  private void parseStar(Element starElement) {
    system = starElement.getAttribute("system");
    Star star = new Star();
    star.setType(getInnerTagContent(starElement, "type"));

    parseBody(starElement, star);
    systemsMap.put(system, star);
 public void drawStar(Graphics g) {
   // draws the stars
   for (Star i : starList) {
         i.getPics().get(i.getCounter()), i.getX(), i.getY(), i.getWidth(), i.getHeight(), null);
 public void scrollStars() {
   for (Star i : starList) {
     i.setY(i.getY() + (int) (player1.getVelocity() * 0.3));
 public void checkStarCollision() {
   for (Star s : starList) {
     if (s.getOnScreen()) { // if the star is on the screen we need to check if player collides
       if (s.checkCollision(
           player1)) { // if the player collides with the star we remove it then change the
         // velosity to the distance that the star provides
         sRemove.add(s); // remove star once you collide with it
         player1.setVelo(s.getDist()); // changes the velocity
         player1.setInvi(true); // sets the player invisble for a few seconds
         score += s.getPoints(); // points increase by the star type
         if (musicOn) {
           starSound.play(); // playthe star sound
     } else {
       sRemove.add(s); // remove the star if its not on the screen
   for (Star s : sRemove) {
     poofList.add(new Poof(s.getX(), s.getY(), s.getNum() + 3)); // make the poof effect
   sRemove = new ArrayList<Star>();