 private ImmutableMap<String, JdbcTable> computeTables() {
   Connection connection = null;
   ResultSet resultSet = null;
   try {
     connection = dataSource.getConnection();
     DatabaseMetaData metaData = connection.getMetaData();
     resultSet = metaData.getTables(catalog, schema, null, null);
     final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, JdbcTable> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
     while (resultSet.next()) {
       final String tableName = resultSet.getString(3);
       final String catalogName = resultSet.getString(1);
       final String schemaName = resultSet.getString(2);
       final String tableTypeName = resultSet.getString(4);
       // Clean up table type. In particular, this ensures that 'SYSTEM TABLE',
       // returned by Phoenix among others, maps to TableType.SYSTEM_TABLE.
       // We know enum constants are upper-case without spaces, so we can't
       // make things worse.
       final String tableTypeName2 = tableTypeName.toUpperCase().replace(' ', '_');
       final TableType tableType = Util.enumVal(TableType.class, tableTypeName2);
       final JdbcTable table = new JdbcTable(this, catalogName, schemaName, tableName, tableType);
       builder.put(tableName, table);
     return builder.build();
   } catch (SQLException e) {
     throw new RuntimeException("Exception while reading tables", e);
   } finally {
     close(connection, null, resultSet);
    DataContextImpl(OptiqConnectionImpl connection, List<Object> parameterValues) {
      this.queryProvider = connection;
      this.typeFactory = connection.getTypeFactory();
      this.rootSchema = connection.rootSchema;

      // Store the time at which the query started executing. The SQL
      // standard says that functions such as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP return the
      // same value throughout the query.
      final long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
      final TimeZone timeZone = connection.getTimeZone();
      final long localOffset = timeZone.getOffset(time);
      final long currentOffset = localOffset;

      ImmutableMap.Builder<Object, Object> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
          .put("utcTimestamp", time)
          .put("currentTimestamp", time + currentOffset)
          .put("localTimestamp", time + localOffset)
          .put("timeZone", timeZone);
      for (Ord<Object> value : Ord.zip(parameterValues)) {
        Object e = value.e;
        if (e == null) {
          e = AvaticaParameter.DUMMY_VALUE;
        builder.put("?" + value.i, e);
      map = builder.build();