private File getTempFile(String path) throws IOException { InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/certs/" + path); File dest = File.createTempFile("cert-", "pem"); LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(dest); try { String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { writer.write(line + "\n"); } return dest; } finally { writer.close(); reader.close(); } }
/** * Write the output file with a graph format. * * @param outputFileName the output file to write to * @param urlToImageFileMap the map of url's to image files * @param edgeList the list of sources and sinks to write */ public void writeDotFile( String outputFileName, Map<String, String> urlToImageFileMap, Map<String, Set<String>> edgeList) { try { File outputFile = new File(outputFileName); FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(outputFile); fileWriter.write("digraph G {\n"); fileWriter.write(" node [shape=box];\n"); Set<String> urls = urlToImageFileMap.keySet(); for (String url : urls) { String hashedUrl = getHashCode(url); String imageFileName = urlToImageFileMap.get(url); fileWriter.write(" " + hashedUrl + "[label=\"\" image=\"" + imageFileName + "\"];\n"); } for (String url : urls) { Set<String> links = edgeList.get(url); if (links != null) { for (String link : links) { if (urls.contains(link)) { String hashUrlSource = getHashCode(url); String hashUrlSink = getHashCode(link); fileWriter.write(" " + hashUrlSource + " -> " + hashUrlSink + "\n"); } } } } fileWriter.write("}\n"); fileWriter.flush(); fileWriter.close(); System.out.println("Wrote results to [" + outputFileName + "]"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception writing the results to the output file: " + e); } }
@Override public void run() { ChukasaModel chukasaModel = chukasaModelManagementComponent.get(adaptiveBitrateStreaming); String streamPath = chukasaModel.getStreamPath(); String tempEncPath = chukasaModel.getTempEncPath(); int tsPacketLength = chukasaModel.getHlsConfiguration().getMpeg2TsPacketLength(); int seqTsEnc = 0; // getSeqTsEnc(); seqTsEnc = chukasaModel.getSeqTsEnc(); if (chukasaModel.getChukasaSettings().getStreamingType() == StreamingType.OKKAKE) { seqTsEnc = chukasaModel.getSeqTsOkkake() - 1; } if (chukasaModel.isFlagLastTs()) { seqTsEnc = chukasaModel.getSeqTsLast(); } Key sKey; Cipher c; FileOutputStream keyOut; FileWriter ivOut; FileInputStream fis; BufferedInputStream bis; FileOutputStream fos; CipherOutputStream cos; try { Security.addProvider(new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider()); sKey = makeKey(128); // Key length is 128bit c = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS7Padding", "BC"); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, sKey); // Set Key File Name at random String keyPre = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(10); keyOut = new FileOutputStream(streamPath + FILE_SEPARATOR + keyPre + seqTsEnc + ".key"); chukasaModel.getKeyArrayList().add(keyPre); chukasaModel = chukasaModelManagementComponent.update(adaptiveBitrateStreaming, chukasaModel); byte[] keyOutByte = sKey.getEncoded(); keyOut.write(keyOutByte); keyOut.close(); byte[] iv = c.getIV(); String ivHex = ""; for (int i = 0; i < iv.length; i++) { String ivHexTmp = String.format("%02x", iv[i]).toUpperCase(); ivHex = ivHex + ivHexTmp; } String ivPre = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(10); ivOut = new FileWriter(streamPath + FILE_SEPARATOR + ivPre + seqTsEnc + ".iv"); ivOut.write(ivHex); ivOut.close(); chukasaModel.getIvArrayList().add(ivHex); chukasaModel = chukasaModelManagementComponent.update(adaptiveBitrateStreaming, chukasaModel); fis = new FileInputStream( tempEncPath + FILE_SEPARATOR + chukasaModel.getChukasaConfiguration().getStreamFileNamePrefix() + seqTsEnc + chukasaModel.getHlsConfiguration().getStreamExtension()); bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); fos = new FileOutputStream( streamPath + FILE_SEPARATOR + chukasaModel.getChukasaConfiguration().getStreamFileNamePrefix() + seqTsEnc + chukasaModel.getHlsConfiguration().getStreamExtension()); cos = new CipherOutputStream(fos, c); if (chukasaModel.getChukasaSettings().getStreamingType() == StreamingType.OKKAKE) { // TODO: fis = new FileInputStream( tempEncPath + FILE_SEPARATOR + "fileSequenceEncoded" + seqTsEnc + chukasaModel.getHlsConfiguration().getStreamExtension()); bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); fos = new FileOutputStream( streamPath + FILE_SEPARATOR + chukasaModel.getChukasaConfiguration().getStreamFileNamePrefix() + seqTsEnc + chukasaModel.getHlsConfiguration().getStreamExtension()); cos = new CipherOutputStream(fos, c); } byte[] buf = new byte[tsPacketLength]; int ch; while ((ch = != -1) { cos.write(buf, 0, ch); } cos.close(); fos.close(); bis.close(); fis.close(); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }