public void testGetObjectLongVarchar() throws Throwable { try { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.execute("create temp table longvarchar_tab ( t text, null_val text )"); stmt.execute("insert into longvarchar_tab values ('testdata',null)"); boolean ret = stmt.execute( "create or replace function " + "longvarchar_proc( OUT pcn text, OUT nval text) as " + "'begin " + "select t into pcn from longvarchar_tab;" + "select null_val into nval from longvarchar_tab;" + " end;' " + "language plpgsql;"); ret = stmt.execute( "create or replace function " + "lvarchar_in_name( IN pcn text) returns int as " + "'begin " + "update longvarchar_tab set t=pcn;" + "return 0;" + " end;' " + "language plpgsql;"); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); throw ex; } try { CallableStatement cstmt = con.prepareCall("{ call longvarchar_proc(?,?) }"); cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.LONGVARCHAR); cstmt.registerOutParameter(2, Types.LONGVARCHAR); cstmt.executeUpdate(); String val = (String) cstmt.getObject(1); assertTrue(val.equals("testdata")); val = (String) cstmt.getObject(2); assertTrue(val == null); cstmt.close(); cstmt = con.prepareCall("{ call lvarchar_in_name(?) }"); String maxFloat = "3.4E38"; cstmt.setObject(1, new Float(maxFloat), Types.LONGVARCHAR); cstmt.executeUpdate(); cstmt.close(); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from longvarchar_tab"); assertTrue(; String rval = (String) rs.getObject(1); assertEquals(rval.trim(), maxFloat.trim()); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } finally { try { Statement dstmt = con.createStatement(); dstmt.execute("drop function longvarchar_proc()"); dstmt.execute("drop function lvarchar_in_name(text)"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
public void testGetObjectFloat() throws Throwable { try { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.execute(createDecimalTab); stmt.execute(insertDecimalTab); boolean ret = stmt.execute(createFloatProc); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); throw ex; } try { CallableStatement cstmt = con.prepareCall("{ call float_proc(?,?,?) }"); cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.FLOAT); cstmt.registerOutParameter(2, java.sql.Types.FLOAT); cstmt.registerOutParameter(3, java.sql.Types.FLOAT); cstmt.executeUpdate(); Double val = (Double) cstmt.getObject(1); assertTrue(val.doubleValue() == doubleValues[0]); val = (Double) cstmt.getObject(2); assertTrue(val.doubleValue() == doubleValues[1]); val = (Double) cstmt.getObject(3); assertTrue(cstmt.wasNull()); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } finally { try { Statement dstmt = con.createStatement(); dstmt.execute(dropFloatProc); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
/** * Descripción de Método * * @param ProcedureName * @return */ private boolean startDBProcess(String ProcedureName) { // execute on this thread/connection log.fine(ProcedureName + "(" + m_pi.getAD_PInstance_ID() + ")"); String sql = "{call " + ProcedureName + "(?)}"; try { CallableStatement cstmt = DB.prepareCall(sql); // ro?? cstmt.setInt(1, m_pi.getAD_PInstance_ID()); cstmt.executeUpdate(); cstmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); m_pi.setSummary(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "ProcessRunError") + " " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); m_pi.setError(true); return false; } // log.fine(Log.l4_Data, "ProcessCtl.startProcess - done"); return true; } // startDBProcess
public static boolean actualizar(entPuerto entidad) throws Exception { boolean rpta = false; Connection conn = null; CallableStatement stmt = null; try { String sql = "UPDATE puerto SET nombre = ?,estado= ?," + "usuario_responsable = ?,fecha_modificacion = GETDATE() WHERE id_puerto = ?;"; conn = ConexionDAO.getConnection(); stmt = conn.prepareCall(sql); stmt.setString(1, entidad.getNombre()); stmt.setBoolean(2, entidad.getEstado()); stmt.setString(3, entidad.getUsuario_responsable()); stmt.setInt(4, entidad.getId_puerto()); rpta = stmt.executeUpdate() == 1; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error Actualizar " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { try { stmt.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } return rpta; }
public boolean insertCurfew( String stuId, String stuName, String curfew, String rmark, String dMid) throws DataBaseException, QueryResultIsNullException { try { CallableStatement cst = connection.prepareCall("{call proc_Curfew(?,?,?,?,?)}"); cst.setString(1, stuId); cst.setString(2, stuName); cst.setString(3, curfew); cst.setString(4, rmark); cst.setString(5, dMid); int r = cst.executeUpdate(); cst.close(); if (r > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return false; } }
/** * Control de transacción en el procedimiento almacenado * * @param prod */ @Override public void create2(Producto prod) { Connection cn = null; try { cn = AccesoDB.getConnection(); cn.setAutoCommit(true); String query = "{call usp_crea_producto(?,?,?,?,?)}"; CallableStatement cstm = cn.prepareCall(query); cstm.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER); cstm.setInt(2, prod.getIdcat()); cstm.setString(3, prod.getNombre()); cstm.setDouble(4, prod.getPrecio()); cstm.setInt(5, prod.getStock()); cstm.executeUpdate(); prod.setIdprod(cstm.getInt(1)); cstm.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("No se puede crear el producto."); } finally { try { cn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } }
public boolean cambiarEstado(orgen_ta_subdependencia obj, String idUsu) { boolean exito = false; try { cn = ds.getConnection(); cn.setAutoCommit(false); String sql = "{ CALL SP_ORGEN_TA_SUBDEPENDENCIA_ELI(?,?,?) }"; CallableStatement cstm = cn.prepareCall(sql); cstm.setInt("P_IN_CODIGO_SUBDEPENDENCIA", obj.getIn_codigo_subdependencia()); cstm.setString("P_CH_ESTADO", obj.getCh_estado()); cstm.setInt("P_IN_CODIGO_USUARIO", Integer.parseInt(idUsu)); cstm.executeUpdate(); cn.commit(); cstm.close(); exito = true; } catch (Exception e) { exito = false; System.out.println("Failed to execute a JDBC task: " + e); } finally { try { cn.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("finally - Failed to finalize JDBC task: " + ex); } } return exito; }
// test: do we get an appropriate update count when using ?=call? private static void testUpdate(Connection conn) throws Throwable { System.out.println("=============================================="); System.out.println("TESTING UPDATE COUNT"); System.out.println("==============================================\n"); Statement scp = conn.createStatement(); scp.execute( "CREATE FUNCTION returnsIntegerP(P1 INT) RETURNS INTEGER " + "EXTERNAL NAME '" + CLASS_NAME + "returnsIntegerP'" + " NO SQL LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA"); CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("? = call returnsIntegerP(0)"); cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER); try { int updCount = cs.executeUpdate(); System.out.println("executeUpdate on ? = call returnsIntegerP returned " + updCount); System.out.println("getString(1) returned " + cs.getString(1)); } catch (SQLException se) { System.out.println("cs.execute() got unexpected exception: " + se); } cs.close(); scp.execute("DROP FUNCTION returnsIntegerP"); scp.close(); }
/** @see HttpServlet#doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) */ protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // / TODO Auto-generated method stub PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); String mail = request.getParameter("Correo"); DBConnection ping = new DBConnection(); Connection con = ping.makeConnection("root", "sharPedo319"); String resp = null; try { CallableStatement stmnt = con.prepareCall("{call obtenerPProducto(?)}"); stmnt.setString(1, mail); // resp = stmnt.getString(1); stmnt.executeUpdate(); ResultSet rs = stmnt.getResultSet(); while ( { json.put("activo", rs.getString(1)); json.put("imagen", rs.getString(2)); json.put("nombre", rs.getString(3)); json.put("ubicacionInt", rs.getString(4)); // resp = resp.concat("\nActivo:" + rs.getString(1) + ", imagen:" + rs.getString(2) + ", // nombre:" + rs.getString(3) + ", ubicacionInt" + rs.getString(4)); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); resp = e.getMessage(); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally { ping.closeConnection(); } out.print(resp); // doGet(request, response); }
public boolean guardarSubDependencia( orgen_ta_subdependencia obj, String nomUsuario, int idUsuario) { boolean estado = false; try { cn = ds.getConnection(); cn.setAutoCommit(false); String sql = "{ CALL SP_ORGEN_TA_SUBDEPENDENCIA_INS(?,?,?,?,?) }"; CallableStatement cstm = cn.prepareCall(sql); cstm.setString("P_VC_NOMBRE", obj.getVc_nombre().toUpperCase()); cstm.setString("P_VC_DESCRIPCION", obj.getVc_descripcion().toUpperCase()); cstm.setString("P_VC_USUARIO_CREA", nomUsuario); cstm.setInt("P_IN_CODIGO_USUARIO", idUsuario); cstm.setInt("P_IN_CODIGO_DEP", obj.getIn_codigo_dependecia()); cstm.executeUpdate(); cn.commit(); estado = true; cstm.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Failed to execute a JDBC task: " + e); estado = false; } finally { try { cn.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("finally - Failed to finalize JDBC task: " + ex); } return estado; } }
public User insertUser(User rec) { User flag = null; try { DBCON ob = new DBCON(); Connection con = null; CallableStatement cs = null; con = ob.createConnection(); cs = con.prepareCall("{call trs_srilanka.insertUser(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}"); cs.setLong(1, rec.getUSID()); cs.setString(2, rec.getFname()); cs.setString(3, rec.getLname()); cs.setString(4, rec.getAgeRange()); cs.setString(5, rec.getGender()); cs.setString(6, rec.getEmail()); cs.setString(7, rec.getPassword()); cs.setString(8, rec.getCountry()); cs.setString(9, rec.getUsertype()); cs.setString(10, rec.getAccountStatus()); int res = cs.executeUpdate(); if (res > 0) { flag = rec; } else { flag = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return flag; }
public Tour insertTour(Tour rec) { Tour flag = null; try { DBCON ob = new DBCON(); Connection con = null; CallableStatement cs = null; con = ob.createConnection(); cs = con.prepareCall("{call trs_srilanka.insertTour(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}"); cs.setLong(1, rec.getTRID()); cs.setString(2, rec.getTitle()); cs.setString(3, rec.getItinary()); cs.setString(4, rec.getNoOfDays()); cs.setString(5, rec.getAccomadationType()); cs.setString(6, rec.getBasis()); cs.setLong(7, rec.getGEOID()); int res = cs.executeUpdate(); if (res > 0) { flag = rec; } else { flag = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return flag; }
public void testNumeric() throws Throwable { CallableStatement call = con.prepareCall("{ call Numeric_Proc(?,?,?) }"); call.registerOutParameter(1, Types.NUMERIC, 15); call.registerOutParameter(2, Types.NUMERIC, 15); call.registerOutParameter(3, Types.NUMERIC, 15); call.executeUpdate(); java.math.BigDecimal ret = call.getBigDecimal(1); assertTrue( "correct return from getNumeric () should be 999999999999999.000000000000000 but returned " + ret.toString(), ret.equals(new java.math.BigDecimal("999999999999999.000000000000000"))); ret = call.getBigDecimal(2); assertTrue( "correct return from getNumeric ()", ret.equals(new java.math.BigDecimal("0.000000000000001"))); try { ret = call.getBigDecimal(3); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { assertTrue("This should be null", call.wasNull()); } }
public boolean insertLCRecord(String stuId, String stuName, String data, String lC, String mark) throws DataBaseException, QueryResultIsNullException { // System.out.println("***********---"); try { CallableStatement cst = connection.prepareCall("{call proc_LeaveComeStu(?,?,?,?,?)}"); cst.setString(1, stuId); cst.setString(2, stuName); cst.setString(3, data); cst.setString(4, lC); cst.setString(5, mark); // System.out.println("***********---"); int r = cst.executeUpdate(); cst.close(); if (r > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return false; } }
public String getGarageFromResp( String profile, Integer userId, Integer respId, Integer respApplId) { String garage = null; CallableStatement cs = null; String statement = "BEGIN ? := FND_PROFILE.VALUE_SPECIFIC(?, ?, ?, ?); END;"; try { cs = getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement(statement, 0); cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR); cs.setString(2, profile); cs.setInt(3, userId.intValue()); cs.setInt(4, respId.intValue()); cs.setInt(5, respApplId.intValue()); cs.executeUpdate(); garage = cs.getString(1); } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.severe("SQL Exception setGarageFromResp", e); } finally { try { if (cs != null) { cs.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.severe("SQL Exception setGarageFromResp", e); } } return garage; }
/** * Executes a stored Procedure that will update Fields in DB (Ask DBM for SP names) * * @param spName Stores Procedure's name * @param param integer parameter needed by the SP * @return return 1 if update worked * @throws SQLException mostly if SP does not exist in DB */ public boolean updateStoredProcedure(String spName, int param) throws SQLException { // preparing callable statement cs = conn.prepareCall("{call " + spName + "(?)}"); cs.setInt(1, param); return (cs.executeUpdate() == 1); }
public boolean outStu(String stuId, String rmark) throws DataBaseException { Statement stmt; stmt = DB.CreateStatement(); String sql = "select StuId from StuDormRoom where StuId='" + stuId + "'"; try { ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); if (rs != null && ! { return false; } } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } try { CallableStatement cst = connection.prepareCall("{call proc_StuInOut_SDM_out(?,?)}"); cst.setString(1, stuId); cst.setString(2, rmark); int r = cst.executeUpdate(); cst.close(); if (r > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return false; } }
public static void main(String[] args) { // Realiza una función en MySql que dado un curso, devuelva el nombre del tutor. Haz un programa // en java que llame a dicha función y muestre por consola el resultado. String codOe, codCur; Connection conexion = BddConexion.newConexion("horario"); String sql = "{ ? = call dameTutor(?, ?)}"; CallableStatement llamada; System.out.print("Indique oferta educativa: "); codOe = Teclado.leerPalabra(); System.out.print("Indique curso: "); codCur = Teclado.leerPalabra(); try { llamada = conexion.prepareCall(sql); llamada.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR); llamada.setString(2, codOe); llamada.setString(3, codCur); llamada.executeUpdate(); System.out.println(llamada.getString(1)); llamada.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } BddConexion.closeConexion(conexion); }
public void nonQueryStoredProcedure(String SPName, int param1, int param2) throws SQLException { // preparing callable statement cs = conn.prepareCall("{call " + dbName + "." + SPName + "(?,?)}"); cs.setInt(1, param1); cs.setInt(2, param2); cs.executeUpdate(); }
/** * Inserts a new mapping from method id to word id to the methods_words table of the database. * Each row represents one instance of a word existing in the method. Unlike the other inserts, * duplicate entries are allowed since each word can exist more than once in a method. * * @param methodId The method's database ID * @param wordId The word's ID */ public void insertMethodToWordMapping(int methodId, int wordId) { try { sp_insertMethodToWordMapping.setInt(1, methodId); sp_insertMethodToWordMapping.setInt(2, wordId); sp_insertMethodToWordMapping.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { eLog.logException(e); } }
public String[] callplBtnprocess( String processId, String programId, String username, int org, String preD, String sentD) { String[] results = null; Connection dbConnection = null; CallableStatement callableStatement = null;"##into PL"); String MR_SP_ZZZZ_RESTORE_PROCESS_Sql = "{call MR_STP_PREPARE_AND_SEND_DATA(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}"; try { dbConnection = DBManager.getNoJtaDataSource(); callableStatement = dbConnection.prepareCall(MR_SP_ZZZZ_RESTORE_PROCESS_Sql); /* p_status OUT VARCHAR2, p_result OUT VARCHAR2, p_user_name IN VARCHAR2, p_org_id IN NUMBER, p_process_id IN VARCHAR2, p_program_id IN VARCHAR2, p_prepare_data IN VARCHAR2, 7 p_send_data IN VARCHAR2 8 */ callableStatement.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); callableStatement.registerOutParameter(2, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); callableStatement.setString(3, username); callableStatement.setInt(4, 1); callableStatement.setString(5, processId); callableStatement.setString(6, programId); callableStatement.setString(7, preD); callableStatement.setString(8, sentD); callableStatement.executeUpdate(); String status = callableStatement.getString(1); String result = callableStatement.getString(2); results = new String[] {status, result};"status 2: " + status);"result 2: " + result); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (callableStatement != null) { try { callableStatement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (dbConnection != null) { try { dbConnection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return results; }
/** * Check that System.exit() cannot be called directly from a procedure. * * @throws SQLException */ public void testSystemExit() throws SQLException { CallableStatement cs = prepareCall("CALL DENIAL_OF_SERVICE(?)"); cs.setInt(1, -1); try { cs.executeUpdate(); fail("Tough to get here since exit would have been called."); } catch (SQLException e) { assertSecurityException(e); } cs.setInt(1, 0); try { cs.executeUpdate(); fail("Tough to get here since exit would have been called."); } catch (SQLException e) { assertSecurityException(e); } cs.close(); }
/** * Updates an existing word and word count for a given method. This method should be only used if * the row already exists in the database. Existence can be verified using the * getWordCountFromMethodIdAndWordId(int, int) method. If the method does not exist, * insertWordCountForMethodIdAndWordId(int, int) should be used instead. * * @param methodId The method's database id * @param wordId The word's database id * @param wordCount The number of times the word occurs in the given method */ public void updateWordCountForMethodIdAndWordId(int methodId, int wordId, int wordCount) { try { sp_updateWordCountForMethodIdAndWordId.setInt(1, methodId); sp_updateWordCountForMethodIdAndWordId.setInt(2, wordId); sp_updateWordCountForMethodIdAndWordId.setInt(3, wordCount); sp_updateWordCountForMethodIdAndWordId.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { eLog.logException(e); } }
/** * Inserts a new word to the words table of the database. If a word already exists, no rows are * added or modified in the database. * * @param word The word to add */ public void insertWord(String word) { try { sp_insertWord.setString(1, word.toLowerCase()); sp_insertWord.executeUpdate(); } catch (MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException e) { // Ignore, this is to handle duplicate entries } catch (SQLException e) { eLog.logException(e); } }
public void ramasserObjet() { boolean vide = true; try { ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery( "select idObjet from objet where positionX=" + positionX + " and positionY=" + positionY); Hashtable<String, String> tabObj = new Hashtable<String, String>(); while ( { vide = false; String idObj = rset.getString("idObjet"); System.out.println(idObj); tabObj.put(idObj, idObj); } rset.close(); if (!vide) { System.out.println("Quel objet voulez vous ramasser ? : "); String obj = IO.lireChaine(); if (tabObj.containsKey(obj)) { proc = conn.prepareCall("{call rammasser(?,?)}"); proc.setInt(1, idTroll); proc.setString(2, obj); proc.executeUpdate(); proc.close(); rset = stmt.executeQuery("select typeObjet from objet where idObjet='" + obj + "'"); rset.first(); String type = rset.getString("typeObjet"); if (type.equals("potion")) { menu.supprimerPopo(obj); } else { menu.supprimerObjet(obj); } rset = stmt.executeQuery("select paRestants from troll where idTroll=" + idTroll); int ancVal = 0; while ( { ancVal = rset.getInt("paRestants"); } stmt.executeUpdate( "update troll SET paRestants = " + (ancVal - 1) + " where idTroll=" + idTroll); paRestants = paRestants - 1; } else { System.out.println("Cet objet ne se trouve pas sur votre case !"); } } else { System.out.println("Il n'y a aucun objet sur votre case"); } } catch (SQLException E) { System.err.println("SQLException: " + E.getMessage()); System.err.println("SQLState: " + E.getSQLState()); } }
/** * Inserts a method's data to the methods table of the database. If the method's key already * exists in the database, the new information is ignored and no database rows are added or * modified. * * @param methodData The method to insert */ public void insertMethod(MethodData methodData) { try { sp_insertMethod.setString(1, methodData.getKey()); sp_insertMethod.setString(2, methodData.getName()); sp_insertMethod.setString(3, methodData.getPath()); sp_insertMethod.executeUpdate(); } catch (MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException e) { // Ignore, this is to handle duplicate entries } catch (SQLException e) { eLog.logException(e); } }
/** * Function deleteReservation takes in a reservation id and seat id and deletes the reservation at * the values. * * @param resId * @param seatId */ void deleteReservation(int resId, int seatId) { CallableStatement cs = null; try { String call = "{call delete_res(?, ?)}"; cs = en.conn.prepareCall(call); cs.setInt(1, resId); cs.setInt(2, seatId); cs.executeUpdate(); en.conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Drop Reservation: deleteReservation - " + e.getMessage()); } }
/** * * * <PRE> * Desc : Excute Procedure SP_INSERT_CUST_FROM_SEG * </PRE> * * @param RetrieveModel * @return RetrieveModel */ public RetrieveModel execProcedure(Connection con, RetrieveModel retrieve) throws StoreException { CallableStatement cstmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { cstmt = con.prepareCall("begin SP_INSERT_CUST_FROM_SEG(?, ?, ?, '', ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); end;"); int index = 1; cstmt.setString(index++, retrieve.getString("flag")); cstmt.setString(index++, retrieve.getString("promo_no")); cstmt.setString(index++, retrieve.getString("segment_code")); cstmt.setString(index++, retrieve.getString("proc_date")); cstmt.setString(index++, retrieve.getString("user_id")); cstmt.registerOutParameter(index++, java.sql.Types.INTEGER); cstmt.registerOutParameter(index++, java.sql.Types.INTEGER); cstmt.registerOutParameter(index++, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); // = log Save Data --------------------- StringBuffer logString = new StringBuffer(); logString.append(retrieve.getString("flag")); logString.append("/"); logString.append(retrieve.getString("promo_no")); logString.append("/"); logString.append(retrieve.getString("segment_code")); logString.append("/"); logString.append(retrieve.getString("proc_date")); logString.append("/"); logString.append(retrieve.getString("user_id")); logString.append("/");; // == 프로시져를 실행합니다. cstmt.executeUpdate(); retrieve.put("out_proc_cnt", cstmt.getInt(6)); retrieve.put("out_rtn", cstmt.getInt(7)); retrieve.put("out_rtn_msg", ComUtils.NVL(cstmt.getString(8), "")); } catch (SQLException se) { logSave.error( "[PromoSegmentSvc.execProcedure() SQLException : ERR-" + se.getErrorCode() + ":" + se); throw new StoreException(se.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logSave.error("[PromoSegmentSvc.execProcedure() Exception : ERR-" + e.getMessage()); throw new StoreException(e.getMessage()); } finally { DBUtils.freeConnection(null, null, null, cstmt, null, rset); } return retrieve; }
/** 存储过程执行(增删改),返回影响记录条数. */ public int spExecute(String sql) { Connection con = null; CallableStatement stat = null; try { con = cpds.getConnection(); stat = con.prepareCall(sql); int num = stat.executeUpdate(); return num; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { close(stat, con, null); } }
public boolean Delete(PublisherDA aPublisherDA) { try { CallableStatement call = conn.prepareCall("{call spd_Publisher_Delete(?)}"); call.setInt(1, aPublisherDA.getIDPublisher()); if (call.executeUpdate() == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PublisherBO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return false; } }