/** * Notifies this <tt>Conference</tt> that the ordered list of <tt>Endpoint</tt>s of {@link * #speechActivity} i.e. the dominant speaker history has changed. * * <p>This instance notifies the video <tt>Channel</tt>s about the change so that they may update * their last-n lists and report to this instance which <tt>Endpoint</tt>s are to be asked for * video keyframes. */ private void speechActivityEndpointsChanged() { List<Endpoint> endpoints = null; for (Content content : getContents()) { if (MediaType.VIDEO.equals(content.getMediaType())) { Set<Endpoint> endpointsToAskForKeyframes = null; endpoints = speechActivity.getEndpoints(); for (Channel channel : content.getChannels()) { if (!(channel instanceof RtpChannel)) continue; RtpChannel rtpChannel = (RtpChannel) channel; List<Endpoint> channelEndpointsToAskForKeyframes = rtpChannel.speechActivityEndpointsChanged(endpoints); if ((channelEndpointsToAskForKeyframes != null) && !channelEndpointsToAskForKeyframes.isEmpty()) { if (endpointsToAskForKeyframes == null) { endpointsToAskForKeyframes = new HashSet<>(); } endpointsToAskForKeyframes.addAll(channelEndpointsToAskForKeyframes); } } if ((endpointsToAskForKeyframes != null) && !endpointsToAskForKeyframes.isEmpty()) { content.askForKeyframes(endpointsToAskForKeyframes); } } } }
void restoreTransformedClasses(@Nonnull Set<ClassIdentification> previousTransformedClasses) { if (!transformedClasses.isEmpty()) { Set<ClassIdentification> classesToRestore; if (previousTransformedClasses.isEmpty()) { classesToRestore = transformedClasses.keySet(); } else { classesToRestore = getTransformedClasses(); classesToRestore.removeAll(previousTransformedClasses); } if (!classesToRestore.isEmpty()) { restoreAndRemoveTransformedClasses(classesToRestore); } } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { MBeanServer mbs = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(); final Boolean isNotificationSupported = AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<Boolean>() { public Boolean run() { try { Class cl = Class.forName("sun.management.VMManagementImpl"); Field f = cl.getDeclaredField("gcNotificationSupport"); f.setAccessible(true); return f.getBoolean(null); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return false; } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { return false; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { return false; } } }); if (!isNotificationSupported) { System.out.println("GC Notification not supported by the JVM, test skipped"); return; } final ObjectName gcMXBeanPattern = new ObjectName("java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,*"); Set<ObjectName> names = mbs.queryNames(gcMXBeanPattern, null); if (names.isEmpty()) throw new Exception("Test incorrect: no GC MXBeans"); number = names.size(); for (ObjectName n : names) { if (mbs.isInstanceOf(n, "javax.management.NotificationEmitter")) { listenerInvoked.put(n.getCanonicalName(), null); GcListener listener = new GcListener(); mbs.addNotificationListener(n, listener, null, null); } } // Invocation of System.gc() to trigger major GC System.gc(); // Allocation of many short living and small objects to trigger minor GC Object data[] = new Object[32]; for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) { data[i % 32] = new int[8]; } int wakeup = 0; synchronized (synchronizer) { while (count != number) { synchronizer.wait(10000); wakeup++; if (wakeup > 10) break; } } for (GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo notif : listenerInvoked.values()) { checkGarbageCollectionNotificationInfoContent(notif); } System.out.println("Test passed"); }
/** * Emit Java code for deciding which emit method in the given set applies to an Instruction, and * then calling the apprpriate method. The method essentially works by recursively parititioning * the given set into two smaller pieces until it finds a set with only one element. On each * partition, this method generates code for the appropriate operand type or size query, and * then calls itself recursively on the two sets resulting from the partition. * * <p>This method uses split to determine what test to apply, and emitSingleton when it * encounteres a singleton set. * * <p>Note that the testsPerformed parameter is not needed to do the recursive splitting; this * is passed to emitSingleton to help it generate appropriate error checking for operands. * * @see #split * @see #emitSingleton * @param opcode the IA32 opcode being generated * @param testsPerformed the set of tests already performed * @param level the indentation level for pretty printing */ private void emitSet(String opcode, boolean[][] testsPerformed, int level) { if (emitters.isEmpty()) { // do nothing } else if (isSingleton()) emitSingleton(opcode, testsPerformed, level); else { SplitRecord rec = split(); if (DEBUG) { for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) System.err.print(" "); System.err.println("split of " + opcode + "[" + rec.argument + "] for " + rec.test); } if (testsPerformed[rec.argument][rec.test.ordinal()]) { throw new Error( "repeated split of " + opcode + "[" + rec.argument + "] for " + rec.test + "\n" + this); } testsPerformed[rec.argument][rec.test.ordinal()] = true; EmitterSet[] splits = makeSplit(rec); emitTab(level); emit("if ("); emitTest(rec.argument, rec.test); emit(") {\n"); splits[0].emitSet(opcode, testsPerformed, level + 1); emit("\n"); emitTab(level); emit("} else {\n"); splits[1].emitSet(opcode, testsPerformed, level + 1); emitTab(level); emit("}\n"); testsPerformed[rec.argument][rec.test.ordinal()] = false; } }
/** Generate an assembler for the opt compiler */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { out = new FileWriter(System.getProperty("generateToDir") + "/AssemblerOpt.java"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error(e); } emit("package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.mir2mc.ia32;\n\n"); emit("import org.jikesrvm.*;\n\n"); emit("import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.*;\n\n"); emit("import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.*;\n\n"); emit("import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.*;\n\n"); emit("import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.ArchOperators.*;\n\n"); emit("import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OptimizingCompilerException.opt_assert;\n\n"); emit("\n\n"); emit("/**\n"); emit(" * This class is the automatically-generated assembler for\n"); emit(" * the optimizing compiler. It consists of methods that\n"); emit(" * understand the possible operand combinations of each\n"); emit(" * instruction type, and how to translate those operands to\n"); emit(" * calls to the Assember low-level emit method\n"); emit(" *\n"); emit(" * It is generated by GenerateAssembler.java\n"); emit(" *\n"); emit(" */\n"); emit("public class AssemblerOpt extends AssemblerBase {\n\n"); emitTab(1); emit("/**\n"); emitTab(1); emit(" * @see org.jikesrvm.ArchitectureSpecific.Assembler\n"); emitTab(1); emit(" */\n"); emitTab(1); emit("public AssemblerOpt(int bcSize, boolean print, IR ir) {\n"); emitTab(2); emit("super(bcSize, print, ir);\n"); emitTab(1); emit("}"); emit("\n\n"); Method[] emitters = lowLevelAsm.getDeclaredMethods(); Set<String> opcodes = getOpcodes(emitters); Iterator<String> i = opcodes.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String opcode = (String) i.next(); setCurrentOpcode(opcode); emitTab(1); emit("/**\n"); emitTab(1); emit(" * Emit the given instruction, assuming that\n"); emitTab(1); emit(" * it is a " + currentFormat + " instruction\n"); emitTab(1); emit(" * and has a " + currentOpcode + " operator\n"); emitTab(1); emit(" *\n"); emitTab(1); emit(" * @param inst the instruction to assemble\n"); emitTab(1); emit(" */\n"); emitTab(1); emit("private void do" + opcode + "(Instruction inst) {\n"); EmitterSet emitter = buildSetForOpcode(emitters, opcode); boolean[][] tp = new boolean[4][ArgumentType.values().length]; emitter.emitSet(opcode, tp, 2); emitTab(1); emit("}\n\n"); } emitTab(1); emit("/**\n"); emitTab(1); emit(" * The number of instructions emitted so far\n"); emitTab(1); emit(" */\n"); emitTab(1); emit("private int instructionCount = 0;\n\n"); emitTab(1); emit("/**\n"); emitTab(1); emit(" * Assemble the given instruction\n"); emitTab(1); emit(" *\n"); emitTab(1); emit(" * @param inst the instruction to assemble\n"); emitTab(1); emit(" */\n"); emitTab(1); emit("public void doInst(Instruction inst) {\n"); emitTab(2); emit("instructionCount++;\n"); emitTab(2); emit("resolveForwardReferences(instructionCount);\n"); emitTab(2); emit("switch (inst.getOpcode()) {\n"); Set<String> emittedOpcodes = new HashSet<String>(); i = opcodes.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String opcode = i.next(); Iterator<String> operators = getMatchingOperators(opcode).iterator(); while (operators.hasNext()) { String operator = operators.next(); emitTab(3); emittedOpcodes.add(operator); emit("case IA32_" + operator + "_opcode:\n"); } emitTab(4); emit("do" + opcode + "(inst);\n"); emitTab(4); emit("break;\n"); } // Special case because doJCC is handwritten to add // logic for short-forward branches emittedOpcodes.add("JCC"); emitTab(3); emit("case IA32_JCC_opcode:\n"); emitTab(4); emit("doJCC(inst);\n"); emitTab(4); emit("break;\n"); // Special case because doJMP is handwritten to add // logic for short-forward branches emittedOpcodes.add("JMP"); emitTab(3); emit("case IA32_JMP_opcode:\n"); emitTab(4); emit("doJMP(inst);\n"); emitTab(4); emit("break;\n"); // Kludge for IA32_LOCK which needs to call emitLockNextInstruction emittedOpcodes.add("LOCK"); emitTab(3); emit("case IA32_LOCK_opcode:\n"); emitTab(4); emit("emitLockNextInstruction();\n"); emitTab(4); emit("break;\n"); // Kludge for PATCH_POINT emitTab(3); emit("case IG_PATCH_POINT_opcode:\n"); emitTab(4); emit("emitPatchPoint();\n"); emitTab(4); emit("break;\n"); // Kludge for LOWTABLESWITCH emitTab(3); emit("case MIR_LOWTABLESWITCH_opcode:\n"); emitTab(4); emit("doLOWTABLESWITCH(inst);\n"); emitTab(4); emit("// kludge table switches that are unusually long instructions\n"); emitTab(4); emit("instructionCount += MIR_LowTableSwitch.getNumberOfTargets(inst);\n"); emitTab(4); emit("break;\n"); Set<String> errorOpcodes = getErrorOpcodes(emittedOpcodes); if (!errorOpcodes.isEmpty()) { i = errorOpcodes.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { emitTab(3); emit("case IA32_" + i.next() + "_opcode:\n"); } emitTab(4); emit( "throw new OptimizingCompilerException(inst + \" has unimplemented IA32 opcode (check excludedOpcodes)\");\n"); } emitTab(2); emit("}\n"); emitTab(2); emit("inst.setmcOffset( mi );\n"); emitTab(1); emit("}\n\n"); emit("\n}\n"); try { out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error(e); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.println( "Checking that all known MBeans that are " + "NotificationBroadcasters have sane " + "MBeanInfo.getNotifications()"); System.out.println("Checking platform MBeans..."); checkPlatformMBeans(); URL codeBase = ClassLoader.getSystemResource("javax/management/MBeanServer.class"); if (codeBase == null) { throw new Exception("Could not determine codeBase for " + MBeanServer.class); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Looking for standard MBeans..."); String[] classes = findStandardMBeans(codeBase); System.out.println("Testing standard MBeans..."); for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { String name = classes[i]; Class<?> c; try { c = Class.forName(name); } catch (Throwable e) { System.out.println(name + ": cannot load (not public?): " + e); continue; } if (!NotificationBroadcaster.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) { System.out.println(name + ": not a NotificationBroadcaster"); continue; } if (Modifier.isAbstract(c.getModifiers())) { System.out.println(name + ": abstract class"); continue; } NotificationBroadcaster mbean; Constructor<?> constr; try { constr = c.getConstructor(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(name + ": no public no-arg constructor: " + e); continue; } try { mbean = (NotificationBroadcaster) constr.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(name + ": no-arg constructor failed: " + e); continue; } check(mbean); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Testing some explicit cases..."); check(new RelationService(false)); /* We can't do this: check(new RequiredModelMBean()); because the Model MBean spec more or less forces us to use the names GENERIC and ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE for its standard notifs. */ checkRMIConnectorServer(); System.out.println(); if (!suspicious.isEmpty()) System.out.println("SUSPICIOUS CLASSES: " + suspicious); if (failed.isEmpty()) System.out.println("TEST PASSED"); else { System.out.println("TEST FAILED: " + failed); System.exit(1); } }
private void warnIfUnmatchedOptions() { if (!unmatchedProcessorOptions.isEmpty()) { log.warning("proc.unmatched.processor.options", unmatchedProcessorOptions.toString()); } }