protected void processOtherMsg(int msgsize, int msgtype, DataInputStream dIn) throws SocketException, IOException, java.lang.NullPointerException { dIn.skipBytes(msgsize - 2); // need to just skip this message because we don't recognize it ExpCoordinator.printer.print( new String("NCCPConnection.processOtherMsg skipping message " + msgsize + " " + msgtype)); ExpCoordinator.printer.printHistory(); }
public MessageRunnable(int msz, int mtp, DataInputStream di) throws IOException, SocketException { msgsize = msz; msgtype = mtp; msgbytes = new byte[msgsize - 2]; di.readFully(msgbytes); //; din = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(msgbytes)); }
protected void read(DataInputStream s) { try { ref = new WeakReference<DataBuffer>(this, Nd4j.bufferRefQueue()); referencing = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<String>()); dirty = new AtomicBoolean(false); allocationMode = AllocationMode.valueOf(s.readUTF()); length = s.readInt(); Type t = Type.valueOf(s.readUTF()); if (t == Type.DOUBLE) { if (allocationMode == AllocationMode.HEAP) { if (this.dataType() == Type.FLOAT) { // DataBuffer type // double -> float floatData = new float[length()]; } else if (this.dataType() == Type.DOUBLE) { // double -> double doubleData = new double[length()]; } else { // double -> int intData = new int[length()]; } for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { put(i, s.readDouble()); } } else { wrappedBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(length() * getElementSize()); wrappedBuffer.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { put(i, s.readDouble()); } } } else { if (allocationMode == AllocationMode.HEAP) { if (this.dataType() == Type.FLOAT) { // DataBuffer type // float -> float floatData = new float[length()]; } else if (this.dataType() == Type.DOUBLE) { // float -> double doubleData = new double[length()]; } else { // float-> int intData = new int[length()]; } for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { put(i, s.readFloat()); } } else { wrappedBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(length() * getElementSize()); wrappedBuffer.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { put(i, s.readFloat()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
/** * Reads an image from an archived file and return it as ByteBuffer object. * * @author Mike Butler, Kiet Le */ private ByteBuffer readImage(String filename, Dimension dim) { if (dim == null) dim = new Dimension(0, 0); ByteBuffer bytes = null; try { DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(filename)); dim.width = dis.readInt(); dim.height = dis.readInt(); System.out.println("Creating buffer, width: " + dim.width + " height: " + dim.height); // byte[] buf = new byte[3 * dim.height * dim.width]; bytes = BufferUtil.newByteBuffer(3 * dim.width * dim.height); for (int i = 0; i < bytes.capacity(); i++) { bytes.put(dis.readByte()); } dis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } bytes.rewind(); return bytes; }
public void processMessage(DataInputStream dataIn) throws IOException { count = 0; int msgsize = dataIn.readInt(); count = 1; int msgtype = 0; if (msgsize >= 2) msgtype = dataIn.readUnsignedShort(); else { if (msgsize == 1) dataIn.readByte(); ExpCoordinator.printer.print( new String(" msgsize(" + msgsize + ") < 2 msgtype = " + msgtype)); ExpCoordinator.printer.printHistory(); return; } count = 2; switch (msgtype) { case NCCP.MessageResponse: ExpCoordinator.print( new String( "NCCPConnection::run message is NCCP.MessageResponse " + msgsize + " " + msgtype), 3); MessageRunnable tmp_msg = new MessageRunnable(msgsize, msgtype, dataIn); tmp_msg.print(5); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(tmp_msg); break; case NCCP.MessagePeriodic: ExpCoordinator.printer.print( new String( "NCCPConnection::run message is NCCP.MessagePeriodic " + msgsize + " " + msgtype), 3); processPeriodicMsg(msgsize, msgtype, dataIn); break; default: ExpCoordinator.printer.print( new String("NCCPConnection::run message is Other " + msgsize + " " + msgtype)); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new MessageRunnable(msgsize, msgtype, dataIn)); } }