then recheck
      } else if (timed) {
        long now = System.nanoTime();
        if ((nanos -= now - lastTime) > 0) Strand.parkNanos(this, nanos);
        lastTime = now;
      } else {
    public void run() {
      RateLimiter rl = rateLimit != 0 ? RateLimiter.create(rateLimit) : null;
      final ThreadLocalRandom tlr = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
      while (!stop) {
        if (rl != null) rl.acquire();
        String ks = KEYSPACE;
        ByteBuffer key = randomBytes(16, tlr);

        UpdateBuilder builder =
            UpdateBuilder.create(Schema.instance.getCFMetaData(KEYSPACE, TABLE), Util.dk(key));

        for (int ii = 0; ii < numCells; ii++) {
          int sz = randomSize ? tlr.nextInt(cellSize) : cellSize;
          ByteBuffer bytes = randomBytes(sz, tlr);
          builder.newRow(CommitLogUpgradeTest.CELLNAME + ii).add("val", bytes);
          hash = hash(hash, bytes);
          dataSize += sz;

        rp = commitLog.add((Mutation) builder.makeMutation());
    RandomSelection select(boolean narrow, boolean mixInNotPresentItems, boolean permitReversal) {
      ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
      NavigableSet<Integer> canonicalSet = this.canonical;
      BTreeSet<Integer> testAsSet = this.test;
      List<Integer> canonicalList = new ArrayList<>(canonicalSet);
      BTreeSet<Integer> testAsList = this.test;

      Assert.assertEquals(canonicalSet.size(), testAsSet.size());
      Assert.assertEquals(canonicalList.size(), testAsList.size());

      // sometimes select keys first, so we cover full range
      List<Integer> allKeys = randomKeys(canonical, mixInNotPresentItems);
      List<Integer> keys = allKeys;

      int narrowCount = random.nextInt(3);
      while (narrow && canonicalList.size() > 10 && keys.size() > 10 && narrowCount-- > 0) {
        boolean useLb = random.nextBoolean();
        boolean useUb = random.nextBoolean();
        if (!(useLb | useUb)) continue;

        // select a range smaller than the total span when we have more narrowing iterations left
        int indexRange = keys.size() / (narrowCount + 1);

        boolean lbInclusive = true;
        Integer lbKey = canonicalList.get(0);
        int lbKeyIndex = 0, lbIndex = 0;
        boolean ubInclusive = true;
        Integer ubKey = canonicalList.get(canonicalList.size() - 1);
        int ubKeyIndex = keys.size(), ubIndex = canonicalList.size();

        if (useLb) {
          lbKeyIndex = random.nextInt(0, indexRange - 1);
          Integer candidate = keys.get(lbKeyIndex);
          if (useLb = (candidate > lbKey && candidate <= ubKey)) {
            lbInclusive = random.nextBoolean();
            lbKey = keys.get(lbKeyIndex);
            lbIndex = Collections.binarySearch(canonicalList, lbKey);
            if (lbIndex >= 0 && !lbInclusive) lbIndex++;
            else if (lbIndex < 0) lbIndex = -1 - lbIndex;
        if (useUb) {
          ubKeyIndex =
              random.nextInt(Math.max(lbKeyIndex, keys.size() - indexRange), keys.size() - 1);
          Integer candidate = keys.get(ubKeyIndex);
          if (useUb = (candidate < ubKey && candidate >= lbKey)) {
            ubInclusive = random.nextBoolean();
            ubKey = keys.get(ubKeyIndex);
            ubIndex = Collections.binarySearch(canonicalList, ubKey);
            if (ubIndex >= 0 && ubInclusive) {
            } else if (ubIndex < 0) ubIndex = -1 - ubIndex;
        if (ubIndex < lbIndex) {
          ubIndex = lbIndex;
          ubKey = lbKey;
          ubInclusive = false;

        canonicalSet =
                ? canonicalSet.headSet(ubKey, ubInclusive)
                : !useUb
                    ? canonicalSet.tailSet(lbKey, lbInclusive)
                    : canonicalSet.subSet(lbKey, lbInclusive, ubKey, ubInclusive);
        testAsSet =
                ? testAsSet.headSet(ubKey, ubInclusive)
                : !useUb
                    ? testAsSet.tailSet(lbKey, lbInclusive)
                    : testAsSet.subSet(lbKey, lbInclusive, ubKey, ubInclusive);

        keys = keys.subList(lbKeyIndex, ubKeyIndex);
        canonicalList = canonicalList.subList(lbIndex, ubIndex);
        testAsList = testAsList.subList(lbIndex, ubIndex);

        Assert.assertEquals(canonicalSet.size(), testAsSet.size());
        Assert.assertEquals(canonicalList.size(), testAsList.size());

      // possibly restore full set of keys, to test case where we are provided existing keys that
      // are out of bounds
      if (keys != allKeys && random.nextBoolean()) keys = allKeys;

      Comparator<Integer> comparator = naturalOrder();
      if (permitReversal && random.nextBoolean()) {
        if (allKeys != keys) keys = new ArrayList<>(keys);
        if (canonicalSet != canonical) canonicalList = new ArrayList<>(canonicalList);
        testAsList = testAsList.descendingSet();

        canonicalSet = canonicalSet.descendingSet();
        testAsSet = testAsSet.descendingSet();
        comparator = reverseOrder();

      Assert.assertEquals(canonicalSet.size(), testAsSet.size());
      Assert.assertEquals(canonicalList.size(), testAsList.size());
      if (!canonicalSet.isEmpty()) {
        Assert.assertEquals(canonicalSet.first(), canonicalList.get(0));
        Assert.assertEquals(canonicalSet.last(), canonicalList.get(canonicalList.size() - 1));
        Assert.assertEquals(canonicalSet.first(), testAsSet.first());
        Assert.assertEquals(canonicalSet.last(), testAsSet.last());
        Assert.assertEquals(canonicalSet.first(), testAsList.get(0));
        Assert.assertEquals(canonicalSet.last(), testAsList.get(testAsList.size() - 1));

      return new RandomSelection(
          keys, canonicalSet, testAsSet, canonicalList, testAsList, comparator);
 private int[] createRandomItems(int size) {
   return IntStream.range(0, size).mapToObj(i -> random.nextInt(3)).mapToInt(i -> i).toArray();