  public void testSubmitToKeyOwnerCallable() throws Exception {
    final int k = simpleTestNodeCount;
    TestHazelcastInstanceFactory factory = createHazelcastInstanceFactory(k);
    final HazelcastInstance[] instances = factory.newInstances(new Config());
    final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);
    final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(k / 2);
    final ExecutionCallback callback =
        new ExecutionCallback() {
          public void onResponse(Object response) {
            if ((Boolean) response) count.incrementAndGet();

          public void onFailure(Throwable t) {}
    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
      final HazelcastInstance instance = instances[i];
      final IExecutorService service = instance.getExecutorService("testSubmitToKeyOwnerCallable");
      final String script = "hazelcast.getCluster().getLocalMember().equals(member)";
      final HashMap map = new HashMap();
      final Member localMember = instance.getCluster().getLocalMember();
      map.put("member", localMember);
      int key = 0;
      while (!localMember.equals(instance.getPartitionService().getPartition(++key).getOwner())) ;
      if (i % 2 == 0) {
        final Future f = service.submitToKeyOwner(new ScriptCallable(script, map), key);
        assertTrue((Boolean) f.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
      } else {
        service.submitToKeyOwner(new ScriptCallable(script, map), key, callback);
    assertTrue(latch.await(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
    assertEquals(k / 2, count.get());
    public FlushResult call() throws Exception {
      // For each measure and each star, ask the index
      // which headers intersect.
      final List<SegmentHeader> headers = new ArrayList<SegmentHeader>();
      final List<Member> measures = CacheControlImpl.findMeasures(region);
      final SegmentColumn[] flushRegion = CacheControlImpl.findAxisValues(region);
      final List<RolapStar> starList = CacheControlImpl.getStarList(region);

      for (Member member : measures) {
        if (!(member instanceof RolapStoredMeasure)) {
        final RolapStoredMeasure storedMeasure = (RolapStoredMeasure) member;
        final RolapStar star = storedMeasure.getCube().getStar();
        final SegmentCacheIndex index = cacheMgr.indexRegistry.getIndex(star);
                ((RolapSchema) member.getDimension().getSchema()).getChecksum(),

      // If flushRegion is empty, this means we must clear all
      // segments for the region's measures.
      if (flushRegion.length == 0) {
        for (final SegmentHeader header : headers) {
          for (RolapStar star : starList) {

          // Remove the segment from external caches. Use an
          // executor, because it may take some time. We discard
          // the future, because we don't care too much if it fails.
              "discard segment - it cannot be constrained and maintain consistency:\n"
                  + header.getDescription());

          final Future<?> task =
                  new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                      try {
                        // Note that the SegmentCache API doesn't
                        // require us to verify that the segment
                        // exists (by calling "contains") before we
                        // call "remove".
                      } catch (Throwable e) {
                        LOGGER.warn("remove header failed: " + header, e);
          Util.safeGet(task, "SegmentCacheManager.flush");
        return new FlushResult(Collections.<Callable<Boolean>>emptyList());

      // Now we know which headers intersect. For each of them,
      // we append an excluded region.
      // TODO: Optimize the logic here. If a segment is mostly
      // empty, we should trash it completely.
      final List<Callable<Boolean>> callableList = new ArrayList<Callable<Boolean>>();
      for (final SegmentHeader header : headers) {
        if (!header.canConstrain(flushRegion)) {
          // We have to delete that segment altogether.
              "discard segment - it cannot be constrained and maintain consistency:\n"
                  + header.getDescription());
          for (RolapStar star : starList) {
        final SegmentHeader newHeader = header.constrain(flushRegion);
        for (final SegmentCacheWorker worker : cacheMgr.segmentCacheWorkers) {
              new Callable<Boolean>() {
                public Boolean call() throws Exception {
                  boolean existed;
                  if (worker.supportsRichIndex()) {
                    final SegmentBody sb = worker.get(header);
                    existed = worker.remove(header);
                    if (sb != null) {
                      worker.put(newHeader, sb);
                  } else {
                    // The cache doesn't support rich index. We
                    // have to clear the segment entirely.
                    existed = worker.remove(header);
                  return existed;
        for (RolapStar star : starList) {
          SegmentCacheIndex index = cacheMgr.indexRegistry.getIndex(star);
          index.add(newHeader, false, null);

      // Done
      return new FlushResult(callableList);