public void setObjectValues() { ((JTextField) (fields.get("board"))).setText(sketch.getBoard().getName()); ((JTextField) (fields.get("core"))).setText(sketch.getCore().getName()); ((JTextField) (fields.get("compiler"))).setText(sketch.getCompiler().getName()); ((JTextField) (fields.get("port"))).setText(sketch.getDevice().toString()); ((JTextField) (fields.get("programmer"))).setText(sketch.getProgrammer()); }
public void populateMenu(JMenu menu, int flags) { if (flags == (Plugin.MENU_TOOLS | Plugin.MENU_MID)) { Sketch sketch = editor.getSketch(); JMenuItem item = new JMenu("Program Bootloader"); item.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { run(); } }); menu.add(item); PropertyFile props = sketch.mergeAllProperties(); String blProgs = props.get("bootloader.upload"); if (blProgs == null) { JMenuItem sub = new JMenuItem("No bootloader programmer defined!"); item.add(sub); return; } String[] progs = blProgs.split("::"); for (String prog : progs) { JMenuItem sub = new JMenuItem(sketch.parseString(props.get("upload." + prog + ".name"))); sub.setActionCommand(prog); sub.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { doProgram(e.getActionCommand()); } }); item.add(sub); } } }
public void run() { Sketch sketch = editor.getSketch(); Board board = sketch.getBoard(); Core core = sketch.getCore(); String programmer = sketch.getProgrammer(); PropertyFile props = sketch.mergeAllProperties(); String blProgs = props.get("bootloader.upload"); System.err.println(blProgs); }
public void save() { for (String key : fields.keySet()) { JComponent comp = fields.get(key); if (comp instanceof JTextField) { JTextField c = (JTextField) comp; if (c.getText().trim().equals("")) { sketch.configFile.unset(key); } else { sketch.configFile.set(key, c.getText()); } } else if (comp instanceof JTextArea) { JTextArea c = (JTextArea) comp; if (c.getText().trim().equals("")) { sketch.configFile.unset(key); } else { sketch.configFile.set(key, c.getText()); } } } sketch.saveConfig(); }
public void doProgram(String prog) { editor.clearConsole(); Sketch sketch = editor.getSketch(); PropertyFile props = sketch.mergeAllProperties(); editor.message("Programming bootloader using " + prog); String bl = sketch.parseString(props.get("bootloader.file")); editor.message("Bootloader: " + bl); if (bl == null) { String url = sketch.parseString(props.get("bootloader.url")); if (url != null) { editor.error("The bootloader can be downloaded from " + url); return; } } sketch.programFile(prog, bl); }
public static File getBuildFolder(Sketch data) throws IOException { File buildFolder; if (PreferencesData.get("build.path") != null) { buildFolder = BaseNoGui.absoluteFile(PreferencesData.get("build.path")); Files.createDirectories(buildFolder.toPath()); } else { buildFolder = FileUtils.createTempFolder("build", DigestUtils.md5Hex(data.getMainFilePath()) + ".tmp"); DeleteFilesOnShutdown.add(buildFolder); } return buildFolder; }
public static List<File> discover(File folder) { List<File> libraries = new ArrayList<File>(); String[] folderNames = folder.list(junkFolderFilter); // if a bad folder or something like that, this might come back null if (folderNames != null) { // alphabetize list, since it's not always alpha order // replaced hella slow bubble sort with this feller for 0093 Arrays.sort(folderNames, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); for (String potentialName : folderNames) { File baseFolder = new File(folder, potentialName); File libraryFolder = new File(baseFolder, "library"); File libraryJar = new File(libraryFolder, potentialName + ".jar"); // If a .jar file of the same prefix as the folder exists // inside the 'library' subfolder of the sketch if (libraryJar.exists()) { String sanityCheck = Sketch.sanitizeName(potentialName); if (sanityCheck.equals(potentialName)) { libraries.add(baseFolder); } else { String mess = "The library \"" + potentialName + "\" cannot be used.\n" + "Library names must contain only basic letters and numbers.\n" + "(ASCII only and no spaces, and it cannot start with a number)"; Messages.showMessage("Ignoring bad library name", mess); continue; } } } } return libraries; }
public void run() { if (!new File(m_generatorPy).exists()) { Base.showMessage( "ERROR", String.format("Could not find generator python script at %s", m_generatorPy)); } Sketch sketch = m_editor.getSketch(); if (sketch.isModified()) { try {; } catch ( ex) { // Base.showMessage("ERROR", "Could not save sketch before trying to generate." ); } } // String sketchName = sketch.getName(); // SketchCode codeObject = sketch.getCurrentCode(); // String code = codeObject.getProgram(); try { String code = m_editor.getCurrentTab().getText(); // String code = m_editor.getText(); int start = code.indexOf("BEGIN AUTOMATION"); if (start != -1) { int end = code.indexOf("END AUTOMATION", start); if (end != -1) { String automationCode = code.substring(start + "BEGIN AUTOMATION".length(), end); automationCode = automationCode.replaceAll("\\*\\s+", ""); // SketchData sketchData = new MySketchData(sketch.getMainFilePath()); // File buildFolder = BaseNoGui.getBuildFolder(sketchData); File buildFolder = getBuildFolder(sketch); // File codeFolder = sketchData.getCodeFolder(); File codeFolder = new File(sketch.getFolder(), "code"); Files.createDirectories(codeFolder.toPath()); File automationFileName = new File(buildFolder, "automation.automation"); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(automationFileName); writer.write("name automation\n"); writer.write("import " + sketch.getMainFilePath().toString() + "\n"); writer.write(automationCode); writer.close(); try { ProcessBuilder processBuilder = null; if (m_isWindows) { processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder( m_pythonPath.getAbsolutePath(), m_generatorPy, "-s", "--arduino", automationFileName.getAbsolutePath()); } else { processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder( m_generatorPy, "-s", "--arduino", automationFileName.getAbsolutePath()); }; processBuilder.redirectErrorStream(true); Process process = processBuilder.start(); inheritIO(process.getInputStream(), System.out); int result = process.waitFor(); String includeLibLine = "#include \"SequantoAutomation.h\"\n"; if (!code.contains(includeLibLine)) { code = includeLibLine + code; } /* File generatedFileName = new File(codeFolder, "automation_automation.c" ); String includeLine = String.format("#include \"%s\"\n", generatedFileName.getAbsolutePath()); if ( !code.contains(includeLine) ) { int i = code.indexOf(includeLibLine); code = code.substring(0, i + includeLibLine.length()) + includeLine + code.substring ( i + includeLibLine.length(), code.length() ); } */ String includeLine = String.format("#include \"code/automation_automation.h\"\n"); if (!code.contains(includeLine)) { int i = code.indexOf(includeLibLine); code = code.substring(0, i + includeLibLine.length()) + includeLine + code.substring(i + includeLibLine.length(), code.length()); } String includeCodeLine = String.format("\n#include \"code/automation_automation.c\"\n"); if (!code.contains(includeCodeLine)) { code = code + includeCodeLine; } if (m_editor.getCurrentTab().getText() != code) { // System.out.println ( "Setting code to" ); // System.out.println ( code ); // System.out.println ( "Current text was" ); // System.out.println ( m_editor.getText() ); m_editor.getCurrentTab().setText(code); } if (result == 0) { System.out.println("Sequanto automation code generated successfully!"); } else { System.out.println("ERROR!!!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Base.showMessage("ERROR", String.format("Could not start generator script: %s", ex)); } } else { Base.showMessage("ERROR", "Can not find END AUTOMATION."); } } else { Base.showMessage("ERROR", "Can not find BEGIN AUTOMATION."); } } catch ( ex) { Base.showMessage("ERROR", String.format("IO Error: %s.", ex)); } }