  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    String arg = evt.getActionCommand();
    if (arg.equals("Query")) { // 用户按下Query按钮
      ResultSet rs = null;
      try {
        String author = (String) authors.getSelectedItem();
        String publisher = (String) publishers.getSelectedItem();
        if (!author.equals("Any") && !publisher.equals("Any")) {
          if (authorPublisherQueryStmt == null) {
            //  根据用户选择的出版社名和作者名查询相关的书名和书价
            String authorPublisherQuery =
                "SELECT Books.Price, Books.Title "
                    + "FROM Books, BooksAuthors, Authors, Publishers "
                    + "WHERE Authors.Author_Id = BooksAuthors.Author_Id AND "
                    + "BooksAuthors.ISBN = Books.ISBN AND "
                    + "Books.Publisher_Id = Publishers.Publisher_Id AND "
                    + "Authors.Name = ? AND "
                    + "Publishers.Name = ?";
            authorPublisherQueryStmt = con.prepareStatement(authorPublisherQuery);

          authorPublisherQueryStmt.setString(1, author);
          authorPublisherQueryStmt.setString(2, publisher);
          rs = authorPublisherQueryStmt.executeQuery();
        } else if (!author.equals("Any") && publisher.equals("Any")) {
          if (authorQueryStmt == null) {
            //  根据用户选择的作者名查询相关的书名和书价
            String authorQuery =
                "SELECT Books.Price, Books.Title "
                    + "FROM Books, BooksAuthors, Authors "
                    + "WHERE Authors.Author_Id = BooksAuthors.Author_Id AND "
                    + "BooksAuthors.ISBN = Books.ISBN AND "
                    + "Authors.Name = ?";
            authorQueryStmt = con.prepareStatement(authorQuery);
          authorQueryStmt.setString(1, author);
          rs = authorQueryStmt.executeQuery();
        } else if (author.equals("Any") && !publisher.equals("Any")) {
          if (publisherQueryStmt == null) {
            //  根据用户选择的出版社名查询相关的书名和书价
            String publisherQuery =
                "SELECT Books.Price, Books.Title "
                    + "FROM Books, Publishers "
                    + "WHERE Books.Publisher_Id = Publishers.Publisher_Id AND "
                    + "Publishers.Name = ?";
            publisherQueryStmt = con.prepareStatement(publisherQuery);
          publisherQueryStmt.setString(1, publisher);
          rs = publisherQueryStmt.executeQuery();
        } else {
          if (allQueryStmt == null) {
            // 若用户未选任何信息,则输出所有的书名和对应的书价
            String allQuery = "SELECT Books.Price, Books.Title FROM Books";
            allQueryStmt = con.prepareStatement(allQuery);
          rs = allQueryStmt.executeQuery();

        while (rs.next()) result.append(rs.getString(1) + " | " + rs.getString(2) + "\n");
      } catch (Exception e) {
        result.setText("Error " + e);
    } else if (arg.equals("Change prices")) { //  用户选择“Change prices”按钮
      String publisher = (String) publishers.getSelectedItem();
      if (publisher.equals("Any")) result.setText("I am sorry, but I cannot do that.");
        try {
          // 根据用户输入的新的书价更新Books表的数据
          String updateStatement =
              "UPDATE Books "
                  + "SET Price = Price + "
                  + priceChange.getText()
                  + " WHERE Books.Publisher_Id = "
                  + "(SELECT Publisher_Id FROM Publishers WHERE Name = '"
                  + publisher
                  + "')";
          int r = stmt.executeUpdate(updateStatement);
          result.setText(r + " records updated.");
        } catch (Exception e) {
          result.setText("Error " + e);