public String getTitle() { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_TRACE, "DT: getTitle."); if (CurrentlyRecording == null) { return null; } return CurrentlyRecording.getRSSItemTitle(); }
public Long getCurrentDownloadSize() { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_VERBOSE, "DT: getCurrentDownloadSize."); if (CurrentlyRecording == null) { return 0L; } else { return CurrentlyRecording.getBlocksRecorded() * RecordingEpisode.BLOCK_SIZE; } }
/** The main thread that does all of the downloading. */ @Override public void run() { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_TRACE, "DT: Starting."); Thread.currentThread().setName("DownloadThread"); while (!stop) { // Get the first item in the queue and then remove it from the queue. try { CurrentlyRecording = RecordingMaps.take(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_WARN, "DT: Interrupted. Terminating."); return; } Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_TRACE, "DT: Have work to do."); showCurrentlyRecording(CurrentlyRecording); // Make sure we have enough parameters. if (!CurrentlyRecording.isComplete()) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "DT: Not enough parameters."); CurrentlyRecording.failed(); continue; } DownloadManager.getInstance().setCurrentlyRecordingID(CurrentlyRecording.getRequestID()); // Get all of the RSSItems for the Feed Context. List<RSSItem> RSSItems = CurrentlyRecording.getRSSItems(); if (RSSItems == null) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "DT: null RSSItems."); CurrentlyRecording.failed(); continue; } Log.getInstance() .write(Log.LOGLEVEL_TRACE, "DT: Found episodes for podcast = " + RSSItems.size()); if (RSSItems.isEmpty()) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "DT: No RSSItems."); CurrentlyRecording.failed(); continue; } // Get the one ChanItem (RSSItem) we are interested in. RSSItem ChanItem = CurrentlyRecording.getItemForID(RSSItems, CurrentlyRecording.getEpisodeID()); if (ChanItem == null) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "DT: null ChanItem."); CurrentlyRecording.failed(); continue; } // Set the ChanItem. CurrentlyRecording.setChanItem(ChanItem); // Set the fileExt instance variable. CurrentlyRecording.setFileExt(); // Create the tempfile where the episode will be downloaded to. if (!CurrentlyRecording.setTempFile()) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "DT: Failed to setTempFile."); CurrentlyRecording.failed(); continue; } // Download the episode to the tempfile. if (! { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "DT: download failed."); CurrentlyRecording.failed(); continue; } // Check for 0 size download. if (CurrentlyRecording.isZeroSizeDownload()) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_WARN, "DT: File is 0 bytes long."); CurrentlyRecording.failed(); continue; } // Move the tempfile to the final location and rename it to the final name. if (!CurrentlyRecording.moveToFinalLocation()) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "DT: moveToFinalLocation failed."); CurrentlyRecording.failed(); continue; } // Import the episode into the Sage database as an imported media file. if (CurrentlyRecording.importAsAiring() == null) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "DT: importAsMediaFile failed."); CurrentlyRecording.failed(); continue; } // Force Episode to update it's Airing information. int AiringID = CurrentlyRecording.getAiringID(); // It worked. Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_TRACE, "DT: Completed successfully."); CurrentlyRecording.completed(); CurrentlyRecording = null; } // While !stop Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_TRACE, "DT: Fatal error. Ending."); } // Run
void showCurrentlyRecording(RecordingEpisode currentlyRecording) {; }
public void abortCurrentDownload() { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_TRACE, "DT: Aborting current download."); if (CurrentlyRecording != null) CurrentlyRecording.abortCurrentDownload(); }