   * Add a route from one channel to another. An input can only have one output, but multiple inputs
   * can be routed to a single output (no order is imposed, though, so this is usually not a good
   * idea). The collection of routes is thread-safe, so it is legal to call this method after {@link
   * #run()} has been called.
   * @param input This must be configured as non-blocking by using {@link
   *     SelectableChannel#configureBlocking(boolean)}
   * @param output This must be configured as non-blocking in the same way as input
  public <
          T extends SelectableChannel & ReadableByteChannel,
          S extends SelectableChannel & WritableByteChannel>
      void addRoute(T input, S output) throws ClosedChannelException {
    // Must put into the maps before registering with the Selector in case
    // this thread is preempted by the input being available for read before
    // there's an output ready for it
    this.outputBuffers.put(output, ByteBuffer.allocate(BUFFER_SIZE));
    this.outputs.put(input, output);

    // Register the output channel with the selector if it isn't already
    // registered, but don't register for any operations yet; this will be
    // used later to switch the output to and from selecting for writing in
    // the run loop. In addition, do this first so the output key is always
    // available in case data is immediately available on input to be read
    if (!(output.isRegistered())) output.register(this.selector, 0);
    input.register(this.selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public String toString() {
   return S.toString(IpcSharedMemoryServerEndpoint.class, this);