public static boolean createTargetTable( Connection conn, String targetSchema, String targetTable, boolean targetAppendOnly, boolean targetCompressed, boolean targetRowOrientation, String sourceType, String sourceServer, String sourceInstance, int sourcePort, String sourceDatabase, String sourceSchema, String sourceTable, String sourceUser, String sourcePass) throws Exception { String method = "createTargetTable"; int location = 1000; try { location = 2000; boolean found = false; String strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) \n" + "FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES \n" + "WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '" + targetSchema + "' \n" + " AND TABLE_NAME = '" + targetTable + "'"; location = 2100; Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); location = 2200; ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(strSQL); location = 2307; while ( { if (rs.getInt(1) > 0) found = true; } location = 2400; if (!(found)) { String tableDDL = CommonDB.getGPTableDDL( sourceType, sourceServer, sourceInstance, sourcePort, sourceDatabase, sourceSchema, sourceTable, sourceUser, sourcePass, targetSchema, targetTable, targetAppendOnly, targetCompressed, targetRowOrientation); if (debug) Logger.printMsg("Table DDL: " + tableDDL); location = 2800; stmt.executeUpdate(tableDDL); } location = 3000; return found; } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SQLException( "(" + myclass + ":" + method + ":" + location + ":" + ex.getMessage() + ")"); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String method = "main"; int location = 1000; int argsCount = args.length; String sourceType = ""; String sourceServer = ""; String sourceInstance = ""; int sourcePort = 0; String sourceDatabase = ""; String sourceSchema = ""; String sourceTable = ""; String refreshType = ""; String appendColumnName = ""; int appendColumnMax = 0; String gpDatabase = ""; int gpPort = 0; int queueId = 0; int connectionId = 0; String selectSQL = ""; // this is an external table that a user defines if (argsCount == 4) { gpDatabase = args[0]; gpPort = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); connectionId = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); selectSQL = args[3]; } // this is an extrenal table Outsourcer defines else if (argsCount == 13) { sourceType = args[0]; sourceServer = args[1]; sourceInstance = args[2]; sourcePort = Integer.parseInt(args[3]); sourceDatabase = args[4]; sourceSchema = args[5]; sourceTable = args[6]; refreshType = args[7]; appendColumnName = args[8]; appendColumnMax = Integer.parseInt(args[9]); gpDatabase = args[10]; gpPort = Integer.parseInt(args[11]); queueId = Integer.parseInt(args[12]); } String gpServer = "localhost"; String gpUserName = System.getProperty(""); String sourceUser = ""; String sourcePass = ""; Connection gpConn = null; try { location = 3000; gpConn = CommonDB.connectGP(gpServer, gpPort, gpDatabase, gpUserName); if (argsCount == 13) { location = 3100; executeOS( sourceType, sourceServer, sourceInstance, sourcePort, sourceDatabase, sourceSchema, sourceTable, refreshType, appendColumnName, appendColumnMax, gpConn, queueId); } else if (argsCount == 4) { location = 3200; executeExt(gpConn, connectionId, selectSQL); } location = 4000; gpConn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SQLException( "(" + myclass + ":" + method + ":" + location + ":" + ex.getMessage() + ")"); } finally { if (gpConn != null) gpConn.close(); } }
private static void executeOS( String sourceType, String sourceServer, String sourceInstance, int sourcePort, String sourceDatabase, String sourceSchema, String sourceTable, String refreshType, String appendColumnName, int appendColumnMax, Connection gpConn, int queueId) throws Exception { String method = "executeOS"; int location = 1000; String sourceUser = ""; String sourcePass = ""; String strSQL = ""; int fetchSize = 10; Connection conn = null; try { location = 3000; ResultSet rs; Statement stmt; location = 3010; strSQL = GP.getQueueDetails(gpConn, queueId); location = 3020; stmt = gpConn.createStatement(); location = 3040; rs = stmt.executeQuery(strSQL); while ( { sourceUser = rs.getString(1); sourcePass = rs.getString(2); } location = 3090; if (sourceType.equals("sqlserver")) { location = 3100; conn = CommonDB.connectSQLServer(sourceServer, sourceInstance, sourceUser, sourcePass); location = 3200; // create SQL statement for selecting data strSQL = SQLServer.getSQLForData( conn, sourceDatabase, sourceSchema, sourceTable, refreshType, appendColumnName, appendColumnMax); location = 3300; // execute the SQL Statement CommonDB.outputData(conn, strSQL); location = 3400; conn.close(); } else if (sourceType.equals("oracle")) { location = 4000; fetchSize = Integer.parseInt(GP.getVariable(gpConn, "oFetchSize")); location = 4100; conn = CommonDB.connectOracle( sourceServer, sourceDatabase, sourcePort, sourceUser, sourcePass, fetchSize); location = 4200; // execute the SQL Statement strSQL = Oracle.getSQLForData( conn, sourceSchema, sourceTable, refreshType, appendColumnName, appendColumnMax); location = 4300; // execute the SQL Statement CommonDB.outputData(conn, strSQL); location = 4400; conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SQLException( "(" + myclass + ":" + method + ":" + location + ":" + ex.getMessage() + ")"); } finally { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } }
private static void executeExt(Connection gpConn, int connectionId, String selectSQL) throws Exception { String method = "executeExt"; int location = 1000; String sourceType = ""; String sourceServer = ""; String sourceInstance = ""; int sourcePort = 0; String sourceDatabase = ""; String sourceUser = ""; String sourcePass = ""; String strSQL = ""; Connection conn = null; int fetchSize = 10; try { location = 3000; ResultSet rs; Statement stmt; location = 3010; strSQL = GP.getExtConnectionDetails(gpConn, connectionId); location = 3020; stmt = gpConn.createStatement(); location = 3030; rs = stmt.executeQuery(strSQL); while ( { sourceType = rs.getString(1); sourceServer = rs.getString(2); sourceInstance = rs.getString(3); sourcePort = rs.getInt(4); sourceDatabase = rs.getString(5); sourceUser = rs.getString(6); sourcePass = rs.getString(7); } location = 3090; if (sourceType.equals("sqlserver")) { location = 3100; conn = CommonDB.connectSQLServer(sourceServer, sourceInstance, sourceUser, sourcePass); location = 3300; // execute the SQL Statement CommonDB.outputData(conn, selectSQL); location = 3400; conn.close(); } else if (sourceType.equals("oracle")) { location = 4000; fetchSize = Integer.parseInt(GP.getVariable(gpConn, "oFetchSize")); location = 4100; conn = CommonDB.connectOracle( sourceServer, sourceDatabase, sourcePort, sourceUser, sourcePass, fetchSize); location = 4200; // execute the SQL Statement CommonDB.outputData(conn, selectSQL); location = 4400; conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SQLException( "(" + myclass + ":" + method + ":" + location + ":" + ex.getMessage() + ")"); } finally { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } }