public void record(Document doc) throws IOException { // System.out.println("Recording Entities"); Path currentRelativePath = Paths.get(""); String s = currentRelativePath.toAbsolutePath().toString(); // System.out.println("Current relative path is: " + s); Path targetPath = currentRelativePath.resolve(writeOutLocation); if (Files.notExists(targetPath)) { Files.createDirectory(targetPath); Files.createDirectory(targetPath.resolve("location")); Files.createDirectory(targetPath.resolve("date")); } boolean isNew = true; for (String entity : entityTypes) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); TagTokenizer tok = new TagTokenizer(); tok.addField(entity); tok.tokenize(doc); if (entity.equals("date")) sb = findDates(doc, sb); else if (entity.equals("location")) sb = findLocations(doc, sb); String docName ="_")[0]; String outputName = writeOutLocation + entity + "/" + docName + ".txt"; isNew = Files.notExists(Paths.get(outputName)); // if the name is not new, then append rather than start a new file BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputName, !isNew)); bw.write(sb.toString()); bw.close(); } }
private static String getFirefoxDriverDefaultPath() { if (OsUtils.isWindows()) { if (OsUtils.is64Bit() && (Files.exists(Paths.get("./drivers/geckodriver-windows-64bit")) || Files.notExists(Paths.get("./drivers/geckodriver-windows-32bit")))) { return "drivers/geckodriver-windows-64bit.exe"; } else { return "drivers/geckodriver-windows-32bit.exe"; } } else if (OsUtils.isMac()) { if (OsUtils.is64Bit() && (Files.exists(Paths.get("./drivers/geckodriver-mac-64bit")) || Files.notExists(Paths.get("./drivers/geckodriver-mac-32bit")))) { return "drivers/geckodriver-mac-64bit"; } else { return "drivers/geckodriver-mac-32bit"; } } else if (OsUtils.isLinux()) { if (OsUtils.is64Bit() && (Files.exists(Paths.get("./drivers/geckodriver-linux-64bit")) || Files.notExists(Paths.get("./drivers/geckodriver-linux-32bit")))) { return "drivers/geckodriver-linux-64bit"; } else { return "drivers/geckodriver-linux-32bit"; } } return null; }
public void split() throws IOException { List<ObjectPath> pathTable = asset.getPaths(); TypeTree typeTree = asset.getTypeTree(); // assets with just one object can't be split any further if (pathTable.size() == 1) { L.warning("Asset doesn't contain sub-assets!"); return; } for (ObjectPath path : pathTable) { // skip filtered classes if (cf != null && !cf.accept(path)) { continue; } String className = ClassID.getNameForID(path.getClassID(), true); AssetFile subAsset = new AssetFile(); subAsset.getHeader().setFormat(asset.getHeader().getFormat()); ObjectPath subFieldPath = new ObjectPath(); subFieldPath.setClassID1(path.getClassID1()); subFieldPath.setClassID2(path.getClassID2()); subFieldPath.setLength(path.getLength()); subFieldPath.setOffset(0); subFieldPath.setPathID(1); subAsset.getPaths().add(subFieldPath); TypeTree subTypeTree = subAsset.getTypeTree(); subTypeTree.setEngineVersion(typeTree.getEngineVersion()); subTypeTree.setVersion(-2); subTypeTree.setFormat(typeTree.getFormat()); subTypeTree.getFields().put(path.getClassID(), typeTree.getFields().get(path.getClassID())); subAsset.setDataBuffer(asset.getPathBuffer(path)); Path subAssetDir = outputDir.resolve(className); if (Files.notExists(subAssetDir)) { Files.createDirectories(subAssetDir); } // probe asset name String subAssetName = getObjectName(asset, path); if (subAssetName != null) { // remove any chars that could cause troubles on various file systems subAssetName = FilenameSanitizer.sanitizeName(subAssetName); } else { // use numeric names subAssetName = String.format("%06d", path.getPathID()); } subAssetName += ".asset"; Path subAssetFile = subAssetDir.resolve(subAssetName); if (Files.notExists(subAssetFile)) { L.log(Level.INFO, "Writing {0}", subAssetFile);; } } }
private void bringUpDeadNodeAndEnsureNoReplication( CloudJettyRunner nodeToBringUp, boolean disableFingerprint) throws Exception { // disable fingerprint check if needed System.setProperty("solr.disableFingerprint", String.valueOf(disableFingerprint)); indexInBackground(50); // bring back dead node and ensure it recovers ChaosMonkey.start(nodeToBringUp.jetty); nodesDown.remove(nodeToBringUp); waitTillNodesActive(); waitForThingsToLevelOut(30); Set<CloudJettyRunner> jetties = new HashSet<>(); jetties.addAll(shardToJetty.get("shard1")); jetties.removeAll(nodesDown); assertEquals(getShardCount() - nodesDown.size(), jetties.size()); long cloudClientDocs = cloudClient.query(new SolrQuery("*:*")).getResults().getNumFound(); assertEquals(docId, cloudClientDocs); // if there was no replication, we should not have file String replicationProperties = nodeToBringUp.jetty.getSolrHome() + "/cores/" + DEFAULT_TEST_COLLECTION_NAME + "/data/"; assertTrue( "PeerSync failed. Had to fail back to replication", Files.notExists(Paths.get(replicationProperties))); }
public void run() throws Throwable { if (Files.notExists(jdkMods)) { return; } if (!CompilerUtils.compile(src, classes)) { throw new AssertionError("Compilation failure. See log."); } String modName = "test"; Files.createDirectories(jmods); Files.createDirectories(jars); Path jarfile = jars.resolve("test.jar"); JarUtils.createJarFile(jarfile, classes); Path image = Paths.get("mysmallimage"); runJmod(jarfile.toString(), modName); runJlink(image, modName, "--compress", "2"); execute(image, modName); Files.delete(jmods.resolve(modName + ".jmod")); image = Paths.get("myimage"); runJmod(classes.toString(), modName); runJlink(image, modName); execute(image, modName); }
public static SyncFile addFolderSyncFile( Path filePath, long parentFolderId, long repositoryId, long syncAccountId) throws Exception { // Local sync file if (Files.notExists(filePath)) { return null; } String name = String.valueOf(filePath.getFileName()); SyncFile syncFile = addSyncFile( null, null, null, filePath.toString(), Files.probeContentType(filePath), name, parentFolderId, repositoryId, SyncFile.STATE_SYNCED, syncAccountId, SyncFile.TYPE_FOLDER); // Remote sync file FileEventUtil.addFolder(parentFolderId, repositoryId, syncAccountId, name, syncFile); return syncFile; }
@Test public void testDeleteInstanceDirAfterCreateFailure() throws Exception { assumeFalse( "Ignore test on windows because it does not delete data directory immediately after unload", Constants.WINDOWS); File solrHomeDirectory = new File(initCoreDataDir, getClass().getName() + "-corex-" + System.nanoTime()); solrHomeDirectory.mkdirs(); copySolrHomeToTemp(solrHomeDirectory, "corex"); File corex = new File(solrHomeDirectory, "corex"); FileUtils.write(new File(corex, ""), "", StandardCharsets.UTF_8); JettySolrRunner runner = new JettySolrRunner(solrHomeDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), buildJettyConfig("/solr")); runner.start(); try (HttpSolrClient client = getHttpSolrClient(runner.getBaseUrl() + "/corex")) { client.setConnectionTimeout(SolrTestCaseJ4.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); client.setSoTimeout(SolrTestCaseJ4.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument(); doc.addField("id", "123"); client.add(doc); client.commit(); } Path dataDir = null; try (HttpSolrClient client = getHttpSolrClient(runner.getBaseUrl().toString())) { CoreStatus status = CoreAdminRequest.getCoreStatus("corex", true, client); String dataDirectory = status.getDataDirectory(); dataDir = Paths.get(dataDirectory); assertTrue(Files.exists(dataDir)); } File subHome = new File(solrHomeDirectory, "corex" + File.separator + "conf"); String top = SolrTestCaseJ4.TEST_HOME() + "/collection1/conf"; FileUtils.copyFile( new File(top, "bad-error-solrconfig.xml"), new File(subHome, "solrconfig.xml")); try (HttpSolrClient client = getHttpSolrClient(runner.getBaseUrl().toString())) { client.setConnectionTimeout(SolrTestCaseJ4.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); client.setSoTimeout(SolrTestCaseJ4.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); try { CoreAdminRequest.reloadCore("corex", client); } catch (Exception e) { // this is expected because we put a bad solrconfig -- ignore } CoreAdminRequest.Unload req = new CoreAdminRequest.Unload(false); req.setDeleteDataDir(true); req.setDeleteInstanceDir( false); // important because the data directory is inside the instance directory req.setCoreName("corex"); req.process(client); } runner.stop(); assertTrue( "The data directory was not cleaned up on unload after a failed core reload", Files.notExists(dataDir)); }
/** * ファイルデータをストレージに保存します. * * @param metadata ファイルデータを含むurlTreeメタデータオブジェクト * @param ctx urlTreeコンテキストオブジェクト */ @Override public void save(UrlTreeMetaData<InputStream> metadata, UrlTreeContext ctx) throws BadContentException { String localFileName = metadata.getAbsolutePath(); logger.debug("saving " + localFileName); Path f = this.generateFileObj(localFileName); InputStream b = metadata.getData(); // nullの場合は書き換えない。 if (b == null) { return; } try { Path parent = f.getParent(); // 書き込む場所がなければ親ディレクトリを作成 if (Files.notExists(parent)) { Files.createDirectories(parent); } Files.copy(b, f, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GenericResourceException(e); } }
public static SyncFile addFileSyncFile( Path filePath, long folderId, long repositoryId, long syncAccountId) throws Exception { // Local sync file if (Files.notExists(filePath)) { return null; } String checksum = FileUtil.getChecksum(filePath); String name = String.valueOf(filePath.getFileName()); String mimeType = Files.probeContentType(filePath); SyncFile syncFile = addSyncFile( null, checksum, null, filePath.toString(), mimeType, name, folderId, repositoryId, SyncFile.STATE_SYNCED, syncAccountId, SyncFile.TYPE_FILE); // Remote sync file FileEventUtil.addFile( filePath, folderId, repositoryId, syncAccountId, checksum, name, mimeType, syncFile); return syncFile; }
@AdviseWith(adviceClasses = NettyUtilAdvice.class) @Test public void testDispose() throws Exception { Path remoteFilePath = Paths.get("remoteFile"); Path tempFilePath = FileServerTestUtil.createFileWithData(Paths.get("tempFile")); Map<Path, Path> pathMap = _nettyRepository.pathMap; FileServerTestUtil.createFileWithData(tempFilePath); try (CaptureHandler captureHandler = JDKLoggerTestUtil.configureJDKLogger(NettyRepository.class.getName(), Level.OFF)) { NoticeableFuture<Path> noticeableFuture = _nettyRepository.getFile(_embeddedChannel, remoteFilePath, null, false); FileResponse fileResponse = new FileResponse(remoteFilePath, System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, false); fileResponse.setLocalFile(tempFilePath); _asyncBroker.takeWithResult(remoteFilePath, fileResponse); Path localFilePath = noticeableFuture.get(); Assert.assertNotNull(localFilePath); Assert.assertTrue(Files.notExists(tempFilePath)); Assert.assertTrue(Files.exists(localFilePath)); Assert.assertEquals(1, pathMap.size()); Assert.assertSame(localFilePath, pathMap.get(remoteFilePath)); _nettyRepository.dispose(false); Assert.assertTrue(Files.notExists(localFilePath)); Assert.assertTrue(pathMap.isEmpty()); Assert.assertTrue(Files.exists(_repositoryPath)); _nettyRepository.dispose(true); Assert.assertTrue(Files.notExists(_repositoryPath)); List<LogRecord> logRecords = captureHandler.getLogRecords(); Assert.assertTrue(logRecords.isEmpty()); } }
public void extract(boolean raw) throws IOException { List<ObjectPath> paths = asset.getPaths(); Deserializer deser = new Deserializer(asset); for (AssetExtractHandler extractHandler : extractHandlerMap.values()) { extractHandler.setAssetFile(asset); extractHandler.setOutputDir(outputDir); } for (ObjectPath path : paths) { // skip filtered classes if (cf != null && !cf.accept(path)) { continue; } String className = ClassID.getNameForID(path.getClassID(), true); // write just the serialized object data or parsed and extracted content? if (raw) { String assetFileName = String.format("%06d.bin", path.getPathID()); Path classDir = outputDir.resolve(className); if (Files.notExists(classDir)) { Files.createDirectories(classDir); } Path assetFile = classDir.resolve(assetFileName); L.log(Level.INFO, "Writing {0} {1}", new Object[] {className, assetFileName}); ByteBuffer bbAsset = asset.getPathBuffer(path); try {, bbAsset); } catch (Exception ex) { L.log(Level.WARNING, "Can't write " + path + " to " + assetFile, ex); } } else { AssetExtractHandler handler = getHandler(className); if (handler != null) { UnityObject obj; try { obj = deser.deserialize(path); } catch (Exception ex) { L.log(Level.WARNING, "Can't deserialize " + path, ex); continue; } try { handler.setObjectPath(path); handler.extract(obj); } catch (Exception ex) { L.log(Level.WARNING, "Can't extract " + path, ex); } } } } }
@Test public void delete_file_java_apache() { Path path = Paths.get(DEST); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(path.toFile()); assertTrue(Files.notExists(path)); }
@Test public void delete_file_java_nio() throws IOException { Path path = Paths.get(DEST); java.nio.file.Files.delete(path); assertTrue(Files.notExists(path)); }
public static boolean isValidChecksum(Path filePath) throws IOException { if (Files.notExists(filePath) || (Files.size(filePath) > PropsValues.SYNC_FILE_CHECKSUM_THRESHOLD_SIZE)) { return false; } return true; }
public static void delete( Path dir, FileVisitor<? super Path> monitor, Set<FileVisitOption> options) throws IOException { if (Files.notExists(dir)) { return; } Files.walkFileTree( dir, options, Integer.MAX_VALUE, createMonitoredFileVisitor(new Delete<>(), monitor)); }
private static String resolveCurrentModuleVersion() throws IOException { Path restxModuleDescriptor = Paths.get(".").resolve("md.restx.json"); if (Files.notExists(restxModuleDescriptor)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("md.restx.json not found !"); } try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(restxModuleDescriptor.toFile()); ) { return new RestxJsonSupport().parse(fis).getGav().getVersion(); } }
Writer getConfigurationWriter() throws IOException { final String configFilePath = getConfigurationFilePath(); final Path configFile = Paths.get(configFilePath); if (Files.notExists(configFile)) { Files.createDirectories(configFile.getParent()); Files.createFile(configFile); } return new FileWriter(getConfigurationFilePath()); }
private void createFolders(String username) { Path userPath = Paths.get(Paths.get(dataFolder, "data").toString(), username); if (Files.notExists(userPath)) { try { Files.createDirectories(userPath); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Error creating user data reporting folder."); System.out.println(e); } } }
private static String getEdgeDefaultPath() { if (OsUtils.isWindows()) { if (OsUtils.is64Bit() && (Files.exists(Paths.get("./drivers/edgedriver-windows-64bit")) || Files.notExists(Paths.get("./drivers/edgedriver-windows-32bit")))) { return "drivers/edgedriver-windows-64bit"; } else { return "drivers/edgedriver-windows-32bit"; } } return null; }
static void delete(Path directory) { checkNotNullArgument(directory, "directory"); if (Files.notExists(directory)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("引数directoryには実在するパスを渡してください。"); if (!Files.isDirectory(directory)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("引数directoryにはディレクトリを渡してください。"); try { Files.walkFileTree(directory, new DeleteVisitor()); } catch (final IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } }
private static String getPhantomJsDefaultPath() { if (OsUtils.isWindows()) { return "drivers/phantomjs-windows-64bit.exe"; } else if (OsUtils.isMac()) { return "drivers/phantomjs-mac-64bit"; } else if (OsUtils.isLinux()) { if (OsUtils.is64Bit() && (Files.exists(Paths.get("./drivers/phantomjs-linux-64bit")) || Files.notExists(Paths.get("./drivers/phantomjs-linux-32bit")))) { return "drivers/phantomjs-linux-64bit"; } else { return "drivers/phantomjs-linux-32bit"; } } return null; }
// Returns an unoccupied filename based on 'file'. private static Path getTempFile(Path file) { Path retVal = null; if (file != null && Files.isRegularFile(file)) { final String fmt = ".%03d"; Path filePath = file.getParent(); String fileName = file.getFileName().toString(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { Path tmp = filePath.resolve(fileName + String.format(fmt, i)); if (!Files.exists(tmp) && Files.notExists(tmp)) { retVal = tmp; break; } } } return retVal; }
private GridProjected queryGrid(Dataset dataset, List<TimeSlice> tss) throws IOException { // Create a bounding box that encompasses all time slices. Box smbounds = timeSliceUtil.aggregateBounds(tss); if (smbounds == null) throw new IOException("Could not determine bounds: no time slices."); BoxReal bounds = new BoxReal(2); bounds.getMin().setX(smbounds.getXMin()); bounds.getMin().setY(smbounds.getYMin()); bounds.getMax().setX(smbounds.getXMax()); bounds.getMax().setY(smbounds.getYMax()); // Resolution. double cellSize = dataset.getResolution().toDouble(); VectorReal resolution = VectorReal.createEmpty(2); resolution.setX(cellSize); resolution.setY(cellSize); // All files for a given dataset share a common coordinate system. So, // we can just open one of the blank files and take a peek at it. CoordinateSystem srs = null; List<Band> bands = datasetDao.getBands(dataset.getId()); for (Band b : bands) { Path blankTilePath = bandUtil.getBlankTilePath(dataset, b); if (Files.notExists(blankTilePath)) continue; NetcdfDataset ncd = NetcdfDataset.openDataset(blankTilePath.toString()); try { ncd.enhance(); srs = ncd.getCoordinateSystems().get(0); break; } finally { ncd.close(); } } if (srs == null) { throw new IOException( String.format( "Could not determine " + "coordinate system for dataset %s. There may be no " + "tiles, or the bounds in the database may not match the " + "tiles stored on disk.", dataset)); } return new GridProjected(bounds, resolution, srs); }
@Override public void processAsset(AssetFile asset) throws IOException { Path assetFile = asset.getSourceFile(); Path assetDir = assetFile.getParent(); String assetFileName = assetFile.getFileName().toString(); String assetPath; if (assetDir == null) { assetPath = ""; } else { assetPath = assetDir.toAbsolutePath().toString(); assetPath = FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix(assetPath) + "/"; } // fix path for all assets with (shared)assets extension boolean changed = false; for (AssetRef ref : asset.getReferences()) { Path refFile = Paths.get(ref.getFilePath()); String refExt = FilenameUtils.getExtension(refFile.getFileName().toString()); if (refExt.endsWith("assets") && Files.notExists(refFile)) { String filePathOld = ref.getFilePath(); String filePathNew = assetPath + FilenameUtils.getName(ref.getFilePath()); Path refFileNew = Paths.get(filePathNew); if (Files.exists(refFileNew)) { L.log(Level.FINE, "Fixed reference: {0} -> {1}", new Object[] {filePathOld, filePathNew}); ref.setFilePath(filePathNew); changed = true; } else { L.log(Level.FINE, "Fixed reference not found: {0}", refFileNew); } } } if (!changed) { L.fine("No references changed, skipping saving"); return; } // create backup by renaming the original file Path assetFileBackup = assetFile.resolveSibling(assetFileName + ".bak"); Files.move(assetFile, assetFileBackup, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); // save asset; }
private void download() { if (validFile()) { Application app = ((AbstractComponent) subWindow).getApplication(); String file2DL = AttachedDocumentsUtils.getBaseURL(app) + currentFile.getUrl(); File file = new File(file2DL); if (Files.notExists(file.toPath(), LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) { getWindow() .showNotification( FactoryI18nManager.getI18nManager().getMessage(Messages.DIALOG_NONEXISTING_FILE), Notification.TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { FileDownloadResource fileDL = new FileDownloadResource(file, app); fileDL.setOutputFile(currentFile.getName() + "." + currentFile.getExtension()); getWindow().open(fileDL, "_top"); } } }
private void insertFolder( Path apkPath, Map<String, String> zip_properties, File insert, String method, Path location) throws AndrolibException, IOException { try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(apkPath, null)) { Path root = fs.getPath("/"); Path dest = fs.getPath(root.toString(), insert.getAbsolutePath().replace(location.toString(), "")); Path parent = dest.normalize(); // check for folder existing in apkFileSystem if (parent != null && Files.notExists(parent)) { if (!Files.isDirectory(parent, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) { Files.createDirectories(parent); } } fs.close(); } }
public void rm(String fileName, boolean recursive) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { Path file = getPath(fileName); if (Files.notExists(file)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(fileName); } if (Files.isDirectory(file) && !recursive) { String exMsg = "'%s' is Directory"; throw new IOException(String.format(exMsg, fileName)); } if (Files.isDirectory(file)) { rmDir(file); } else { Files.delete(file); } }
public static void createSymbolicLink(String src, String dest) { Path destPath = Paths.get(getPath(dest)); Path srcPath = Paths.get(src); if (Files.notExists(srcPath) || !Files.isDirectory(srcPath)) { return; } if (Files.exists(destPath)) { return; } try { Files.createSymbolicLink(destPath, srcPath); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn( String.format("WebdavUtil.createSymbolicLink fail... src : %s, dest : %s", src, dest)); } }
private void intialize() throws PAPException, IOException { // // Sanity check the repository path // if (this.repository == null) { throw new PAPException("No repository specified."); } if (Files.notExists(this.repository)) { Files.createDirectory(repository); } if (!Files.isDirectory(this.repository)) { throw new PAPException("Repository is NOT a directory: " + this.repository.toAbsolutePath()); } if (!Files.isWritable(this.repository)) { throw new PAPException("Repository is NOT writable: " + this.repository.toAbsolutePath()); } // // Load our groups // this.loadGroups(); }
/** * Unmarshalls the given file. The root class of the XML must be given. * * @param <T> Type of root object. * @param path Path to file to unmarshall. * @param schemaPath Path to the XSD schema that will be used to validate the XML file. If no * schema is provided no validation will be performed. * @param rootClass Root class of the XML document. * @return Unmarshalled object. * @throws JAXBException If {@link JAXBException} occurs during loading. * @throws IOException If {@link IOException} occurs during loading. * @throws SAXException If {@link SAXException} occurs during schema parsing. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T unmarshall(Path path, Path schemaPath, Class<T> rootClass) throws JAXBException, IOException, SAXException { if (Files.notExists(path) || Files.isDirectory(path)) { return null; } JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(rootClass); Unmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller(); if (null != schemaPath && Files.exists(schemaPath)) { SchemaFactory sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); try (InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(schemaPath, StandardOpenOption.READ)) { Schema schema = sf.newSchema(new StreamSource(inputStream)); unmarshaller.setSchema(schema); } } try (InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(path, StandardOpenOption.READ)) { return (T) unmarshaller.unmarshal(inputStream); } }