// Takes and image_id, pulls in the image from cache, and goes about // encoding it to put it into the database in a transaction. The last // query in the transaction records the image having been stored. protected void storeImage(int image_id) throws Exception { PhotoImage p = new PhotoImage(image_id); SpyDB pdb = getDB(); Connection db = null; Statement st = null; Vector v = p.getImage(); System.err.println( "Storer: Got image for " + image_id + " " + v.size() + " lines of data to store."); try { int i = 0, n = 0; db = pdb.getConn(); db.setAutoCommit(false); st = db.createStatement(); BASE64Encoder base64 = new BASE64Encoder(); String data = ""; for (; i < v.size(); i++) { String tmp = base64.encodeBuffer((byte[]) v.elementAt(i)); tmp = tmp.trim(); if (data.length() < 2048) { data += tmp + "\n"; } else { storeQuery(image_id, n, st, data); data = tmp; n++; } } // OK, this is sick, but another one right now for the spare. if (data.length() > 0) { System.err.println("Storer: Storing spare."); storeQuery(image_id, n, st, data); n++; } System.err.println("Storer: Stored " + n + " lines of data for " + image_id + "."); st.executeUpdate( "update upload_log set stored=datetime(now())\n" + "\twhere photo_id = " + image_id); db.commit(); // Go ahead and generate a thumbnail. p.getThumbnail(); } catch (Exception e) { // If anything happens, roll it back. if (st != null) { try { db.rollback(); } catch (Exception e3) { // Nothing } } } finally { if (db != null) { try { db.setAutoCommit(true); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error: " + e); } } pdb.freeDBConn(); } }
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException, ServletException { res.setContentType("text/html"); try { PrintWriter pw = res.getWriter(); pw.println("<html><head><TITLE>Web-Enabled Automated Manufacturing System</TITLE></head>"); pw.println( "<body><br><br><br><form name=modifyuser method=post action='http://peers:8080/servlet/showUser')"); v = U.allUsers(); pw.println("<table align='center' border=0> <tr><td>"); pw.println( "Select User Name To Modify</td><td><SELECT id=select1 name=uid style='HEIGHT: 22px; LEFT: 74px; TOP: 222px; WIDTH: 155px'>"); pw.println("<OPTION selected value=''></OPTION>"); for (i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) pw.println( "<OPTION value=" + (String) v.elementAt(i) + ">" + (String) v.elementAt(i) + "</OPTION>"); pw.println( "</SELECT></td></tr><tr><td></td><td><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit'></td></tr></table></form></body></html>"); pw.flush(); pw.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } }
/** * This Method returns the 2D Array which is the list of the Items for the selected WorkOrder of * the Customer. * * @param workorderId - WorkOrder Id Foreign Key of WRK_ORDR_DETS table * @return Object[][] - 2D Array which is List of the Items for the WorkOrder */ public Object[][] getWorkOrderItems(long workorderId) throws RemoteException { WrkOrdrDets wrkordrdts_obj = new WrkOrdrDets(conn); RHCCBlgKeys blgkeys_obj = new RHCCBlgKeys(conn); Vector workorderdetList = wrkordrdts_obj.getProductList(workorderId); // Hashtable BSysList = (Hashtable) USFEnv.getBillSystems(); BlgSys blgsys = new BlgSys(); Hashtable BSysList = (Hashtable) blgsys.searchBlgSys(); Enumeration BSys = BSysList.keys(); // The 2-Dimensional array to hold the Items Billing System wise. Object[][] prodList = new Object[BSysList.size()][workorderdetList.size() + 1]; // The Number of Billing Systems are assumed to be equal to the // Static Load Billing Systems Hashtable size. The Billing Systems will // be in order starting from 1 and incrementing by one. for (int i = 0; i < BSysList.size(); i++) { // Set the 2D array to store the Billing System as the first element // of each row. prodList[i][0] = String.valueOf(i + 1); } // Loop throught the WorkOrder Items List and place them in the appropriate // positions in the 2D array. for (int j = 0; j < workorderdetList.size(); j++) { // Determine the Billing System of the Product Vector tmpVector = new Vector(); WrkOrdrDets workorderObj = (WrkOrdrDets) workorderdetList.elementAt(j); RHCCBlgKeys bkObj = blgkeys_obj.searchRHCCBlgKeys(((WrkOrdrDets) workorderdetList.elementAt(j)).getRBKID()); int bsid = (new Long(bkObj.getBsId())).intValue(); tmpVector.addElement(bkObj); tmpVector.addElement(workorderObj); // Based on the Billing System Id retreived place the Product Object // in the 2D array. int k = 1; while (prodList[bsid - 1][k] != null) { k = k + 1; } prodList[bsid - 1][k] = tmpVector; } // Return the 2D array return prodList; }
/** * Set the Software to query. * * @param x The Software of the SoftwareCandidate to query. * @param exact to use matches or not * @exception DataObjectException If a database access error occurs. */ public void setQuerySoftware(jobmatch.data.SoftwareDO x, boolean exact) throws DataObjectException, QueryException { // Remove from cacheHits any DOs that do not meet this // setQuery requirement. for (int i = 0; i < cacheHits.size() && !hitDb; i++) { SoftwareCandidateDO DO = (SoftwareCandidateDO) cacheHits.elementAt(i); if (null == DO) continue; boolean equals = true; // DOs are compared by their handles.. jobmatch.data.SoftwareDO m = DO.getSoftware(); if (null == m && null == x) { equals = true; } else if (null == m || null == x) { equals = false; } else { equals = (DO.getSoftware().getOId().toString().equals(x.getOId().toString())); if (equals && m != x) { System.err.println("\n----------------------------------------------------------"); System.err.println("m =" + m); System.err.println("x =" + x); } } if (!equals) cacheHits.removeElementAt(i--); } // Also prepare the SQL needed to query the database // in case there is no cache, or the query involves other tables. if (partialCache || hitDb) builder.addWhereClause( "Software", x, "DECIMAL(19,0)", QueryBuilder.NOT_NULL, exactFlag(exact)); }
// Get a list of images that have been added, but not yet added into // the database. protected void doFlush() { SpyDB pdb = getDB(); Vector v = null; try { Connection db = pdb.getConn(); Statement st = db.createStatement(); String query = "select * from upload_log where stored is null"; ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(query); v = new Vector(); while (rs.next()) { v.addElement(rs.getString("photo_id")); } } catch (Exception e) { // Do nothing, we'll try again later. } finally { pdb.freeDBConn(); } // Got the vector, now store the actual images. This is done so // that we don't hold the database connection open whlie we're // making the list *and* getting another database connection to act // on it. if (v != null) { try { for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { String stmp = (String) v.elementAt(i); storeImage(Integer.valueOf(stmp).intValue()); } } catch (Exception e) { // Don't care, we'll try again soon. } } }
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException, ServletException { res.setContentType("text/html"); hs = req.getSession(true); PrintWriter pw = res.getWriter(); uid = req.getParameter("did"); if (!uid.equals("")) { v = D.getDealer(uid); pw.println( "<html><head><TITLE>Web-Enabled Automated Manufacturing System</TITLE><script language=javascript>function set() {"); pw.println( "document.deldealer.select1.value='" + (String) v.elementAt(4) + "'} </script></head><P align=center><FONT color=deepskyblue size=4><STRONG>MODIFY DEALER </STRONG></FONT></P> "); pw.println( "<body onLoad=set()><br><br><form name=deldealer method=post action='http://peers:8080/servlet/DelDealer'>"); pw.println( "<center><TABLE border=0 cellPadding=1 cellSpacing=1 width='75%' style='HEIGHT: 147px; WIDTH: 248px'>"); pw.println( "<TR><TD>DealerId </TD><TD><INPUT id=text1 name=did value=" + (String) v.elementAt(0) + "></TD></TR>"); pw.println( "<TR><TD>DealerName</TD><TD><INPUT id=text2 name=dname value=" + (String) v.elementAt(1) + " ></TD></TR><TR><TD>DealerAddress</TD>"); pw.println( "<TD><INPUT id=text2 type=text name=daddr value=" + (String) v.elementAt(2) + "></TD></TR><TR><TD>CreditLimit</TD><TD><INPUT id=text4 name=cl value=" + v.get(3).toString()); pw.println( "></TD></TR><TR><TD><P>Staus</P></TD><td><SELECT id=select1 name=status style='HEIGHT: 22px; LEFT: 1px; TOP: 1px; WIDTH: 136px'> <OPTION "); pw.println( "selected value=''></OPTION><OPTION value=Active>Active</OPTION><OPTION value=Inactive>Inactive</OPTION></SELECT><INPUT id=submit1 name=submit1 style='LEFT: 151px; TOP: 318px' type=submit value=Delete></TD></TR>"); pw.println("</table></center></form></body></html>"); pw.flush(); pw.close(); } }
private Connection getPooledConnection() throws Exception { Connection conn = null; int size = pool.size(); if (size > 0) { conn = (Connection) (pool.elementAt(0)); pool.removeElementAt(0); } else if (users < maxCon || maxCon == 0) { conn = createConnection(); } return conn; }
/** * Set the OID to query. WARNING! This method assumes that table <CODE>SoftwareCandidate</CODE> * has a column named <CODE>"oid"</CODE>. This method is called from the DO classes to retrieve an * object by id. * * @param oid The object id to query. */ public void setQueryOId(ObjectId oid) { // Remove from cacheHits any DOs that do not meet this // setQuery requirement. if (null == oid) return; requireUniqueInstance(); for (int i = 0; i < cacheHits.size(); i++) { SoftwareCandidateDO DO = (SoftwareCandidateDO) cacheHits.elementAt(i); if (null == DO) continue; boolean equals = true; ObjectId id = DO.getOId(); if (null == id || !id.equals(oid)) cacheHits.removeElementAt(i--); } // Also prepare the SQL needed to query the database // in case there is no cache, or the query involves other tables. builder.addWhereClause("oid", oid.toBigDecimal(), QueryBuilder.NOT_NULL); }
/** * Set the LeafNumber to query. * * @param x The LeafNumber of the OperatingsystemProfile to query. * @param exact to use matches or not * @exception DataObjectException If a database access error occurs. */ public void setQueryLeafNumber(int x, boolean exact) throws DataObjectException, QueryException { // Remove from cacheHits any DOs that do not meet this // setQuery requirement. for (int i = 0; i < cacheHits.size() && !hitDb; i++) { OperatingsystemProfileDO DO = (OperatingsystemProfileDO) cacheHits.elementAt(i); if (null == DO) continue; boolean equals = true; // primitive types are compared using the == operator. equals = (DO.getLeafNumber() == x); if (!equals) cacheHits.removeElementAt(i--); } // Also prepare the SQL needed to query the database // in case there is no cache, or the query involves other tables. if (partialCache || hitDb) builder.addWhereClause("LeafNumber", x, "INTEGER", QueryBuilder.NULL_OK, exactFlag(exact)); }
public CompositeData getNextEntry(Object[] indexObjects) { // User code starts here if (!agentName.initAlert()) return null; String previousKeys[] = {indexObjects[0].toString(), indexObjects[1].toString()}; String keys[] = getNextAlert(previousKeys); if (keys == null) return null; String source = keys[0]; // String ownerName = keys[1]; String entity = keys[1]; Alert alert1 = new Alert(); alert1.setSource(source); // alert1.setOwnerName(ownerName); alert1.setEntity(entity); Alert alert2 = new Alert(); alert2.setModTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); Vector alerts = null; try { alerts = agentName.alertAPI.getAlerts(alert1, alert2); if (alerts != null) return makeComData((Alert) alerts.elementAt(0)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } // User code ends here return null; }
private void _jspService( javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, com.caucho.jsp.PageContextImpl pageContext, javax.servlet.ServletContext application, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session, TagState _jsp_state) throws Throwable { javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); final javax.el.ELContext _jsp_env = pageContext.getELContext(); javax.servlet.ServletConfig config = getServletConfig(); javax.servlet.Servlet page = this; javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag _jsp_parent_tag = null; com.caucho.jsp.PageContextImpl _jsp_parentContext = pageContext; response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); out.write(_jsp_string0, 0, _jsp_string0.length); CP_Classes.EthnicGroup ethnic; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { ethnic = (CP_Classes.EthnicGroup) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("ethnic"); if (ethnic == null) { ethnic = new CP_Classes.EthnicGroup(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("ethnic", ethnic); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Login logchk; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { logchk = (CP_Classes.Login) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("logchk"); if (logchk == null) { logchk = new CP_Classes.Login(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("logchk", logchk); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Translate trans; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { trans = (CP_Classes.Translate) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("trans"); if (trans == null) { trans = new CP_Classes.Translate(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("trans", trans); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); // added to check whether organisation is a consulting company // Mark Oei 09 Mar 2010 out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Organization Org; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { Org = (CP_Classes.Organization) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("Org"); if (Org == null) { Org = new CP_Classes.Organization(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("Org", Org); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Create_Edit_Survey CE_Survey; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { CE_Survey = (CP_Classes.Create_Edit_Survey) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("CE_Survey"); if (CE_Survey == null) { CE_Survey = new CP_Classes.Create_Edit_Survey(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("CE_Survey", CE_Survey); } } out.write(_jsp_string2, 0, _jsp_string2.length); // by lydia Date 05/09/2008 Fix jsp file to support Thai language out.write(_jsp_string3, 0, _jsp_string3.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Delete Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string4, 0, _jsp_string4.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Edit Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string5, 0, _jsp_string5.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Please enter Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string6, 0, _jsp_string6.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Add Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string7, 0, _jsp_string7.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Please enter Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string8, 0, _jsp_string8.length); String username = (String) session.getAttribute("username"); if (!logchk.isUsable(username)) { out.write(_jsp_string9, 0, _jsp_string9.length); } else { if (request.getParameter("proceed") != null) { int PKOrg = new Integer(request.getParameter("proceed")).intValue(); logchk.setOrg(PKOrg); } if (request.getParameter("Delete") != null) { int Ethnic_ID = new Integer(request.getParameter("ethnic_ID")).intValue(); boolean bIsDeleted = ethnic.deleteRecord(Ethnic_ID, logchk.getPKUser()); if (bIsDeleted) { out.write(_jsp_string10, 0, _jsp_string10.length); } } if (request.getParameter("Edit") != null) { int Ethnic_ID = new Integer(request.getParameter("ethnic_ID")).intValue(); String txtEthnic = request.getParameter("txtEthnic"); boolean bIsEdited = ethnic.editRecord(Ethnic_ID, txtEthnic, logchk.getOrg(), logchk.getPKUser()); if (bIsEdited) { out.write(_jsp_string11, 0, _jsp_string11.length); } else { out.write(_jsp_string12, 0, _jsp_string12.length); } } if (request.getParameter("Add") != null) { String txtEthnic = request.getParameter("txtEthnic"); boolean bExist = ethnic.existRecord(txtEthnic, logchk.getOrg()); if (!bExist) { boolean bIsAdded = ethnic.addRecord(txtEthnic, logchk.getOrg(), logchk.getPKUser()); if (bIsAdded) { out.write(_jsp_string13, 0, _jsp_string13.length); } } else { out.write(_jsp_string14, 0, _jsp_string14.length); } } out.write(_jsp_string15, 0, _jsp_string15.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string16, 0, _jsp_string16.length); out.print((trans.tslt("To Add, click on the Add button"))); out.write(_jsp_string17, 0, _jsp_string17.length); out.print( (trans.tslt("To Edit, click on the relevant radio button and click on the Edit button"))); out.write(_jsp_string17, 0, _jsp_string17.length); out.print( (trans.tslt( "To Delete, click on the relevant radio button and click on the Delete button"))); out.write(_jsp_string18, 0, _jsp_string18.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Organisation"))); out.write(_jsp_string19, 0, _jsp_string19.length); // Added to check whether organisation is also a consulting company // if yes, will display a dropdown list of organisation managed by this company // else, it will display the current organisation only // Mark Oei 09 Mar 2010 String[] UserDetail = new String[14]; UserDetail = CE_Survey.getUserDetail(logchk.getPKUser()); boolean isConsulting = true; isConsulting = Org.isConsulting(UserDetail[10]); // check whether organisation is a consulting company if (isConsulting) { Vector vOrg = logchk.getOrgList(logchk.getCompany()); for (int i = 0; i < vOrg.size(); i++) { votblOrganization vo = (votblOrganization) vOrg.elementAt(i); int PKOrg = vo.getPKOrganization(); String OrgName = vo.getOrganizationName(); if (logchk.getOrg() == PKOrg) { out.write(_jsp_string20, 0, _jsp_string20.length); out.print((PKOrg)); out.write(_jsp_string21, 0, _jsp_string21.length); out.print((OrgName)); out.write(_jsp_string22, 0, _jsp_string22.length); } else { out.write(_jsp_string20, 0, _jsp_string20.length); out.print((PKOrg)); out.write('>'); out.print((OrgName)); out.write(_jsp_string22, 0, _jsp_string22.length); } } } else { out.write(_jsp_string23, 0, _jsp_string23.length); out.print((logchk.getSelfOrg())); out.write('>'); out.print((UserDetail[10])); out.write(_jsp_string24, 0, _jsp_string24.length); } // End of isConsulting out.write(_jsp_string25, 0, _jsp_string25.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string26, 0, _jsp_string26.length); /** ****************** Edited by James 17 Oct 2007 ********************** */ Vector v = ethnic.getAllEthnics(logchk.getOrg()); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { voEthnic vo = (voEthnic) v.elementAt(i); int ethnic_ID = vo.getPKEthnic(); String ethnic_Desc = vo.getEthnicDesc(); out.write(_jsp_string27, 0, _jsp_string27.length); out.print((ethnic_ID)); out.write(_jsp_string28, 0, _jsp_string28.length); out.print((ethnic_Desc)); out.write(_jsp_string29, 0, _jsp_string29.length); out.print((ethnic_Desc)); out.write(_jsp_string30, 0, _jsp_string30.length); } out.write(_jsp_string31, 0, _jsp_string31.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string32, 0, _jsp_string32.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Add"))); out.write(_jsp_string33, 0, _jsp_string33.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Edit"))); out.write(_jsp_string34, 0, _jsp_string34.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Delete"))); out.write(_jsp_string35, 0, _jsp_string35.length); } out.write(_jsp_string36, 0, _jsp_string36.length); // by lydia Date 05/09/2008 Fix jsp file to support Thai language out.write(_jsp_string37, 0, _jsp_string37.length); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); int year = c.get(Calendar.YEAR); out.write(_jsp_string38, 0, _jsp_string38.length); // Denise 05/01/2010 update new email address out.write(_jsp_string39, 0, _jsp_string39.length); out.print((year)); out.write(_jsp_string40, 0, _jsp_string40.length); }
public void updateDataTable() { for (int i = 0; i < dataAsli.size(); i++) { try { rowSet.absolute(new Integer(dataAsli.elementAt(i).toString())); if (rowSet.next()) { for (int ii = 0; ii < updateKolom.size(); ii++) { String temp = updateKolom.get(ii + ""); String data[] = temp.split("#"); int no = 0; try { no = Integer.parseInt(data[1].trim()); } catch (Exception e) { no = 0; } if (data[0].trim().toLowerCase().contains("u")) { if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("boolean")) { String value = ""; if (data[4].trim().toLowerCase().equals("int")) { if (getValueAt( new Integer(dataAsli.get(i).toString()), Integer.parseInt(data[1].trim())) .toString() .equals("true")) { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "1"; } else { value = "Y"; } } else { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "0"; } else { value = "N"; } } try { rowSet.updateInt(data[3].trim().toString(), Integer.parseInt(value)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { if (getValueAt( new Integer(dataAsli.get(i).toString()), Integer.parseInt(data[1].trim())) .toString() .equals("true")) { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "1"; } else { value = "Y"; } } else { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "0"; } else { value = "N"; } } try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("date")) { String value = ""; java.util.Date dd = (java.util.Date) getValueAt(new Integer(dataAsli.get(i).toString()), no); if (data[4].equals("dd-MM-yyyy")) { value = Function.dateToString(dd); } else if (data[4].equals("MM-yyyy")) { value = Function.monthToString(dd); } else if (data[4].equals("yyyy")) { // value = Function.yearToDate(sql); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Belom Support"); } try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("string") || data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("numeric")) { String value = ""; String data1 = data[1].trim(); if (data1 == null || data1.equals("")) { data1 = "0"; } try { value = getValueAt(new Integer(dataAsli.get(i).toString()), no).toString(); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); try { value = getValueAt(new Integer(dataAsli.get(i).toString()), no).toString(); } catch (Exception ee) { value = ""; // e.printStackTrace(); } } if (data[4].trim().toLowerCase().equals("int")) { try { if (value.trim().equals("")) { value = "0"; } rowSet.updateLong(data[3].trim().toString(), Long.parseLong(value.trim())); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("combo")) { String value = ""; value = Function.getValueFromCell( data[5].trim(), getValueAt(new Integer(dataAsli.get(i).toString()), no).toString().trim()); if (data[4].trim().toLowerCase().equals("int")) { try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } rowSet.updateRow(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
private void _jspService( javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, com.caucho.jsp.PageContextImpl pageContext, javax.servlet.ServletContext application, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session, TagState _jsp_state) throws Throwable { javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); final javax.el.ELContext _jsp_env = pageContext.getELContext(); javax.servlet.ServletConfig config = getServletConfig(); javax.servlet.Servlet page = this; javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag _jsp_parent_tag = null; com.caucho.jsp.PageContextImpl _jsp_parentContext = pageContext; response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); out.write(_jsp_string0, 0, _jsp_string0.length); CP_Classes.Login logchk; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { logchk = (CP_Classes.Login) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("logchk"); if (logchk == null) { logchk = new CP_Classes.Login(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("logchk", logchk); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Create_Edit_Survey CE_Survey; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { CE_Survey = (CP_Classes.Create_Edit_Survey) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("CE_Survey"); if (CE_Survey == null) { CE_Survey = new CP_Classes.Create_Edit_Survey(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("CE_Survey", CE_Survey); } } out.write(_jsp_string2, 0, _jsp_string2.length); CP_Classes.Translate trans; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { trans = (CP_Classes.Translate) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("trans"); if (trans == null) { trans = new CP_Classes.Translate(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("trans", trans); } } out.write(_jsp_string2, 0, _jsp_string2.length); CP_Classes.RatingTask RT; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { RT = (CP_Classes.RatingTask) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("RT"); if (RT == null) { RT = new CP_Classes.RatingTask(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("RT", RT); } } out.write(_jsp_string2, 0, _jsp_string2.length); CP_Classes.RatingScale RS; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { RS = (CP_Classes.RatingScale) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("RS"); if (RS == null) { RS = new CP_Classes.RatingScale(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("RS", RS); } } out.write(_jsp_string2, 0, _jsp_string2.length); CP_Classes.Purpose PRP; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { PRP = (CP_Classes.Purpose) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("PRP"); if (PRP == null) { PRP = new CP_Classes.Purpose(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("PRP", PRP); } } out.write(_jsp_string2, 0, _jsp_string2.length); CP_Classes.SurveyRating SVR; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { SVR = (CP_Classes.SurveyRating) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("SVR"); if (SVR == null) { SVR = new CP_Classes.SurveyRating(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("SVR", SVR); } } out.write(_jsp_string3, 0, _jsp_string3.length); // by lydia Date 05/09/2008 Fix jsp file to support Thai language out.write(_jsp_string4, 0, _jsp_string4.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Please choose a rating task"))); out.write(_jsp_string5, 0, _jsp_string5.length); response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.setDateHeader("expires", 0); String username = (String) session.getAttribute("username"); if (!logchk.isUsable(username)) { out.write(_jsp_string6, 0, _jsp_string6.length); } else { if (request.getParameter("purpose") != null) { int var1 = new Integer(request.getParameter("purpose")).intValue(); CE_Survey.setPurpose(var1); System.out.println("Purpose ID" + var1); } else { // Edited by Eric Lu 22/5/08 // Resets purpose if first time accessing this page CE_Survey.setPurpose(0); } if (request.getParameter("add") != null) { String rating = ""; String scale = ""; boolean RequiredChosen = false; String[] chkSelect = new String[10]; String[] ScaleDesc = new String[10]; String[] radioSelect = new String[10]; int SurveyID = CE_Survey.getSurvey_ID(); ScaleDesc = request.getParameterValues("selScaleDesc"); chkSelect = request.getParameterValues("chkRat"); radioSelect = request.getParameterValues("radioRat"); int count = 0; // count shifted, Mark Oei 16 April 2010 /*------------------------------------------------- for checkbox ------------------------------------------------*/ // Changed by Ha 28/05/09 to pop out message when action is done successfully if (chkSelect != null) { boolean added = false; count = 0; // change to declare variable outside if statement, Mark Oei 16 April 2010 for (int i = 0; i < chkSelect.length; i++) { rating = chkSelect[i]; if (rating != null) { String RatName = " "; RatName = RT.getRatingTask(Integer.parseInt(rating)); ScaleDesc = new String[10]; ScaleDesc = request.getParameterValues("selScaleDesc" + rating); for (int j = 0; j < ScaleDesc.length; j++) { scale = ScaleDesc[j]; CE_Survey.editPurpose(SurveyID, CE_Survey.getPurpose()); added = CE_Survey.addRating(SurveyID, scale, rating, RatName); if (added) count++; } } } // Added to insert default values into database when rating tasks are added // Mark Oei 16 April 2010 int lLimit = 0; int uLimit = 0; int scaleRange = CE_Survey.getRatScale(); int taskCount = (Integer) session.getAttribute("taskCount") + count; if ((taskCount == 1 && Integer.parseInt(rating) == 1)) { lLimit = scaleRange / 2 - 1; uLimit = scaleRange / 2 + 1; } else { lLimit = -1; uLimit = 1; } boolean isSuccessful = CE_Survey.setMinPassScore(SurveyID, lLimit, uLimit); if (isSuccessful) { System.out.println( "Default Limits " + lLimit + ", " + uLimit + " has been inserted successfully"); } if (count == chkSelect.length) { out.write(_jsp_string7, 0, _jsp_string7.length); } } /*-------------------------------------------------------- for radiobox ----------------------------------------------*/ rating = ""; if (radioSelect != null) { for (int i = 0; i < radioSelect.length; i++) { rating = radioSelect[i]; if (rating != null) { String RatName = RT.getRatingTask(Integer.parseInt(rating)); ScaleDesc = new String[10]; ScaleDesc = request.getParameterValues("selScaleDesc" + rating); for (int j = 0; j < ScaleDesc.length; j++) { scale = ScaleDesc[j]; CE_Survey.addRating(SurveyID, scale, rating, RatName); } } } } out.write(_jsp_string8, 0, _jsp_string8.length); } out.write(_jsp_string9, 0, _jsp_string9.length); out.print((trans.tslt("To Select Rating Task, checked on the provided boxes under Select"))); out.write(_jsp_string10, 0, _jsp_string10.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Purpose of Survey"))); out.write(_jsp_string11, 0, _jsp_string11.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Choose one"))); out.write(_jsp_string12, 0, _jsp_string12.length); Vector v = PRP.getAllPurpose(); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { votblPurpose vo = (votblPurpose) v.elementAt(i); int PurposeID = vo.getPurposeID(); String PurposeName = vo.getPurposeName(); if (CE_Survey.getPurpose() == PurposeID) { out.write(_jsp_string13, 0, _jsp_string13.length); out.print((PurposeID)); out.write(_jsp_string14, 0, _jsp_string14.length); out.print((PurposeName)); out.write(_jsp_string12, 0, _jsp_string12.length); } else { out.write(_jsp_string15, 0, _jsp_string15.length); out.print((PurposeID)); out.write('>'); out.print((PurposeName)); out.write(_jsp_string12, 0, _jsp_string12.length); } } out.write(_jsp_string16, 0, _jsp_string16.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Scale Range Chosen"))); out.write(_jsp_string17, 0, _jsp_string17.length); out.print((CE_Survey.getRatScale())); out.write(_jsp_string18, 0, _jsp_string18.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Rating Task"))); out.write(_jsp_string19, 0, _jsp_string19.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Select"))); out.write(_jsp_string20, 0, _jsp_string20.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Rating Task"))); out.write(_jsp_string21, 0, _jsp_string21.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Scale Description"))); out.write(_jsp_string22, 0, _jsp_string22.length); String query2 = ""; boolean dunAddPR = false; int iRatingTaskID = SVR.getRatingTaskID(CE_Survey.getSurvey_ID()); if (iRatingTaskID != 0) dunAddPR = true; boolean anyRecord = false; boolean anyscale = false; Vector vRT = RT.getRatingTask(CE_Survey.getSurvey_ID(), dunAddPR, CE_Survey.getPurpose()); for (int i = 0; i < vRT.size(); i++) { anyRecord = true; votblRatingTask vo = (votblRatingTask) vRT.elementAt(i); int RatID = vo.getRatingTaskID(); String RatName = vo.getRatingTask(); String ScaleType = vo.getScaleType(); out.write(_jsp_string23, 0, _jsp_string23.length); if (CE_Survey.getPurpose() != 9) { out.write(_jsp_string24, 0, _jsp_string24.length); out.print((RatID)); out.write(_jsp_string25, 0, _jsp_string25.length); } else { if (RatID != 2 && RatID != 3) { out.write(_jsp_string26, 0, _jsp_string26.length); out.print((RatID)); out.write(_jsp_string27, 0, _jsp_string27.length); } else { out.write(_jsp_string28, 0, _jsp_string28.length); out.print((RatID)); out.write(_jsp_string29, 0, _jsp_string29.length); } } out.write(_jsp_string30, 0, _jsp_string30.length); out.print((RatName)); out.write(_jsp_string31, 0, _jsp_string31.length); out.print(("selScaleDesc" + RatID)); out.write(_jsp_string32, 0, _jsp_string32.length); Vector vScale = RS.getRatingScale(CE_Survey.getRatScale(), ScaleType, CE_Survey.get_survOrg()); for (int j = 0; j < vScale.size(); j++) { votblScale voS = (votblScale) vScale.elementAt(j); anyscale = true; int ScaleID = voS.getScaleID(); String ScaleDesc = voS.getScaleDescription(); out.write(_jsp_string33, 0, _jsp_string33.length); out.print((ScaleID)); out.write('>'); out.print((ScaleDesc)); out.write(_jsp_string34, 0, _jsp_string34.length); } out.write(_jsp_string35, 0, _jsp_string35.length); } if (anyRecord == false && CE_Survey.getPurpose() != 0) { out.write(_jsp_string36, 0, _jsp_string36.length); out.print( (trans.tslt("All the rating tasks under this purpose of survey have been added"))); out.write(_jsp_string37, 0, _jsp_string37.length); } out.write(_jsp_string38, 0, _jsp_string38.length); if (anyRecord && anyscale) { out.write(_jsp_string39, 0, _jsp_string39.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Add"))); out.write(_jsp_string40, 0, _jsp_string40.length); } out.write(_jsp_string41, 0, _jsp_string41.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Close"))); out.write(_jsp_string42, 0, _jsp_string42.length); } out.write(_jsp_string43, 0, _jsp_string43.length); }
private void _jspService( javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, com.caucho.jsp.PageContextImpl pageContext, javax.servlet.ServletContext application, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session, TagState _jsp_state) throws Throwable { javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); final javax.el.ELContext _jsp_env = pageContext.getELContext(); javax.servlet.ServletConfig config = getServletConfig(); javax.servlet.Servlet page = this; javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag _jsp_parent_tag = null; com.caucho.jsp.PageContextImpl _jsp_parentContext = pageContext; response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); // Author: Dai Yong in June 2013 out.write(_jsp_string0, 0, _jsp_string0.length); CP_Classes.Database Database; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { Database = (CP_Classes.Database) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("Database"); if (Database == null) { Database = new CP_Classes.Database(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("Database", Database); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Login logchk; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { logchk = (CP_Classes.Login) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("logchk"); if (logchk == null) { logchk = new CP_Classes.Login(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("logchk", logchk); } } out.write(_jsp_string2, 0, _jsp_string2.length); Coach.LoginStatus LoginStatus; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { LoginStatus = (Coach.LoginStatus) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("LoginStatus"); if (LoginStatus == null) { LoginStatus = new Coach.LoginStatus(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("LoginStatus", LoginStatus); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); Coach.Coach Coach; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { Coach = (Coach.Coach) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("Coach"); if (Coach == null) { Coach = new Coach.Coach(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("Coach", Coach); } } out.write(_jsp_string3, 0, _jsp_string3.length); String username = (String) session.getAttribute("username"); if (!logchk.isUsable(username)) { out.write(_jsp_string4, 0, _jsp_string4.length); } else { if (request.getParameter("add") != null) { if (request.getParameter("Name") != null) { String name = request.getParameter("Name"); String link = ""; if (request.getParameter("Link") != "") { link = request.getParameter("Link"); } // check whether SlotGroup name already exists in database Boolean Exist = false; Vector v = Coach.getAllCoach(); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { voCoach vo = (voCoach) v.elementAt(i); String coachName = vo.getCoachName(); // System.out.println("Existing Schedule Name:"+slotGroupName); if (name.trim().equalsIgnoreCase((coachName.trim()))) { Exist = true; System.out.println("Same Coach Name"); } } if (!Exist) { try { boolean add = Coach.addCoach(name, link); if (add) { out.write(_jsp_string5, 0, _jsp_string5.length); } else { } } catch (Exception SE) { System.out.println(SE); } } else { out.write(_jsp_string6, 0, _jsp_string6.length); } } } out.write(_jsp_string7, 0, _jsp_string7.length); } out.write(_jsp_string8, 0, _jsp_string8.length); }
/** * This is the main controller logic for item selection servlet. This determines whether to show a * list of items for a WorkOrder, add a item, edit a item's detail information, or delete a item. * The product_action parameter is past to this servlet to determine what action to perform. The * product_action parameter is a button defined by JSPs related to product presentation screens. * * <p>The default action is to show all product related to a parent WorkOrder. * * @param req HttpServlet request * @param resp HttpServlet response */ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { WorkOrderDetailRemote workorderdetEJBean = null; securityChecks(req, resp); // Get the current session HttpSession session = req.getSession(false); if (session == null) return; String sTmp = ""; // Get a new business logic EJB (custInfoEJBean) USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("getting buslogic EJB", this, null); try { workorderdetEJBean = workorderdetHome.create(); USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("EJBean Created", this, null); } catch (CreateException e) { String errorMsg = "Critical Exception in ItemsServlet"; USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg + " failed EJB creation", this, e); errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg); return; } catch (RemoteException e) { String errorMsg = "Critical Exception in ItemsServlet"; USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg + " failed EJB connect", this, e); errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg); return; } catch (Exception e) { String errorMsg = "Critical Exception no EJB created"; USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg + " failed EJB creation", this, e); errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg); return; } try { // Button user pressed in the itemselection.jsp String sJSPAction = req.getParameter("product_action"); USFEnv.getLog().writeWarn("product_action from JSP: " + sJSPAction, this, null); short year = Short.valueOf((String) session.getValue("Iyear")).shortValue(); long customerId = Long.valueOf((String) session.getValue("rcustId")).longValue(); long applicationId = Long.valueOf((String) session.getValue("rappid")).longValue(); long workorderId = 0; long bkId = 0; long billkeyId = 0; long bsId = 0; long wodId = 0; String editflag = ""; String bsNm = ""; java.sql.Date strtDate = null; java.sql.Date endDate = null; String prodError = ""; // Check to make sure session does have an WorkOrder ID if (session.getValue("WorkOrderId") != null) { // If Yes get the parent WorkOrder ID from session workorderId = Long.valueOf((String) session.getValue("WorkOrderId")).longValue(); } // Button Action from JSP is empty then show the Default page of the // Product Listing. if (USFUtil.isBlank(sJSPAction)) { USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Display product list for FRN.", this, null); // list items for parent Work Order Number Vector billingsystems = null; WrkOrdrDets workorderdets = new WrkOrdrDets(); billingsystems = workorderdets.getBillingSystems(); req.setAttribute("BillingSystems", billingsystems); for (int s = 0; s < billingsystems.size(); s++) USFEnv.getLog() .writeDebug("INSIDE BILLING SYSTEMS " + billingsystems.elementAt(s), this, null); listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp); return; } // Button action from JSP is to Add a new Item else if (sJSPAction.equals("add")) { // Remove the Product Object from session session.removeValue("prodObj"); editflag = "addnew"; req.setAttribute("editflag", editflag); // Read the Item and the Billing System for adding the New // Item. String formProdBsId = (String) req.getParameter("formProdId"); String formProdId = formProdBsId.substring(0, formProdBsId.indexOf("|")); String formProdName = formProdBsId.substring(formProdBsId.indexOf("|") + 1); long rscId = (new Long(formProdId).longValue()); // bsId = (new Long( formBsId ).longValue()) ; String billSystem = formProdName.substring(0, formProdName.indexOf("-")); String itemName = formProdName.substring(formProdName.indexOf("-") + 1); BlgSys blgSys = new BlgSys(); bsId = blgSys.getBsId(billSystem); // Create db connection for EJB workorderdetEJBean.connect(); // Get the WorkOrder Object. WorkOrder woObj = workorderdetEJBean.getWorkOrderInfo(workorderId); // Get the list of Billing Keys for the Billing System. String[] blgKeys = workorderdetEJBean.getBillingKeys(customerId, bsId); // Release db connection for EJB workorderdetEJBean.release(); // If no Billing Keys for the Billing System selected then redirect // to the List Items screen and show the error Message. if (blgKeys == null) { BlgSys blgsys = new BlgSys(); Hashtable bSysList = (Hashtable) blgsys.searchBlgSys(); // Hashtable bSysList = (Hashtable) USFEnv.getBillSystems(); // Set the JSP error message req.setAttribute("errorMsg", "No BTNs for Billing System " + billSystem); // list products for parent WorkOrder Number listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp); return; } req.setAttribute("prodcredit", "N"); req.setAttribute("bsystem", String.valueOf(bsId)); req.setAttribute("bkList", blgKeys); req.setAttribute("prodId", formProdId); String wid = String.valueOf(workorderId); session.putValue("workorderId", wid); req.setAttribute("billingsystem", billSystem); req.setAttribute("itemname", itemName); // Include the JSP to Edit Product includeJSP(req, resp, ITEM_JSP_PATH, "editItem"); return; } // Button action from JSP is to Edit a Product else if (sJSPAction.equals("edit")) { String bsysid = req.getParameter("bsId"); session.putValue("bysysidforedit", bsysid); wodId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("wodId"))).longValue(); // bkId = (new Long( (String) req.getParameter("bkId"))).longValue() ; session.putValue("workorderdetid", String.valueOf(wodId)); bsId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("bsId"))).longValue(); BlgSys blgSys = new BlgSys(); bsNm = blgSys.getBsName(bsId); // Create db connection for EJB workorderdetEJBean.connect(); // WorkOrder woObj = workorderdetEJBean.getWorkOrderInfo(workorderId); // Get the WorkOrder Number Object WrkOrdrDets wodets_obj = new WrkOrdrDets(); wodets_obj = workorderdetEJBean.getProductInfo(wodId); // Get the List of Billing Keys for the Billing System. String[] blgKeys = workorderdetEJBean.getBillingKeys(customerId, bsId); // Check if the Item has any Credits. If any credits then Billing // Key is not Editable else Editable. if (workorderdetEJBean.hasCredits(wodId)) { req.setAttribute("prodcredit", "Y"); } else { req.setAttribute("prodcredit", "N"); } // Release db connection for EJB workorderdetEJBean.release(); // If Item Object is not null (which generally is the case) then // set the Attributes for the JSP. if (wodets_obj != null) { // Put the Item Object in session editflag = "edit"; session.putValue("wodets", wodets_obj); req.setAttribute("editflag", editflag); // Set the attributes for the Billing System, Billing Key List, req.setAttribute("bkList", blgKeys); req.setAttribute("bsname", bsNm); // Include the JSP to Edit the Item. includeJSP(req, resp, ITEM_JSP_PATH, "editItem"); return; } // If Item Object is null (which generally should not Occur) show // the Default page of Item List for the WorkOrder Number else { // Set the JSP error message req.setAttribute( "errorMsg", "Product Key - " + wodId + " Information not available in the Data Base"); // list items for parent WorkOrder Number listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp); return; } } // Button action from JSP is to Delete an Item else if (sJSPAction.equals("delete")) { String formWodId = req.getParameter("wodId"); wodId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("wodId"))).longValue(); // Create db connection for EJB workorderdetEJBean.connect(); // Delete the Item if (workorderdetEJBean.deleteProduct(wodId)) { req.setAttribute("errorMsg", "Product Key - " + wodId + " Deleted"); } else { req.setAttribute( "errorMsg", "Deletion Failed. Product Key - " + wodId + " is associated with amounts."); } // Release db connection for EJB workorderdetEJBean.release(); // Show the Item List screen listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp); return; } // Button action from JSP is to Save a Product. This includes Insertion // of New Product or Updation of an Existing Product. else if (sJSPAction.equals("save")) { boolean save = false; boolean newProd = false; // long qty=0; // Read the Billing System Id String formBsId = (String) req.getParameter("bs_id"); String bsysid = (String) req.getParameter("bsysid"); /* String trans_type = (String) req.getParameter("trans_type"); //String quantity = (String) req.getParameter("qty"); String quantity=""; if (!(req.getParameter("qty").equals(""))) { quantity=(String) req.getParameter("qty"); qty = (new Long(quantity).longValue()); } */ String prod_stat = (String) req.getParameter("prod_stat"); double nrcg_dscnt = (new Double((String) req.getParameter("NonRecurringDiscount"))).doubleValue(); double rcg_dscnt = (new Double((String) req.getParameter("RecurringDiscount"))).doubleValue(); String start_month = (String) req.getParameter("strt_month"); String start_day = (String) req.getParameter("strt_day"); String start_year = (String) req.getParameter("strt_year"); String end_month = (String) req.getParameter("end_month"); String end_day = (String) req.getParameter("end_day"); String end_year = (String) req.getParameter("end_year"); String start_date = start_month + "-" + start_day + "-" + start_year; String end_date = end_month + "-" + end_day + "-" + end_year; long wrkordrid = (new Long((String) session.getValue("WorkOrderId"))).longValue(); String for_editing = req.getParameter("for_editing"); String for_new = req.getParameter("for_new"); String formBkId = (String) req.getParameter("bk_id"); String formBKId = formBkId.substring(0, formBkId.indexOf("|")); String formBTN = formBkId.substring(formBkId.indexOf("|") + 1); billkeyId = (new Long(formBKId)).longValue(); try { bsId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("bs_id"))).longValue(); } catch (Exception e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Exception is " + e, this, null); } RHCCBlgKeys blgkeys = new RHCCBlgKeys(); if (for_editing.equals("editing")) { blgkeys.setRbkId(billkeyId); blgkeys.setRbkKeys(formBTN); blgkeys.setBsId(new Long(bsysid).longValue()); } if (for_new.equals("new")) { blgkeys.setRbkId(billkeyId); blgkeys.setRbkKeys(formBTN); blgkeys.setBsId(bsId); } int index = 0; WrkOrdrDets wod_obj = new WrkOrdrDets(); // wod_obj.setTxTyp(trans_type); // wod_obj.setQty(qty); wod_obj.setNonRcrgDscnt(nrcg_dscnt); wod_obj.setRcrgDscnt(rcg_dscnt); wod_obj.setRBKID(billkeyId); wod_obj.setWodStat(prod_stat); wod_obj.setWOID(wrkordrid); if (!(start_date.equals(""))) { strtDate = new java.sql.Date((new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy")).parse(start_date).getTime()); wod_obj.setStrtDat(strtDate); } // Else if the Start Date is null update the Item Object Date to // null else { wod_obj.setStrtDat(null); } // If Item Service End Date is not null read the date and update // the Item Object with the date if (!(end_date.equals(""))) { endDate = new java.sql.Date((new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy")).parse(end_date).getTime()); wod_obj.setEndDat(endDate); } // Else if the End Date is null update the Item Object Date to null else { wod_obj.setEndDat(null); } // Check if the Start Date is after the End Date or equals End Date if ((strtDate != null) && (endDate != null) && (strtDate.after(endDate))) { prodError = "Product Service Start Date is after Product Service End Date. \n"; index = 1; } else if ((strtDate != null) && (endDate != null) && (strtDate.equals(endDate))) { prodError = "Product Service Start Date equals Product Service End Date. \n"; } workorderdetEJBean.connect(); if (for_editing.equals("editing")) { long workorderdetID = (new Long((String) session.getValue("workorderdetid"))).longValue(); wod_obj.setWODID(workorderdetID); if (index == 0) { save = workorderdetEJBean.saveProduct(wod_obj); } if (save) { prodError = prodError + "<BR> Product Key - " + wod_obj.getWODID() + " Information updated"; req.setAttribute("error", prodError); } else { prodError = prodError + "<BR> Failed to update Product Information"; req.setAttribute("error", prodError); } } if (for_new.equals("new")) { if (index == 0) { int prodId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("prod_Id")); wod_obj.setProd_id(prodId); save = workorderdetEJBean.saveProduct(wod_obj); } if (save) { prodError = prodError + "<BR> Product Key - " + wod_obj.getWODID() + " Information Saved"; req.setAttribute("error", prodError); } else { prodError = prodError + "<BR> Failed to Save Product Information"; req.setAttribute("error", prodError); } } workorderdetEJBean.release(); listProducts(wrkordrid, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp); } } // End of try block catch (Exception e) { if (workorderdetEJBean != null) { // calling bean release method try { workorderdetEJBean.release(); } catch (Exception ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(" Exception in calling release() method ", this, e); } } String errorMsg = "Processing Exception in Items Servlet: "; USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg, this, e); errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg); } // End of catch block } // end of doPost()
/** Method declaration */ private void refreshTree() { tTree.removeAll(); try { int color_table = Color.yellow.getRGB(); int color_column = Color.orange.getRGB(); int color_index = Color.red.getRGB(); tTree.addRow("", dMeta.getURL(), "-", 0); String usertables[] = {"TABLE"}; ResultSet result = dMeta.getTables(null, null, null, usertables); Vector tables = new Vector(); // sqlbob@users Added remarks. Vector remarks = new Vector(); while (result.next()) { tables.addElement(result.getString(3)); remarks.addElement(result.getString(5)); } result.close(); for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) { String name = (String) tables.elementAt(i); String key = "tab-" + name + "-"; tTree.addRow(key, name, "+", color_table); // sqlbob@users Added remarks. String remark = (String) remarks.elementAt(i); if ((remark != null) && !remark.trim().equals("")) { tTree.addRow(key + "r", " " + remark); } ResultSet col = dMeta.getColumns(null, null, name, null); while (col.next()) { String c = col.getString(4); String k1 = key + "col-" + c + "-"; tTree.addRow(k1, c, "+", color_column); String type = col.getString(6); tTree.addRow(k1 + "t", "Type: " + type); boolean nullable = col.getInt(11) != DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls; tTree.addRow(k1 + "n", "Nullable: " + nullable); } col.close(); tTree.addRow(key + "ind", "Indices", "+", 0); ResultSet ind = dMeta.getIndexInfo(null, null, name, false, false); String oldiname = null; while (ind.next()) { boolean nonunique = ind.getBoolean(4); String iname = ind.getString(6); String k2 = key + "ind-" + iname + "-"; if ((oldiname == null || !oldiname.equals(iname))) { tTree.addRow(k2, iname, "+", color_index); tTree.addRow(k2 + "u", "Unique: " + !nonunique); oldiname = iname; } String c = ind.getString(9); tTree.addRow(k2 + "c-" + c + "-", c); } ind.close(); } tTree.addRow("p", "Properties", "+", 0); tTree.addRow("pu", "User: "******"pr", "ReadOnly: " + cConn.isReadOnly()); tTree.addRow("pa", "AutoCommit: " + cConn.getAutoCommit()); tTree.addRow("pd", "Driver: " + dMeta.getDriverName()); tTree.addRow("pp", "Product: " + dMeta.getDatabaseProductName()); tTree.addRow("pv", "Version: " + dMeta.getDatabaseProductVersion()); } catch (SQLException e) { tTree.addRow("", "Error getting metadata:", "-", 0); tTree.addRow("-", e.getMessage()); tTree.addRow("-", e.getSQLState()); } tTree.update(); }
/** INTERNAL: Conform the result if specified. */ protected Object conformResult( Object result, UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork, AbstractRecord arguments, boolean buildDirectlyFromRows) { if (getSelectionCriteria() != null) { ExpressionBuilder builder = getSelectionCriteria().getBuilder(); builder.setSession(unitOfWork.getRootSession(null)); builder.setQueryClass(getReferenceClass()); } // If the query is redirected then the collection returned might no longer // correspond to the original container policy. CR#2342-S.M. ContainerPolicy cp; if (getRedirector() != null) { cp = ContainerPolicy.buildPolicyFor(result.getClass()); } else { cp = getContainerPolicy(); } // This code is now a great deal different... For one, registration is done // as part of conforming. Also, this should only be called if one actually // is conforming. // First scan the UnitOfWork for conforming instances. // This will walk through the entire cache of registered objects. // Let p be objects from result not in the cache. // Let c be objects from cache. // Presently p intersect c = empty set, but later p subset c. // By checking cache now doesConform will be called p fewer times. Map indexedInterimResult = unitOfWork.scanForConformingInstances( getSelectionCriteria(), getReferenceClass(), arguments, this); Cursor cursor = null; // In the case of cursors just conform/register the initially read collection. if (cp.isCursorPolicy()) { cursor = (Cursor) result; cp = ContainerPolicy.buildPolicyFor(ClassConstants.Vector_class); // In nested UnitOfWork session might have been session of the parent. cursor.setSession(unitOfWork); result = cursor.getObjectCollection(); // for later incremental conforming... cursor.setInitiallyConformingIndex(indexedInterimResult); cursor.setSelectionCriteriaClone(getSelectionCriteria()); cursor.setTranslationRow(arguments); } // Now conform the result from the database. // Remove any deleted or changed objects that no longer conform. // Deletes will only work for simple queries, queries with or's or anyof's may not return // correct results when untriggered indirection is in the model. Vector fromDatabase = null; // When building directly from rows, one of the performance benefits // is that we no longer have to wrap and then unwrap the originals. // result is just a vector, not a container of wrapped originals. if (buildDirectlyFromRows) { Vector rows = (Vector) result; fromDatabase = new Vector(rows.size()); for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) { Object object = rows.elementAt(i); // null is placed in the row collection for 1-m joining to filter duplicate rows. if (object != null) { Object clone = conformIndividualResult( object, unitOfWork, arguments, getSelectionCriteria(), indexedInterimResult, buildDirectlyFromRows); if (clone != null) { fromDatabase.addElement(clone); } } } } else { fromDatabase = new Vector(cp.sizeFor(result)); AbstractSession sessionToUse = unitOfWork.getParent(); for (Object iter = cp.iteratorFor(result); cp.hasNext(iter); ) { Object object = cp.next(iter, sessionToUse); Object clone = conformIndividualResult( object, unitOfWork, arguments, getSelectionCriteria(), indexedInterimResult, buildDirectlyFromRows); if (clone != null) { fromDatabase.addElement(clone); } } } // Now add the unwrapped conforming instances into an appropriate container. // Wrapping is done automatically. // Make sure a vector of exactly the right size is returned. Object conformedResult = cp.containerInstance(indexedInterimResult.size() + fromDatabase.size()); Object eachClone; for (Iterator enumtr = indexedInterimResult.values().iterator(); enumtr.hasNext(); ) { eachClone = enumtr.next(); cp.addInto(eachClone, conformedResult, unitOfWork); } for (Enumeration enumtr = fromDatabase.elements(); enumtr.hasMoreElements(); ) { eachClone = enumtr.nextElement(); cp.addInto(eachClone, conformedResult, unitOfWork); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.setObjectCollection((Vector) conformedResult); // For nested UOW must copy all in object collection to // initiallyConformingIndex, as some of these could have been from // the parent UnitOfWork. if (unitOfWork.isNestedUnitOfWork()) { for (Enumeration enumtr = cursor.getObjectCollection().elements(); enumtr.hasMoreElements(); ) { Object clone = enumtr.nextElement(); indexedInterimResult.put(clone, clone); } } return cursor; } else { return conformedResult; } }
public void start2() { wm = new double[20][Data.windows_size]; String QueryKinasesName = "%" + Data.kinease + "%"; // data.code = data.codenames[3]; String QueryCodeName = Data.code; int windows_size = Data.windows_size; // int windows_size = 9; int shift = windows_size / 2; try { { shift = windows_size / 2; // establish connection to database String ACC = null; String SEQUENCE = null; String KINASES = null; String LIKE = "LIKE"; // int POSITION = 0; // int index = 0; String temp = null; // int numtemp = 0; // int LENGTH = (int) 0; // int count = 0; double[] totalAAcount = new double[windows_size]; double weightmatrix[][] = new double[windows_size][128]; // windowssize;aa; /// fout.println("#"+statementquery1); int seqsize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pwmseq.size(); i++) { String posseq = pwmseq.elementAt(i).toString(); seqsize = posseq.length(); { for (int j = 0; j < seqsize; j++) { weightmatrix[j][posseq.charAt(j)]++; } // possequence.addElement(posseq); } } // end while char[] aaMap = { 'A', 'R', 'N', 'D', 'C', 'Q', 'E', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'L', 'K', 'M', 'F', 'P', 'S', 'T', 'W', 'Y', 'V', 'X' }; double[] expmatrix = { 0.0701313443873091, 0.0582393695201718, 0.0359362961736045, 0.0520743144385134, 0.0172010453343506, 0.0498574962335004, 0.0796465136978452, 0.0624720283551962, 0.0241405228512130, 0.0416989778376737, 0.0934441156861220, 0.0632334844952389, 0.0213293464067050, 0.0324554733241482, 0.0651181982370858, 0.0881672518230193, 0.0524630941595624, 0.0101093184162382, 0.0244701177088640, 0.0578116909136386 }; // double[] aaMapfreq = new double[windows_size]; double freq = 0; for (int j = 0; j < weightmatrix.length; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < aaMap.length - 1; i++) { totalAAcount[j] += weightmatrix[j][aaMap[i]]; } } for (int i = 0; i < aaMap.length - 1; i++) { // profilefout.print(aaMap[i]); for (int j = 0; j < windows_size; j++) { freq = ((weightmatrix[j][aaMap[i]] + 0.05) / (totalAAcount[j] + 1)); wm[i][j] = Math.log10((freq / expmatrix[i])) / Math.log10(2.0); // profilefout.print(","+aaMapfreq[i]); } // profilefout.println(); } // fout.close(); // profilefout.close(); } } // end try catch (NullPointerException nullpointerException) { nullpointerException.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ex) { } finally { // ensure statement and connection are closed properly try { } catch (Exception exception) { // end try exception.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } // end catch } // end finally } // end main
/** * Perform the query on the database, and prepare the array of returned DO objects. * * @exception DataObjectException If a database access error occurs. * @exception NonUniqueQueryException If too many rows were found. */ private void runQuery() throws DataObjectException, NonUniqueQueryException { needToRun = false; arrayIndex = -1; DBQuery dbQuery = null; try { Vector results; /* if ( cacheHits.size() > 0 ) { // The setQuery methods build up the cacheHits. // If the cache had our desired objects, // we don't query the database, so we have no ResultSet. results = cacheHits; // executeQuery saw cache hits } else { // If the cache doesn't exist, or could not handle the query, // then we actually query the database. dbQuery = Enhydra.getDatabaseManager().createQuery(); dbQuery.query( this ); // invokes executeQuery results = new Vector(); while ( resultSet.next() ) { results.addElement( new SoftwareCandidateDO ( resultSet ) ); } } */ if (/* partialCache && */ 0 == cacheHits.size()) hitDb = true; if (hitDb) { dbQuery = Enhydra.getDatabaseManager().createQuery(); dbQuery.query(this); // invokes executeQuery results = new Vector(); while (resultSet.next()) { // results.addElement( new SoftwareCandidateDO ( resultSet ) ); results.addElement(SoftwareCandidateDO.createExisting(resultSet)); } } else { results = cacheHits; // executeQuery saw cache hits } if (results.size() > 1 && uniqueInstance) throw new NonUniqueQueryException("Too many rows returned from database"); DOs = new SoftwareCandidateDO[results.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { DOs[i] = (SoftwareCandidateDO) results.elementAt(i); } arrayIndex = 0; } catch (SQLException se) { if (null == se.getSQLState()) { throw new DataObjectException("Unknown SQLException", se); } if (se.getSQLState().startsWith("02") && se.getErrorCode() == 100) { throw new DataObjectException("Update or delete DO is out of synch", se); } else if (se.getSQLState().equals("S1000") && se.getErrorCode() == -268) { throw new DataObjectException("Integrity constraint violation", se); } else { throw new DataObjectException("Data Object Error", se); } } catch (ObjectIdException oe) { throw new DataObjectException("Object ID Error", oe); } catch (DatabaseManagerException de) { throw new DataObjectException("Database connection Error", de); } finally { if (null != dbQuery) dbQuery.release(); } }
/** Method declaration */ void showResultInText() { String col[] = gResult.getHead(); int width = col.length; int size[] = new int[width]; Vector data = gResult.getData(); String row[]; int height = data.size(); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { size[i] = col[i].length(); } for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { row = (String[]) data.elementAt(i); for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { int l = row[j].length(); if (l > size[j]) { size[j] = l; } } } StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { b.append(col[i]); for (int l = col[i].length(); l <= size[i]; l++) { b.append(' '); } } b.append(NL); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int l = 0; l < size[i]; l++) { b.append('-'); } b.append(' '); } b.append(NL); for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { row = (String[]) data.elementAt(i); for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { b.append(row[j]); for (int l = row[j].length(); l <= size[j]; l++) { b.append(' '); } } b.append(NL); } b.append(NL + height + " row(s) in " + lTime + " ms"); txtResult.setText(b.toString()); }
/* Clear all existing nodes from the tree model and rebuild from scratch. */ protected void refreshTree() { DefaultMutableTreeNode propertiesNode; DefaultMutableTreeNode leaf; // First clear the existing tree by simply enumerating // over the root node's children and removing them one by one. while (treeModel.getChildCount(rootNode) > 0) { DefaultMutableTreeNode child = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) treeModel.getChild(rootNode, 0); treeModel.removeNodeFromParent(child); child.removeAllChildren(); child.removeFromParent(); } treeModel.nodeStructureChanged(rootNode); treeModel.reload(); tScrollPane.repaint(); // Now rebuild the tree below its root try { // Start by naming the root node from its URL: rootNode.setUserObject(dMeta.getURL()); // get metadata about user tables by building a vector of table names String usertables[] = {"TABLE", "GLOBAL TEMPORARY", "VIEW"}; ResultSet result = dMeta.getTables(null, null, null, usertables); Vector tables = new Vector(); // sqlbob@users Added remarks. Vector remarks = new Vector(); while (result.next()) { tables.addElement(result.getString(3)); remarks.addElement(result.getString(5)); } result.close(); // For each table, build a tree node with interesting info for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) { String name = (String) tables.elementAt(i); DefaultMutableTreeNode tableNode = makeNode(name, rootNode); ResultSet col = dMeta.getColumns(null, null, name, null); // sqlbob@users Added remarks. String remark = (String) remarks.elementAt(i); if ((remark != null) && !remark.trim().equals("")) { makeNode(remark, tableNode); } // With a child for each column containing pertinent attributes while (col.next()) { String c = col.getString(4); DefaultMutableTreeNode columnNode = makeNode(c, tableNode); String type = col.getString(6); makeNode("Type: " + type, columnNode); boolean nullable = col.getInt(11) != DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls; makeNode("Nullable: " + nullable, columnNode); } col.close(); DefaultMutableTreeNode indexesNode = makeNode("Indices", tableNode); ResultSet ind = dMeta.getIndexInfo(null, null, name, false, false); String oldiname = null; // A child node to contain each index - and its attributes while (ind.next()) { DefaultMutableTreeNode indexNode = null; boolean nonunique = ind.getBoolean(4); String iname = ind.getString(6); if ((oldiname == null || !oldiname.equals(iname))) { indexNode = makeNode(iname, indexesNode); makeNode("Unique: " + !nonunique, indexNode); oldiname = iname; } // And the ordered column list for index components makeNode(ind.getString(9), indexNode); } ind.close(); } // Finally - a little additional metadata on this connection propertiesNode = makeNode("Properties", rootNode); makeNode("User: "******"ReadOnly: " + cConn.isReadOnly(), propertiesNode); makeNode("AutoCommit: " + cConn.getAutoCommit(), propertiesNode); makeNode("Driver: " + dMeta.getDriverName(), propertiesNode); makeNode("Product: " + dMeta.getDatabaseProductName(), propertiesNode); makeNode("Version: " + dMeta.getDatabaseProductVersion(), propertiesNode); } catch (SQLException se) { propertiesNode = makeNode("Error getting metadata:", rootNode); makeNode(se.getMessage(), propertiesNode); makeNode(se.getSQLState(), propertiesNode); } treeModel.nodeStructureChanged(rootNode); treeModel.reload(); tScrollPane.repaint(); }