private static void fdCallbackHandler(int fd) { FD_HANDLER_TYPE handler = (FD_HANDLER_TYPE) fdHashTable.get(Integer.toString(fd)); if (handler != null) { handler.handle(fd); } else System.out.println("Ooops -- no handler for fd"); }
public static ZigBee findRemote(long address64) { ZigBee zb; synchronized (knownNodes) { zb = knownNodes.get(new Long(address64)); } return zb; }
private static void timerCallbackHandler(int handlerNum, long currentTime, long scheduledTime) { TIMER_HANDLER_TYPE handler = (TIMER_HANDLER_TYPE) timerHashTable.get(Integer.toString(handlerNum)); if (handler != null) { handler.handle(currentTime, scheduledTime); } else System.out.println("Ooops -- no handler for timer"); }
/** ** Gets the SMSoutboubdGateway for the specified name */ public static SMSOutboundGateway GetSMSGateway(String name) { /* get handler */ if (StringTools.isBlank(name)) { return null; } else { return SmsGatewayHandlerMap.get(name.toLowerCase()); } }
public void count_bip_exits(String hostname) { int[] pos; pos = (int[]) mbips.get(hostname); if (pos == null) { pos = make_int_array(MBIPS_NUM_POS); mbips.put(hostname, pos); } ++pos[MBIPS_BIPS_EXITTED_POS]; return; }
private static void changeCallbackHandler(String msgName, int numHandlers) { List handlerList = (List) handlerChangeHashTable.get(msgName); if (handlerList == null) { System.out.println("Ooops -- no change handlers for message " + msgName); return; } Iterator iter = handlerList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ((CHANGE_HANDLE_TYPE), numHandlers); } }
public void count_account_stat(String hostname, AccountStatisticReturnVal acstat) { double[] pos; pos = (double[]) mtimes.get(hostname); if (pos == null) { pos = make_double_array(MTIMES_NUM_POS); mtimes.put(hostname, pos); } pos[MTIMES_CPU_TIME_POS] += acstat.get_cpu_time(); pos[MTIMES_WALL_TIME_POS] += acstat.get_wall_time(); return; }
static ZigBee findOrCreateRemote(long address64, short address16) { ZigBee zb; synchronized (knownNodes) { zb = knownNodes.get(new Long(address64)); if (zb == null) { zb = new ZigBee(); zb.updateAddress64(address64); } } zb.updateAddress16(address16); return zb; }
private static void msgCallbackHandler(int handlerNum, int msgInstance, int byteArray) { handlerHashData handlerData = (handlerHashData) msgHashTable.get(Integer.toString(handlerNum)); if (handlerData != null) { Object object; try { int formatter = IPC_msgInstanceFormatter(msgInstance); object = unmarshallMsgData(formatter, byteArray, handlerData.dataClass); handlerData.handler.handle(new MSG_INSTANCE(msgInstance), object); } catch (Exception e) { handleException("msgCallbackHandler", IPC_msgInstanceName(msgInstance), e); } } else System.out.println("Ooops -- no handler for " + IPC_msgInstanceName(msgInstance)); }
private static void queryNotifyCallbackHandler(int handlerNum, int msgInstance, int byteArray) { String hashKey = Integer.toString(handlerNum); handlerHashData handlerData = (handlerHashData) msgHashTable.get(hashKey); msgHashTable.remove(hashKey); if (handlerData != null) { Object object; try { object = unmarshallMsgData( IPC_msgInstanceFormatter(msgInstance), byteArray, handlerData.dataClass); handlerData.handler.handle(new MSG_INSTANCE(msgInstance), object); } catch (Exception e) { handleException("queryNotifyCallbackHandler", IPC_msgInstanceName(msgInstance), e); } } else System.out.println( "Ooops -- no query notification handler for " + IPC_msgInstanceName(msgInstance)); }
@Scheduled(fixedDelay = SCHEDULED_CHECK) public void checkActiveClients() { Set<String> users = user_vidNameMap.keySet(); Iterator<String> it = users.iterator(); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); int count = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { count++; String user =; if (user == null) continue; if (userAliveMap.containsKey(user)) { if (userAliveMap.get(user).longValue() < time) { removeUser(user); userAliveMap.remove(user); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("user in user-vid map but not in user-alive map"); } } // System.out.println("Debug: Scheduled Check count:"+count+" user // count:"+user_vidNameMap.size()); System.gc(); }
public void run() { setAllColors(Color.GREEN); setTurnRadarRight(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); double robotX, robotY; double robotHeading, angleToGoal, angleToObs; double adjustment; double obsAngle, obsAdjustment; double angleDiff; double speedToGoal, speedFromObs; Enemy temp; obstacles = new HashMap<String, Enemy>(10); while (true) { if (foundGoal) { robotX = getX(); robotY = getY(); goalX = obstacles.get(GOAL_NAME).x; goalY = obstacles.get(GOAL_NAME).y; // Adjust robocode's returned heading so that 0 aligns with the positive x-axis instead of // the positive y-axis. // Also make it so that positive angle indicates a counter clockwise rotation instead of the // clockwise style // returned by robocode. robotHeading = 360 - (getHeading() - 90); angleToGoal = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(goalY - robotY, goalX - robotX)); if (angleToGoal < 0) { angleToGoal += 360; } adjustment = angleToGoal - robotHeading; adjustment = normalizeAngle(adjustment); speedToGoal = calcRobotSpeedLinear(robotX, robotY, goalX, goalY); // Calculate how the robot's heading and speed should be affected by objects that it has // located // as it explores the world. Iterator it = obstacles.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { System.out.println("Iterating through objects."); Map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry); // If the current item in the Iterator isn't the goal. if (!pairs.getKey().equals(GOAL_NAME)) { temp = (Enemy) pairs.getValue(); speedFromObs = calcObjRepulseSpeed(robotX, robotY, temp.x, temp.y); // If the robot is in range of the object to be affected by it's repulsion. if (speedFromObs != 0) { obsAngle = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(robotY - temp.y, robotX - temp.x)); if (obsAngle < 0) obsAngle += 360; angleDiff = obsAngle - angleToGoal; angleDiff = normalizeAngle(angleDiff); adjustment += (angleDiff * (speedFromObs / speedToGoal)); speedToGoal -= speedFromObs; } } // Was getting a null pointer exception when using this. The internet lied about its // usefulness. // it.remove(); // avoids a ConcurrentModificationException } adjustment = normalizeAngle(adjustment); setTurnLeft(adjustment); // ahead(speedToGoal); setAhead(speedToGoal); } execute(); } }
public static String[] lookUp(String key) { Map<String, String[]> intervals = fillMap(); return intervals.get(key); }
void processCommandResponse(byte[] packet, int offset) throws ZigBeeException, SerialException { String command = new String(packet, offset, 2); // commands are all 2 characters. Command c; synchronized (outstandingCommands) { c = outstandingCommands.get(packet[4]); } if (c == null) { System.err.println("Command " + command + " command already timed out or not issued."); } else { if (c.command != ZigBeeCommands.ND || packet.length == 9) { c.status = new Byte(packet[offset + 2]); synchronized (outstandingCommands) { outstandingCommands.values().remove(c); } } else { c = null; } } if (packet[offset + 2] != 0) { // Need to get the message to the user. if (c != null && packet[offset + 2] == 4) { if (c.retransmits++ < c.maxRetransmits) { executeCommand(c, 0); return; } } if (c != null) { synchronized (c) { c.notifyAll(); } } return; } // Did we get some data back as well? if (packet.length > offset + 4) { command = command.toUpperCase(); ZigBeeCommands zbc; try { zbc = ZigBeeCommands.valueOf(command); if (c != null) { if (zbc.responseString) { c.response = bytesToString(packet, offset + 3, packet.length - offset - 1); } else { c.response = new Long(bytesToNum(packet, offset + 3, 8, packet.length - 1)); } } zbc.process(this, packet, offset + 3); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { if (c != null) { c.response = new Long(bytesToNum(packet, offset + 3, 8, packet.length - 1)); } // unhandled message, just ignore it. } } // let any waiters know we are done. if (c != null) { synchronized (c) { c.notifyAll(); } } }