private void initAuthUserInfo(HttpURLConnection conn, String userInfo) { String user; String password; if (userInfo != null) { // get the user and password // System.out.println("UserInfo= " + userInfo ); int delimiter = userInfo.indexOf(':'); if (delimiter == -1) { user = ParseUtil.decode(userInfo); password = null; } else { user = ParseUtil.decode(userInfo.substring(0, delimiter++)); password = ParseUtil.decode(userInfo.substring(delimiter)); } String plain = user + ":"; byte[] nameBytes = plain.getBytes(); byte[] passwdBytes = password.getBytes(); // concatenate user name and password bytes and encode them byte[] concat = new byte[nameBytes.length + passwdBytes.length]; System.arraycopy(nameBytes, 0, concat, 0, nameBytes.length); System.arraycopy(passwdBytes, 0, concat, nameBytes.length, passwdBytes.length); String auth = "Basic " + new String(Base64.encode(concat)); conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", auth); if (dL > 0) d("Adding auth " + auth); } }
/** * Returns the result of applying XOR on this attribute's address, using the specified transaction * ID when converting IPv6 addresses. * * @param transactionID the transaction ID to use in case this attribute is encapsulating an IPv6 * address. * @return the XOR-ed address. */ public TransportAddress getAddress(byte[] transactionID) { byte[] xorMask = new byte[16]; System.arraycopy(Message.MAGIC_COOKIE, 0, xorMask, 0, 4); System.arraycopy(transactionID, 0, xorMask, 4, 12); return applyXor(xorMask); }
/** * Applies a XOR mask to the specified address and then sets it as the value transported by this * attribute. * * @param address the address that we should xor and then record in this attribute. * @param transactionID the transaction identifier that we should use when creating the XOR mask. */ public void setAddress(TransportAddress address, byte[] transactionID) { byte[] xorMask = new byte[16]; System.arraycopy(Message.MAGIC_COOKIE, 0, xorMask, 0, 4); System.arraycopy(transactionID, 0, xorMask, 4, 12); TransportAddress xorAddress = applyXor(address, xorMask); super.setAddress(xorAddress); }
private byte[] getChars(int chars) { try { lock.getBusyFlag(); byte c[] = new byte[chars]; System.arraycopy(result, 0, c, 0, chars); reslen -= chars; System.arraycopy(result, chars, result, 0, reslen); full.cvSignal(); return c; } finally { lock.freeBusyFlag(); } }
public static ClassLoader extendClassLoader(ClassLoader root, ClassLoader classLoader, URL url) { // URL classloader doesn't seem to delegate to parent classloader properly // so if you get a chain of them then it fails to find things. Here we // make sure that all of our added URLs end up within a single URLClassloader // with its parent being the one that loaded this class itself if (classLoader instanceof URLClassLoader) { URL[] old = ((URLClassLoader) classLoader).getURLs(); URL[] new_urls = new URL[old.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(old, 0, new_urls, 1, old.length); new_urls[0] = url; classLoader = new URLClassLoader(new_urls, classLoader == root ? classLoader : classLoader.getParent()); } else { classLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] {url}, classLoader); } return (classLoader); }
/** * @param data Guaranteed to be non null * @param offset * @param length */ public void send(byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws Exception { if (sender != null) { byte[] copy = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(data, offset, copy, 0, length); sender.addToQueue(new Buffer(copy, 0, length)); } else _send(data, offset, length, true, true); }
/** * Returns a clone of this SnmpContextv3. * * @exception CloneNotSupportedException Thrown when the constructor generates an IOException */ public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { SnmpContextv3 clContext = null; try { clContext = new SnmpContextv3(hostAddr, hostPort, typeSocket); clContext.setUserName(new String(userName)); clContext.setUseAuthentication(useAuthentication); if (userAuthenticationPassword != null) { clContext.setUserAuthenticationPassword(new String(userAuthenticationPassword)); } clContext.setAuthenticationProtocol(authenticationProtocol); /* clContext.setUsePrivacy(usePrivacy); if (userPrivacyPassword != null) { clContext.setUserPrivacyPassword(new String(userPrivacyPassword)); } */ clContext.setContextName(new String(contextName)); int l = contextEngineId.length; byte[] newContextEngineId = new byte[l]; System.arraycopy(contextEngineId, 0, newContextEngineId, 0, l); clContext.setContextEngineId(newContextEngineId); } catch ( exc) { throw new CloneNotSupportedException("IOException " + exc.getMessage()); } return clContext; }
/** * Open FBS file identified by {@link #fbsURL}. The stream is positioned at the entry point * described by <code>entryPoint</code>. * * @param entryPoint entry point information. * @return a newly created FBS input stream on success, <code>null</code> if any error occured and * the FBS stream is not opened. * @throws if an I/O exception occurs. */ private FbsInputStream openFbsFile(FbsEntryPoint entry) throws IOException { System.err.println("Entering FBS at " + entry.timestamp + " ms"); // Make sure the protocol is HTTP. if (!fbkURL.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("http") || !fbsURL.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("http")) { System.err.println("Indexed access requires HTTP protocol in URLs"); return null; } // Seek to the keyframe. InputStream is = openHttpByteRange(fbkURL, entry.key_fpos, entry.key_size); if (is == null) { return null; } // Load keyframe data from the .fbk file, prepend RFB initialization data. DataInputStream data = new DataInputStream(is); byte[] keyData = new byte[rfbInitData.length + (int) entry.key_size]; System.arraycopy(rfbInitData, 0, keyData, 0, rfbInitData.length); data.readFully(keyData, rfbInitData.length, (int) entry.key_size); data.close(); // Open the FBS stream. is = openHttpByteRange(fbsURL, entry.fbs_fpos, -1); if (is == null) { return null; } return new FbsInputStream(is, entry.timestamp, keyData, entry.fbs_skip); }
public static File[] getSystemLibs() { File javaHome = new File(System.getProperty("java.home")); File libDir = new File(javaHome, "lib"); File extDir = new File(libDir, "ext"); File osxDir = new File(javaHome.getParentFile(), "Classes"); File[][] libsArray = new File[][] { getLibraryFiles(libDir), getLibraryFiles(osxDir), getLibraryFiles(extDir), }; int nLibs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < libsArray.length; i++) { if (libsArray[i] != null) { nLibs += libsArray[i].length; } } File[] libs = new File[nLibs]; int destPos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < libsArray.length; i++) { if (libsArray[i] != null) { System.arraycopy(libsArray[i], 0, libs, destPos, libsArray[i].length); destPos += libsArray[i].length; } } return libs; }
/** * Gets a <tt>MultiplexedDatagramSocket</tt> which filters <tt>DatagramPacket</tt>s away from this * <tt>DatagramSocket</tt> using a specific <tt>DatagramPacketFilter</tt>. If such a * <tt>MultiplexedDatagramSocket</tt> does not exist in this instance, it is created. * * @param filter the <tt>DatagramPacketFilter</tt> to get a <tt>MultiplexedDatagramSocket</tt> for * @return a <tt>MultiplexedDatagramSocket</tt> which filters <tt>DatagramPacket</tt>s away from * this <tt>DatagramSocket</tt> using the specified <tt>filter</tt> * @throws SocketException if creating the <tt>MultiplexedDatagramSocket</tt> for the specified * <tt>filter</tt> fails */ public MultiplexedDatagramSocket getSocket(DatagramPacketFilter filter) throws SocketException { if (filter == null) throw new NullPointerException("filter"); synchronized (socketsSyncRoot) { /* * If a socket for the specified filter exists already, do not * create a new one and return the existing. */ for (MultiplexedDatagramSocket socket : sockets) if (filter.equals(socket.getFilter())) return socket; // Create a new socket for the specified filter. MultiplexedDatagramSocket socket = new MultiplexedDatagramSocket(this, filter); // Remember the new socket. int socketCount = sockets.length; if (socketCount == 0) sockets = new MultiplexedDatagramSocket[] {socket}; else { MultiplexedDatagramSocket[] newSockets = new MultiplexedDatagramSocket[socketCount + 1]; System.arraycopy(sockets, 0, newSockets, 0, socketCount); newSockets[socketCount] = socket; sockets = newSockets; } return socket; } }
/** * Copies the properties of a specific <tt>DatagramPacket</tt> to another <tt>DatagramPacket</tt>. * The property values are not cloned. * * @param src the <tt>DatagramPacket</tt> which is to have its properties copied to <tt>dest</tt> * @param dest the <tt>DatagramPacket</tt> which is to have its properties set to the value of the * respective properties of <tt>src</tt> */ public static void copy(DatagramPacket src, DatagramPacket dest) { synchronized (dest) { dest.setAddress(src.getAddress()); dest.setPort(src.getPort()); byte[] srcData = src.getData(); if (srcData == null) dest.setLength(0); else { byte[] destData = dest.getData(); if (destData == null) dest.setLength(0); else { int destOffset = dest.getOffset(); int destLength = destData.length - destOffset; int srcLength = src.getLength(); if (destLength >= srcLength) destLength = srcLength; else if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Truncating received DatagramPacket data!"); } System.arraycopy(srcData, src.getOffset(), destData, destOffset, destLength); dest.setLength(destLength); } } } }
public void run() { runs = true; // notification about starting the input process stream.postEvent(new ServerEvent(this, stream, ServerEvent.INPUT_START)); changeState(new HeaderDetectionState(this, stream)); byte[] buffer = new byte[65535]; int offset = 0; int length = 0; while (runs && stream.running()) { try { // starting time of the transfer long transferStart = new Date().getTime(); // reading data int red =, offset, buffer.length - offset); // notification about the transfer stream.postEvent( new TransferEvent( this, stream, TransferEvent.STREAM_INPUT, red, new Date().getTime() - transferStart)); if (red == -1) runs = false; length += red; int newOffset = currentState.processData(buffer, 0, length); if (newOffset < offset + length) { length = length - newOffset; System.arraycopy(buffer, newOffset, buffer, 0, length); offset = length; } else { length = 0; offset = 0; } } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { continue; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); runs = false; } } try { input.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // notification about ending the input process stream.postEvent(new ServerEvent(this, stream, ServerEvent.INPUT_STOP)); }
public static void bootFromURIWithDT( ARMv5 cpu, RAM ramMain, String dtree, String kimage, String initrd, String cmdline) { byte[] cmdlb = cmdline.getBytes(); // +1: need null char at the end of line byte[] cmdalign = new byte[(cmdlb.length + 1 + 3) & ~0x3]; System.arraycopy(cmdlb, 0, cmdalign, 0, cmdlb.length); final int addrRAM = 0x00000000; final int addrDT = addrRAM + 0x800000; int sizeDT = 0; final int addrImage = addrRAM + 0x008000; int sizeImage = 0; final int addrInitrd = addrRAM + 0x00810000; int sizeInitrd = 0; boolean initrdExist = !initrd.equals(""); // tentative boot loader for ARM Linux with Device Tree try { // load Device Tree Blob sizeDT = loadURIResource(new URI(dtree), cpu, addrDT); // load Image file sizeImage = loadURIResource(new URI(kimage), cpu, addrImage); // load Initrd/InitramFS file if (initrdExist) { sizeInitrd = loadURIResource(new URI(initrd), cpu, addrInitrd); } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); return; } // report address mapping System.out.printf( "Address mapping:\n" + " RAM : 0x%08x\n" + " DeviceTree: 0x%08x - 0x%08x\n" + " Kernel : 0x%08x - 0x%08x\n" + " InitramFS : 0x%08x - 0x%08x\n", addrRAM, addrDT, addrDT + sizeDT - 1, addrImage, addrImage + sizeImage - 1, addrInitrd, addrInitrd + sizeInitrd - 1); // r0: 0 cpu.setReg(0, 0); // r1: Do not care. cpu.setReg(1, 0); // r2: Device tree blob pointer. cpu.setReg(2, addrDT); // pc: entry of stext cpu.setPC(addrImage); cpu.setJumped(false); }
private byte[] merge(Hashtable msght) { int s = msght.size(); // System.out.println("--------------------s="+s); byte[] tmpb = (byte[]) msght.get("" + s + "_" + (s - 1)); int tmpi = tmpb.length; // System.out.println("-----------------1tmpi="+tmpi); int len = (s - 1) * MAX_PACKET_LENGTH + tmpi; byte[] tmpbuf = new byte[len]; // System.out.println("-----------------1---"); System.arraycopy(tmpb, 0, tmpbuf, (s - 1) * MAX_PACKET_LENGTH, tmpi); for (int i = 0; i < (s - 1); i++) { tmpb = (byte[]) msght.get("" + s + "_" + i); System.arraycopy(tmpb, 0, tmpbuf, i * MAX_PACKET_LENGTH, MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); } return tmpbuf; }
/** * Closes a specific <tt>MultiplexedDatagramSocket</tt> which filters <tt>DatagramPacket</tt>s * away from this <tt>DatagramSocket</tt>. * * @param multiplexed the <tt>MultiplexedDatagramSocket</tt> to close */ void close(MultiplexedDatagramSocket multiplexed) { synchronized (socketsSyncRoot) { int socketCount = sockets.length; for (int i = 0; i < socketCount; i++) if (sockets[i].equals(multiplexed)) { if (socketCount == 1) sockets = NO_SOCKETS; else { MultiplexedDatagramSocket[] newSockets = new MultiplexedDatagramSocket[socketCount - 1]; System.arraycopy(sockets, 0, newSockets, 0, i); System.arraycopy(sockets, i + 1, newSockets, i, newSockets.length - i); sockets = newSockets; } break; } } }
/** * Copies the content of the most recently received packet into <tt>data</tt>. * * @param buffer an optional <tt>Buffer</tt> instance associated with the specified <tt>data</tt>, * <tt>offset</tt> and <tt>length</tt> and provided to the method in case the implementation * would like to provide additional <tt>Buffer</tt> properties such as <tt>flags</tt> * @param data the <tt>byte[]</tt> that we'd like to copy the content of the packet to. * @param offset the position where we are supposed to start writing in <tt>data</tt>. * @param length the number of <tt>byte</tt>s available for writing in <tt>data</tt>. * @return the number of bytes read * @throws IOException if <tt>length</tt> is less than the size of the packet. */ protected int read(Buffer buffer, byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws IOException { if (data == null) throw new NullPointerException("data"); if (ioError) return -1; RawPacket pkt; synchronized (pktSyncRoot) { pkt = this.pkt; this.pkt = null; } int pktLength; if (pkt == null) { pktLength = 0; } else { // By default, pkt will be returned to the pool after it was read. boolean poolPkt = true; try { pktLength = pkt.getLength(); if (length < pktLength) { /* * If pkt is still the latest RawPacket made available to * reading, reinstate it for the next invocation of read; * otherwise, return it to the pool. */ poolPkt = false; throw new IOException("Input buffer not big enough for " + pktLength); } else { byte[] pktBuffer = pkt.getBuffer(); if (pktBuffer == null) { throw new NullPointerException( "pkt.buffer null, pkt.length " + pktLength + ", pkt.offset " + pkt.getOffset()); } else { System.arraycopy(pkt.getBuffer(), pkt.getOffset(), data, offset, pktLength); if (buffer != null) buffer.setFlags(pkt.getFlags()); } } } finally { if (!poolPkt) { synchronized (pktSyncRoot) { if (this.pkt == null) this.pkt = pkt; else poolPkt = true; } } if (poolPkt) { // Return pkt to the pool because it was successfully read. poolRawPacket(pkt); } } } return pktLength; }
/** * 以阻塞的方式立即下载一个文件,该方法会覆盖已经存在的文件 * * @param task * @return "ok" if download success (else return errmessage); */ static String download(DownloadTask task) { if (!openedStatus && show) openStatus(); URL url; HttpURLConnection conn; try { url = new URL(task.getOrigin()); conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setConnectTimeout(30000); conn.setReadTimeout(30000); conn.setRequestProperty( "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.134 Safari/" + Math.random()); if ("".equals(url.getHost())) { // 该网站需要带cookie请求 conn.setRequestProperty( "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.134 Safari/537.36"); // conn.setRequestProperty("Cookie", "__cfduid=d219ea333c7a9b5743b572697b631925a1446093229; // cf_clearance=6ae62d843f5d09acf393f9e4eb130d9366840c82-1446093303-28800"); conn.setRequestProperty( "Cookie", "__cfduid=d6ee846b378bb7d5d173a05541f8a2b6a1446090548; cf_clearance=ea10e8db31f8b6ee51570b118dd89b7e616d7b62-1446099714-28800"); conn.setRequestProperty("Host", ""); } Path directory = Paths.get(task.getDest()).getParent(); if (!Files.exists(directory)) Files.createDirectories(directory); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return e.getMessage(); } try (InputStream is = conn.getInputStream(); BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(is); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(task.getDest()); OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(fos); ) { int length = conn.getContentLength(); if (length < 1) throw new IOException("length<1"); byte[] binary = new byte[length]; byte[] buff = new byte[65536]; int len; int index = 0; while ((len = != -1) { System.arraycopy(buff, 0, binary, index, len); index += len; allLen += len; // allLen有线程安全的问题 ,可能会不正确。无需精确数据,所以不同步了 task.setReceivePercent(String.format("%.2f", ((float) index / length) * 100) + "%"); } out.write(binary); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return e.getMessage(); } return "ok"; }
public void respond(DatagramPacket packet) { byte[] data = new byte[packet.getLength()]; System.arraycopy(packet.getData(), 0, data, 0, packet.getLength()); try { String s = new String(data, "8859_1"); System.out.println(packet.getAddress() + " at port " + packet.getPort() + " says " + s); } catch ( ex) { // This shouldn't happen } }
/** * @param data Guaranteed to be non null * @param offset * @param length */ private void send(byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws Exception { if (isSenderUsed()) { // we need to copy the byte[] buffer here because the original buffer might get // changed meanwhile byte[] tmp = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(data, offset, tmp, 0, length); sender.addToQueue(tmp); } else { _send(data, offset, length, true); } }
private byte getChar() { try { lock.getBusyFlag(); byte c = result[0]; System.arraycopy(result, 1, result, 0, --reslen); full.cvSignal(); return c; } finally { lock.freeBusyFlag(); } }
protected static Object[] extractMockArguments(Object[] args) { int i = 7; if (args.length > i) { Object[] mockArgs = new Object[args.length - i]; System.arraycopy(args, i, mockArgs, 0, mockArgs.length); return mockArgs; } return EMPTY_ARGS; }
public String sendDetails(String password, byte[] phash, String transactionID, byte[] spdata) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeyException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException { Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA"); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privateKey); byte[] cipherData = cipher.doFinal(spdata); String x = new String(cipherData); String sp[] = new String[10]; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(x.toString(), "|"); int count = 0; StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { sp[count] = st.nextToken(); count++; } String decodemessgae = new String(); if (securePassword.equals(sp[1]) && serviceProviderId.equals(sp[0].toString().trim())) { System.out.println("hellosubba"); if (transactionID.equals(transactionDetails[0].toString())) { int qrData[] = new int[16]; for (int i = 0; i < password.length(); i++) { message.append(password.charAt(i) ^ bioTemplate.charAt(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); i++) { if (message.charAt(i) == '1') { decodemessgae += '0'; } else decodemessgae += '1'; } int start = 56, end = 63; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { qrData[i] = Integer.parseInt(decodemessgae.substring(start, end), 2); start += 64; end += 64; } RsDecode dec = new RsDecode(16); int r = dec.decode(qrData); System.out.println("r=" + r); System.out.println("qrData=" + java.util.Arrays.toString(qrData)); int[] MM = new int[qrData.length + 16]; System.arraycopy(qrData, 0, MM, 0, qrData.length); RsEncode enc = new RsEncode(16); enc.encode(MM); System.out.println("qrData=" + java.util.Arrays.toString(MM)); } } else { message.append("unkonw third party user"); } return message.toString(); }
public static byte[] stringToArray(String s) { byte[] out = null; if (s == null) { out = new byte[4]; integerToArray(-1, out, 0); } else { byte[] sb = s.getBytes(); out = new byte[sb.length + 4]; integerToArray(sb.length, out, 0); System.arraycopy(sb, 0, out, 4, sb.length); } return out; }
public Pdu processIncomingTrap(byte[] message) throws DecodingException, IOException { int l = message.length; byte[] copyOfMessage = new byte[l]; System.arraycopy(message, 0, copyOfMessage, 0, l); AsnDecoder rpdu = new AsnDecoder(); ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(message); AsnSequence asnTopSeq = rpdu.DecodeSNMPv3(in); AsnPduSequence pduSeq = rpdu.processSNMPv3(this, asnTopSeq, copyOfMessage); TrapPduv2 trapPdu = new; trapPdu.fillin(pduSeq); return trapPdu; }
public byte[] decryptCards(final String password, final byte[] ciphertext) throws Exception { final MessageDigest shaDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); byte[] pw1 = password.getBytes("UTF-8"); byte[] keyHash1 = shaDigest.digest(pw1); keyHash1 = shaDigest.digest(keyHash1); byte[] pw2 = new byte[keyHash1.length + pw1.length]; System.arraycopy(keyHash1, 0, pw2, 0, keyHash1.length); System.arraycopy(pw1, 0, pw2, keyHash1.length, pw1.length); byte[] keyHash2 = shaDigest.digest(pw2); keyHash2 = shaDigest.digest(keyHash2); byte[] key = new byte[16]; System.arraycopy(keyHash1, 0, key, 0, key.length); byte[] iv = new byte[16]; System.arraycopy(keyHash1, 16, iv, 0, 4); System.arraycopy(keyHash2, 0, iv, 4, 12); Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/NoPadding"); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES"), new IvParameterSpec(iv)); return cipher.doFinal(ciphertext); }
/** Object: size = variable */ public static byte[] objectToArray(Object s) { try { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos); oos.writeObject(s); oos.close(); baos.close(); byte[] sb = baos.toByteArray(); byte[] out = new byte[sb.length + 4]; integerToArray(sb.length, out, 0); System.arraycopy(sb, 0, out, 4, sb.length); return out; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("unable to serialize packet", e); } }
/** * Concat arrays in one. * * @param arrays Arrays. * @return Summary array. */ public static int[] concat(int[]... arrays) { assert arrays != null; assert arrays.length > 1; int len = 0; for (int[] a : arrays) len += a.length; int[] r = Arrays.copyOf(arrays[0], len); for (int i = 1, shift = 0; i < arrays.length; i++) { shift += arrays[i - 1].length; System.arraycopy(arrays[i], 0, r, shift, arrays[i].length); } return r; }
/** * Adds a <tt>DatagramPacketFilter</tt> which allows dropping <tt>DatagramPacket</tt>s before they * are converted into <tt>RawPacket</tt>s. * * @param datagramPacketFilter the <tt>DatagramPacketFilter</tt> which allows dropping * <tt>DatagramPacket</tt>s before they are converted into <tt>RawPacket</tt>s */ public synchronized void addDatagramPacketFilter(DatagramPacketFilter datagramPacketFilter) { if (datagramPacketFilter == null) throw new NullPointerException("datagramPacketFilter"); if (datagramPacketFilters == null) { datagramPacketFilters = new DatagramPacketFilter[] {datagramPacketFilter}; } else { final int length = datagramPacketFilters.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) if (datagramPacketFilter.equals(datagramPacketFilters[i])) return; DatagramPacketFilter[] newDatagramPacketFilters = new DatagramPacketFilter[length + 1]; System.arraycopy(datagramPacketFilters, 0, newDatagramPacketFilters, 0, length); newDatagramPacketFilters[length] = datagramPacketFilter; datagramPacketFilters = newDatagramPacketFilters; } }
/** * Compute the hash an IP address. The hash is the first 8 bytes of the SHA digest of the IP * address. */ private static byte[] computeAddressHash() { /* * Get the local host's IP address. */ byte[] addr = (byte[]) new PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { try { return InetAddress.getLocalHost().getAddress(); } catch (Exception e) { } return new byte[] {0, 0, 0, 0}; } }); byte[] addrHash; final int ADDR_HASH_LENGTH = 8; try { /* * Calculate message digest of IP address using SHA. */ MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA"); ByteArrayOutputStream sink = new ByteArrayOutputStream(64); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new DigestOutputStream(sink, md)); out.write(addr, 0, addr.length); out.flush(); byte digest[] = md.digest(); int hashlength = Math.min(ADDR_HASH_LENGTH, digest.length); addrHash = new byte[hashlength]; System.arraycopy(digest, 0, addrHash, 0, hashlength); } catch (IOException ignore) { /* can't happen, but be deterministic anyway. */ addrHash = new byte[0]; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException complain) { throw new InternalError(complain.toString()); } return addrHash; }
static byte[] sendReq(byte abyte0[], int i, String s, int j) throws Exception { DatagramSocket datagramsocket = new DatagramSocket(i); try { datagramsocket.setSoTimeout(30000); datagramsocket.send(new DatagramPacket(abyte0, abyte0.length, InetAddress.getByName(s), j)); byte abyte1[] = new byte[512]; DatagramPacket datagrampacket = new DatagramPacket(abyte1, abyte1.length); datagramsocket.receive(datagrampacket); byte abyte2[] = new byte[datagrampacket.getLength()]; System.arraycopy(datagrampacket.getData(), 0, abyte2, 0, datagrampacket.getLength()); datagramsocket.close(); return abyte2; } catch (Exception exception) { try { datagramsocket.close(); } catch (Exception exception1) { } throw exception; } }